ITEM 4.2 Kwik Trip CUPP Otkzo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 8 June 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 4.2 — Kwik Trip CUP AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip, Inc. allowing development of a convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop, and commercial car wash. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Held by Planning Commission 18 May 2015. Kwik Trip, Inc. has submitted application for a conditional use permit to develop a convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop, and commercial car wash. The subject site is located northeast of TH 101 and 701h Street (CSAH 37) and is being platted concurrently as Lot, 1, Block 1 Riverbend South. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application at their meeting on 18 May 2015. After receiving public comment and discussion by the Planning Commission, the public hearing was closed and the application tabled to the next meeting on 1 June 2015. Representatives of Kwik Trip, inc. were in attendance at both meetings, as were many of the surrounding property owners. The approved minutes for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 May 2015 are received by the City Council meeting on the consent agenda for their 8 June 2015 meeting and draft minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on 1 June 2015 are provided as a summary of the issues identified and discussed at the Planning Commission meetings. The discussion of the Planning Commission was focused on the issues raised during the public hearing as outlined in the addendum planning report from our office. The Planning Commission also received a sound study prepared by SBP Associates, Inc. that they requested the developer to provide. The sound study concluded that operations at the proposed use would be within MPCA limits, with the possible exception of idling refrigerator semi-tractor/trailers parked in the 22 off-street parking stalls that would exceed MPCA noise levels measured at the existing residential uses if more than 16 such vehicles were parked idling at one time based on additional information from the sound engineer. The Planning Commission was concerned that the 22 parking stalls for semi-tractor/trailers and elements of the use within the principal building oriented to over -the -road truckers would encourage long term parking, increasing the likelihood of noise impacts to adjacent residential uses. As noted in the planning report from our office, the existing residential uses are approximately 570 feet from the subject site but additional residential uses are planned within 280 feet of the subject site, which was not measured by the sound study. Based on their concerns about noise impacts, the Planning Commission added two stipulations requiring that the floorplan of the principal building be revised to eliminate the separate truckers lounge, shower rooms and laundry facilities. The Planning Commission also recommended eliminating one-half of the proposed 22 semi-tractor/trailer off-street parking stalls. City staff noted that if the south 11 semi- tractor/trailer stalls were eliminated, there would be improved separation of passenger vehicle and semi-tractor/trailer circulation patterns within the subject site. Finally, the Planning Commission discussed the requested 24 hour operation and the ability of the City to reconsider the allowed hours in the future if issues occur. Our opinion and that of the City Attorney is that the City could limit the hours in the future if a specific violation of the conditional use permit occurred and there were no other reasonable measures to address the issue. The Planning Commission reviewed the amended list of conditions and voted 5-0 to recommend City approval. The developer has responded that they cannot agree to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission requiring revision to the principal building and site plan eliminating semi- truck/trailer parking and request. The developer states that if these features are eliminated, the site does not work for the intended use and we would not be able to compete with other facilities that provide truck fueling facilities. One very practical reason the developer is requesting these elements is that truckers are required to take mandatory 30 minute driving breaks; they generally do this when they fuel and need a place to park and if time take care of these other things, according to the developer. Findings of fact consistent with the recommendations of the Planning Commission's recommendation have been drafted and are attached for consideration by the City Council. The semi- truck/trailer parking also provides space for RV and parking for passenger vehicles with trailers that may be expected to utilize the site based on proximity and access from TH 101. The developer requests the City Council removed the #16 and #17 as recommended by the Planning Commission. City staff and the developer are working to finalize the development agreement for consideration at the 22 June 2015 City Council meeting pending approval of the conditional use permit application. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Planning Report dated 14 May 2015 B. Planning Report Addendum dated 28 May 2015 C. Engineering Review dated 15 May 2015 D. SBP, Inc. Sound Study dated June 1, 2015 E. Draft minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of June 1, 2015 F. Findings of Fact POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip, Inc. allowing development of a convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop, and commercial car wash as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA o NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 56303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC0PlanninqCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: 60-DAY DATE: RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP 14 May 2015 20 June 2015 Otsego — Riverbend South; Kwik Trip CUP 101.02 Kwik Trip, Inc. has submitted application for a conditional use permit to develop a convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop and a commercial car wash. The subject site is located northeast of TH 101 and 70th Street (CSAH 37) and is being platted concurrently as Lot, 1, Block 1 Riverbend South. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 May 2015 Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Building Elevations and Floor Plan (5 sheets) C. Existing Conditions & Removals Plan D. Site Plan E. Site Plan (Keynote) F. Grading & Erosion Control Plan G. Utility Plan H. Utility Plan (Storm Sewer) I. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) J. Landscape Plan (2 sheets) K. Photometric Plan L. Sign Plan (12 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned B-3, General Business District. The proposed use is allowed as a conditional use subject to the performance standards outlined in Sections 20-77-6.C, D and E of the Zoning Ordinance. Consideration of the conditional use permit is to be evaluated based upon, but not limited, to the criteria established by Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses. The Comprehensive Plans states that this area has in the past been designated for highly limited, highway -oriented commercial services. This applies to geographic coverage as well as scope of services provided. However, the upgrade of TH 101 to freeway status within the City and the planned improvement of CSAH 37 between TH 101 and CSAH 19 increase the potential for a broader range of commercial uses at this location. The Comprehensive Plan also states that development standards in this area of the City should be consistent with that encouraged at other locations along the TH 101 corridor. The policies of the Comprehensive Plan require that residential development be protected from adverse environmental impacts, including noise, air, and visual pollution by construction, site planning or other techniques. The Comprehensive Plan further states that all commercial uses are to be adequately screened or buffered from any adjacent residential development. The developer has addressed this issue through site design, screening and landscaping and additional conditions limiting the use are to be required to address this issue and ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and planned land uses in the table below. Specific attention must be given to the compatibility of the proposed use with the existing and planned residential uses to the east, including requirements for screening, buffering, and conditions related to the operation of various elements within the proposed development. Direction Land Use Zoning Existing Use North L/MD Residential R-6 District Wetland (City) East L/MD Residential M/HD Residential R-6 District R-7 District Detached TH Townhouse South M/HD Residential Commercial A-1 District B-3 District Comm. Stable Vet Hospital West -- -- TH 101 2 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use will be required to comply with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed from CSAH 37, which is designated as a minor arterial street by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan, and a local street to be constructed to the standards of the Engineering Manual. These roadways have adequate capacity to accommodate the volume and type of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is within the East Sewer District and adequate public services are available to support the proposed use. Building Design. The developer has submitted elevations and floor plans for the proposed buildings. Section 20-17-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 65 percent brick or other masonry material for the exterior of all buildings. The exterior of the convenience store and car wash are 100 percent brick on all sides with metal roofing, which exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer must submit additional information regarding construction of the gator shed, which should use the same exterior materials as the principal building, and the fenced CNG system structures at the southeast corner of the subject site for review and approval. The B-3 District allows a maximum structure height of 30 feet. The height of the convenience store, car wash and gas canopies are 24 feet, 15 feet and 15.5 feet respectively and comply with the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. The developer has provided a landscape plan for the subject site that includes perimeter plantings along the public streets, at the base of the proposed freestanding sign and at the north and east sides of the convenience store and car wash with types and sizes of proposed plantings that comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The landscape plan also includes plantings on east portion of the site as a buffer to the existing and planned residential uses to the east. A 12 foot tall solid metal panel fence is proposed along the length of the semi-tractor/trailer parking area to provide a more complete buffer. We recommend that the fence be extended an additional 15 feet (one panel) to the north and 30 feet (2 panels) to the south to minimize potential for sound travelling around the structure. Plantings are to be installed at the top of the retaining wall to provide additional buffering and visual screening of the proposed fence. City staff also recommends that landscaping along the northern most truck parking stall be revised to be a solid line of evergreen trees and that a staggered double row of evergreen trees be provided along the east side of the infiltration basin. The trees east of the CNG station are also recommended to be replaced with evergreen trees planted 25 feet on center. The shade trees along Quantrelle Avenue should also be extended along the full length of the street to the east lot line. Hours. Section 20-77-6.E.4 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the hours of operation to 6:OOAM to 12:00 Midnight unless extended by the City Council. The developer is proposing 24 hour operation of the use based on the availability of gasoline and diesel fuel and truck driver oriented facilities within the principal building including a lounge, showers and laundry. The Holiday convenience fuel store at CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 (also zoned B-3 District) is allowed 24 hour operations. That use is approximately 280 feet from the nearest property guided by the Comprehensive Plan and zoned for residential uses, but does not have facilities for diesel truck fuelling or designated semi- tractor/trailer parking. The nearest existing residential use to the subject site is approximately 570 feet to the east and approval has been given for development of nine detached townhomes approximately 280 to the northeast of the subject site. The primary compatibility issue created by the requested 24 hour operation will be noise. The burden is on the developer to demonstrate that the site plan design, landscaping plan and installation of the 12 foot solid fence will effective to mitigate the noise issue such that the 24 hour operation does not create a negative impact upon the adjacent residential land uses. C-Store/Motor Fuel Sales. Section 20-77-6.D and E of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards applicable to site for motor fuel sales. The proposed site plan complies with these standards, and City staff recommends the following conditions: ■ Any public address system must not be audible at the property line and shall not be used not play music and/or advertisements in accordance with Section 20-77- 6.D.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ The site plan (Keynote) for the convenience store identifies outdoor sales and service areas, which include outdoor sales between the pump islands, outdoor ice and propane tank storage locations against the principal building and comply with Section 20-77-6.E.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The outdoor sales area is limited to not more than 200 square feet and may not exceed five feet in height. Car Wash. Section 20-77-6.0 establishes performance standards applicable to the allowance of a car wash accessory to a convenience fuel use. Section 20-77-6.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires stacking space for vehicles waiting to enter wash bay. Vehicles will enter the car wash from the north and there is stacking space for approximately eight vehicles behind the door using the drive aisle north of the building. Due to the proximity of existing and planned residential uses to the east, City staff recommends a condition of approval be that the doors to the wash bay must remain closed during the entire wash cycle and that the hours of operation be limited to 6:OOAM to 10:OOPM. .19 Lot Requirements. The B-3 District establishes the following minimum lot requirements shown in the table below, which the site plan complies with. The Riverbend South plat is to be revised to include the wetland and wetland buffer within the subject site as part of Outlot B to the east that will change the lot area and setback measurements shown on the site plan. However, the subject site will still comply with the applicable lot requirements after this modification of the plat. Required Proposed Min. Lot Area 1 ac. 8.26ac. Min. Lot Width 200ft. 653ft. Min. Local Street 30ft. 165ft. Setbacks CSAH 37 30ft. 72ft. East 20ft. 406ft. Parking ROW 10ft. loft. Interior 5ft. 170ft. Wetlands 40ft. l ooft. Access. The subject site has four proposed access points from public streets. The proposed access from CSAH 37 is subject to review and approval of Wright County and preliminary comments from Wright County staff are supportive of a right-in/right-out access. The developer will be required to construct right turn lanes on CSAH 37 at their cost. There is a right -in from Quantrelle Avenue/72"d Street just north of the CSAH 37 intersection that is protected by the center island to prevent left turns out of the site at this location. The two intersections allowing full access to 72"d Street are designed as 35 feet wide, which is subject to approval of the City Engineer as necessary for semi - truck turning movements. Off -Street Parking. The table below illustrates the calculation of required off-street parking: Use Required Gross Area Net Area Required Stalls C-Store Retail 1 stall/250sf. 7,224sf. 6,502sf. 26 Fuel 4 stalls -- -- 4 Car Wash None -- -- -- Total 30 The site plan provides 39 passenger vehicle parking spaces and 22 semi-tractor/trailer parking spaces, which exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The dimensions for all of the vehicle and semi-tractor/trailer parking stalls also comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the parking area and driveways are to be surfaced with bituminous material and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The location of the proposed semi-tractor/trailer parking area along the east side of the subject site raises concerns regarding compatibility with the existing and planned residential uses to the east especially in consideration of the proposed 24 hour operation of the facility. The developer has 5 proposed installation of a solid 12 foot tall fence and landscape plantings to address this issue. Lighting Plan: The developer has submitted a photometric lighting plan for the subject site detailing all exterior lighting locations, types and illumination patterns. Section 20- 16-10.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits light cast at the property line abutting a public street to 1.0 foot-candle and 0.4 foot-candles at interior property lines. No light is cast at the east property line abutting the existing and planned residential uses to the east. The exterior lighting complies with the intensity limits established by the Zoning Ordinance though use of fixtures with a 90 degree horizontal cut-off. Note that exterior lighting under the canopy cannot extend below the canopy deck. Section 20-16-10.CA of the Zoning Ordinance limits the height of exterior light fixtures to 25 feet, whereas 27 feet is proposed requiring that the lighting plan be revised to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. The subject site is within the Freeway Sign District established adjacent to TH 101. Sign allowances for the proposed use established by the Zoning Ordinance include a 235 square foot, 50 foot tall primary freestanding sign, 64 square foot, 15 foot tall secondary sign and wall/canopy signs up to 15 percent of the area of the exterior of two facades facing a public street: ■ The developer is proposing a single freestanding sign combining the allowed primary and secondary signs, which comply with the overall height limit of 50 feet and the secondary sign is mounted not to exceed 15 feet above grade. The areas of the primary sign (230 square feet) and secondary sign (64 square feet) comply with the respective area limits of 235 square feet and 64 square feet. The submitted sign plan and building elevations indicate that there are wall signs mounted on the west and north facades of the principal building, west and south facades of the gas canopy, west fagade of the diesel canopy, and on the north, and south facades of the car wash. The Zoning Ordinance does not establish a limit on the number of wall signs but the total area of all signs may not exceed 15 percent of the area of the fagade or 200 square feet for any individual sign. All of the signs comply with these limits. Note that the directional sign for the car wash on the west fagade of the principal building needs to be relocated to direct vehicles to access the car wash from the north side of the building. ■ The sign plan includes multiple directional signs for assisting with traffic movements to/from the site and segregating semi -truck and passenger vehicle traffic, which are appropriate to improve site functionality and traffic flow. An additional 33 square foot, 15 foot tall two sided sign is proposed at the semi- tractor/trailer scale. The area and height of the proposed sign is sufficient from the standpoint of directing traffic to the location. City staff recommends that the sign face on the east side be removed as not necessary for directional purposes and given that this sign would likely be visible from the residential uses to the northeast. Trash. The submitted plans indicate an integrated trash storage area at the southwest corner of the building, which complies with Section 20-16-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Utilities. The developer has submitted plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities, which are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Payment of utility connection charges will be due at the time a building permit is issued for the proposed use based on the RECs determined in accordance with the MCES Appendix A and the City fee schedule. The utility plan also identifies existing overhead power lines along the south line of the subject site. The developer will contact W-H Electric to investigate relocation of the utility lines underground with the development of the subject site. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage and eriosion control for the proposed development. There is an infiltration basin at the northeast corner of the subject site that will be included within the area of Outlot A and deeded to the City. The Riverbend South plat is to be revised to include the wetland and wetland buffer at the southeast corner of the site within Outlot B, which is also to be deeded to the City. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Agreement. Section 20-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance allows the City to require upon approval of a conditional use permit a development agreement with the applicant to provide a performance security for the proposed improvements. The development agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Kwik Trip convenience gas, truck stop and car wash complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip, Inc, subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed use shall be developed in accordance with the plans attached hereto and any conditions adopted by the City Council. 2. The developer shall submit additional information regarding construction of the gator shed, which shall use the same exterior materials as the principal building, and the fenced CNG system structures for review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 3. The proposed screening fence shall be extended 15 feet (one panel) north and 30 feet (two panels) to the south. 4. The submitted landscape plan shall be revised subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator to: a. Provide a solid line of evergreen trees 25 feet on center north of the northern most truck parking stall. b. Provide a staggered double row of evergreen trees 25 feet on center along the east side of the infiltration basin within Outlot A. C. Replace the trees east of the CNG station with evergreen trees planted 25 feet on center. d. Extend the shade trees along Quantrelle Avenue the full length of the street to the east lot line. 5. The convenience store, motor fuel and truck stop uses shall be allowed 24 hour of operations, subject to approval by the City Council. 6. Any public address system shall not be audible at the property line and shall not be used not play music and/or advertisements in accordance with Section 20-77-6.D.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All outdoor sales and service areas shall comply with Section 20-77-6.E.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and the outdoor sales areas as designated on the site plan are specifically limited to not more than 200 square feet and shall not exceed five feet in height. 8. The doors to the car wash bay shall remain closed during the entire wash and drying cycle and that the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOAM to 10:OOPM. 9. The proposed right-in/right-out access to CSAH 37 shall be subject to Wright County review and approval. 10. Freestanding light fixtures shall be installed to a maximum height of 25 feet in accordance with Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and no light source may extend below the deck of the fuel island canopies. 11. The sign plan shall be revised to remove the east face of the directional sign for the semi-tractor/trailer scale. 12. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City in accordance with Section 20-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Leah Berlin, Kwik Trip, Inc. 9 Riverbend South Exhibit A Date Created: 5/14/2015 %HCL YCL NICL VATECL 'PCL ownship Limits •cels �pl . z a \ IS u o�0000 � � 000❑oo Y U O m v vi _N Kg n LaN A � rg trg w A �%IN lUMUAVU eq � ri�'u% e_mm ««��� a o 0 0 ����■e ���o� ■e����� � �e � a � e e �� o v a ��a � a Ell 3 3 rc : a��9i �%�¢�mUrc €- A$Y 83l X141 i is :1 I III a Rog. r8ka� e�� dd i66„ n I VIOS3NNIW'OD3SIO g R L£ HVSO V LOL ,IMH & R 13S310 301S ONV € HSVM-dVO AVO 319NIS HIM Z9W 3HO1S 30NMN3AN00� d�� I I I g 5 Ndld S1VAOW3u v SN01110NOO ONIISIX3 1 1 .144 I a „; aT cn o s a GE Yk CJ N u FQio L.� LJ s 4 U N 2 53A - aa� �gg'3a Zed m� ►t► 3�F.ri��Sn v:MffiF.1 .. 055� a 1� i"� k \ I.- pFFYqnn I •mm wt = gmurcm c CH f��/^az �2_F .[: 3Z E� V10S3NNIW'OJ3S10 Le HVSO'g M AMH g $ N O- g -13S314 MIS (INV HSVMUVO ),V9 3IJNIS H11M . - a Z9l# 3NO1S 30N31N3ANOO (-LnO),VI) NVId 1111 6 I i R ° i aII v " 3 a pp yp B� d 0 7ge �� tttt F b a� ii I i I 1 b�wag "gal I 1 11 1� i 1 I I I d 8;i l l J I 1'' I Y IY iiII O o c o a 1 a w a I'§ I I I I I I����g � � Rig ggi d 5 y � tl tl W 9 a 8 �A ME 9 § RRSB :: •'•: CD I e :ft`<_i`� I d, I e 931 - — -ass_ — ---t ti I E 11 •. 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TOTAL SQ FT: 298.66 0" Approved by; Date: Landlord: Date: Drawing by: Danielle Waas Job Name: Kwlk Trip Revision Number. LACROSSE SIGN CO. Sign Type: High Rise Job Address: Job File Location: Ake -W" AT, Date Created: 4/22/2015 Otsego, MN 55330 g S.\Kwik Trip\O\Otsego, MN #162 Design\162 Art 84746 High Rise Last Modified: 5/5/2015 Salesperson: Cindy Bluske Option 3 1450 Oak Forest Drive • Onalaska, WI 54650.608-781-1450 Scale: 1/8" = 1' Job Number: 84746 2242 Mustang Way • Madison, W153718.608-222-5353 2502 Melby Street • Eau Claire, WI 54703 • 715-835-6189 • Q N Black QN Black 0 0 Black ®■ ©■ 0 ■ This armorkis copyrighted and maynot be otherwise used without permisslon. __. ON ON 0 E It is the property of La Crosse Sign Co, inc, and must be returned to them N CERTIFIED • SCALES 7� SCALE ENTER IdCERTIFIED SCALES DO NOT ENTER N 0 0 Back View Of Sign 8" X 8" X 1/4" Square Steel Tube With A 1 1/4' X 24" X24" Base Plate Along With A 1/2" X 8" X 8" Top Match Plate And 1/2" X 4 1/2" X 6" Gussets ITt3'-0 msTaucnoa5 � Do f" ane ��as o" sure <V 5QUARE FOOTAGE OF FACE AREA.: 3.6 5Q. Fr 0 L0 33 50. FT. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 36.8 5Q. FT. NAME: CAT SCALE - 4'-1 W x 6-0" - OTSEGO, MN SCAM -318" = 1' I DESIGNER: CRN THIS ISACONCEPTUAL DRAWIN� SKETCH*:0515-19104-01_CAT 49 5x96-----REVISIONs: ARTWOFINAL RK ISPRODUCT MAYVARY.THIS ARTWORK IS PROPERTY OF EAGLE SIGN CO. EAGLE SIGN CO. APPROVAL: X DATE:X AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763,427.0520 TPC@PlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT - addendum TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 28 May 2015 60-DAY DATE: 20 June 2015 RE: Otsego — Riverbend South; Kwik Trip CUP TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Kwik Trip, Inc. has submitted application for a conditional use permit to develop a convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop, and commercial car wash. The subject site is located northeast of TH 101 and 70th Street (CSAH 37) and is being platted concurrently as Lot, 1, Block 1 Riverbend South. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application at their meeting on 18 May 2015. After receiving public comment and discussion by the Planning Commission, the public hearing was closed and the application tabled to the next meeting on 1 June 2015. City staff was given direction to provide additional information regarding potential noise impacts of the proposed use, estimates for traffic generation and street capacity and a summary of written comments received regarding the proposed development. Exhibits: A. 2012 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Concept B. City Engineer memorandum dated May 28, 2015 C. Albert Lea truck stop photo D. Fence specifications E. Revised signage plan ANALYSIS Land Use. Question was raised as to the appropriateness of the proposed use at this location, specifically regarding the 22 off-street semi-truck/trailer parking stalls, semi- trailer scale, separate semi-truck/trailer fuel island and truckers lounge/facilities within the principal building, which City staff defined as a truck stop. City staff also noted that the proposed use does not include several facilities typical of a truck stop including full service restaurant, semi-truck/trailer repair services or truck wash. If the proposed use included only the fuel island and semi-truck/trailer parking stalls, we would have been as likely to consider the facility as only a convenience store with motor fuel as its function would have been limited to just those specific uses. As a conditional use within the B-3 District, the compatibility of the proposed development is a criteria the Planning Commission is to consider in accordance with Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance in evaluating the application. However, locating land uses of varying intensity adjacent to one another does not render the situation incompatible by default. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan includes an illustration of a conceptual land use arrangement based on accepted planning principles. The northeast quadrant of the illustration is relevant to the current application in that it recommends the proper transition between commercial and residential areas. In this area, the 2012 Comprehensive Plan guided the subject site for commercial uses and the western most portions of Wildflower Meadows for medium -to -high residential land uses with low density residential uses further to the east. Also, as recommended by the land use concept, the commercial uses within Riverbend South are separated from the adjacent residential uses by existing wetland areas creating a natural transition and physical barrier. This arrangement of land uses is not unique to this location. Other commercial/residential or industrial/residential transitions occur on the Future Land Use Plan in Otsego or in surrounding communities. Many of the performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance and those specifically applicable to a conditional use are intended to mitigate potential negative effects of the more intense use and provide for a proper land use transition. Compliance with these performance standards and the recommended conditions of approval related to screening, landscaping, lighting and noise are based on these considerations. Likewise, the Wildflower Meadows preliminary plat approval included the condition that the landscape plan for the subdivision install additional landscaping to minimize the noise impacts from TH 101 and the adjacent commercial area, which would be implemented as Meridian Land Company continues with the remaining phases of the subdivision. Based on the 2012 Comprehensive Plan designating the subject site for commercial land uses and the zoning of the subject site as B-3 District, the scope of review for the Planning Commission and City Council to consider regarding the application is the review criteria established by Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance and the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Hours. Written concerns regarding the requested 24 hour operation were stated citing a correlation with noise, lighting and exhaust impacts without interruption 365 days of the year. Section 20-77-6.E.4 of the Zoning Ordinance has been written to limit the hours to 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, giving discretion to the City Council to allow up to the 24 hour limit. The language of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the developer demonstrate that the expanded hours will be compatible with surrounding uses and comply with all applicable performance standards. Traffic. The City Engineer states that the design capacity for 72nd Street based on Minnesota State Aid standards is 15,000 average daily trips. The City Engineer also calculated the following traffic generation estimates of 11,400 average daily trips based on traffic generated by the proposed use and full build -out of surrounding properties. The traffic estimates do not account for traffic that may be expected to utilize the proposed right-in/right-out access from the subject site to CSAH 37 that would reduce traffic volume on 72nd Street and as much as a 10 percent reduction in traffic volume based on business interchange within the commercial development. Of the estimated traffic volumes, the City Engineer further estimates that semi-truck/trailer traffic for the subject site may be up to seven percent of the total volume from the Kwik Trip or 385 average daily trips. The conclusion of the City Engineer is that 72nd Street has adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use and surrounding development. Grass Trins Group ITE Weekday AM peak PM Peak Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter I Exit No. Type Land Use Code Size 2 Retail GaslServicew/Conv &Wash 946 34 fuel pos. _ 2.598 2,598_ _ 205 — 197 240 231 n Retail Fast Food - w/DriveThru 934 6.6k.s.f. 1,637 1,637 153 147 112 103 2 Retail Drive-in Bank 912 14.3 k.s.f. 1,059 1,059 98 74 174 174 -.--.--.._.__...__._._._.-----•.----.--.--_--_..._..._._.___.__.__.-__, 5 Residential Con dominium/rownhouse ._....._.._.._.._..._-..___.—__.._......_._.__._.__.._._._..__......___.._.___.__.._.___—.-------._...__..---._..__ _3n IOU units 322 322 9 43 40 20 5 Residential Single Family Housing _210 10 units _ 63 ^63 4 — 13 8 _5 5.679 1 5,679 1 469 1 474 1 574 1 533 11.358 1 943 1 1,107 Comments at the public hearing expressed concern about semi -trucks exiting the subject site and travelling east on 72nd Street into Wildflower Meadows. City staff believes this is unlikely to occur as: ■ TH 101 is visible to the west of the subject site, as is the CSAH 37/72nd Street intersection leading traffic in that direction. ■ 72" d Street will be narrowing west of the north access to the subject site to a residential street section as a visual indicator of the land use transition. ■ The developer has submitted a revised signage plan that includes previously proposed directional signage within the subject site as well as additional signs to be installed across from the site accesses directing exiting traffic west/south on 72nd Street. ■ With the changes to the Wildflower Meadows subdivision plan proposed by Meridian Land Company, there is no direct street connection between CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 through the neighborhood to discourage non -local traffic from entering the neighborhood. ■ The distance between the CSAH 37/72nd Street intersection and the north access to the subject site is approximately 80 feet or enough to accommodate stacking for approximately 10 semi-truck/trailers. ■ City staff was asked to review limiting 72"d Street as a single lane, one-way street west bound from the Wildflower Meadows neighborhood to the north access to the subject site. The City Engineer has addressed this issue in his attached memorandum. A suggestion was made to shift the location of the proposed right-in/right-out only further west to allow area for additional screening. The location of the proposed access is subject to review and approval of Wright County for adequate spacing from the CSAH 37/72nd Street intersection and shifting it further west reduces stacking space for vehicles at the intersection without interfering with the access. To address concerns expressed at the public hearing regarding congestion on 72"d Street due to on -street parking, City staff is recommending with the separate Riverbend South preliminary and final plat application that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing no parking zones along the public street within the commercial development. We do not recommend establishment of no parking zones within Wildflower Meadows so as not to interfere with residential and park parking. We further do not recommend establishment of permanent weight restrictions as these would also apply to school buses, garbage trucks and deliver vehicles. Again, no such restrictions are seen as necessary as it is not expected that commercial traffic will enter the residential neighborhood based on the factors outlined above. Noise. Potential noise impacts related to the proposed truck parking was cited as a primary compatibility issue in both the written comments and those at the public hearing. Based on the discussion by the Planning Commission, the developer engaged SBP Associates, Inc. to address sound generation and mitigation issues related to the proposed use and site plan. This information has not been submitted as of the date of this report but is anticipated by the developer to be available for the Planning Commission meeting on 1 June 2015. City staff also requested the developer investigate electrification of the 22 semi- tractor/trailer parking stalls so that the vehicles parked there would not need to be left idling if not equipped with on -board generators. The developer responded that they do not want to install such equipment as it encourages long-term parking typical of larger truck stop facilities, which they do not want to encourage at this location. The developer provided a photo of a truck stop facility in Albert Lea with this equipment stating their opinion that the equipment is also unsightly. 0 Lighting. Glare from exterior lighting is another primary compatibility issue raised in the written comments and stated at the public hearing. There are specific requirements and limitations regulating exterior lighting established in Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Fixtures must be a "shoebox" design to prevent light from being cast horizontally, fixture heights are limited to 25 feet and there are intensity limits for the amount of light cast both at the property lines and along City streets. The developer provided an engineered photometric light plan that illustrates the intensity of the light cast by the proposed fixtures within the subject site based on their type, height and location. The planning report noted that the proposed 27 foot height of the freestanding light fixtures exceeded the Zoning Ordinance standard and recommended the plan be revised accordingly as a condition of approval. The photometric light plan indicates that the intensity of the exterior lighting complies with the Zoning Ordinance and that zero foot candles of light is cast at the east property line. Compliance with the Zoning Ordinance does not mean that light will not be seen from the subject site, just that it is not illuminating the adjacent properties. To minimize the visible light from the subject site, City staff is recommending that the developer incorporate an additional vertical shield below the fixtures mounted along the east side of the property line to further direct light to the west. Screening. Comments were received and made at the public hearing that the proposed screening would not be adequate. The developer has provided additional specifications for the proposed screening fence, which will be a solid metal structure and bronze in color. City staff has also recommended a number of changes to the site and landscape plan to improve the effectiveness of the screening of the subject site from view of the residential uses to the east: The proposed screening fence is to be extended 15 feet (one panel) north and 30 feet (two panels) to the south. Beyond this distance, the topography begins to lower to the storm water basin to the north and wetland to the south reducing the effectiveness of the fence. However, the Planning Commission may consider requiring the fence to be extended east -west along the north side of the semi- truck/trailer parking stalls (rather than being extended north) to more completely screen the parking area. ■ Provide a solid line of evergreen trees 25 feet on center north of the northern most truck parking stall. ■ Provide a staggered double row of evergreen trees 25 feet on center along the east side of the infiltration basin within Outlot A. ■ Replace the trees east of the CNG station with evergreen trees planted 25 feet on center. ■ Extend the shade trees along Quantrelle Avenue the full length of the street to the east lot line. 5 ■ The subject site must be irrigated in accordance with Section 5-7-3.B.4.b of the City Code. Signs. A written comment was received that the freestanding and wall signs within the subject site exceed the allowances of the Zoning Ordinance. As detailed in the planning report, the subject site is within the Freeway Corridor District established along TH 101 and the number and area of all signs, as well as the height of the freestanding sign, comply with the Zoning Ordinance. Seating. A written comment was received that the proposed seating within the building and the outdoor seating areas do not comply with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20- 77-6.E.1 of the Zoning Ordinance does prohibit seating areas and limit food service to 15 percent of the floor area within a convenience store with motor fuel facilities. The intent of this provision is to ensure that if food service is provided that functions as a restaurant, the proper use is identified and subject to review and approval. To this end, the developer is requesting multiple conditional use permits to allow 1) convenience store with motor fuel facilities regulated by Section 20-77-6.E of the Zoning Ordinance, 2) commercial car wash regulated by Section 20-77-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, and 3) truck stop regulated by Section 20-77-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance. City staff would consider the limited food service and seating areas as accessory to the truck stop use and it would be specifically allowed by Section 20-77-6.D.14 of the Zoning Ordinance. No potential negative effects to site functionality, compliance with established performance standards or compatibility with surrounding land uses related to the proposed seating areas are anticipated by City staff. Crime. Written comments and those received at the public hearing included the perception that the proposed use would result in an increase in crime in the area. There was additional concern that the proposed use would exceed the service capacity of the Wright County Sheriff under their current contract with the City. Wright County provides 40 hours of patrol coverage within Otsego each day and are adequately staffed and equipped to provide such services to Otsego and other cities in Wright County as a cost effective means of police protection. Additionally, area -wide patrols and Deputies assigned to patrol adjacent cities under similar service contracts are available to provide support within Otsego as needed. City staff contacted Lt. Todd Sandin and Sgt. Peter Walker, who are responsible for overseeing the Wright County Sheriff's services within Otsego, regarding the proposed use. Lt. Sandin responded there are several similar businesses in Wright County and that he does not see a big increase in crime due to businesses of this nature. Lt. Sandin states that the largest facility in Wright County is in Clearwater (approximately 120 semi- truck/trailer stalls) and it does have a little higher rate of crime, which he believes is largely due to the high volume of customers and not the type of business. Lt. Sandin also stated that by far the most reported crime from this type of business is theft of gas followed by shoplifting, but that they do not see local citizens as victim of crime. Based on the input from the Wright County Sheriff's Office, the proposed use is not expected to result in an increase in crime or require additional service level beyond the rate of 0 increase that may be expected to occur over time due to on -going development of all types within Otsego. Property Values. Written comments and comments at the public hearing expressed concern about decreases in property values as a result of the proposed use. The Planning Commission and City Council do not consider potential impacts to property values as outlined in the criteria established by Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance in making decisions regarding conditional use permit applications because such information is highly subjective and inconsistent; even comprehensive real estate appraisals prepared by professional appraisers can provide widely different interpretations of property values. Furthermore, because the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and allowed by the Zoning Ordinance based on the current B-3 District designation of the property, there is always the potential that a use such as this may develop on the subject site. The potential for the use to develop on the subject site, therefore, must be considered as part of any expectations regarding property value. Notice. A written comment was received and also noted at the public hearing that not all property owners within Wildflower Meadows received notice of the proposed development. Upon receipt of a completed application, the City Clerk publishes notice of development proposals requiring a public hearing in the City's official newspaper (Elk River Star News) and mails notice to the property owners of record within 350 feet of the property lines of the subject site in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 462.357, Subd. 3. The boundaries of the area and property owners' names to be mailed notice is determined using Wright County GIS and property records. The City does not deviate from this practice by expanding the notice area for certain applications so as to be consistent in noticing all applications. Minnesota Statutes 462.357, Subd. 3. also states that failure of a property owner (or owners) to receive the notice does not invalidate the public hearing provided that a bona fide attempt to comply with notice requirements has been made. The City Clerk has attested to the proper noticing of the public hearing in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 462.357, Subd. 3. Petition. A petition was submitted to the City Clerk at the public hearing with 18 signatures. The petition only states that those signing the form are opposed to the project. Neighborhood opposition alone cannot be used as a basis for a decision on the application and reasons for opposition to a project must be offered, such as the written comments and those at the public hearing specific to the potential impacts of the proposed use. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Kwik Trip convenience gas, truck stop and car wash complies with the criteria and performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below. 7 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip, Inc, subject to the following conditions: The proposed use shall be developed in accordance with the submitted plans and any conditions adopted by the City Council. 2. The developer shall submit additional information regarding construction of the gator shed, which shall use the same exterior materials as the principal building and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator at the time a building permit is issued. 3. The proposed screening fence shall be extended 15 feet (one panel) north and 30 feet (two panels) to the south. 4. The submitted landscape plan shall be revised subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator to: a. Provide a solid line of evergreen trees 25 feet on center north of the northern most truck parking stall. b. Provide a staggered double row of evergreen trees 25 feet on center along the east side of the infiltration basin within Outlot A. C. Replace the trees east of the CNG station with evergreen trees planted 25 feet on center. d. Extend the shade trees along Quantrelle Avenue the full length of the street to the east lot line. e. Install irrigation in accordance with Section 5-7-3.B.4.a of the City Code. 5. The convenience store, motor fuel and truck stop uses shall be allowed 24 hour of operations, subject to approval by the City Council. 6. Any public address system shall not be audible at. the property line and shall not be used not play music and/or advertisements in accordance with Section 20-77-6.D.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All outdoor sales and service areas shall comply with Section 20-77-6.E.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and the outdoor sales areas as designated on the site plan are specifically limited to not more than 200 square feet and shall not exceed five feet in height. 8. The doors to the car wash bay shall remain closed during the entire wash and drying cycle and that the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOAM to 10:OOPM. 9. The proposed right-in/right-out access to CSAH 37 shall be subject to Wright County review and approval. 