00-14CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2000-14 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEASIBILITY STUDY AS A BASIS FOR STORM WATER IMPACT FEES, LEVIES OR ASSERSSMENTS WITHIN A PORTION OF THE ESTABLISHED NORTH MISSISSIPPI WATERSHED DISTRICT DESIGNATED AS THE EAST COMMERCIAL AREA WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council directed the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, to undertake a Feasibility Study regarding trunk storm water facilities required within that portion of the North Mississippi Watershed District as previously established by the City as a Storm Sewer District, and described within the report as the East Commercial Area of the North Mississippi Watershed District as described on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the report, dated February 2000, was presented to and reviewed by the Otsego City Council; and WHEREAS, the report contains valuable data from which can be computed fair and equitable charges, assessments and levies to pay for needed trunk storm facilities within the District; and WHEREAS, the Council is currently considering a street, sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer project within the East Commercial Area which will require imposition of storm sewer fees for trunk facilities, in addition to assessments for local improvements. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Feasibility Study for Trunk Storm Water Facilities for the East Commercial Area of the North Mississippi Watershed District is hereby adopted as the basis for any charges, levies or assessments for trunk storm water facilities within the described area. 2. The City Engineer is hereby directed to utilize said feasibility study as the basis for calculating any fees, levies or assessments related to trunk storm water facilities within the described area, and.to report back to the Council at any time if it appears that the basis for said fees should be revised or recalculated. ADOPTED this -4t ay of August, 2000 by the Otsego City Council. OZ4 IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: Elaine Beatty, City Cle k 2 CI OF OTSEGO arty Fournier, Mayor 44. i I I 1 Hc'canson Atl�erson Assoc.,!nc. i1BIT rY STORM WATER IMPACT FI THE EAST COMMERICAL � NORTH MISSISSIPPI WATE AUG.24.2000 9:4991 NJ. bby r.4-1' DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF NORTH MISSISSIPPI WATERSHED DISTRICT Northwest Subdistrict Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 8, Block 1, MISSISSIPPI SHORES ADDITION; Lot 1, Block 1, MISSISSIPPI SHORES 7T" ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota South Subdistrict That part of the Northvyect Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, described as foilows; Commencing at the northwest comer of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds East, assumed bearing along the north line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 380.87 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 691.71 feet; thence North 89 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds East to the east line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 49 minutes 18 seconds West along said east One a distanoe of 691.68 feet to the northeast comer of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds Wes# along the north llne of sold Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning. AND Oudots A and B and Lot 1. Block 1, MRD CHRIST LUTHERAN ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 7, Block 1, MRD COMMERCIAL. PARK, Wright County, Minnesota. North Central Subdistrict That part of Government Lot 1, Section 23, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the easterly right of way One of Minnesota State Highway No. 101, Plat 86-8. AND Govemmerd Lots 1 and 2, Section 14, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, EXCEPTthat part platted as Minnesota State Highway No. 901, Plat 8fi 9 AND The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota EXCEPT that part piatted as Minnesota State Highway No. 101 Plat 86-9. UHadtWharcd 0=1Murpe0904TSW0X4j8b4418dese.dac