06-22-98 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AC.E.NDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner Elaine Beatty Council of: 6/22/98-6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PI(EYA Mij ZZ; M"'CL: 6.1. Ronald J and Christine Thompson, 7716 River Rd. Lot 2, Block 1, Riverside Evergreens Second Add (River Rd. E of #101) Request is as follows: 1. A Conditional Use Permit to allow Bldg. Relocation of a detached 22X48 garage in an R-1 (Residential Long Range Urban Service Area) River Frontage District. 6.2. Thomas D Jurgens, 16445 NE 70TH ST - 70TH ST NE (Co. Rd. 37) and State Hwy #101 SE Corner. Request is as follows: 1. A Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the extension of an existing veterinary clinic in an A-1 (Agricultural - Rural Service Area) District. 6.3. Applicant Bill Christian, Builder, for Owner Lin -Bar Development, Inc. Lin -Bar Estates, 2ND Addition. Property located N. of 70TH ST NE (Co. Rd. #37) and East of Odean Ave NE. Request is as follows: 1. A PUD (Planned Unit Development) Amendment 6.4. Any other Planning Business BACKGROUND: The above three items came before the Planning Commission on June 17, 1998 for Hearing. These three items are on the 22nd Council Agenda because of needing an answer to continue with their projects. Attached is findings of fact and the Planning Commission information. 6-1 Thomnson: After NAC's Report to P.C. and Hearing/discussion at which, one resident spoke (Eugene Brennen)and questioned if this would be a garage only, not a cabin or a house? He questioned the code enforcement and asked if it is required to be attached to a concrete foundation. Bldg. Official Jerry Olson answered yes. He questioned size and stated he felt things go in steps "The garage is already in place". Dan Licht noted if the CUP is not approved, the garage will have to be torn down or lifted from the site. Motion as follows: RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP TO ALLOW BUILDING RELOCATION OF THE DETACHED 22X48 GARAGE (ACCESSORY BUILDING IN AN R-1 RESIDENTIAL LONG RANGE URBAN SERVICE AREA RIVER FRONTAGE DISTRICT, WITH THE 7 CONDITIONS IN NAC'S REPORT OF JUNE 10, 1998. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - PAGE 2 - 6.2. Jurgens After NAC's Report to P.C. and Hearing/discussion, Applicant explained what he has planned. No other residents spoke. the Planning Commission Motioned to recommend approval of A CUP Amendment as follows: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED APPROVAL OF THE CUP AMENDMENT TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING VETERINARY CLINIC IN AN A-1 (AGRICULTURAL- RUR.AL SERVICE AREA) DISTRICT,AS RECOMMENDED BY NAC'S REPORT OF JUNE 10, 1998 WITH CONDITIONS THEREIN. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.3.Christian, Lin -Har II: After Hearing and much discussion, and a number of residents and builder spoke, asking for the Amendment be approved as requested, the Planning Commission Motioned to recommend approval of A PUD (Planned Unit Development) Amendment as follows: RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PUD TO REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF THREE (3), TWO INCH (2") CALIPER TREES PER LOT WITH EXISTING HARDWOOD TREES ESTABLISHED ON EACH LOT COUNTING TOWARDS THE REQUIREMENT WITH CONDITIONS OF FUTURE SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT OR LIN -BAR PARK OR TRAIL, TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dan Licht will be here to give the reports and explain. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council review and approval or denial. Thanks, Elaine JUN-18-1998 10:53 Nw^ f INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i19 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESION - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel -Licht 18 June 1998 Otsego - Lin Bar Estates: PUD Amendment Findings of Fact 176.02 - 98.06 The Planning Commission, at their meeting on 17 June 1998, voted unanimously to approve an amendme.nt.to established PUD that would require a minimum of 32" caliper inch hardwood trees per lot within the PUD, including existing trees and that the developer provide additional considerations either in the form.of future sewDr/vVater easements .along county road 37 or additional of park or trail dedication, as determined by the City Council. The Planning Commission discussed that the amendment, as.presented., was not sufficient to satisfy the intent of the original PUD approval or the requirement to provide five 4" caliper trees -per lot However, the Planning Commission received testimony as part of the public hearing from residents living in Lin -Bar that the responsibility and costs for the tree requirements were being -passed to the those who -purchased lots to build houses in.the development. It was agreed that the intent of the original requirement was that these costs would be_paid by the developer. Therefore, the recommendation of the Planning Commission reflects the interest to provide some additional landscaping wdhin the development that may be reasonably providod by residents and the intent to receive additional considerations from the developer specifically in exchange for granting PUD flexibility from -the strict -provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. A findings of fact based upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission has been attached to this memorandum for consideration by the City Council at their meeting on -2-2 June 1998. PC. Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur John Harwood 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA S 5 4 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-59S-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM JUN -18-199e 10:54 NAC 612 595 9e37 P.03i19 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: PUD Amendment Approval FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION: Application of Bill Christian on behalf of Lin -Bar Development Inc. for an amendment to the approved Planned Unit Development District for Lin -Bar Estates 2nd Addition to allow the developer to install six, two inch caliper trees per lot versus five, four inch caliper trees per lot as required by the PUD development contract per City Council approval. The Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting on 22 June 1998 to consider the aforementioned application. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The legal description of the subject property is as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 2. The subject property was rezoned from A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service to PUD, Planned Unit Development for the purpose of creating a 34 lot single family residential subdivision. 3. Planned Unit Development (PUD) is intended to provide a mechanism for greater flexibility, uniqueness, and innovative designs through deviation from the strict provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. PUD is further intended to encourage a development pattern in harmony with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. PUD is not intended as a means to vary applicable planning and zoning principles. 4. The PUD approved by the City Council for Lin -Bar Estates 2nd Addition required the developer to provide five, four inch caliper trees per individual lot. 5. The applicant is requesting to amend the PUD to require that six, two inch caliper trees be installed per individual lot. 6. Section 20-3-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed PUD amendment. The seven effects and findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Findng: The proposed PUD amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission, is consistent with the intent of the 9996 PUD approval and is therefore consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: • To the extent possible, provide a variety of dwelling unit types and balanced housing stock to satisfy the needs, desires and income levels of all people. • Land use allocations are to be balanced with economic market demands and service availability. • All development proposals shall be analyzed on an individual basis from a physical, economic and social standpoint to determine the most appropriate uses within the context of the community as a whole. Once established, geographic land use designations and related zoning classifications shall be changed only when it can be demonstrated that such modifications are in the best interest of the community on a long range perspective and such changes will promote land use compatibility and predetermined goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Housing which contributes to the community's tax base shall be pursued. Developments which will not contribute to a progressive revenue/service cost ratio shall be avoided. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed PUD amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission, will not affect the development's compatibility with present and future land uses. 2 JUN -18-1998 10:55 NAC 612 595 9837 P,05,/19 C. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed PUD amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission, will not affect compliance with applicable Zoning Ordinance provisions. d. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed PUD amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission, will not adversely impact the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed use's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed PUD amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission, is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values, although no specific study has been prepared. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed PUD amendment, as rewmmended by the Planning Commission, will have no impact regarding traffic generated by the development. g. The proposed land use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed PUD amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission, will not have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 7. The planning report dated 10 June 1998, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 8. On 17 June 1998, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed PUD amendment application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the PUD amendment application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and based upon the aforementioned findings made the following recommendations to the City Council. 