10. Freestanding light fixtures shall be installed to a maximum height of 25 feet in accordance with Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, no light source may extend below the deck of the fuel island canopies and vertical shields shall be installed below the fixtures along the east side of the subject site to direct light from being cast to the east, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 11. The sign plan shall be revised to remove the east face of the directional sign for the semi-tractor/trailer scale. 12. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City in accordance with Section 20-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. 15. The developer shall revise the submitted plans such that the proposed lot is consistent with that approved with the Riverbend South final plat. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. G. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Leah Berlin, Kwik Trip, Inc. City of Otsego, Minnesota Comprehensive Plan Land Use Concept Design industrial areas which allow for a variety of lot sizes and building arrangements Heavy industrial uses _ Infill existing areas with new development - - - Major transportation facilities Medium density residential - -- Natural features can provide excellent buffers between varying land uses = Transition to curvilinear street patterns to respect natural features Light industry and business campus development) Utilize a positive transition of compatible land uses between commercial development and residential neighborhoods Minor Arterial `o U _ - N O U -L -- co Utilize large lot platting along natural features and integrate recreationa facilities where appropriate Provide pedestrian connection from residential and recreation areas to the commercial core Community Facilities Natural Environment Plan Page 59 Low density residential Establish recreational amenities in natural areas which provide unique spaces for residents while preserving the environment Main Office: 4 0 Hakanson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Anderson Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 -IIII- - www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council CC: Lori Johnson, Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Casey Darkenwald, Darkenwald Corporation Todd W. McLouth, P.E., Loucks Associates FROM: Ronald J. Wagner, City Engineer DATE: May 28, 2015 RE: Riverbend South One -Way Entrance With regards to connection of 72❑d Street/Quantrelle Avenue between the Wildflower Meadows residential subdivision and Riverbend South commercial development we offer the following considerations in allowing a one-way connection: • Creating a one-way entrance into the Wildflower Meadows subdivision would be difficult to enforce and have a negative safety component. • We do not believe heavy truck traffic or any other traffic will opt to travel to the east through the Wildflower Meadows development due to the widths of the streets, sharper turning radii at the intersections, and the lack of a direct route to connect to either CSAH 42 or CSAH 37. • In the future, as traffic volumes increase along CSAH 37, residents may wish to enter into Wildflower Meadows via the signal controlled intersection at Quantrelle Ave/72°d Street and 701h Street. Traffic along CSAH 37 may be heavy enough that making a left hand turn onto Quenroe Avenue may be difficult at times. • Also, as traffic volumes increase along CSAH 37, Wright County may force Quenroe Avenue to be a right -in right -out only intersection. Typically the County requires minimum `/4 mile spacing between full intersection and Queens Avenue is less than'/4 mile away. If this occurs, the only way into the Wildflower development from the west would be via the Quantrelle Ave/72nd Street. �* r P , .Oro, 8 I li Imo'' li. III � �*.4 1 2 %A z O_ � � � ZZ u W CL LA � Q U C �U C .� '� O C _� 1 R g . , » N k LL CI LL - @ \ \ § \ m z § 2 I « u � ƒ K W9LL- \ % ° © >� �f k / IL � 7 j §� S § r I� Ll- ?0` e � t � j/ \■ e P k _§ r j\ ( }§ § � b §\ 0 ®e k z= jdZo /� e uR «■ 3kk\ UtD L / zIL Q b ; § �0 InuuLL o z =Q � a I z Z w �ij Q _ Q _U lL W U W Ir i2 CL v d U- W F- z cal w _ Jm z 0 0 LU za 4 � � m O 0_. to WED Z X O U J 2 Q U W 1 O m O (h U = 0O F- N A t!J f-' V (D IL Z 400 LL 4. IL ~ • d O toLL �.� 1 F Q m U 0 2 _ N 0 U 0 z U z o LU LL k• L] � LX 7 z O 2 w g n W d LD V' Z N w al Z m � _I 5�711f w w 0 r U a W ce CL o a r n m � N \, „4 WORLD Ornamental Privacy Screen Fence Section 32 31 19 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Furnish labor, materials and equipment to include privacy fencing for the referenced project. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Changes in specification are only upon written approval by customer. B. Shop Drawings: Shall consist of dimensions, sizes, finishes and post foundations. C. Product Data: Manufacturer's certification indicating material compliance and installation. D. Samples: Color selections for polyester powder coated finishes. If requested, samples of fence components delivered to customer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Iron World, 9390 Davis Ave. I3oward County, MD 20743 (phone (301) 766-7448 fax (301)776-7449, web -site www.lronWor]dFenciny.com). Additional qualified manufacturers having a minimum of 5 years experience manufacturing ornamental picket fencing will be reviewed by the customer to determine conformity to the following specifications for design, size, gauge of metal parts and fabrication. B. Ornamental Privacy Fence: Style/wlk Y (Height: C. Approved Manufacturer: Iron World, Howard County, MD Telephone 301-776-7448 Fax 301-776-7449 www.JxonWorldFencing.com 2.02 ORNAMENTAL PRIVACY FENCE A. Fence Boards: Boards shall be 25 gauge steel min, conforming to the requirements of ASTM A-653 and shall have a hot -dipped galvanized coating designation G-60, zinc coating (0.60 oz/ft?). B. Rails: Horizontal U" channels shall be 1%z" x 1 %" x 1 1/z" 11 gauge wall thickness (.120") and galvanized:. G90 zinc coating 0.90 oz/ft2. Manufactured per ASTM A653 with a 50,000 psi (344 mpa) yield strength. Rails shall be mechanically punched to receive pickets and drive rivets. Attach rails to brackets using 2 each 1/4" industrial drive rivets. C. Posts: Manufactured using galvanized steel tube, inside and outside, produced per ASTM A787 with a G90 zinc coating, 0.90 oz/ ft2, steel to have 45,000 psi (310 mpa) yield strength. Post size 4" square minimum having a 12 gauge wall thickness. D. Finish: All posts, caps and fence panels shall be polyester coated individually after fabrication to thoroughly coat all surfaces for additional corrosion protection. All components enter a 5 stage in line cleaning process to prepare the galvanized surfaces for complete adhesion of the finish coat. Components are given a TGIC polyester resin powder coating applied by the electrostatic spray process to 3.0 mil thickness. The finish is baked in an oven for 15 — 20 minutes at a temperature ranging from 400T. Colors are available in black or white (brown, ensor green, woodland green and specials). 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Post Caps: Aluminum or formed steel manufactured to form a weather -tight closure. Caps shall be ball type or flat top (choose one) style on each post. B. Rail/Post Brackets: Standard 11/z" x 1 V x I lh", 11 gauge galvanized steel channels. Cover to be pressed to bracket for permanent installation. Bracket shall be fastened to post with one spray galvanized hex bolt. Rails shall be fastened to bracket with aluminum air craft rivets with 1500# break load. C. Rings: Cast aluminum rings attached to rails by insertion of mounting block into upper rail. Rings attached to rails with standard drive rivet to prevent removal. D. Boards shall be secured to rails with 1/a" aluminum industrial drive rivets to prevent movement. Rivets have a sheer strength of 1,500# and a holding power of 1,1009. www.TronWorldFencing.com 2.04 GATES ornamental privacy swing gates (see additional specifications). 2.05 SETTING MATERIALS A. Concrete: Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 2,500 psi. B. Plated Post: Provide 3/8" steel base plates with 4 holes for surface mounting where indicated. i I PART 3 EXECUTIONS 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Fence layout to be surveyed and staked by customer on finish grades. B. Property lines and legal boundaries of work to be clearly established by the general contractor or property owner. 3.02 FENCE INSTALLATION A. Install fence per fence industry standards. B. Set post by calling manufacturer for exact settings. C. Set posts in concrete having a diameter 4 times the diameter of the post, and 6" deeper than the bottom of the post. Forms are not necessary or recommended. D. Check each post for vertical and top alignment. E. Attach panels to brackets using two 1/4 aluminum air craft rivets. 3.03 INSTALL AND SECURE SPECIFIED POST TOPS 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean up debris and remove from the site. r c U r c a_ �X¢N mo Y moU m I Ya�3 a� NW003S10`- d LE HVS3'8 LOL AMH HSHMUVO ,kVg 6 HIM z Z%# 32i01S 30N31N3AN00 I NVId MIS z ze cD zzzzzzzzzo 0,wKW'W ¢U' y41 Vi 111 In 0l N (50 w wwJ W o000000ao= z r �F-f--i=-FFF� U U U U U U U U U= z N F FV F LLO W K K K K K Z y> y Z Y Y Y Y W W Z fA N p 0 0 0 0— N K> Y S ?i ��Oi2SW�wZ=}}}}}y}}ZJ =emu 00000na¢<DOE�a 3 MRr3-o omm wwWww0�33W:3CL ww wwwWm y= • N JJJJF 2"KKJF LLU' R'»»»» W H m00 Uaeo `v `a0¢¢Q:tOW ZaKK�K���KK¢ NM= Z S= 0.-Nt=IQNfD HOD O1O �Nt7 V Y1 fD Nt7 IMM OO OOO ��� �NNNN a ac uitaxat sGux7c a[yt at at is at ayc qa aixau U a m zmkmson Review No. 2 ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial Lot for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson D T Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, Administrator M/ 2 0 2015 Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner By Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Kwik Trip, Inc. Joseph T. Radach, P.E., Carlson McCain Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: May 15, 2015 Proposed Development: Lot 1, Block 1 of Riverbend South — Kwik Trip Street Location A portion of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 26, T121N, of Property: R23W, East of Highway 101 & North of CSAH 37 Applicant: Kwik Trip, Inc. P.O. Box 2107 1626 Oak Street LaCrosse, WI 54602-2107 Developer: Kwik Trip, Inc. Owners of Record: Kwik Trip, Inc. Purpose: Riverbend South Addition — Kwik Trip is a proposed 7,396 gross square foot convenient store located on 8.26 acres of Block 1 of Otsego Riverbend South and Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban commercial setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), Wright County (but not limited to) Highway Permit, and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILIBLE CIVIL PLANS EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN (SP1) SITE LAYOUT PLAN (SP2 - SP2.1) GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN (SP3) UTILITY PLAN (SP4 SP4.1) STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) (SP5) DETAILS (SP6 - SP8) LANDSCAPE PLAN (L I - L2) PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN (E1) HYDROLOGY/STORMWATER OTHER COMMENTS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 3AMunicipaMotsego22oc\2500\2015\Kwik Trip\ot2500-2015 Kwik Trip RVW2.doc INFORMATION AVAILLABLE Final Plans for Kwik Trip Convenience. Store #162, 5/12/15 revision, by Carlson McCain Inc. Preliminary Plans for Kwik Trip Convenience Store # 162, 4 /20/15, by Carlson McCain Inc. Original Otsego River Bend South Information Final Plat for Otsego Riverbend South, Dated 4/17/15 by Loucks Associates Riverbend South Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, & Street Improvement Plans, Dated 4/17/15 by Loucks Associates Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\MunicipaMotsego22a\2500\2015\Kwik Trip\ot2500-2015 Kwik Trip RVW2.doc CIVIL PLANS Existinjz Conditions & Removals Plan (Sheet SPI) 1) Provide a signature line for Ronald I Wagner, City Engineer on the cover sheet. Plans will be signed upon approval. 2) 72nd Street is to be renamed as Quantrelle Avenue changing to 72nd Street at the east plat line. (All sheets) Site Plan (Sheet SP2 - SP2.1) 1) 72nd Street is to be renamed as Quantrelle Avenue changing to 72nd Street at the east plat line. (All sheets) 2) Call out the concrete valley gutter (see detail 702) at the eastern entrance. 3) There have been discussions with the developer of Riverbend South regarding expanding Outlot B to cover the entire delineated wetland and buffer area and possibly the existing watermain and sanitary sewer. This would help "clean up" the various required drainage, utility, and conservation easements required by covering the entire Outlot B with the necessary easements. 