06-03-98 IMCITY OF OTSEGO P.C./COUNCEL INFORMATIONAL MEETING RE: COMP. PLAN MINUTES JUNE 3, 1998 - 8PM INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON THE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE DISTRICT AND URBAN SERVICE AREA RESERVE DISTRICTS Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 8:OOPM. He gave introductions Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Council Members Heidner, Wendel, Berning and Ackerman were present; Planning Commissioners Nichols, Nagel, Kolles, and Goenner were present; David Licht, City Planner, Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner, John Harwood, City Engineer, Mike Robertson, City Administrator and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator were present from Staff. Administrator Robertson gave a brief overview and explanation of why we are here. Dan Licht, Assistant Planner gave an overview of the Draft Comprehensive Plan with the process of the update of the plan. He explained the concept plan and the map with the different areas. He showed the transportation system and park plan and explained briefly. The Meeting then broke up into small group areas where residents/land owners/Developers, etc. could ask their questions of Council/PC/Staff for one half hour. The Meeting was called back to order and questions by audience members were asked and answered by Administrator Robertson. RLK Kuusisto (John Dietrich). Speaking for D & Y Family Partnership -Felt Comp. Plan showed little regard for Darkenwalds and their plans for 350 new manufactured homes. How can orderly land use be accomplished for the City? Darkenwald Sewer Plant has additional capacity, and they are considering a 2nd effluent point utilizing that. Why not consider them an alternate for over-all sewer system. Cost of Plant, how recaptured? Cost of Residential REC? Parrish/#39 Owners when can they expect to hook up? Trunk Assessments as you develop can the future Council change that? As of last August Darkenwald interested in entering into discussion and a win/win situation. They are 2nd source of discharge in their opinion. Robertson - explained that we are forced to go to Crow River by the MPCA. He noted the City can't craft a plant for individual landowners. He explained the assessment policy of users pay, noted that REC charges are estimated at $7,730, but that could change depending on firm construction costs. He indicated that sewer hookups should be available by the year 2000. Licht showed land use plan and recommended that they make their wishes known in a letter to the City. -Page 2 - Informational Meeting Minutes - June 3, 1998 8PM On the Sanitary Sewer Service District and Urban Service Area Reserve Districts. George Yankoune D & Y Family Partnership -He suggested a more incremental approach to City treatment. What contingency if you don't get necessary hookups. What backups? Any discussion of hooking up w/other Cities or Darkenwalds? Their plant is 141,000 gals certified/approved. Talked about package plant route for City (Have we explored?). Condemnation/Easements, is legal before you have EAW complete? Is there an affordable housing ratio? Robertson - MPCA says if you have existing permit you will be able to expand. City is going slow to be financially responsible. He explained that Elk River was no longer an option because they decided not to provide long term sewer capacity to Otsego, 1/5 of plant capacity to Dayton who pays up front for that. Discussion of Dayton's environmental problems and sewer needs. He noted that under State Law, Darkenwalds existing wells are too small to be made Municipal Wells. Explained St Michael/Albertville talks about sewer. MPCA wants a centralized system. We have preliminary approval on Plant. Wally Odell D & Y Family Partnership - Met with City Re: Commercial/Ind. Talked about cluster housing concept. Talked about MPCA's Letter granting Darkenwald's preliminary approval for sewer system expansion. No response from City on willingness to integrate wastewater treatment system. Robertson explained the City's treatment system is designed to be connected into the Darkenwald system when it's finished. The City is very willing to negotiate. Goal is win/win situation for both parties. When Comp. Plan Done - July probable Hearing date. D & Y Family Partnership- Elk River $6,000. per acre. Any TIF for Industrial. On petition for sewer from neighborhood, If someone doesn't pay, does everyone else pay? Any new Development.. put in sewer w/Streets/Curbs? Robertson indicated the City has an existing policy governing TIF. He said new development would be required to pay for all utilities, including sewer, water, streets, and storm sewer. He said policy regarding petitions for sewer and water service is up to the City Council. The current policy is that users pay, non-users don't pay. Estimated hookup charge is $7,700. Could we assume that could increase? Robertson said that odds are it could. -Page 3 - Informational Meeting Minutes - June 3, 1998 8PM On the Sanitary Sewer Service District and Urban Service Area Reserve Districts. To hook up does it cover streets? Mike said that hookup charge is just a trunk sewer and water charge. He explained different ways it could happen, every situation is different. What is size definition of a neighborhood? At least City block (talk w/City Engr.) Hearing no further questions or comments, Mayor Fournier Adjourned meeting and thanked everyone. Rough draft of Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. File: '98INFOM