3 By a vote of 5-0, the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the established PUD for Lin -Bar Estates 2nd Addition to require three, two inch caliper hardwood trees per lot within the PUD, including existing trees, and that the developer provide additional considerations in the form of sewerAbvater easements or additional park or trail dedication, as determined by the City Council. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations, the PUD for Lin -Bar Estates 2nd Addition is hereby amended to require three, two inch caliper hardwood trees per lot within the PUD, including existing trees, and that the developer provide additional considerations in the form of sewertwater easements or additional park or trail dedication, as determined by the City Council, and not require five, four inch caliper trees per lot, subject to the following conditions: The developer provide additional considerations for the approval of a PUD in the form of sewer/water easements or additional park or trail dedication, subject to approval of the City Council. 2. The development contract is revised to reflect amendment to the PUD and is executed by the City Council and the developer. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of June 1998. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 4 TOTAL P.02 JUN -18-1998 10:57 NAC 612 595 9837 P.08ii9 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 18 June 1998 RE: Otsego - Thompson Building Relocation CUP - Findings of Fact FILE NO.: 176.02 - 98.05 The Planning Commission, at their meeting on 17 June 1998, voted unanimously to approve the requested CUP to allow for the relocation of an existing garage sfr_uctur-e 10 the Thompson's single family property. This recommendation is subject to the seven conditions outlined in the Planning Report dated 10.June 199.8- A findings of fact reflecting the recommendation of the Planning Commission has been prepared for consideration by the City. Council at their meeting on.22. June 1998. These findings are attached. PC. Elairte_Reetty Andy MacArthur 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 16 PHONE 612-595.9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NACOWINTERNET.COM JUN -18-1998 10 57 NAC 612 595 9837 P.09i19 IN RE: Conditional Use Permit Approval CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Ronald and Christine Thompson for a conditional use permit to allow a relocated 1,056 square foot accessory structure to lie upon an existing lot of record within the City. The Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting on 22 June 1998 to consider the aforementioned application. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The legal description of the subject property is as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 2. The subject property is zoned R-1, Long Range Urban Service District and is within the Wild and Scenic Overlay District. 3. The subject property is developed with a single family dwelling 4. The placement of relocated buildings or structures is a conditionally permitted use in the City. 5. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a relocated 1,056 square foot accessory structure to lie upon an existing lot of record. 6. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use, as follows: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. JUN -18-1998 le;Z>a FIH�- Finding: The garage proposed to be relocated to the subject site is designed and constructed of materials consistent with those common to residential areas, which is consistent with the following policy of the 1991 Comprehensive Plan: Accessory buildings within urban areas shall be of a compatible design and size to maintain a residential neighborhood character. Such buildings shall be limited to residential use related activities. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The design and building materials of the garage proposed to be relocated are consistent with those of a single family residential accessory structure. C. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The relocated 1,056 square foot accessory structure will lie on the subject property in conformance with all applicable Zoning Ordinance provisions. d. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The relocation of the 1,056 square foot accessory building to the subject site is not anticipated to adversely affect the area. e. The proposed use's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no specific study has been completed, the relocation of the 1, 056 square foot accessory building to the subject site is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. f. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The relocation of the 1,056 square foot accessory building to the subject site is not anticipated to increase traffic from the subject site. 2 JUN -18-1998 10 se NAC 612 595 9837 P.11/19 g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The relocation of the 1,056 square foot accessory structure to the subject site will not negatively impact the City's service capacity. 7. The planning report, dated 10 June 1998, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. S. On 17 June 1998, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended the City Council approve the conditional use permit based upon the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicants' request for a conditional use permit to relocate a 1,056 square foot accessory structure to an existing lot of record is approved in its present form and subject to the following conditions: The use of the relocated 1,056 square foot accessory structure shall not be for home occupation purposes. 2. The relocation of the 1,056 square foot accessory structure shall be subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 3. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on the site, subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 4. The applicant obtain approval of an administrative permit for a detached accessory structure greater than 1,000 square feet in area, as outlined in Section 20-14-6.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 5. The City Building Official verify that the overall height of the structure is less than 16 feet high as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. 3 6. Any grading and/or filling of material in excess of 50 cubic yards shall require approval of a permit and be subject to the provisions of Section 20-74-12.E of the Zoning Ordinance. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of June 1998, ATTEST: By: CITY OF OTSEGO 0 Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator C! NF,mc MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council -DanieJ .Licht 18 June 1998 Otsego -Anoka Vet CUnicCUP -.Findings of Fact 176.02 _ 98.04 The Planning Commission, at their meeting on 17 June 1998, voted unanimously to approve the requested CUP.ameadment to-allowfor the expansion of the Anoka Vet Clinic. This recommendation is subject to the eight conditions outlined in the Planning Report dated 10 June 1998. The City has received a letter from MNDoT regarding their requirement to review development applications. adjacent to MNDoT rights-of-way. Because the�ropo�ed expansion can be interpreted as an intensification of use on the subject property, an access permit issued by MNDoT is likely reGtuired, subject to that agency's review. A findings of fact reflecting the recommendation of the Planning Commission has been prepared for consideration by the City. Council at their meeting on 22 ..June 19.98. In addition, the correspondence regarding MNDoT review and approval was received after the Planning Report was issued and was not brought to the attention of the Planni.n-g Commission. Any motion by the City Council to approve the application should include a condition regarding the issuance -of an access -permit subject to review, and approval .of MNDoT. The attached findings of fact include such a condition. PC. Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 5T. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 5 PHONE 61 2-595-9536 FAX 61 2-595-9837 EMAIL NACO WINTERNET.COM Conditional Use Permit Approval CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Dr. Thomas Juergens for a conditional use permit to allow expansion of an existing veterinary clinic use within an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. The Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting on 22 June 1998 to consider the aforementioned application. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The legal description of the subject property is as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 2. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service. 3. The property lies within the City's Rural Service Area. 4. Veterinary clinics (animal hospital) uses are a permitted conditional use in the A-1 District. 5. The City Council approved a conditional use permit on 22 February 1993 to allow development of a veterinary clinic (animal hospital) on the subject property. 6. The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow expansion of an existing veterinary clinic (animal hospital) within an A-1 District, i. Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use, as follows: JUN -18-1998 11:01 NAC 612 595 9837 P.16i19 a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The City's 1991 Land Use Plan suggests highway/neighborhood commercial development upon the subject property. The proposed use is commercial in nature and therefore is consistent with provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: via the use of similar building materials and existing screening of the adjacent residential use, the proposed expanded veterinary clinic will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. C. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed expanded use will conform to all applicable performance standards. d. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed expanded use will not tend to or have an adverse effect upon the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed use's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed expanded use will not tend to depreciate area property values, although no specific study has been completed. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Traffic generated by the proposed expanded use is within the capabilities of County Road 37 which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing including parks, schools, streets and utilities, the City's service capacity. 7 public services and facilities and its potential to overburden 9 Finding: The proposed expanded use will not overburden the City's service capacity. $. The planning report, dated 10 June 1998, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. On 17 June 1998, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended the City Council approve the conditional use permit based upon the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicants' request for a conditional use permit to allow expansion of an existing veterinary clinic (animal hospital) use within an A-1 Zoning District is approved in its present form and subject to the following conditions: The design and materials be consistent with that of the existing principal structure. The applicant shall provide proposed elevations indicating the design and materials of the proposed expansion. 2. The height of the expansion area not exceed that of the existing principal structure. 3. All required parking stalls be marked with white or yellow painted lines to clearly demonstrate their exact location, one of which must also be designated as disability accessible. 4. All medical wastes are disposed of in a manner approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 5. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structures must be arranged to deflect light away from adjoining residential use or public street. 6. A sign permit must be applied for to allow any existing and/or proposed signage, subject to City review and approval. 7. Upon completion of any expansion, an as -built site plan is to be submitted prior to full escrow release. 3 JUN -18-1998 11:02 NAC 612 595 9837 P.18/19 8. The applicant apply for an access permit subject to review and approval of MnDOT. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of June 1998. ATTEST: By. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator El CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 8.John Harwood, City Engineer: EB Council 6/22/98 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 8.1. Consider approval of Sewer and Water Plans and Specifications for piping 8.2. Sewer and Water update 8.3. Review of 1998 Street Overlay Program 8.4. Discussion of dates for Public Hearings for Overlay Project 8.5. Update on SP217-090-01 Otsego Bike Trails 8.6. Any other Engineering Business a. Topsoil Sholders in Mississippi Shores b. Update on Dust Control - Motion to Approve BACKGROUND: Larry Koshak will be at the Council Meeting in John Harwood's absence. He will be able to answer questions and explain any memos on 8.1. through. 8.6 above as follows: 8.1. See attached Memo from John Harwood. 8.2. For discussion only 8.3. See attached Report from John Harwood. 8.4. For discussion only 8.5. See attached letter and information from John dated June 9, 1998. 8.6. Any other items that should come up. a. Topsoil Shoulders in Mississippi Shores b. Update on Dust Control - Motion to Approve Note: 8.3. Council need to determine if the current assessment policy of total cost of overlay assessed - or some other method will be used. Also, where financing will be coming from for this,if not assessed. 8.6.a. Mississippi Shores shouldering did not get done. If we contract it out, where would the financing come from (Possible the MSA Assessment Amounts for other State Aid Roads?) Many residents are asking why this has not been done. See attached information memo from 1996. 8.6.b. Dust Control price for 1998 is $.44 per gallon from D. C. I. (see attached) for all gravel roads in Otsego. ($20,900.00 Total) Under budget amount of $22,243.00. Public Works Sub Committee asked Dave Chase to get a price to give a second coat of dust coating (Chloride) on Quaday Ave by VFW. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information/any decisions. Un 150n 3601 Thurston Avenue � ! Anoka, Minnesota 55303 7n 612/427-5860 ., Inc. —�— Fax 612/4274cA07C 0520 June 17 1998 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Rll: Acceptance of Sewer and Wafter Collection System Plan Dear Mayor and Council, On June 91 we jointly reviewed the plans for the Sanitary Sewer Collection System and for the Trunk Watermain. With the plans being submitted and the review complete, the City will be invoiced for design costs in accordance with our a0reemert for services. We will not at this time make the final revisions as discussed at the plan review workshop. We will however, use the plans as they are for qubmittal to Mn/DOT, Wright County, MPGA and the Board of Health for necessary permits. It would be appropriate for the City council, by motion, to accept the plans and authoriao application for permits. Sincerely',, HAKAN�QN ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. John A. Harwood, clk Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED 1998 BITUMINOUS STREET OVERLAY HALLS 1 STS 2No & 3 11 ADDITIONS VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 1ST & 2 N ADDITIONS DEER FIELD ACRES & HIDDEN VALLEY PAGE AVENUE NE (FROM CSAH39 TO 85TH STREET) Otsego, Minnesota Prepared by: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Revised 6/18/98 TABLE OF CONTENTS E:\WPmuni\AOTSEG0\336\ot336report, LTR. doc Page No. I. Introduction 1 II. Proposed Roadway Improvements 1-2 III. Halls 1St, 2nd, & 3`d Additions 2 A. Scope of Study 2 B. Existing Conditions 2 C. Project Costs 2 1. Option 1- Patching & Overlay 3 2. Option 2- Reclamation & Overlay 4 IV. Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 1St & 2"d Additions 5 A. Scope of Study 5 B. Existing Conditions 5 C. Project Costs 5-6 V. Deer Field Acres & Hidden Valley 7 A. Scope of Study 7 B. Existing Conditions 7 C. Project Costs 7-8 VI. Page Avenue NE (From CSAH 39 to 85th Street) 9 A. Scope of Study 9 B. Existing Conditions 9 C. Project Costs 9-10 VII. Project Financing 11 VIII. Conclusions and Recommendations 12 IX. Appendix 13 A. Exhibit Al — Halls 1St 2"d, & 3`d Additions 14 B. Exhibit A2 — Halls 1St, 2"d, & 3`d Additions 1 5 C. Exhibit A3 — Halls 1st, 2"d, & 3`d Additions 16 D. Exhibit 131 — Vasseur's OakGroveEstates 1st, 2"d, & 3`dAdditions 17 E. Exhibit B2 — Vasseur's OakGroveEstates 1st, 2"d, & 3`dAdditions 18 F. Exhibit C1 — Deer Field Acres and Hidden Valley 19 G. Exhibit C2 — Deer Field Acres and Hidden Valley 20 H. Exhibit D1 — Page Avenue NE (From CSAH39 to 85th Street) 21 I. Exhibit D2 — Page Avenue NE (From CSAH39 to 85th Street) 22 J. Proposed 1998 Overlay Project Schedule 23 E:\WPmuni\AOTSEG0\336\ot336report, LTR. doc INTRODUCTION This report outlines the proposed 1998 Overlay projects for the City of Otsego. The study area includes: ♦ Halls 1 ", 2"d, & 3`d Additions ♦ Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 152 and 2nd Additions ♦ Deer Field Acres & Hidden Valley ♦ Page Avenue NE (From CSAH39 to 85`h Street) This report is intended to meet the requirement of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, which governs projects for which a portion or all of the costs are to be assessed against benefiting properties. This report shall be used by the Otsego City Council to determine if it is feasible for all proposed areas to be included in the 1998 Overlay Program or only a portion thereof. 11. PROPOSED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Improvements to the roadway will be performed to provide additional structural integrity to the roadway and also to enhance the rideability of the roadway. The roadways have been analyzed in the field to identify areas of structural failure. The contractor will mark the deteriorated roadway areas in the field for removal. The existing bituminous will be removed from the failed areas and the subgrade reconditioned for a six-inch Class 5 aggregate base. A bituminous patch will then be placed on the reconditioned subgrade. Roadway cracks will be cleaned and filled as an attempt to prevent moisture from centering the subgrade in the future. The roadway will be swept clean and a tack coat will be applied. A two-inch bituminous overlay will then be applied to the entire roadway. Please refer to Exhibits A2, B2, C2, & D2 in the Appendix for the typical bituminous street sections of each subdivision. One optional method for roadway improvement has been investigated for the Halls 152 2"d, & 3`d Additions. The amount of patching areas in the Halls Additions is so great that a total full depth pavement reclamation is an alternate option. The existing bituminous surface will be milled and then the bituminous mixture will be laid back down for the entire roadway surface area. A two-inch bituminous overlay will then be applied to the entire roadway. Please refer to Exhibit A3 in the Appendix for the typical bituminous street section alternate option. Driveway pourbacks will require special consideration also. The bituminous overlay could raise the roadbed by as much as two inches. This two-inch increase in roadbed height will have to be tapered back into existing driveways. Some driveways in the area are gravel and may require additional Class 5 aggregate base course to match the slope of the overlayed roadway. Shoulder reconditioning will be required to raise the shoulder elevation to that of the roadbed. Two inches of topsoil will be added to the roadway shoulders. Site restoration will consist of seeding all disturbed areas. The areas requiring site restoration shall be minimal for the project. Mailboxes will be relocated for each property along the improved roadway. III. HALLS 1 ST, 2ND, & 3RD ADDITIONS A. Scope of Study See Exhibit Al in the Appendix. B. Existing Conditions The existing roadways are constructed to varying widths ranging from 23 feet to 29 feet. Drainage for the roadways is achieved through roadside ditches and culverts. Halls Additions' roadways have multiple linear and transverse cracking in the pavement and