4) Per Wright County comments dated 5/5/15 a. The entrance off of CSAH 37 shall be a right in only entrance. b. A right turn lane shall be constructed along CSAH 37 for this entrance. (Plans shall be submitted for review of the proposed turn lane.) c. At the time of construction a Right -of -Way permit is required when the above work is to be done. Grading & Erosion Control Plan (Sheet SP3) 1) City of Otsego requires articulated block (or "Flexmat" as an approved equal inmost cases) to be used instead of riprap on all public improvements. The overflow from the infiltration area shall be changed to articulated block. Utility Plan (Sheet SP4 - SP4.1) 1) Label the size and type of material of all utility stubs being used along 72"d Street/Quantrelle Avenue. 2) The storm sewer runoff from the Kwik Trip site has some unique requirements per the NPDES permit. Since the site is a proposed fueling station, some of the water is not allowed to infiltrate into the soil. The runoff from the areas where fueling is to occur must bypass all infiltration practices. We have provided both developers engineersof Riverbend South and Kwik Trip with a sketch (see attached) of a potential option to re-route the storm sewer in the area near Outlot A to meet these requirements. The inverts and pipe sizes are subject to PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\2015kKwik TripU2500-2015 Kwik Trip RVW2.doc change and are just starting points. The storm sewer routing will continue to be coordinated between both sites. 3) We recommend placing a sanitary manhole in lieu of the cleanout at the end of the sanitary service line near the carwash. SWPP Plan (Sheet SP5) 1) Provide silt fence on the east side of the southern entrance off of CSAH 37. Details (Sheet SP6 — SP8) 1) No comments Landscape Plan (Sheet LI — L2) 1) No comments Photometric Site Plan (Sheet EI) 1) No comments STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 1) Provide hydrology model calculations of the infiltration basin including calculations regarding the sizing and draw down times in accordance with the NPDES permit. 2) Provide storm sewer sizing calculations using the Rational Method for the internal storm sewer. A minimum time of concentration = 10 minutes and a 10-yr, 10-minute intensity of 5.8 in/hr should be used. OTHER COUNTS 1) No comments. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22m\2500\2015\Kwik Trip\ot2500-2015 KWk Trip RVW2.doc U. o \ } \ � j ^ § > - Q \ \ § / \ § . / ( § § 3 .§ @ - § 2. }� ! )i� ( f ., 3 � I } { }j\ +\{� g\ � 1p,w }f� \ .� # SBP Associates, Inc. PO Box 1608' St. Louis Park, h4N 55416 Phone: 952-920-1500 June 1, 2015 Mr. Mark Gretebeck Braun Intertec Via email Dear Mr. Gretebeck: Re: Kwik Trip Noise Study This letter presents the SBP Associates, Inc. (SBP) noise study for the Otsego, Minnesota Kwik Trip facility. A. Project Description The City of Otsego has requested Kwik Trip to conduct a noise study to determine the potential noise impacts of a propose Kwik Trip facility on 70th Street just east of Highway 101. Potentially impacted land uses include some multi-familty homes north and east of the facility and a veterinary facility south of the facility. SBP Associates, Inc. (SBP) has been contracted to conduct this study. In order to assess the potential impacts of the proposed Kwik Trip, SBP: • Measured noise levels in the vicinity of an existing Quick Trip in Stacy, MN, • Measured noise levels produced by a car wash at the Quik Trip facility in St.Michael, MN, • Measured exiting noise levels near the proposed facility, • Modeled noise the impact of the proposed facility on the nearest residences and the Veterinary facility, • And compared the modeled impacts to the applicable Minnesota State standards. Figure 1 shows the proposed facility location and the nearby residences and Veterinary facility. B. Minnesota Noise Rules and Descriptors Minnesota has noise standards that are designed to be consistent with sleep, speech, annoyance, and hearing conservation requirements for receivers within areas grouped according to land use activities. The Minnesota standards are as follows: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM Lio Lso Lio Lso NAC-1 (Residential) 65 60 55 50 NAC-2 (Commercial) 70 65 70 65 NAC-3 (Industrial) 80 75 80 75 Li0 means the sound level which is exceeded for 10 percent of the time for a one -hour period. L50 means the sound level which is exceeded 50 percent of the time for a one -hour period. Sound levels are expressed in dBA. A dBA is a unit of sound level expressed in decibels and weighted for the purpose of approximating the human response to sound. The impact of the Kwik Trip operations noise on the residential area is limited by the NAC-1 values, and for the Veterinary facility it is limited by NAC-2 values. C. Stacy Kwik Trip Noise Measurements According to Kwik Trip, the proposed Otsego Kwik Trip will be similar to the existing Kwik Trip in Stacy, Minnesota. Therefore, in order to define the expected noise impacts at Otsego, SBP conducted measurements on the perimeter of the Stacy facility. One-half hour measurements were taken at two locations. Measurements were taken after 10:00 pm to limit interference by local street traffic. The measurement locations for the Stacy facility are shown in the Figure in Attachment A. Results of the measurements are as follows: Table 1 Stacv Kwik Trin Noise Monitoring Results Location Date Time Distance to Llo Lso Center of Truck Activity M1 5/28/15 1038 pm to 200 feet 55 dBA 52 dBA 1108 pm M2 5/28/15 1113 pm to 250 feet 58 dBA 52 DBA 1143 pm Based on the measurement results at location M2 (the higher of the two measurements), the impact of the proposed Otsego Kwik Trip at the nearest residences and at the veterinary facility were calculated assuming spherical dispersion of the noise. Atmospheric affects and ground absorption were not considered. This methodology is conservative because all noise measured at the Stacy location was assumed to come from the Kwik Trip facility. The measurements were also impacted by 1-35 and local traffic as well as significant animal (cricket/frog) noise from the adjacent swamp. Table 2 Estimated Impact of Proposed Otsego Kwik Trip Based on Stacy Facility Noise Levels Existing Noise Levels* Estimated Impact of Kwik Trip Location 1-10 L50 1-10 L50 Nearest 45 40 52 46 Residences Veterinary 56 43 53 47 Facility Existing noise levels are based on measurements taken on a Sunday morning between 7:00 am and 8:13 am. These levels represent low traffic and noise level conditions for these areas. The predicted noise level Impacts are within the State daytime and nighttime standards at each location. D. Other Potential Noise Sources — Idling Refrigeration Trucks Four trucks were parked in the long term parking areas at the Stacy Kwik Trip during the monitoring periods. None of them were idling and none had refrigeration units. Idling trucks, particularly those with refrigeration units can be significant noise sources at these types of facilities. Using available data on truck idling noise and refrigeration unit noise, SBP predicted noise impacts at the residential area and the veterinary clinic under scenarios of one, two, and four trucks idling with refrigeration units operating. The following tables provide the results of this analysis. Table 3 Modeled Impact of Refrigeration Trucks at Nearest Residences Number of Impact at 25 feet Reduction due to Reduction due to Impact of Operating Spherical Ground Refrigeration Refrigeration Dispersion at 525 absorption Units Units. feet 1 74.5 26.4 5 43.1 2 77.5 26.4 5 46.1 4 80.5 26.4 1 5 49.1 =Since these units may operate continuously, these impacts should be compared to the residential NAC-1 nighttime Lso standard of 50 dBA Table 4 Modeled Impact of Refrigeration Trucks at Veterinary Facility Number of Impact at 25 feet Reduction due to Reduction due to Impact of Operating Spherical Ground Refrigeration Units Refrigeration Dispersion at 750 absorption Units. feet 1 74.5 29.5 0 45 2 77.5 29.5 0 48 4 1 80.5 1 29.5 0 1 51 Since these units may operate continuously, these impacts should be compared to the commercial NAC-2 nighttime Lso standard of 65 dBA. The model results indicate that the operation of more than four refrigeration units on site may cause an exceedance of the nighttime Lso standard at the nearest residences. E. Other Noise Sources - Car Wash Dryer Table 4 Modeled Impact of Car Wash Dryer Location Measured Impact Reduction due to Reduction due to Impact of at 120 feet Spherical Ground Refrigeration Units Dispersion absorption Nearest Residences 63.0 18.4 5 39.6 Veterinary Facility 63.0 1 11.5 0 51.5 Since these units may operate more than six minutes, but not likely more than 30 minutes in any one hour, the impacts should be compared to the commercial NAC-1 Llo nighttime standard of 55 dBA for the residential area and the NAC-2 nighttime Lio standard of 70 dBA for the Veterinary facility. F. Conclusions The analysis of the prosed Kwik Trip facility demonstrates that, when operating under similar conditions to those encountered during the monitoring at the Stacy, Minnesota Kwik Trip facility, the noise impacts will be below the Minnesota standards at the nearest residences and at the veterinary facility. The modeling analysis indicates that the simultaneous long term idling and operation of refrigeration units on more than four refrigerated trucks could cause noise impacts at the nearest residential units that would exceed Minnesota nighttime standards. Based on data collected at the Moniticello, Minnesota Kwik Trip, the operation of the car wash will not cause a violation of Minnesota standards at either the Veterinary facility or at the nearest residences. Wright County, MN Last Data Upload: 5/22/2015 10:15:23 AM 0,,,, beacon TM Date Created: 5/22/2015 d�t'e Schd by TheScne+id& CQrpwalta+t 15chn ider ww0.v-hn6dOrcorp.i:orn cu 4wI - YI 1� •4. i i, •U �,� • �1I''' T f•� �� �•t � t$, :A"f t i'� t � t t • l' t } - .tit (3i r•, ' (����\� •fY: t• . k � nJr14. OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER JUNE 1, 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Steve Schuck, Roger Mord and Richard Nichols. Absent: Commissioners Aaron Stritesky and Jim Kolles. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner; and Tami Loff, City Clerk. 1. Consider the following minutes: 1.1 May 18, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Thompson motioned to accept as written. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Public Hearing items: 2.1 Boondox Bar and Grille: (Tabled until June 15, 2015) A. Amendment of the Planned Unit Development- Conditional Use Permit approved October 24, 2011 to allow restaurant/bar occupancy of the former clubhouse building for other than an office and the 2002 expansion area and other site/building plan changes. Chair Black said this item has been tabled per the applicant until June 15, 2015. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 PM. Hearing no comments Chair Black continued the Public Hearing until June 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM. 3. Non -Public Hearing items: 3.1 Kwik Trip: (Tabled from May 18, 2015 Meeting) A. Conditional use permit to allow a convenience store with gasoline sales, commercial car wash and truck stop facility. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report and noted the sound study the Planning Commission requested from the developer was received today and is provided at the dais. Applicant, Wade Dumond, Kwik Trip, reviewed the sound study and provided additional information regarding potential noise from refrigeration trucks; based on proposed screening fence and landscaping, up to 16 such trucks could be parked without exceeding noise standards. Mr. Dumond stated doesn't believe there will be a lot in this area, as he said an inspection of the TA in Rogers found they had 95 trucks parked and 22 were refrigeration trucks. Mr. Dumond feels it is highly unlikely that there would be 16 refrigeration trucks parked at this location at any one time. Mr. Dumond reviewed City staff conditions stating 3. Regarding the fence extension has been removed, 8. regarding the car wash he said they have no problem with doors closed on entry, but the exit doors need to be open during drying process and 11. They are proposing that the scale exit will be signed only "do not enter". Commissioner Thompson asked if number 3 would be deleted. City Planner Licht said yes. Commissioner Nichols asked the applicant for clarification on the noise study. Mr. Dumond said if you look at the number of operating refrigeration units it doubles from one to two to four, so the next would be eight, then 16 and so on. Mr. Dumond said that the sound engineer explained it that the noise from refrigeration then increases by three decimals for each of those doubling units; so it would go from 49 to 52 and then to 55 at 16 refrigeration units, which would be at the MPCA standard. Mr. Dumont said all the rest of the numbers were not an issue as they were within the MPCA guidelines and notes these are very conservative numbers and are most likely high estimates. Commissioner Mord asked is the report would be updated with the additional information. Mr. Dumond said they would submit an updated report. Commissioner Thompson said in the report is a photo with the trucks and yellow pipes and asked what does that do. Mr. Dumond responded that is the electrification facility for the trucks so they don't have to be running. He stated Kwik Trip does not want that as they feel it is unattractive and encourages long term parking. Mr. Dumont said if there is a refrigeration unit parked; it would still need to run in cycles so the electrification does not address this issue. Commissioner Nichols said he is trying to understand because Mr. Dumond says they are concerned about long term parking but yet are proposing to have a full service truck stop. Commissioner Nichols asked what standards you have on how long people can use parking spots or maybe just need an explanation of what they consider to be long term. Mr. Dumond said the easier you make it for them the longer they will stay, when you limit the amount of parking drivers tend to take only their required federal mandated breaks. Mr. Dumont said if no site parking is provided, those trips go somewhere else so that would make the location not viable. Commissioner Nichols asked Mr. Dumond if they know what percentage of the existing warehouses to the south of the vet clinic will use the facility compared to traffic from TH 101. Mr. Dumond said he does not have that information; He would expect both highway and the facilities use. Commissioner Thompson asked for the address of the St. Michael Kwik Trip. City Planner Licht said it is located off Highway 241 and Hwy 94. City Planner Licht presented an aerial photo of the St. Michael location on the view screen. N Commissioner Schuck asked if there is a possibility for a step up program to start with six parking spots and then move up. City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission can limit the stalls in the conditions and it would be up to the applicant on if they would elect to move forward with the project. Commissioner Schuck said with the 24 hour service can we have a condition if there is additional crime it will be reviewed. City Planner Licht said limiting to the 16 parking stalls may be a starting point based on the noise study. City Planner Licht said the hours of operation are at the discretion of the Planning Commission and City Council. City Planner Licht said such a condition providing for the hours to be limited in the future could be problematic for the applicant when the rules under which they operate can be changed and that he would have to speak with the City Attorney. Commissioner Thompson said so the next step is for the Planning Commission to make their recommendation and the City Council can modify the conditions. City Planner Licht said correct. Commissioner Thompson asked if condition 8 would need to be revised based on the fact the applicant said the doors couldn't be closed in the drying cycle. City Planner Licht said that is the applicant's request based on the information they provided with the noise study show no impact, so the Planning Commission could amend that condition. Commissioner Nichols asked why the plans can't be turned so the dryer faces to the north. City Planner Licht said City staff has already had them reverse the flow at one point to provide stacking space and improve site circulation. Commissioner Schuck asked what they have for planting south of the door. City Planner Licht said there is the gator shed and then shad trees along the south side of the parking stalls. Commissioner Nichols asked if there is any fencing by the auto parking. City Planner Licht said that is just open other than the gator shed and the gator shed is offset to the east. Commissioner Schuck said asked if fencing panels could be used west of the gator shed to mass the sound of the dryers. City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission could include that as a condition. Commissioner Schuck said he would leave condition 5 to the City Council to review or City Attorney for wording. Is that something we can leave to City staff for wording subject to the City Council approval. City Planner Licht said City staff can address the Planning Commission's concern with the City Attorney and report to the City Council. Commissioner Nichols questioned if the conditional use permit was already reviewable. City Planner Licht said a CUP is reviewable based on the conditions which are approved or a violation of those conditions. Commissioner Nichols would like to see the plan redone to be more similar to that of the St. Michael Kwik Trip; he suggests taking out half the truck parking stalls, truckers lounge, laundry and shower facilities and making it just a gas station. Commissioner 3 Nichols said the use would still have diesel available for the industrial uses to the south, some parking stalls so as not to cause parking on the street but without, and food/seating without encouraging lengthy stays. City Planner Licht asked the Commission if the intent would be to make that a condition. The Commission agreed. City Planner Licht presented revised conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission: 3. The prepesed screening fenee shall be extended 15 feet (ene panel) neFth and 30 feet (twe panels) to the seu. The developer shall provide a six foot tall screening fence west of the "gator shed" to the west line of the principal building, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. The doors to the car wash bay shall remain closed during the entire wash and the entry door only shall remain closed during the drying cycle and that the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOAM to 10:OOPM. 11. The sign plan shall be revised to remove the east face of the directional sign for the semi-tractor/trailer scale except for a yellow on black "'Do Not Enter". 16 The floorplan of the principal building shall be revised to eliminate the following elements: a. Trucker's lounge. b. Shower facilities. C. Laundry facilities. 17 The site plan shall be revised to eliminate eleven (11) of the semi- truck/trailer off-street parking stalls. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip, Inc., subject to the seventeen conditions in the Planning Report as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Update on City Council actions. Mayor Stockamp updated the Commissioners on City Council actions. 4 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. Next meeting June 15, 2015 at 7 PM. :l 5. Adjourn. Commissioner Schuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Mord. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:15 PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk W OtCI�effoF MINNESOTA V APPLICANT: Kwik Trip, Inc. 06-02-15 FINDINGS & DECISION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a conditional use permit to develop a convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop, and commercial car wash. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 8 June 2015 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is as Lot 1, Block 1 Riverbend South, City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned B-3, General Business District, which allows convenience store with motor fuel sales, truck stop, and commercial car wash upon approval of a conditional use permit. D. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the proposed conditional use with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses. The Comprehensive Plans states that this area has in the past been designated for highly limited, highway -oriented commercial services. This applies to geographic coverage as well as scope of services provided. However, the upgrade of TH 101 to freeway status within the City and the planned improvement of CSAH 37 between TH 101 and CSAH 19 increase the potential for a broader range of commercial uses at this location. The Comprehensive Plan also states that development standards in this area of the City should be consistent with that encouraged at other locations along the TH 101 corridor. The policies of the Comprehensive Plan require that residential development be protected from adverse environmental impacts, including noise, air, and visual pollution by construction, site planning or other techniques. The Comprehensive Plan further states that all commercial uses are to be adequately screened or buffered from any adjacent residential development. The developer has addressed this issue through site design, screening and landscaping and additional conditions limiting the use are to be required to address this issue and ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and planned land uses in the table below. Specific attention must be given to the compatibility of the proposed use with the existing and planned residential uses to the east, including requirements for screening, buffering, and conditions related to the operation of various elements within the proposed development. To this end, the conditions of approval recommended by the Planning Commission include elimination of certain uses within the principal building and reduction in the number of off-street semi-truck/trailer parking stalls. The intent of these conditions is to not encourage long term parking of semi-tractor/trailers at the subject site, which may result in noise generation (in addition to noise generated at the fuel islands) that may exceed MPCA standards based on the noise study provided by the applicant, negatively impacting existing and planned residential uses in the area. Direction Land Use Zoning Existing Use North L/MD Residential R-6 District Wetland (City) East L/MD Residential M/HD Residential R-6 District R-7 District Detached TH Townhouse South M/HD Residential Commercial A-1 District B-3 District Comm. Stable Vet Hospital West -- -- TH 101 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed use will be required to comply with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed from CSAH 37, which is designated as a minor arterial street by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan, and a local commercial street to be constructed to the standards of the Engineering Manual. These roadways have adequate capacity to accommodate the volume and type of traffic generated by the proposed use as estimated by the City Engineer. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the East Sewer District and adequate public services are available to support the proposed use, including streets, police services and utilities. E. The planning report dated 14 May 2015 and addendum dated 28 May 2015 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. F. The Engineering Review dated May 15, 2015 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 18 May 2015 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and tabled action on the request to receive additional information from City staff and the applicant. Upon receipt of the requested information and further discussion, the Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed use shall be developed in accordance with submitted plans and any conditions adopted by the City Council. 2. The developer shall submit additional information regarding construction of the gator shed, which shall use the same exterior materials as the principal building and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator at the time a building permit is issued. 