05-26-15 Special City Counicl MinutesSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING PRAIRIE CENTER MAY 26, 2015 5:30 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 5:33 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder and Jason Warehime. Absent: Councilmember Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Kurt Neidermeier, Utility Manager; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director; Kevin Lamson, Street Operations Manager; and Tami Loff, City Clerk. City Engineer Ron Wagner arrived at 6:02 PM. 1. 2016 Budget Discussion. City Administrator Johnson said the main purpose of this meeting is to give staff an opportunity to provide information to the Council on staff priorities for 2016 and to get feedback or direction from the City Council on their 2016 goals and program changes so any associated funding can be included in the draft 2016 budget. City Administrator Johnson said most 2014 actual expenditures are under budget. CM Heidner asked if the surplus estimated earlier is still there. City Administrator Johnson said yes, but the amount has changed slightly because of year end transactions. She further stated that the department heads didn't have any new requests for 2016 with the exception of increased staffing requests in some departments. Preliminary requests include a Parks and Recreation position and temporary seasonal Administration position. The part-time administrative assistant position approved for this year is intended to be filled in 2015. City Administrator Johnson said City staff will further evaluate and justify these requests before including them in the 2016 draft budget. Parks and Recreation volunteers were discussed. Parks and Recreation Director Demant recommended the city cover the cost of field trips for the volunteer attending for the city for next year. The City Council concurred. The census of the City Council was to start paying those costs for this year as well. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the preliminary tax levy estimates. Mayor Stockamp said she would like to see it stay the same or go down. CM Warehime asked if the sheriff coverage will increase. City Administrator Johnson said the last time she spoke with the Sheriff he thought the 40 hours per day coverage was still adequate. She said a worksession with Sheriff Hagerty still needs to be scheduled. CM Warehime asked if there was progress in estimating fire service costs if boundary lines are adjusted slightly. City Administrator Johnson said she has started working on pulling those numbers. CM Warehime said the boundaries may need to be evaluated. City Administrator Johnson said there is a piece off CSAH 36 and Quam Avenue that needs to be evaluated as was discussed at a previous Council meeting. City staff to pull that information. CM Warehime asked about Parks. City Planner Licht said he and Parks & Recreation Director Demant were going to review that with the CIP. There was discussion of the County Road 42 to 96th Street path. The 2016 Budget calendar was reviewed. August 10 meeting was changed to August 12 at 6:00 PM; August 31 at 6:00 PM and September 8 was changed to September 14 with combining August 31 and September 8 items. Mayor Stockamp motioned to call budget Worksessions for July 27, 2015 following regular meeting; August 12, 2015 following regular meeting; August 31, 2015 at 6:00 PM; September 14, 2015 following regular meeting for Park Maintenance, Recreation, Prairie Center and Streets, fleet Maintenance, Engineering and Facilities (City Hall and Old City Hall) all the be held at Prairie Center, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Stockamp questioned the monthly financial reports. City Administrator Johnson stated the March monthly reports were included and as soon as the payroll is posted, April reports would be completed and sent to the Council. 2. Adjourn. CM Schroeder motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 6:36 PM. M or Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: AhI Tami Loff, City Clerk 2