00-20RESOLUTION NO. 2000-20 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF LAND BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TRUNK SANITARY SEWER; STORM SEWER; WATERMAIN; AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND RESTORATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Otsego proposes to construct, operate and maintain a trunk sanitary sewer; storm sewer; and watermain along and within Quaday Avenue from 78th Street South to the plat of the Pointe, and restore and improve the existing roadway; and WHEREAS, the City requires the parcels of land legally described on the attached Exhibit A for construction, operation and maintenance of said project; and WHEREAS, the City has authority to acquire the necessary land parcels and easements by eminent domain pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 117.011 and § 117.042; and WHEREAS, the City has attempted to and will continue to attempt to negotiate acquisition of said parcels; and WHEREAS, as of this date, the City has been unable to successfully negotiate the acquisition of the required easements; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otsego City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition of the lands described in Exhibit A by eminent domain. The apparent owners of said property are set forth on the attached Exhibit B. The City further authorizes, if necessary, that title and possession of the land be taken prior to the filing of an award by the Court-appointed Commissioners pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 117.011 and § 117.042 by the so-called 90 -day "quick take" process; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Otsego City Council hereby authorizes the condemnation of the required temporary and permanent easements and land parcels; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney is authorized and directed to prepare, serve and file the necessary Petition and all other necessary papers, and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed, or terminated by the City or the Court. Motion to adopt this Resolution made by Council Member N i cho 1 s and seconded by Council Member Wendel , this 28thday of August, 2000. IN FAVOR: Mayor LArry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner, CM Virginia Wendel and CM Suzanne Ackerman OPPOSED: No one ATTEST: " M00" I iwl CITY OF OTSEGO c Mayor ny of Otsego EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF LAND BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TRUNK SANITARY SEWER; STORM SEWER AND PONDS; WATERLINE; AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND RESTORATION PROJECT The land to be condemned is legally described as: PID#: 118-500-274203; APPARENT OWNER: D&Y FAMILY LTD. PARTNERSHIP (C/O GILBERT M. DARKENWALD) A permanent easement for street and utility purposes over, under and across the east 40.00 feet of that part of the East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence southerly along the east line of said East Three - Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 560.00 feet; thence deflecting westerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 200.00 feet; thence deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 161.70 feet; thence deflecting westerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 814.58 feet; thence deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 396.65 feet, more or less, to the north line of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence easterly along the North line of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning. Together with a permanent easement for drainage purposes over, under and across the west 410.00 feet of the east 450.00 feet of the south 20.00 feet of the north 60.00 feet of the above described property. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the above described property lying 50.00 feet westerly of and adjoining the above described permanent easement for street and utility purposes, except the south 60.00 feet of the north 520.00 feet thereof and except the north 40 feet thereof. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the south 30.00 feet of the north 90.00 feet of the west 360.00 feet of the east 450.00 feet of the above described property. The permanent easement for street and utility purposes contains 3,640 sq. ft. 0.08 acres The permanent easement for drainage purposes contains 8,200 sq. ft. 0.19 acres The temporary easement for construction purposes contains 32,800 sq. ft. 0.75 acres Said temporary easement to expire on January 1, 2002. PID#: 118-500-271400; APPARENT OWNER: D&Y FAMILY LTD. PARTNERSHIP (CIO GILBERT M. DARKENWALD) A permanent easement for street and utility purposes over, under and across the east 40.00 feet of the East Three -Quarters of the South Half of Northeast Quarter, in Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence on a bearing of North (assumed bearing) along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 303.63 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continue on a bearing of North along said east line, a distance of 207.00 feet; thence North 84° 00' 54" West, a distance of 405.00 feet; thence on a bearing of South, a distance of 207.00 feet; thence South 84° 00' 54" East, a distance of 405.00 feet to the point of beginning and EXCEPT that part of the East Three - Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence southerly along the east line of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 560.00 feet; thence deflecting westerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 200.00 feet; thence deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 161.70 feet; thence deflecting westerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 814.58 feet; thence deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 396.65 feet, more or less, to the north line of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence easterly along the North line of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the above described property lying 50.00 feet westerly of and adjoining the above described permanent easement for street and utility purposes. The permanent easement for street and utility purposes contains 3,867 sq. ft. 0.09 acres The temporary easement for construction purposes contains 27,620 sq. ft. 0.63 acres Said temporary easement to expire on January 1, 2002. PID#: 118-500-274202; APPARENT OWNER: GILBERT M. AND BILLIE DARKENWALD A permanent easement for street and utility purposes over, under and across the east 40.00 feet of that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence on a bearing of North (assumed bearing) along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 303.63 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continue on a bearing of North along said east line, a distance of 207.00 feet; thence North 84° 00' 54" West; a distance of 405.00 feet; thence on a bearing of South, a distance of 207.00 feet; thence South 84° 00' 54" East, a distance of 405.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.91 acres and subject to the right of way of Quaday Avenue NE over the east 33.00 feet thereof. Subject to Utility and Drainage Easement to the City of Otsego. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the above described property lying 50.00 feet westerly of and adjoining the above described permanent easement for street and utility purposes. The permanent easement for street and utility purposes contains 1,449 sq. ft. 0.03 acres The temporary easement for construction purposes contains 10,350 sq. ft. 0.24 acres Said temporary easement to expire on January 1, 2002. PID#: 118-500-274103; APPARENT OWNER: GILBERT M. AND BILLIE DARKENWALD A permanent easement for street and utility purposes over, under and across the east 40.00 feet of the east 440 feet of the north one third of the east 30 acres of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the above described property lying 50.00 feet westerly of and adjoining the above described permanent easement for street and utility purposes. The permanent easement for street and utility purposes contains 3,063 sq. ft. 0.07 acres The temporary easement for construction purposes contains 21,875 sq. ft. 0.50 acres Said temporary easement to expire on January 1, 2002. PID#: 118-500-274102; APPARENT OWNER: JAMES L. AND JOYCE E. JOHNSON An 80.00 foot permanent easement for street and utility purposes over, under and across the south two thirds of the east 30 acres of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence southerly along the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of 1159.75 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 385.65 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast, said curve having a radius of 500.00 feet and a central angle of 44 degrees 11 minutes 33 seconds and said centerline there terminating. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the east 90.00 feet of the above described property except therefrom the above described permanent easement for street and utility purposes. The permanent easement for street and utility purposes contains 6,140 sq. ft. 0.14 acres The temporary easement for construction purposes contains 44,860 sq. ft. 1.03 acres Said temporary easement to expire on January 1, 2002. EXHIBIT B TO RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF LAND BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TRUNK SANITARY SEWER; STORM SEWER AND PONDS; WATERLINE; AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND RESTORATION PROJECT The apparent owners of the subject properties are as follows: 1. PID#: 118-500-274102; Apparent owner: James and Joyce Johnson; 2. PID#: 118-500-274103; Apparent owner: Gilbert and Billie Darkenwald; 3. PID#: 118-500-274202; Apparent owner: Gilbert and Billie Darkenwald; 4. PID#: 118-500-274203; Apparent owner: D&Y Family Ltd. Partnership (c/o Gilbert M. Darkenwald); and 5. PID#: 118-500-271400; Apparent owner: D&Y Family Ltd. Partnership (c/o Gilbert M. Darkenwald).