3. The developer shall provide a six foot tall screening fence west of the "gator shed" to the west line of the principal building, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 4. The submitted landscape plan shall be revised subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator to: a. Provide a solid line of evergreen trees 25 feet on center north of the northern most truck parking stall. b. Provide a staggered double row of evergreen trees 25 feet on center along the east side of the infiltration basin within Outlot A. C. Replace the trees east of the CNG station with evergreen trees planted 25 feet on center. d. Extend the shade trees along Quantrelle Avenue the full length of the street to the east lot line. e. Install irrigation in accordance with Section 5-7-3.B.4.a of the City Code. 5. The convenience store, motor fuel and truck stop uses shall be allowed 24 hour of operations, subject to approval by the City Council. 6. Any public address system shall not be audible at the property line and shall not be used not play music and/or advertisements in accordance with Section 20-77-6.D.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All outdoor sales and service areas shall comply with Section 20-77-6.E.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and the outdoor sales areas as designated on the site plan are specifically limited to not more than 200 square feet and shall not exceed five feet in height. 8. The doors to the car wash bay shall remain closed during the entire wash and the entry door only shall remain closed during the drying cycle and that the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOAM to 10:OOPM. 9. The proposed right-in/right-out access to CSAH 37 shall be subject to Wright County review and approval. 10. Freestanding light fixtures shall be installed to a maximum height of 25 feet in accordance with Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, no light source may extend below the deck of the fuel island canopies and vertical shields shall be installed below the fixtures along the east side of the subject site to direct light from being cast to the east, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 11. The sign plan shall be revised to remove the east face of the directional sign for the semi- tractor/trailer scale except for a yellow on black "Do Not Enter". 12. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City in accordance with Section 20-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. 15. The developer shall revise the submitted plans such that the proposed lot is consistent with that approved with the Riverbend South final plat. 16. The floorplan of the principal building shall be revised to eliminate the following elements: a. Trucker's lounge. b. Shower facilities. C. Laundry facilities. 17. The site plan shall be revised to eliminate eleven (11) of the semi-truck/trailer off-street parking stalls. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 8th day of May, 2015. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 4 Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk SBP Associates, Inc. PO Box 16557 St. Louis Park, NIN 55416 Phone: 9512-920-1500 June 1, 2015 Mr. Mark Gretebeck Braun Intertec Via email Dear Mr. Gretebeck: Re: Kwik Trip Noise Study This letter presents the SBP Associates, Inc. (SBP) noise study for the Otsego, Minnesota Kwik Trip facility. A. Project Description The City of Otsego has requested Kwik Trip to conduct a noise study to determine the potential noise impacts of a propose Kwik Trip facility on 70th Street just east of Highway 101. Potentially impacted land uses include some multi-familty homes north and east of the facility and a veterinary facility south of the facility. SBP Associates, Inc. (SBP) has been contracted to conduct this study. In order to assess the potential impacts of the proposed Kwik Trip, SBP: • Measured noise levels in the vicinity of an existing Quick Trip in Stacy, MN, • Measured noise levels produced by a car wash at the Quik Trip facility in St.Michael, MN, • Measured exiting noise levels near the proposed facility, • Modeled noise the impact of the proposed facility on the nearest residences and the Veterinary facility, • And compared the modeled impacts to the applicable Minnesota State standards. Figure 1 shows the proposed facility location and the nearby residences and Veterinary facility. B. Minnesota Noise Rules and Descriptors Minnesota has noise standards that are designed to be consistent with sleep, speech, annoyance, and hearing conservation requirements for receivers within areas grouped according to land use activities. The Minnesota standards are as follows: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM Lio Lso Lio Lso NAC-1 (Residential) 65 60 55 50 NAC-2 (Commercial) 70 65 70 65 NAC-3 (Industrial) 80 75 80 75 Lio means the sound level which is exceeded for 10 percent of the time for a one -hour period. L50 means the sound level which is exceeded 50 percent of the time for a one -hour period. Sound levels are expressed in dBA. A dBA is a unit of sound level expressed in decibels and weighted for the purpose of approximating the human response to sound. The impact of the Kwik Trip operations noise on the residential area is limited by the NAC-1 values, and for the Veterinary facility it is limited by NAC-2 values. C. Stacy Kwik Trip Noise Measurements According to Kwik Trip, the proposed Otsego Kwik Trip will be similar to the existing Kwik Trip in Stacy, Minnesota. Therefore, in order to define the expected noise impacts at Otsego, SBP conducted measurements on the perimeter of the Stacy facility. One-half hour measurements were taken at two locations. Measurements were taken after 10:00 pm to limit interference by local street traffic. The measurement locations for the Stacy facility are shown in the Figure in Attachment A. Results of the measurements are as follows: Table 1 Ctnry Kvuik Trin Noise Monitorine Results Location Date Time Distance to L10 Lso Center of Truck Activity M1 5/28/15 1038 pm to 200 feet 55 dBA 52 dBA 1108 pm M2 5/28/15 1113 pm to 250 feet 58 dBA 52 DBA 1143 pm Based on the measurement results at location M2 (the higher of the two measurements), the impact of the proposed Otsego Kwik Trip at the nearest residences and at the veterinary facility were calculated assuming spherical dispersion of the noise. Atmospheric affects and ground absorption were not considered. This methodology is conservative because all noise measured at the Stacy location was assumed to come from the Kwik Trip facility. The measurements were also impacted by 1-35 and local traffic as well as significant animal (cricket/frog) noise from the adjacent swamp. Table 2 Estimated Impact of Proposed Otsego Kwik Trip Based on Stacy Facility Noise Levels Existing Noise Levels* Estimated Impact of Kwik Trip Location Llo Lso Lio Lso Nearest 45 40 52 46 Residences Veterinary 56 43 53 47 Facility Existing noise levels are based on measurements taken on a Sunday morning between 7:00 am and 8:13 am. These levels represent low traffic and noise level conditions for these areas. The predicted noise level Impacts are within the State daytime and nighttime standards at each location. D. Other Potential Noise Sources — Idling Refrigeration Trucks Four trucks were parked in the long term parking areas at the Stacy Kwik Trip during the monitoring periods. None of them were idling and none had refrigeration units. Idling trucks, particularly those with refrigeration units can be significant noise sources at these types of facilities. Using available data on truck idling noise and refrigeration unit noise, SBP predicted noise impacts at the residential area and the veterinary clinic under scenarios of one, two, four, eight, and sixteen trucks idling with refrigeration units operating. The following tables provide the results of this analysis. Table 3 Modeled Impact of Refrigeration Trucks at Nearest Residences Number of Operating Refrigeration U nits. Impact at 25 feet Reduction due to Spherical Dispersion at 525 feet Reduction due to Ground absorption Impact of Refrigeration Units 1 74.5 26.4 5 43.1 2 77.5 26.4 5 46.1 4 80.5 26.4 5 49.1 8 83.5 26.4 5 52.1 16 86.5 26.4 5 55.1 Since these units may operate continuously, these impacts should be compared to the residential NAC-1 nighttime Lso standard of 50 dBA Table 4 Modeled Impact of Refrigeration Trucks at Veterinary Facility Number of Operating Refrigeration Units. Impact at 25 feet Reduction due to Spherical Dispersion at 750 feet Reduction due to Ground absorption Impact of Refrigeration Units 1 74.5 29.5 0 45 2 77.5 29.5 0 48 4 80.5 29.5 0 51 8 83.5 29.5 0 54 16 86.5 29.5 0 57, Since these units may operate continuously, these impacts should be compared to the commercial NAC-2 nighttime Lso standard of 65 dBA. The model results indicate that the operation of more than four refrigeration units on site may cause an exceedance of the nighttime L50 standard at the nearest residences. This analysis assumes the refrigeration units are operating simultaneously at high speed (based on Thermo King data) for 30 minutes in an hour. The analysis does not include reductions in impacts from barriers provided by the trucks or a fence. The parked trucks will most likely be facing away from the nearest residences providing shielding and additional noise reduction at the nearest residences. Finally, a 12 foot high fence is also planned that will further reduce noise impacts from these trucks at the nearest residences. Kwik Trip has indicated that four trucks operating simultaneously at high speed in one hour is unlikely to occur and represents a worst -case scenario. E. Other Noise Sources - Car Wash Dryer Table 4 Modeled Impact of Car Wash Dryer Location Measured Impact Reduction due to Reduction due to Impact of at 120feet Spherical Ground Refrigeration Units Dispersion absorption Nearest Residences 63.0 18.4 5 39.6 Veterinary Facility 63.0 11.5 0 51.5 =Since these units may operate more than six minutes, but not likely more than 30 minutes in any one hour, the impacts should be compared to the commercial NAC-1 Llo nighttime standard of 55 dBA for the residential area and the NAC-2 nighttime Lio standard of 70 dBA for the Veterinary facility. F. Conclusions The analysis of the prosed Kwik Trip facility demonstrates that, when operating under similar conditions to those encountered during the monitoring at the Stacy, Minnesota Kwik Trip facility, the noise impacts will be below the Minnesota standards at the nearest residences and at the veterinary facility. The modeling analysis indicates that the simultaneous long term idling and operation of refrigeration units on more than four refrigerated trucks could cause noise impacts at the nearest residential units that would exceed Minnesota nighttime standards. The model results indicate that the operation of more than four refrigeration units on site may cause an exceedance of the nighttime L50 standard at the nearest residences. This analysis assumes the refrigeration units are operating simultaneously at high speed (based on Thermo King data) for 30 minutes in an hour. The analysis does not include reductions in impacts from barriers provided by the trucks or a fence. The parked trucks will most likely be facing away from the nearest residences providing shielding and additional noise reduction at the nearest residences. Finally, a 12 foot high fence is also planned that will further reduce noise impacts from these trucks at the nearest residences. Kwik Trip has indicated that four trucks operating simultaneously at high speed in one hour is unlikely to occur and represents a worst -case scenario. Based on data collected at the Moniticello, Minnesota Kwik Trip, the operation of the car wash will not cause a violation of Minnesota standards at either the Veterinary facility or at the nearest residences. Please feel free to contact me at 952-920-1500 with any questions you may have regarding this noise study. Sincerely, Stephen B. Platisha, P.E. Wright County, MN 0,,,, beacon TM Date Created: 5/22/2015 Last Data Upload: 5/22/2015 10:15:23 AM davelepod- by The xttneid& Caqlcraikn 5chneidef w+rrw-Khaef *cwR *Orn KWJ Imp pt � Are. THERMO KING Sound levels reported below are the average of 5 values neasured 7 meters from the unit as shown in this sketch. Top view O Side view n O nit Low Speed High Speed 5-600 66.5 74.5 C-600 67.9 73.6 5-600M 64.4 72.4 SB 230 65.5 72.0 SB Spectrum 67.5 72.5 1 values in dBA as tested in the TK sound lab as per the above layout but with an insulated evap box and the unit rotated in 45-degree increments to account for the 5 positions on the arc.