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Chairman Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:07PM.
Members present were as follows:
Council members present: FOR RON BLACK
Staff present:
First item on the agenda was the consideration of
Minutes of 222-92. Lewis stated that paragraph number three
on the first page of the minutes, the bottom of the
paragraph, she would like clarification of the Zoning issues.
She wanted to know if Licht had stated that information, or
if the Planning Commission had? Beatty said that Licht had
made the statement. Kirmis stated that we are only changing
the names of the Zoning, not the actual zoning at this time.
He also stated that Assessments can be based on land value
and also Zoning now. (not only land value)
Roskaft motioned that the Minutes of 1/22/92 be accepted
with changes. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried
The meeting was then turned over to Bob Kirmis to
proceed with the Zoning Ordinance review Kirmis noted some
typographical errors:
Line #4, Page 2-C. Insert shall "be" used.
Pg 5 - Item B remove, after tense, "the singular
includes the plural, etc" because it is restated in D
Pg 33, A-8 Residential "Care" not facility.
Pg 83, AG read "A-1"
R 8.9.10 ommitted
B 4 -.S.6 "
I-4 "
Pq 87, Paragraph F AG & TZ, Should read "A-1 & A-2"
Pg 207, Paragraph A third line from the bottom signs
shall "be" allowed.
Pg #120, #12 Driveway Access:
Freske brought up requiring driveways to be paved or
surfaced it non --conforming when a permit is issued. It was
decided that only now plats should be required to have paving
.at the time of development for now.
It was also discussed that the P.C. felt we should make
it possible to defer driveway paving for commercial use (VF=W
was mentioned). Needs some flexibility built into it.
Pg 82: Lewis brought up accessory buildings and much
discussion was had on size allowed for detached, attached and
allowing more square footage with Conditional Use Permits.
-wenson asked if anyone wished to pursue any changes? Beatty
read the minutes to the Planning Commission where it had been
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discussed at a previous meeting and Licht had been directed
to write up regulationd using the discussion and bring it
back to the Planning Commission to go over.
Wallace said he feels that a total of 1500 Sq Ft of
accessory space is the maximum that should be allowed without
a Cond Use Permit. He stated it is your choice of how it is
used. Rask said people have families and lots of item to
store and two or three cars.
Rask asked why we can't attach some of these Zoning
Districts to the Ordinance on Accessory Buildings? After
much discussion Swenson said maybe it is best to leave it as
is until we see if we get some public reaction at the
Informational Meeting. Discussion was initiated because no
answer for how we should handle accessory buildings could be
arrived at.
Roskaft motioned to have the accessory building size be
addressed according to the property size. Rask seconded the
motion. (Tie the size of the accessory building into the
size of the property. Motion carried with three members
voting for (Koller, Roskaft, Rask) and two against (Lewis,
& Wallace).
Bob Kirmis next went over the Zoning Maps with the
Planning Commission. He stated that for the time being we
would carry on under the existing Zoning. We would rather not
get into debates on Zoning, etc. It is not to say that Ag
Land around #101 would not be made commercial in the future,
and could be initiated by the Council.
Bob went over the key to the map (See attached sheet).
Kirmis said on R2A. 5A minimum district, the purpose is
to allow land five acres minimum. This zoning is
inappropriate for Ag. The question is, Do you want to have a
5 Acre residential district? The County does have a district
with a five acre minimum lot size. The Planning Commission
discussed the five acre district minimum lot size and agreed
that the five acre lots would remain zoned as Ag -l.
Kirmis brought up the ultimate zoning map. It would be
used as a reference map for future development. It is
intended to show where we are going with these districts.
Swenson asked if Nashua shouldn't show straightening out
on this map? Kirmis said that we are looking at a Long Range
Area line change and the road can be adjusted at that time.
Swenson questioned as to whether it is sound to use roads as
a line for the Long Range Area? He said he would like to sere
the line go forty acres on the other side of the road as
well. (all around the Long Range Urban Service Area.)
Discussion was had on the Immediate Service Area
Boundary Line. Roskaft motioned that the line of the Urban
Service Area North of Co Rd_ #39 on the West side of the City
be moved 660' from Co Rd #39 to the North, and the Long Range
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Urban Service Area line be moved from Co Rd #37 (Old #122) to
660' South of Co Rd #37 (South side of the City) and the Long
Range Urban Service Area Line on Nashua Ave NE, be moved
1320' to the West, from 660' South of 70TH Street on the
South end to Wright County #39 at the North end. Rask
seconded the motion. Rask brought up the line North of Co.
Rd #39 and did we really want to move that line 660' to the
North? Roskaft stated he would withdraw the following part
of the motion= " Roskaft motioned that the _line of the Urban
Service Area North of Co Rd #39 on the West side of the City
be moved 660' from Co Rd #39 to the North ". He stated that
the line of Co Rd. #39 would remain the same as the
Comprehensive plan shows it. Motion carried unanimously.
Roskaft brought up that when the Staff makes a
recommendation on a piece of property, would they please site
the sections of the Ordinance in the report that pertains to
it? It was agreed by the Staff.
Wallace had some questions on some upcoming classes on
Planning. Swenson asked if the Planning Commission is
interested in these classes and asked the Council Members
that were at the meeting if they would look favorably on the
Planning Commission attending special classes? Mayor Freske
and Roden both agreed that it is important to get further
education. Wallace read what was available to the Planning
Commission. They agreed on a Class at North Hennepin
Community College on April 9, 1992, Thursday. All six of the
Planning Commission Members wanted to attend and Rask offered
to drive. Beatty was asked to arrange for the class for all
six members. Freske asked for it to be added to 2/10/92
Council Agenda.
No. 4 on the Agenda was taken next. It was discussion
on a meeting day change. Discussion was had and it was
agreed to leave the meetings on Wed. nights.
Wallace motioned to adjourn the meeting. Roskaft
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
JA R KOLLES, Secretary
BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary