00-13CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2000-13 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING DEFINITION OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO'S GROWTH MANAGEMENT POLICY FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AS OUTLINED BY THE 1998 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has constructed a waste water treatment plant ("VWVfP") and sanitary sewer collection system with a 200,000 gallons per day capacity (gpd); and, WHEREAS, the permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the Otsego WWTP in 1998 allowed for a maximum 400,000 gpd capacity; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has sold the City of Dayton 40,000 gpd capacity for service of areas within the City of Dayton leaving 160,000 gpd capacity available to serve areas within the City of Otsego Sanitary Sewer Service District based upon the 200,000 gpd capacity of the WWTP, as constructed; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego adopted a Comprehensive Plan Update in September 1998 which established the following policies: A minimum of 30 percent of waste water treatment plant capacity shall be reserved for industrial (or commercial) development with a maximum of 60,000 gallons per day capacity reserved for the forthcoming 20 year planning period. (Policy Plan p. 50) Preliminary plat approval by the City shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only guarantee such service to approved final plats with signed contracts which assure the City of timely development. (Policy Plan, p. 63) Sanitary sewer allocation will be provided on a "first come, first serve" basis. (Policy Plan, p. 63) WHEREAS, implementation of these policies based upon the constructed and permitted capacity of the WVVfP would limit potential final plats for residential development to 448 dwelling units; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego, as of July 1, 2000, has approved preliminary plats for 929 residential units and final plats for 248 residential units within the Sanitary Sewer Service District; and, WHEREAS, the memorandum dated 28 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego promotes continued residential development within the policies and plans of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update to expand the housing supply to meet demand and generate revenues for the financing of the City sanitary sewer and water systems; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Otsego shall interpret its policies for the allocation of sanitary sewer capacity to residential, commercial and/or industrial land uses within the Sanitary Sewer Service District to be based upon the MPCA permitted capacity of 400,000 gallons per day. ADPOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 101 Day of July, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO BY � e'7r�� any F nier, Mayor -2- Clerk.