require a large amount of patching repair before the overlay can be constructed. C. Proiect Costs Total project cost estimates, costs per benefiting unit, and annual costs per benefiting unit for both options of Halls Addition roadway improvements are on the following Table 1 and Table 2. ♦ Option 1 Major Patching & Overlay ♦ Option 2 : Full Depth Pavement Reclamation & Overlay 0 I OT336 CITY OF OTSEGO OVL. .Y COST ESTIMATE (1998) TABLE 1 HALLS 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD ADDITIONS OPTION 1 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured In Field = 92,550 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 290,204 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $226,703 Contingency @ 5%: $11,335 Indirect @ 20%: $45,341 Total Project Cost: $283,378 Benefiting Units = 83 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: $3,414.19 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: $497.40 Wised 6/18/98 UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 5,000 $10,000 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 92,550 $13,883 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T $7.50 3,400 $25,500 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2") T $34.00 1,250 $42,500 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 1,780 $2,670 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 4,100 $98,400 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 9 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 675 $10,800 10 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 2 $4,000 11 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 83 $ AND Construction Cost: $226,703 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured In Field = 92,550 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 290,204 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $226,703 Contingency @ 5%: $11,335 Indirect @ 20%: $45,341 Total Project Cost: $283,378 Benefiting Units = 83 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: $3,414.19 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: $497.40 Wised 6/18/98 CITY OF OTSEGO OVEN .-AY COST ESTIMATE (1998) TABLE 2 HALLS 1 ST, 2ND, & 3RD ADDITIONS OPTION 2 Total Project Cost: $200,344 Benefiting Units = 83 Cost per Benefiting Unit : $2,413.78 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: $351.65 OT336 jised 6/18/98 UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2 150 $300 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation SY $1 37,100 $27,825 4 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24 4,100 $98,400 5 Traffic Control LS $4,000 1 $4,000 6 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16 675 $10,800 7 Seeding Ac $2,000 2 $4,000 8 Mailbox Relocation EA $150 83 $12A50 Construction Cost: $160,275 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 290,204 SF Wear Course Mixture = 146 LBS/CF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $160,275 Contingency @ 5%: $8,014 Indirect @ 20%: $32,05 Total Project Cost: $200,344 Benefiting Units = 83 Cost per Benefiting Unit : $2,413.78 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: $351.65 OT336 jised 6/18/98 IV. VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 1 ST & 2ND ADDITIONS A. Scope of Study See Exhibit 131 in the Appendix B. Existing Conditions The existing roadways are constructed to widths of 19 feet. Drainage for the roadway is achieved through roadside ditches and culverts. Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates' roadways require minimal patching before overlay construction. C. Project Costs A total project cost estimate, a cost per benefiting unit, and an annual cost per benefiting unit for Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates roadway improvements is on the following Table 3. 5 I,9 OT336 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE (1998) TABLE 3 VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES IST & 2ND ADDITIONS ,dised 6/18/98 UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION $2,500 1 2 Mobilization LS Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2,500.00 $2.00 1 120 $240 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 4,200 155 $630 $1,163 4 5 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2") T $7.50 $34.00 60 $2,040 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 1,100 2,520 $1,650 $60,480 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 1 $4,000 8 9 Traffic Control LS Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $4,000.00 $16.00 525 $8,400 10 Seeding Ac EA $2,000.00 $150.00 1 93 $2,000 X13 950 11 Mailbox Relocation Construction Cost: $97,053 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured In Field = 4,200 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 179,132 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $97,053 Contingency @ 5%: $4,853 Indirect @ 20%: $19,41A Total Project Cost: $121,316 Benefiting Units = 93 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,304.47 Annual Cost per BenefitingUnit 7.5% for 10 years: $190.04 ,dised 6/18/98 V. DEER FIELD ACRES & HIDDEN VALLEY A. Scope of Study See Exhibit C1 in the Appendix B. Existing Conditions The existing roadways are constructed to varying widths ranging from 23 to 24 feet. Drainage for the roadway is achieved through roadside ditches and culverts. Deer Field Acres and Hidden Valley's roadways require minimal patching before overlay construction. C. Project Costs A total project cost estimate, a cost per benefiting unit, and an annual cost per benefiting unit for Deer Field Acres and Hidden Valley roadway improvements is on the following Table 4. 7 CITY OF OTSEGO Off_ _AY COST ESTIMATE (1998) TABLE 4 DEER FIELD ACRES & HIDDEN VALLEY ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured in Field = 2,000 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 84,203 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $47,453 Contingency @ 5%: $2,373 Indirect @ 20%: $9,491. Total Project Cost: $59,316 Benefiting Units = 36 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,647.66 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @7.5% for 10 years: $240.04 OT336 ised 6/18/98 UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1.00 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 50.00 $100 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 2,000.00 $300 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T $7.50 100.00 $750 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2") T $34.00 30.00 $1,020 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 15.00 $23 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 1,200.00 $28,800 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1.00 $4,000 9 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 210.00 $3,360 10 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 0.60 $1,200 11 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 36.00 $5,400 Construction Cost: $47,453 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured in Field = 2,000 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 84,203 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $47,453 Contingency @ 5%: $2,373 Indirect @ 20%: $9,491. Total Project Cost: $59,316 Benefiting Units = 36 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,647.66 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @7.5% for 10 years: $240.04 OT336 ised 6/18/98 VI. PAGE AVENUE NE (FROM CSAH39 TO 85T" STREET) A. Scope of Study See Exhibit D1 in the Appendix B. Existing Conditions The existing roadway is constructed to a width of 24 feet. Drainage for the roadway is achieved through roadside ditches and culverts. Page Avenue will require minimal patching before overlay construction. C. Project Costs A total project cost estimate, a cost per benefiting unit, and an annual cost per benefiting unit for Page Avenue roadway improvements is on the following Table 5. z J OT336 CITY OF OTSEGO OVEF COST ESTIMATE (1998) TABLE 5 PAGE AVENUE NE (FROM CSAH 39 TO 85TH STREET NE) ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured in Field = 3,560 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 62,880 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $36,879 Contingency @ 5%: UNIT Indirect @ 20%: $_7,37-6 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1.00 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 75.00 $150 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 3,560.00 $534 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T $7.50 140.00 $1,050 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2") T $34.00 50.00 $1,700 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 390.00 $585 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 890.00 $21,360 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1.00 $4,000 9 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 150.00 $2,400 10 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 0.40 $800 11 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 12.00 $ I800 Construction Cost: $36,879 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured in Field = 3,560 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 62,880 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base = 140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures = 146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAL/SY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: $36,879 Contingency @ 5%: $1,844 Indirect @ 20%: $_7,37-6 Total Project Cost: $46,099 Benefiting Units = 12 Cost per Benefiting Unit : $3,841.56 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit 7.5% for 10 years: $559.66 sed 6/18/98 VII. PROJECT FINANCING Project financing is proposed to be accomplished by the City of Otsego issuing bonds. There are essentially two proposed options for assessing the benefiting properties of all these projects. The first option is Full Assessment Financing for the area of benefit for the total project costs as outlined in the spreadsheet calculations and in accordance with the City's Assessment Ordinance (24-1). The area of benefit includes all properties adjacent to the roadways being improved. Assessment schedules based on 7.5% interest and a ten year payment were computed. The Alternative Financing Option involves the city financing a portion of the overlay projects and assessing the benefiting properties for only the items associated with the actual overlay. The benefiting properties would also be assessed for a share of the overhead costs. Essentially, benefiting properties would be assessed for items 6 and 7 (Tables 1, 3, 4, and 5) plus 25% overhead for the patching and overlay projects or item 4 (Table 2) plus 25% overhead for the pavement reclamation project. The following Table 6 summarizes the two project financing options: T A r3 1 C C Full Assessment Financing Alternative Financing Option Project Total Annual Total Annual Cost/Unit Cost/Unit Cost/Unit Cost/Unit Halls $3,414.19 $497.40 $1,522.14 $221.75 Option 1 Halls $2,413.78 $351.65 $1,481.93 $215.90 Option 2 Vasseur's $1,304.47 $190.04 $835.08 $121.66 Oak Grove Deer Field/ $1,647.66 $ 240.04 $1,000.80 $145.80 Hidden Valley Page Avenue $3,841.56 $559.66 $2,285.94 $333.03 NE VIII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed reconstruction and overlay of the roadways located within the Halls 15L, 2nd, & 3`d Additions, Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 1s' & 2nd Additions, Deer Field Acres & Hidden Valley, and Page Avenue NE in the City of Otsego, Minnesota are technically feasible. Total Project Costs per Subdivision are as follows: Halls 15t, 2nd, & 3`d Additions Option 1 $283,378 Option 2 $200,344 Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 15L & 2nd Additions $121,316 Deer Field Acres & Hidden Valley $ 59,316 Page Avenue NE (From CSAH39 to 85`h Street) $ 46,099 The recommended project schedule located in the back of the Appendix shall be followed in order to complete construction by fall of 1998. The Otsego City Council shall set a public hearing date for further consideration of these construction projects. 16L IX. APPENDIX 13 0 1m,a 9021-30 I rl 611 5'� 1-4 5#— 4 2 Ip 212 122201 .o -.*.'.'. —. z 4 2 70 6 0 P222202 0 3 0 i 0 * R 0 I'llacl E o2itloo .............. ........... 2m ............. ......... ............................. ....................... .............................. ................................ 2 0 51 o a 131m •jvm 9s• lo w -v 18 19 .3 4� 2 f=l cn 13M is 1 7 ow. 2 poll 2 llooi-30 #21. - 910 9 R ... 0 3 6 0 17 03 1 70 5 8 lllpgl-v 1p 12 w7-. 8 ul 2 .............. .... ... .... pw ........... ..... IV" T 6 016 < 88th Z 1300 ST. 5 A 4• OUTLOT A 2 0 19 02 E Jmm 01 5 2 2 2 3RD 3 2 p— 0 18 f3M 5 0 0 #,zmol or. 28 D z #I 6A301 2 4 r W 5 5 NE 91 at a 4 3 .................... Imo -6 17 now flow 9 #16 2 1164302 9OW-3o z from & f— 4 p`uQ 03 nio 0 6 016-407 LJ #211.302 D 2 1 5 •X10two 16 2 LA; z —A 10 3rd #16430.3 z #16.4ol 15- 0 1m,a 9021-30 I rl 611 5'� 1-4 5#— 4 2 Ip 212 122201 .o -.*.'.'. —. z 4 2 70 6 0 P222202 0 3 0 i 0 * R 0 I'llacl E o2itloo .............. ........... 2m ............. ......... ............................. ....................... .............................. ................................ 2 0 51 o a 131m •jvm 9s• lo w -v 18 19 .3 4� 2 f=l cn 13M is 1 7 ow. 2 poll 2 llooi-30 #21. - 910 9 R ... 0 3 6 0 17 03 1 70 5 8 lllpgl-v 1p 12 w7-. 8 ul 2 .............. .... ... .... pw ........... ..... IV" T 6 016 < 88th Z 1300 ST. 5 A 4• OUTLOT A 2 0 19 02 E Jmm 01 5 2 2 2 3RD 3 2 p— 0 18 f3M 5 0 0 #,zmol or. LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED BENEFITTING PROPERTY (83 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 MollHolanson A. Aollo n .7. SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT Al ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS HALL'S 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 28 1 2 50 .................... Imo -6 17 now flow 3 from 10 03 nio 7 R 6 5 LJ #211.302 7 S. 16 2 2 3rd 012 04 Wen W N.E. 84th STREET 6 7 w 15 - /211301 2 oil -n,---- 80o 9 05 elo N.E. 87th s 100 10 Z 1211300 . ..... ..... .... 6 13 J2- ..... . . 1 . . . . 1, 12 11 8600-30 11 o.-0 .. 0 2 1 8 r-l'l ... . 30 p- *7 1 Ill" ill '. v- 2 3 4 12st 6 5 it 7 IL PIN ix. 85TH EET LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED BENEFITTING PROPERTY (83 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 MollHolanson A. Aollo n .7. SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT Al ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS HALL'S 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 28 1 2 27 now flow 3 from 10 9 8 R 7 R 6 5 4 3 R 2 2 N.E. 84th STREET 7 LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED BENEFITTING PROPERTY (83 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 MollHolanson A. Aollo n .7. SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT Al ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS HALL'S 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 28 1 2 27 2 ,mn hole 26 3 LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED BENEFITTING PROPERTY (83 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 MollHolanson A. Aollo n .7. SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT Al ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS HALL'S 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 BITUMINOUS STREET SECTION 33' EXISTING SHOULDER 3 WIDTH VARIES I MODIFY SHOULDERS TO MATCH SLOPE --J UTILIZE 2" TOPSOIL FOR SHOULDER WORK APPLY SEEDING FOR TURF ESTABLISHMENT Ha anwn M n ■■ Assx., nc. NO SCALE VARIESVARIES 11.5' - 12' 11.5' - 12' 0.02Ft./Ft• I DESIGN ROADWAY 33' EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES XISTING SHOULDER NATURAL GROUND 1111 BITUMIN❑US OVERLAY (TYPE 41 WEAR) " BITUMINOUS BASE (EXISTING OR TYPE 41 BASE FOR PATCHING AREAS) " AGGREGATE BASE (EXISTING OR CLASS 5 FOR RECONDITIONING IN PATCH AREAS) XISTING SUBGRADE EXHIBIT A2 OPTION 1: PATCH, CRACKFILL AND OVERLAY HALL'S 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 3 0 d BITUMINOUS STREET SECTION NO SCALE 33' '1" 33' EXISTING SHOULDER VARIES VARIES EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES - 12' 11.5' - 12' WIDTH VARIES MODIFY SHOULDERS TO MATCH SLOPE —' UTILIZE 2" TOPSOIL FOR SHOULDER WORK APPLY SEEDING FOR TURF ESTABLISHMENT N"" n ■ � ■ bsce., nc. 0,02Ft. /Ft. I XISTING SHOULDER 3 d NATURAL GROUND 2" BITUMINOUS OVERLAY (TYPE 41 WEAR) FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT RECLAMATI❑N OF DESIGN :,,.:: s ; EXISTING BITUMINOUS SURFACE ROADWAY'EXISTING AGGREGATE BASE EXISTING SUBGRADE EXHIBIT A3 OPTION 2: PAVEMENT RECLAMATION AND OVERLAY HALL'S 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 / I 8463-30 �'' 10 1 8264-30 S• 11 4 13 12 8271-30 8240-30 8253-30 /ma • AR Now o /,000 _ /• 25 5 3 4 en,�1e / R /mA _; S1RE� �•➢ P l,ao 6 �,eA A 7 5 A 6 R j 4 6 A 2 liow n,a 9 • 5 /mA 10A 7 12A /„oD 2 Noe -so Imw ooeD-p 10 1l n,ae nom 6 � 1 10 .os -p o0tl•p - 11 pne f) 9 wm-w A N,m wn-w 12 5 /„m 13, 14 STREET - 6� ':' • how 9 A R 7 r •� 6 3 ow'—a f,e poe do'MD p . .•� A •7 SR• � •3 S• • � ,• V / ooY-w NO,O oeA-w 3 /p,o • /ma • AR „oa • _ /• 25 ewl-w w]�w —3 ,pDe �l_p 1 qlo I]°°° /mA new nop 3 3 Ina 12 A 6 R j 4 „ob R n ,m n,a • 5 aa] -w 9 10A �' R 12A 7 � 15A 16 Imw � 23 • 1 un -w n,m85TH e]N-JO - p Fwm /ap h� ro+o STREET • 9 ':' • how R Nom • . luno R no,. ��” • A R 2 6 4 8 • -°" :;: • , 0 tue-3o ij j aF /w,o 10 9 8 A 7 R 8 R S A 4 P R 1 .':•': /IIA Imm Dw^o ,,,00 R b /2t 4302 Y �,p • • 27 2 • i • 2 6+ea-3o • • • S •1 • • • 12 pno .r::.i.�.'�''-'::.: is�i. � •iii:6::iici?F.if /.,w 11 • :'i�• 'i:f ii �:•ii'...........Fii:c}i} n,w 13 • • 13 . .•� A •7 SR• � •3 S• • � ,• 5 3 /p,o • /ma • AR „oa • _ /• 25 2 4 • � • • 4 qlo I]°°° /mA new nop 3 3 Ina /]me : n,00 Inw� n ,m n,a • 5 aa] -w 9 10A �' R 12A 13R 14 15A 16 Imw � 23 • 1 un -w • e]N-JO p :i:• • 26 3 • F•:::'......•::•ii:'i:':::•::•::•:::::;:.....:'........ • 3 • 22 7 3 /p,o • /ma • AR „oa • _ /• 25 2 4 • � • • 4 qlo 002— :::: • I,oDa :•: Ina /]me : pow 4 • 24 5 • • 5 /m.o • ' :;: 1 23 , O1 06 • e]N-JO p Fwm :i:• :?i::83rfi; :?:?:SFfE F•:::'......•::•ii:'i:':::•::•::•:::::;:.....:'........ • 22 7 3 /p,o • • AR • R • R • Ri • R � • .: qlo 8 Dm-�° :::: • I,oDa 1 3 2 s 3 4 5 - ” �p 21 /m.o • ' :;: 1 , O1 a Fwm /ap h� ro+o • 9 ':' • how • • Q� ew ��” ua-w 9 4 8 • -°" ; 19 1 p o :;: • , 0 tue-3o ij aF 9 • ::: •18 �`' 11 • • 11 .� /2t 4302 D,p.p /L IZ,m •r� /„m 6+ea-3o lo • : mA J 17 12 • • 12 /.,w 11 • -•: n,w •� 16 n,w 13 • • 13 r12• n'w R Is a e,orw 14 • :;. • 14 „a • 15 No. -p e,as-p • 0 15 8100-30 /214303 13 •'• 30 140 0 16 p< 4 3 2 1 /11A r,w 15 • ::::: v.i]aw • 17 2. 1 >a, -p 10e 1281202 1281201 1+a,o 2 4 00 »w -w 3 naw 7824-30 nmo 2 n,l-w 'gyp m nom 3 1 D 2 7 po,ao Q / nw F- Ima rf No + naw < rwo 0o noon 5 ee _p p R L fTi lDee"p ,m,aee 27 5 6 A A! OUTLOT A 2K 6 1Deo-p n000 lno-w 'i -j8t1, :STRREET6 rom A Z 8 A 7 A R c LEGEND :��; ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED • BENEFITTING PROPERTY (93 TOTAL) �.� AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 Hakanson «., G I �� 1 �------ SCALE IN FEET 17 W EXHIBIT B1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 1ST AND 2ND ADDITIONS CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 \I 3 O BITUMINOUS STREET SECTION NO SCALE 33' 33' EXISTING SHOULDER EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES-\ 9,5' 9,5' f WIDTH VARIES MODIFY SHOULDERS TO MATCH SLOPE-] UTILIZE 2" TOPSOIL FOR SHOULDER WORK APPLY SEEDING FOR TURF ESTABLISHMENT ;n An anonn t na DESIGN ROADWAY STING SHOULDER 3 1 C2 d NATURAL GROUND BITUMIN❑US OVERLAY (TYPE 41 WEAR) BITUMIN❑US BASE (EXISTING OR TYPE 41 BASE FOR PATCHING AREAS) AGGREGATE BASE (EXISTING OR CLASS 5 FOR RECONDITIONING IN PATCH AREAS) ISTING SUBGRADE IV:4:IImal IM: J PATCH, CRACKFILL, AND OVERLAY VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 1ST AND 2ND ADDITIONS CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED • BENEFITTING PROPERTY (36 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT EXHIBIT Cl ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS DEER FIELD ACRES BITUMINOUS STREET SECTION 33' EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES �i MODIFY SHOULDERS TO MATCH SLOPE-] UTILIZE 2" T❑PS❑IL FOR SHOULDER WORK APPLY SEEDING FOR TURF ESTABLISHMENT Ha a��nwn ■�■ AMssoc., nc. NO SCALE VARIES VARIES 11.5' - 12 11.5' - 12' 0.0i2 �Ft_I DESIGN ROADWAY 33' EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES XISTING SHOULDER 3 O NATURAL GROUND "' BITUMIN❑US OVERLAY (TYPE 41 WEAR) " BITUMIN❑US BASE (EXISTING OR TYPE 41 BASE FOR PATCHING AREAS) " AGGREGATE BASE (EXISTING OR CLASS 5 FOR RECONDITIONING IN PATCH AREAS) XISTING SUBGRADE EXHIBIT C2 PATCH, CRACKFILL, AND OVERLAI DEER FIELD ACRES AND HIDDEN VALLEY CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 5 6 A ASpow 5 2 7 2' 8 GRENe P l.n.-n FCp7 ms -x /eon 13 Ir>p-m aa.e Z n,e-x 8 12 3 mt-w eae-x 4 4 8jfh 1 11 /x,e /.o,o sw-x � ewe -x eeeo-x 1 /eem 6 2 10 wsm wo-n 5 2 /tl10 sen -x me x o.o-x9 en- oexa-n tl1O")0 4 8 7 4 .eto-x wa-x N.E. 85th ST. 1 12 1 1 /,mm e..e•z we -x Z /10,11 1 �J 2/�-` ,1 2 2 ew-W)-x ewe.x LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED • BENEFITTING PROPERTY (12 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 Hokanaan uuww+,�, SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT D1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS N.E. PAGE AVENUE (FROM C.S.A.H. NO. 39 TO 85TH STREET) CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 /n.e 6 4 /xn /lor l,ox hoxe >n Ljf .,•�- .Q 11" /Ix 2.,.�-n 3 ,9 /lox 17 2 6 x 16 18 2 x fON-x wss-x /eexe2 Z 5 A 6 8y 15 nn -x U 19 a9,ao ap1e 3O /,ow 5 /,110 /100° 22 4 %E 91st C1R. OG 14 20 21 6 1164402 11113-x fn 4 COUNTY ROAD NC R A A 4 9- 2 3 14 /,o 0 „eta 1 amt -x 0. - 8 two f7 nme 5 pm /1ao A A A #I— e 7 18 Iwn 5 z nw x N.E. 89th STREET z nem tme-x /,ow 1 aR 10 ane � /xme 11 A Ixo.o fW-x %16N01 pme5 x100 ] � A 6 R 8Ag 16158 3A 2A tg 4A i _ -= I,om 2 212 '22201 _ R _ j A peee Ixxe ? 2-1 4 °a /m e /221207 _ 1 - nrx ee.o-x O g /eo.e 1222202 6 +,°)°� /'11,33 3 o—" po.e Iz222os wee -p +]lee • x 10 W -x pe.e Ise1e 4 re0-x 4 (n nno /e, 10 /eow • LU8 7 = O 5 C +'me 2 em ws-m +lop 6 /atx � R A Q R 13 qt - 4 N.E. 88th ST. " n� 1 19 .xs-x G A e A 1 6 n.t_m 5 12 ' W /,In .m -x 7 • +i0'0 5 -x' +toxo 2 18 a /mw me -x wo 6 nse-x A /17 x0,0 • 0-x /tap p 11 2 ft—I16 3 n41 -x /x6m • oee-m = O pow l,lx z 9 8 • 4 15 ns`_x 7 /mm 21rrn-x 8 � W Z aeeo-x +114 erx,_x /m,e ens 1310 5 _ N.E. 87th STREET 9 x A 6 13 1211 10 9 /,me /„m +1,10 "1. 1,— en -x 7 /tow /,ox 1,611 /tew +loco /ton 7 g eeJO-10 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 A ASpow 5 2 7 2' 8 GRENe P l.n.-n FCp7 ms -x /eon 13 Ir>p-m aa.e Z n,e-x 8 12 3 mt-w eae-x 4 4 8jfh 1 11 /x,e /.o,o sw-x � ewe -x eeeo-x 1 /eem 6 2 10 wsm wo-n 5 2 /tl10 sen -x me x o.o-x9 en- oexa-n tl1O")0 4 8 7 4 .eto-x wa-x N.E. 85th ST. 1 12 1 1 /,mm e..e•z we -x Z /10,11 1 �J 2/�-` ,1 2 2 ew-W)-x ewe.x LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED • BENEFITTING PROPERTY (12 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 Hokanaan uuww+,�, SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT D1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS N.E. PAGE AVENUE (FROM C.S.A.H. NO. 39 TO 85TH STREET) CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 /n.e 6 4 /xn /lor l,ox hoxe >n Ljf .,•�- .Q 11" /Ix 3 ,9 /lox 17 2 6 x 16 18 2 x fON-x ter LJ 8y 15 nn -x U 19 a9,ao / o» /,ow W x /,110 fit/ 22 Z 10 A 11 A 12 A13 14 20 21 6 .E. 90th STREET COUNTY ROAD NC R A A A W R a Q -: • 1 2 3 14 /,o 0 „eta EL ACRES 1 pm /1ao A A A #I— e 7 18 /wee R 5 2 -= N.E. 89th STREET z nem 6 3 2 4a 3+ /221201 /22120 pme5 8Ag ] fie 5A 3A 2A tg 4A i _ -= 88th STREP _ j A peee Ixxe ? 2-1 4 °a /m e /221207 _ 1 - nrx 3 m.m 2 1 b 5 6 A ASpow 5 2 7 2' 8 GRENe P l.n.-n FCp7 ms -x /eon 13 Ir>p-m aa.e Z n,e-x 8 12 3 mt-w eae-x 4 4 8jfh 1 11 /x,e /.o,o sw-x � ewe -x eeeo-x 1 /eem 6 2 10 wsm wo-n 5 2 /tl10 sen -x me x o.o-x9 en- oexa-n tl1O")0 4 8 7 4 .eto-x wa-x N.E. 85th ST. 1 12 1 1 /,mm e..e•z we -x Z /10,11 1 �J 2/�-` ,1 2 2 ew-W)-x ewe.x LEGEND ROADWAY TO BE IMPROVED • BENEFITTING PROPERTY (12 TOTAL) AREA OF BENEFIT 500 0 500 Hokanaan uuww+,�, SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT D1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS N.E. PAGE AVENUE (FROM C.S.A.H. NO. 39 TO 85TH STREET) CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 3 0 d BITUMINOUS STREET SECTION NO SCALE 47.75' VARIES 40' - 52.75 EXISTING SHOULDER EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES -\ 12' 12, f WIDTH VARIES MODIFY SHOULDERS TO MATCH SLOPE -J UTILIZE 2" TOPSOIL FOR SHOULDER WORK APPLY SEEDING FOR TURF ESTABLISHMENT Na anson 0.02Ft./Ft.1 -- DESIGN STING SHOULDER I3 IR NATURAL GROUND " BITUMIN❑US OVERLAY (TYPE Al WEAR) BITUMIN❑US BASE (EXISTING OR TYPE 41 BASE FOR PATCHING AREAS) AGGREGATE BASE (EXISTING OR CLASS 5 FOR RECONDITIONING IN PATCH AREAS) ISTING SUBGRADE EXHIBIT D2 PATCH, CRACKFILL, AND OVERLAY N.E. PAGE AVENUE (FROM C.S.A.H. NO. 39 TO 85TH STREET) CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: JUNE 17, 1998 FILE: OT336 RIBAnkerson Anderson Assoc -Inc. JUNE 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 8 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 IM 27 28 29 30 JULY 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,3 14 1515 1. 11 18 19 20 21 6 22 6 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 3 M APRIL MAY 3 M T W T F 3 W 1 2 3 4 S 17 8 9 10 11 12 11 14 15 1s 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JUNE 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 8 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 IM 27 28 29 30 JULY 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,3 14 1515 1. 11 18 19 20 21 6 22 6 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 3 M T W T MAY F 3 9 M T W T F 3 7 6 9 10 1 2 3 4 3 8 7 89 10 11 12 1] 14 13 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 JUNE 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 8 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 IM 27 28 29 30 JULY 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,3 14 1515 1. 11 18 19 20 21 6 22 6 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 3 M T W T F 3 F 3 T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 ,4 15 16 17 16 19 20 1, 22 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 24 SEPTEMBER 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 89 10 11 12 13 14 13 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER 3 M T W T F 3 T W 1 2 3 4 S 6 18 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,5 16 17 ib 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 City of Otsego 1998 Overlay Project Schedule June 9, 10 Field analysis of roadway conditions 17 Feasibility Report to City Council 22 City Council Review Feasibility Report & Set Public Hearing date 26 Place ad in Star by noon re: Public Hearing & mail notice of Public Hearing to resident July 13 Public Hearing at City Hall, Authorize project, City Council give direction for production of Plans & Specifications. 22 Plans & Specs to City Council 27 Approval of Plans & Specs by City Council, Authorization for Bids 28 Submit Ad for Bids by 3 pm to Construction Bulletin 31 Advertisement for Bids in Construction Bulletin August 7, 14 Advertisement for Bids in Construction Bulletin 21 Open Bids at 11:00 a.m. 24 Award Contract at City Council meeting September 7 Overlay Construction Begins October 15 Overlay Construction Complete 1998 SCHEDULE 2?, PUB LIS HER\98-SCHEMOT3 36 NOVEMBER S M 3 M T W T F 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 /2 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 City of Otsego 1998 Overlay Project Schedule June 9, 10 Field analysis of roadway conditions 17 Feasibility Report to City Council 22 City Council Review Feasibility Report & Set Public Hearing date 26 Place ad in Star by noon re: Public Hearing & mail notice of Public Hearing to resident July 13 Public Hearing at City Hall, Authorize project, City Council give direction for production of Plans & Specifications. 22 Plans & Specs to City Council 27 Approval of Plans & Specs by City Council, Authorization for Bids 28 Submit Ad for Bids by 3 pm to Construction Bulletin 31 Advertisement for Bids in Construction Bulletin August 7, 14 Advertisement for Bids in Construction Bulletin 21 Open Bids at 11:00 a.m. 24 Award Contract at City Council meeting September 7 Overlay Construction Begins October 15 Overlay Construction Complete 1998 SCHEDULE 2?, PUB LIS HER\98-SCHEMOT3 36 OECEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 City of Otsego 1998 Overlay Project Schedule June 9, 10 Field analysis of roadway conditions 17 Feasibility Report to City Council 22 City Council Review Feasibility Report & Set Public Hearing date 26 Place ad in Star by noon re: Public Hearing & mail notice of Public Hearing to resident July 13 Public Hearing at City Hall, Authorize project, City Council give direction for production of Plans & Specifications. 22 Plans & Specs to City Council 27 Approval of Plans & Specs by City Council, Authorization for Bids 28 Submit Ad for Bids by 3 pm to Construction Bulletin 31 Advertisement for Bids in Construction Bulletin August 7, 14 Advertisement for Bids in Construction Bulletin 21 Open Bids at 11:00 a.m. 24 Award Contract at City Council meeting September 7 Overlay Construction Begins October 15 Overlay Construction Complete 1998 SCHEDULE 2?, PUB LIS HER\98-SCHEMOT3 36 JUN.16.19913 4:58PM NO.672 P.1/1 TO:OTSEGO 5-6` ,J to"It o00 '�25, —�) ' Hakanson 0 3e01 Thurston Avenue 1 CG Pine Street Anderson Anoka, Minnesota 66303 M•mticeilo, MN 55362 (612) 427-6680 (612) 295-6800 Assoc., Inc. (612) 427-0520 Fox (6 12) 295-4488 Fax Memorandum VI T0: .Arr; 61liil� /2y/jc�i'r/'ay Date: c. sr ilSubjei;t: Fife #: Narra ive: firs ave � U.a�I�N �/l,ia�/�s/ ,�� � d•,rc 5-i*-�!� ge r/,d,� G f �c•�r ry 0 '- Sr,•ct a• p rO C,rG0'[.' oN /2a ?z S .► 7'f r IJ- r d R AV4We rrc wry 0 2 6 0 eaew-o u + r DCS `0 C-4 t /�/W/fou.4� t .ICON rt...u.z -0 AA L?� KGS r/tA !e IZF L cc" J76 o • /ltl' i,IC �c ,vc�tilrC�p oma,- Ouc • .t•,• �••� r � � Ya 6 y �c�lr.r�.c. � r 3/ate , 60 l�,c.� � cc: rGr,� / a 7al f'C /,vG/�►f'�/r /� `ct•. Cc/ r /f O /6 By: C 5-6` ,J to"It o00 Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. June 9, 1998 Mr. Kelvin Howieson District 3 State Aid Engineer 1991 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56401 RE: SP 217-090-01 Otsego Bike Trails Dear Mr. Howieson, 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427)W:K 0520 Enclosed is a proposed supplemental agreement for the above referenced project. The supplemental agreement was directed by the Otsego City Council subsequent to an informational meeting with residents along Page Avenue in Otsego. After explaining the project to the residents, the residents expressed concerns with the path being adjacent to the west edge of pavement on Page Avenue. The west side of Page Avenue has eleven driveways. The concern was with driveway traffic conflicting with the path, being a safety issue. With minimal right of way to the east and ample right of way to the west, the solution to the problem directed by the City Council was to wider' the existing roadway section to the west, to shift the traffic lanes westerly and to provide for a bike path along the east side of Page. (See drawings). A cost estimate for this supplemental agreement is $15,533. This increase in construction cost is proposed to be funded 80% from ISTEA and 20% from local sources, identical to all construction cost sharing. If you have any questions, you may call me at 427-5860. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERS N ASSOCIATES, INC. Ronal J. gner, clk Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\709\ot709.kh2.doc SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #2 SP 217-090-01 WHEREAS, the Contract provides for, among other things, grading, aggregate base, bituminous surfacing, and signage, striping, and restoration and; WHEREAS, the Contract further provides for a 10' bike path adjacent to the west side of Page Avenue between 85" St. and County Highway #39 and; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego would prefer the bike path be placed on the east side of Page Avenue and; WHEREAS, the engineer has determined because of existing right of way constraints east of Page Avenue, the bike path can only be on the east side if two existing traffic lanes are moved west. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed and understood that: 1. The Contractor shall excavate below excavation limits shown on Page Avenue to allow for placement of 6 inches depth aggregate base and 4 inches depth total asphalt. 2. Contractor shall furnish and install 6 inches of total depth of Class 5 along the west side of Page Avenue. 3. Contractor shall furnish & install 4 inches of total depth of Type 41 Wear Asphalt, placed in two lifts along the west side of Page. 4. Payment for common excavation, furnishing and installing Class 5 and for Type 41 Wear Asphalt will be at the contract unit cost as provided in the contract. 5. Contract time will not be revised except as may be provided in Mn/DOT Provisions 1806. 6. The Contractor shall not make a claim of any kind or character whatsoever for any other costs or expenses which may have incurred or which he may hereafter incur in performing the work and furnishing the materials required by this agreement. ESTIMATE OF INCREASED CONTRACT COST DUE TO THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION 2211 .501 AGGREGATE CLASS 5 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE DISTRIBUTION: 100% GROUP 1 C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\709\ot709.kh2.doc 85 CY @ 57.80/CY= $663.00 380 TONS @ 510.50/TON = $3,990.00 340 TONS @ 532.00/TON = $10,880.00 TOTAL = $15,533.00 EXISTING ROW (VARIES) Mo RTH 4 TRAVEL J EE Ga STI ROAD A EXTING 12' 12' — _20 72�` MILL BIT. (1 1/2") SAWCUT BITUMINOUS FULL — DEPTH TO ENSURE SMOOTH JOINT. APPLY TACK TO ALL EXISTING SURFACES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF NEW BITUMINOUS brkc PROPOSED PAVEMENT 1' TOPSOIL 10' SHOULDER 21 i I I PLACE 2' STRIP OF �— WOOD FIBER BLANKS ALONG EDGE. OF PAVEMENT 4" TOPSOIL I ON ALL DISTURBED SOD ALL AREAS I BACKSLOPES IN MAINTAINED YARD AREAS. SEED BACKSLOPE`. _ WHERE–ARIA; - tiS NOT MAINTAINED 4:1 SLOPES MAXIMUM IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS SUBGRADE PREPARATION REQUIRED 4" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE 2" BITUMINOUS �9 S Sri TYPICAL SECTION (N.E. PAGE AVENUE) NTS EXISTING ROW (VARIES) t I SrK�' R �RT)4 _2.07. I I ' 2.0% I I MILL BIT. (1 1/2") SAWCUT BITUMINOUS FULL — DEPTH TO ENSURE SMOOTH JOINT. APPLY TACK TO ALL EXISTING SURFACES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF NEW BITUMINOUS $o t. -r;4 -r2AVEl i LANE PLACE 2' STRIP OF /ZI SHOULDER WOOD FIBER BLANKET ALONG EDGE• OF PAVEMENT 4" TOPSOIL I ON ALL DISTURBED SOD ALL AREAS BACKSLOPES IN MAINTAINED YARD AREAS. SEED BACKSLOPES WHERE AREA IS i NOT MAINTAINED 4:1 SLOPES MAXIMUM IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS SUBGRADE PREPARATION REQUIRED CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE .4" BITUMINOUS AS P69 SUPPZ ell iF l -'A1. A44 RC,6r16-At-r #Z TYPICAL SECTION (N.E. PAGE AVENUE) KrrC u i ' I \ I \ ,S2.7s \\ G- UR \ ?o L 2 o w\ 88TH STREET T r Ac 9.0 , 60 . F-- -- 67. Z r 4 GoN,rrnu � r /o �r t3irc�.wi,�a�✓ fit r1V =L N 17Eca c4 rc - lzdLoc.ls-a DCII ve T gwrmr. AfivewAy W6,rr ,t o&e. E VJ7A* /lIfIf.csk So .6r CO,WrAidcr P17 rlt /4p r A/JJAtdN r rs JOAN �i.t ri.v 9 V,6 .... 3601 Thurston AvenueHdkanson Anoka. Ntinnesota 53303 Anderson 6 ; 2/427- 3860 Assoc -Inc. Fax 612/-:'_7-.'4P,,—.- 0520 INIEINIORAtiDi til TO: City of Otsego Council FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE DATE: October 14, 1996 P,= - Topsoil Shoulders in Mississippi Shores in 1996 We were given an estimate by Central Landscaping the present landscaping Sub- contractor to Midwest Paving. The estimate of cost to topsoil shoulder the project is between $15,000 and $20,000. The Citi/ has or will acquire the topsoil from Darkenwald's at $1.00/cubic yard. The Contractor would operate on the bases of equipment hourly rate plus 10% for the Prime Contractor. The hourly rates are fair and in line with current rates. In this estimate, it is proposed to get the work done in three to five days depending on weather. The Contractor can start next week, if Council approves going ahead. The alternative to this is that the Public Works Department would complete the work in the spring of 1997. The street length in Mississippi Shores is approximately four miles long. The topsoil would need to be acquired this fall and stockpiled in the park if not done until 1997. This is a cost proposed to be taken from Public Works Budget and is not proposed as an assessment. We would add this Change Order to the present project rather than go out for quotes or bids. The total could, if we asked for quotes, be greater than $25,000 the upper limits for quotes. Whether there is budgeted funds for this work, we have not completed that research. If funds are available, ! would recommend lett r!g the Contractor do the work. E IOT329.mam I \OQ\� P �15� \ 3 • z AREA OF eNl��s S•\ `• ' • BENEFIT �,° S• • / • 2R. • r9otn IR. Ot1TiD> ( 2 • / c � 2 • 20. ���3 a///�/ •14 •QQ\S G\ / / 7 3 • }• < 6 I � CL PARK4 • . \� \�S • 0 z 4 3 2 1 4 . ` • • • .r • • AQ• O� 4• LLQ •' 1S� �� °• is. �- 17 • • 1 010 4 Y \ 7 9 // • &•/ Il ie t7 e to a •4 tz �`%- / /// / // // , tz 3 0 4 �..1- •` • 1S 7 e / 1 f 10 9 S• Z 0 •.��t•' •z 14• ^~J 5 S • • • 7 • 114 11513 Z 1 •a �.. 4 = 0 12t! • �.. 1 • 94th 2ST. Q 07 9 ,, ,o �. Q •� • • i C U, Jrd....0 3.�R. •e w :..93ST::===r 1}'• • 4 pard IR 3 z I •J: 7 • a 9 I IJ 11 1 < M'ISSIS,SIPPI : SI -ARES 3rd AD-DITION � - • a z • zs ��, � - -� zs♦ ��t • 1 2 . r.t � ..... � •� ..7:{ Jr • ' % it .. �'•: ! 24♦ 0 13 t • • • • C t .r • • '`�'C�� 4 3 2 1 t_ 9* �/ • 1 2 1 Y .tt'.: �. . ;z LL, t} z 02�.. �1 ste CIR7 •a�_,t ••e �':� S• 17� 2 ° Lai 9 e 7 , S • 9 1 3 s• . • 10 � ..:• ' � zz a � • s D 11 L :'NE 'JOtn �T. " • 2, 1615 21 Z CSAH (� �E {90TH f T. 1 , e BARTh�EL iACRES 4 y s 600 0 600 EXHIBIT A SCALE IN FEET AREA OF BENEIT LEGEND Hakanson Anderson ROADWAYS TO BE IMPROVED � ASSO'C.jac. F�gin.wrs. S� .yarT 1c Landicapa Mchit�ct� • BENEFITTING PROPERTY 222 `Jana Strad. Anaka, vinnclota 55 A3 512-127-5950 F,L( 512.-127-3401 6J-- ::� Hc?kdnsOn 300 u sic enue 'I IAnderson 612/4. ��tinnesota x:303 Assoc., Inc. Fa ?/ /427 O Fax o 1 _/�_i -}t=-- 052 M E INI 0 R A ND UNI TO: City of Otsego Council FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE DATE: October 1=r, 1996 R=:Topsoil Shoulders in Mississippi Shores in 1996 We were given an estimate by Central Landscaping the present landscaping Sub- contractor to Midwest Paving. The estimate of cost to topsoil shoulder the project is between $15,000 and $20,000. The City has or will acquire the topsoil from Darkenwald's at $1 .00icubic yard. The Contractor would operate on the bases of equipment hourly rate plus 10% for the Prime Contractor. The hourly rates are fair and in linewith current rates. In this estimate, it is proposed to get the work done in three :o five days depending on weather. The Contractor can start next week, if Council approves going ahead. The alternative to this is that the Public � orks Department would complete the work in the spring of 1997. The street length in Mississippi Shores is approximately four miles long. The topsoil would need to be acquired this fall and stockpiled in the park if not done until 1997. This is a cost proposed to be taken from Public Works Budget and is not proposed as an assessment. We would add this Change Order to the present project rather than go out for quotes or bids. The total could, if we asked for quotes, be greater than $25,000 the upper limits for quotes. Whether there is budgeted funds for thiswork, we have not completed that research. 11' funds a e available, ! viould recommend lett ng the Contractor do the work. N /OT329.mam P00�Z oy � �15�•\ s • i z AREA OF SNORTS • / / / BENEFIT 12 • z • n IR. • • �S� G� '� • • Q r 3 5 I •• . \ 1 \SSCP \�� • �� 2 4 2 , _. `* 4 4 • • .••-. .r • C�` • P�O • O 4- 16 19, • • 1S 11 to! ta. • 9 r 17 4 S1 • t0 4 ff•' � 7• y _. •S �� / • /�e I7 a 1 s t is r s •4 tzS/1-1 3 4 •..r. • 13 7 s it / ,0 9 a• Z 14 is 719 s #t.:: • • a �: ' 2 •' 11.012• �. 2 • s • / Q� ! 3 •� 4 s a 4 �• 1• 94th 2 SFT. 2 9 t 1Lij 1 to �: Q •a s • • • 2 I+ a 14' Jird CSR. a. .:..-......: • C/793 �i 3T, -...I. :: • 5rd CTR; 14 13 to 17 : (!) 7 ��•-�• 4 1 2 f3:? . 7 • a 9 I IJ 11 —� ' 2 • MISSISSIPPI , S! -±ARES 3rd ADDITION Zs• •� 0:19 12 922 n T. •t• Y% -:'i 1J. :Cai-ft i••ii: 'ii•I Q?�••� +..7 �. �t�::.•yd':: .�r1. 24� • �`' O 13 t � • • • • � nom' i..., • ! �..y :��• 4 J 2 t t 9* V 1 2 1 et 2� �' z J LQ 8 • 2 eJ ` : vVL Z�. •a a• s • • •� 1 �1 st CIR.7 t7 N�� 25 so k'•:: v a• y 1s 1 t• • • 9 • to .:� I 22 a 4 s it 7 D is 1s L :'NE 0t2 �T. " :�'•� 21 212 Z � s 1 s BARTl�EL ACRES 4 CSAR (NE 90TH f T. i 600 0 600 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND /l /�11111111117-11 ROADWAYS TO BE IMPROVED • BENEFITTH1N10 PROPERTY EXHIBIT A. AREA OF BENEFIT Hakanson Anderson 1 Assoc. jn•c. Enr]in!nrT. Sur.../c .k landscape Mchitactj 222 Vanr" Stra^.I. Anoka. Vinnr.lota 55.43 ..., --.,17-3401 JUN. -10' 98(WED) 07:34 DCI DUSTCOATING TEL:612 894 0126 DUS7'COATR40. 1NC. 7317 128TH STREET WEST - SAVAGE - NiINNESOTA - 55379 PHONE (612)M94-0012 - FAX (613) H94-0126 TO: -'4�) 0.J Q- C.ONOA_NTY: C�tt� o� FAX: I-ILI 1 - 88 z 3 FROM: SA -- Ca- V. \,fF-SSAGE csk S e%o DATE CO - g PAGES �i��l �e-� �b Ca. � ( vJ i �' i� a-►�1`� �ke S ' e 6 kS � n �.. Vj41Sa 1 W �� C�hoSc k a Waro<- �o�. 45e Y -L151 s o.s soon siIfe P. 001 JUN. -10' 98 (WED) 01:34 DUSTCOATING TEL:612 894 0126 P-002 DUSTCOATING, INC. 6925 O'CHENE LANE QUOTATION MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 Phone Number 612-479-1593 OR 1-800-352-9785 TO: DATE G- 98 TERMS PEUVERY LL kvt w e- r 1992- QUOTE INCULED'S DELIVERY, APPLICATION, AND TAX Questions concerning this Quote? Call: KATHY JOHNSON, OR STAN JOHNSON THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! OUNTZ 6kl. DATE (,o _ S CUSTOMER_ • l , E ADDRESS • . 9q . Dwamm , r J , CITY n A�,) ST N z,P 5s -37,e) Road Dust Contro PHONE 41/ % — LINEAR PROPOSAL 1. COST PER 100 FEET 18 FEET WIDE 2. COST PER 100 FEET 9 FEET WIDIE-- 3. TOTAL LENGTH 4. LINE 3 DIVIDED BY 100 5. NUMBER OF ANNUAL APPLICATIONS 6. TOTAL COST OF DUSTMASTER APPLICATION P.,wt NOTES: SITE PREPARATION ADDITIONAL LINE 1 OR 2 x (LINE 4 x LINE 5) e AREA PROPOSAL I„ LENGTH OF AREA 2. WIDTH OF AREA 3. TOTAL SQ FT 4 3 3 V I x 2) 4. TOTAL SQ YARDS (LINE 3 DIVIDED BY 9) 5. APPLICATION RATE TENTHS OF A GAL PER YARD • 6. COST PER GALLON 7. DUSTMASTER APPLICATION COST (LINE 4 x LINE 5) x LINE 6 q ;10a 8. TOTAL COST 9 D 7. 919 - NOTES: "A u1 PA -A, Q c�+��-•� ;b a iy;i�. � O� z�n �,��J �J a7 S[TE PREPARATION ADDITIONAL Accepted By APPROVED Date: Thermogas Representative OM 117 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION= DEPARTMENT. MEETING DATE 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty June 22, 1998 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER. ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.1. a. Discussion of River Rider Bus information w/CM Wendel b. Discussion of EDAAC Meeting BACKGROUND: 9.1. a. Was added to the last Council Agenda, but tabled until this meeting because of lack of time and a late Council Meeting on 6/8/98. Information is attached from CM Wendel and she will discuss it with the Council. 9.1. b. This item is on at CM Wendel's request and attached is a copy of her written minutes of the EDAAC Meeting and she will discuss same with the Council. RECOMMENDATION: This is a Council information from CM Wendel Thanks Elaine 4?&V-4A 9 1 dir Wed. June 3rd, River Rider Meeting in Buffalo Bert Bailey, Wright County Humane Services and Noel Shughart, MN -DOT were going to a 20 years plan meeting for the 12 counties, they should let us know the results from the meeting next time, this is on transportation in the 12 counties. The County Commissioners wanted our in -put about advertising on the buses to help pay for the cost of running them. Noel didn't think we would generate enough money to bother, Sue Siemers, right now the head of River Rider had pictures of the buses and didn't know if we would want to ruin the looks of the bus with advertising. Bert will sent letters out to 20 or businesses to see what their reaction is and what kind of income we could except to get from this. There was some discussion about changing the routes of the buses, St. Michael residents (about 8 of them) requesting changing the Buffalo route to Elk River. Sue Siemers, (in charge of bus schedules) said she may change that with the ok from MN -DOT. She also said Otsego did not have any riders going to Buffalo and thought maybe they should add another day to Elk River. I questioned how she could change the routes without letting the council know about it as we are paying the contract with them on the two routes. Also we had not had a report on the number of people riding and we need that to determine if we continue the bus next year. Later we talked and she said she would not cancel the bus to Buffalo, just maybe add another day, the same day that St. Michael would be going to Elk River. If you have any questions, please let me know, V irgie RiverRider Heartland Express Serving Sherburne & Wright Counties Public Transportation - Community of Otsego 1998 OTSEGO TO ELK RIVER TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS OTSEGO TO BUFFALO MOND Y, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY ADULTS ELDERLY DISABLED STUDENT/CHILD TOTAL JANUARY 2 5 7 FEBRUARY 13 99 3 4 119 MARCH 2 70 6 2 71 80 APRIL 8 82 4 94; MAY 95 4 99 TOTAL 399 OTSEGO TO BUFFALO MOND Y, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY Total Otsego Trips To Date: 614 ADULTS ELDERLY DISABLED STUDENT/CHILD TOTAL JANUARY 6 59 65 FEBR UARY 34 34 MARCH 10 26 36 APRIL 31 31 MA Y 50 50 TOTAL 215 Total Otsego Trips To Date: 614 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty June 22, 1998 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.2 Mike Robertson, City Administrator- Update: A. Discussion of Right -of -Way Agent (See attached Memo) BACKGROUND: Attached is a Memo from Mike dated June 16, 1998 re 9.2.A above. Mike will be here for any questions or explanation. RECOMMENDATION: This is a Council information from Mike Robertson. Thanks -"4e Elaine G 4�.A. Date: June 16, 1998 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Right -of -Way Agent If Council will recall, in April we reviewed the qualifications of several different companies that we were looking at hiring as our right-of-way agent for the land acquisition process. The right-of-way agent is the person makes personal contact with every landowner from whom we wish to buy an easement. The agent explains the project and why the City wants to acquire right-of-way, explains the condemnation process, presents the City's offer, and answers questions. Depending on the property owner and the right-of-way to be acquired this can take anywhere from one short meeting to many meetings, depending on the issues and the questions. I did not contact those companies further until we had established a time line for land acquisition. Once we did that in the recent Council meeting, I contacted the three finalists. One, North Star Land Services, removed himself from consideration because he said he was currently too busy. The other two are Wilson Development Services and Evergreen Land Services. Both Wilson and Evergreen have excellent references, charge similar rates, and say they can meet our timelines. My recommendation is that the Council hire Evergreen because Evergreen has a larger staff. Because of this larger staff I think they can concentrate more manpower on Otsego and meet with more of our residents in a smaller amount of time. I think that will help our process go smoother. DEMCON DISPOSAL, INC JOHN'S AUTO ELECTRIC II,INC. T0"e'1! TCC A1nl nrTCC TARGET STORES CAMAS, SHIELY DIVISION DOYLE INCORPORATED SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE ZIEGLER INC THERESA GOBLE, TREASURER MCFOA TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC MINNEGASCO Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO CLEAN UP DAY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE REPAIR 4 MAINTENAN4;w& OFFICE SUPPLIES PARKS -SAND CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT 06/15/98 3545 6,742.60 101-41400-371 06/15/98 3546 221.84 101-43100-400 06/15/98 3548 37.94 101-41400-201 06/15/98 3549 331.53 201-45250-370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 06/15/98 3551 549.60 101-43100-203 LAWN SERVICE 06/15/98 3552 1,402.61 101.745200-390 Trr unv nrcvri'.rwic_ nc ie c inn -� n - "3A 7-r(i 1fi1 'i1 ( 3 f� ^"^ JUNE RECYCLING REP & MAINTENANCE 06/15/98 3554 06/15/98 3555 MEMBERSHIP 06/15/98 3557 PARTS 06!15/98 3558 f,.CJCA SERVICE TO 5/26 -OLD TOWN HALL 06/15/98 3560 BUSINESS FORMS & ACCOUNTING NEW CHECKS FOR BDS SYSTEM 06/15/98 3562 ROBERT C_ VOGEL & ASSOCIATES' HISTORIC CONTEXT PROJECT BOX RENTAL 06/15/98 A-61451198 3563 9564 BANK OF 96K R!'09R SUPERIOR SERVICES - CENTRAL MN GAFE 9F=Re61T- RECYCLING 06/15/98 3565 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL Cr -M ni(Oi TCUCOC TAI!" SERVICES 06/15/98 3566 100.00 101-41610-390 271.79 101-43100-220 30.00, 101�­41400-355 1,054.14 "' 101=43100-220 6,742.60 221.84 - 37.94 331.53 331.53 549.60 1,402.61- 100.00 271.79 30.00 1,054.14 101-41610-390 1,337.50 24.87 101-41950-322 24.87 329.91 ': 101-41600-201 329.91 780.00 101-45300-390 780.00 460.00 101-41610-390 30.00 101-42710-390 201-45250-350 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL & SUPPLIES 06/15/98 3568 249.82 101•-41400-410 ELK RIVER MUFFLER & BRAKE REPAIR ACE MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES SOFTRONICS DON'S BAKERY 06/15/98 3569 133.13 101-43100-400 06/15/98 3570 499.84 101-43100-220 COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 06/15/98 3572 125.00 101-41400-390 MEETING SUPPLIES 06/15/98 3573 46.62 101-41400-310 460.00 30.00 57.00 207.67 133.13 499.84 -1i.42 125.00 46.62?; PRESERVATION ALLIANCE OF MN MEMBERSHIP 06/15/98 3575 50.00 101-45300-355 50.00 COURI & MACARTHUR MAY LEGAL SERVICES 06/15/98 3576 10,259.90 101-41700-301 2,670.40 �i 403-41700-301 72.00 605-41700-301 884.00 4ffee 50t 2,90T.50s 'I BONESTROO, ROSENE,ANDCRLIK & A1350C ENGINEERING SERVICES - WWTP 06/15/98 3577 120,210.42 101-48001-302 120,210.42 ' NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS MAY PLANNING SERVICES 06/15/98 3578 4,429.01 101-41570-303 306t 50t 474.27 255.56 �I qt5?0 101-41570-303 2,500.00 � 101-41570-303 1.150.00 to! 40001 101 /T.44 MVTL LABORITORIES, INC. TEST WELLS 06/15/98 3579 420.00 101-48001-390 420.00 CROW RIVER RENTAL RENTAL OF SEEDER -PARKS 06/15/98 3580 146.48 101-45200-410 146.48 =E -FOFc__PARIr e V AWE �e Claims List for Approval o to MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO ' 1 i I= CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT 3 J 111 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 06/15/98 3582.. 56,160.00. 101-48001-302. 56,160.00 15 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP.: _ PREMIUM 6/15 - 7/14 06/15/98 3583 :245.73- 101=41400-123 142.14 le X17 le 101-41600-123 21.68 ID )ZO TOTAL FOR MONTH 213,186.82 213,186.82 22 24 26 27, _ x ..