06-01-15 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER JUNE 11 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Steve Schuck, Roger Mord and Richard Nichols. Absent: Commissioners Aaron Stritesky and Jim Kolles. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner; and Tami Loff, City Clerk. 1. Consider the following minutes: 1.1 May 18, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting_ Commissioner Thompson motioned to accept as written. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Public Hearing items: 2.1 Boondox Bar and Grille: (Tabled until June 15, 2015) A. Amendment of the Planned Unit Development- Conditional Use Permit approved October 24, 2011 to allow restaurant/bar occupancy of the former clubhouse building for other than an office and the 2002 expansion area and other site/building plan changes. Chair Black said this item has been tabled per the applicant until June 15, 2015. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 PM. Hearing no comments Chair Black continued the Public Hearing until June 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM. 3. Non -Public Hearing items: 3.1 Kwik Trip: (Tabled from May 18, 2015 Meeting) A. Conditional use permit to allow a convenience store with gasoline sales, commercial car wash and truck stop facility. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report and noted the sound study the Planning Commission requested from the developer was received today and is provided at the dais. Applicant, Wade Dumond, Kwik Trip, reviewed the sound study and provided additional information regarding potential noise from refrigeration trucks; based on proposed screening fence and landscaping, up to 16 such trucks could be parked without exceeding noise standards. Mr. Dumond stated doesn't believe there will be a lot in this area, as he said an inspection of the TA in Rogers found they had 95 trucks parked and 22 were refrigeration trucks. Mr. Dumond feels it is highly unlikely that there would be 16 refrigeration trucks parked at this location at any one time. Mr. Dumond reviewed City staff conditions stating 3. Regarding the fence extension has been removed, 8. regarding the car wash he said they have no problem with doors closed on entry, but the exit doors need to be open during drying process and 11. They are proposing that the scale exit will be signed only "do not enter". Commissioner Thompson asked if number 3 would be deleted. City Planner Licht said yes. Commissioner Nichols asked the applicant for clarification on the noise study. Mr. Dumond said if you look at the number of operating refrigeration units it doubles from one to two to four, so the next would be eight, then 16 and so on. Mr. Dumond said that the sound engineer explained it that the noise from refrigeration then increases by three decimals for each of those doubling units; so it would go from 49 to 52 and then to 55 at 16 refrigeration units, which would be at the MPCA standard. Mr. Dumond said all the rest of the numbers were not an issue as they were within the MPCA guidelines and notes these are very conservative numbers and are most likely high estimates. Commissioner Mord asked is the report would be updated with the additional information. Mr. Dumond said they would submit an updated report. Commissioner Thompson said in the report is a photo with the trucks and yellow pipes and asked what does that do. Mr. Dumond responded that is the electrification facility for the trucks so they don't have to be running. He stated Kwik Trip does not want that as they feel it is unattractive and encourages long term parking. Mr. Dumond said if there is a refrigeration unit parked; it would still need to run in cycles so the electrification does not address this issue. Commissioner Nichols said he is trying to understand because Mr. Dumond says they are concerned about long term parking but yet are proposing to have a full service truck stop. Commissioner Nichols asked what standards you have on how long people can use parking spots or maybe just need an explanation of what they consider to be long term. Mr. Dumond said the easier you make it for them the longer they will stay, when you limit the amount of parking drivers tend to take only their required federal mandated breaks. Mr. Dumond said if no site parking is provided, those trips go somewhere else so that would make the location not viable. Commissioner Nichols asked Mr. Dumond if they know what percentage of the existing warehouses to the south of the vet clinic will use the facility compared to traffic from TH 101. Mr. Dumond said he does not have that information; He would expect both highway and the facilities use. Commissioner Thompson asked for the address of the St. Michael Kwik Trip. City Planner Licht said it is located off Highway 241 and Hwy 94. City Planner Licht presented an aerial photo of the St. Michael location on the view screen. 2 Commissioner Schuck asked if there is a possibility for a step up program to start with six parking spots and then move up. City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission can limit the stalls in the conditions and it would be up to the applicant on if they would elect to move forward with the project. Commissioner Schuck said with the 24 hour service can we have a condition if there is additional crime it will be reviewed. City Planner Licht said limiting to the 16 parking stalls may be a starting point based on the noise study. City Planner Licht said the hours of operation are at the discretion of the Planning Commission and City Council. City Planner Licht said such a condition providing for the hours to be limited in the future could be problematic for the applicant when the rules under which they operate can be changed and that he would have to speak with the City Attorney. Commissioner Thompson said so the next step is for the Planning Commission to make their recommendation and the City Council can modify the conditions. City Planner Licht said correct. Commissioner Thompson asked if condition 8 would need to be revised based on the fact the applicant said the doors couldn't be closed in the drying cycle. City Planner Licht said that is the applicant's request based on the information they provided with the noise study show no impact, so the Planning Commission could amend that condition. Commissioner Nichols asked why the plans can't be turned so the dryer faces to the north. City Planner Licht said City staff has already had them reverse the flow at one point to provide stacking space and improve site circulation. Commissioner Schuck asked what they have for planting south of the door. City Planner Licht said there is the gator shed and then shade trees along the south side of the parking stalls. Commissioner Nichols asked if there is any fencing by the auto parking. City Planner Licht said that is just open other than the gator shed and the gator shed is offset to the east. Commissioner Schuck said asked if fencing panels could be used west of the gator shed to mask the sound of the dryers. City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission could include that as a condition. Commissioner Schuck said he would leave condition 5 to the City Council to review or City Attorney for wording. Is that something we can leave to City staff for wording subject to the City Council approval. City Planner Licht said City staff can address the Planning Commission's concern with the City Attorney and report to the City Council. Commissioner Nichols questioned if the conditional use permit was already reviewable. City Planner Licht said a CUP is reviewable based on the conditions which are approved or a violation of those conditions. Commissioner Nichols would like to see the plan redone to be more similar to that of the St. Michael Kwik Trip; he suggests taking out half the truck parking stalls, truckers lounge, laundry and shower facilities and making it just a gas station. Commissioner 3 Nichols said the use would still have diesel available for the industrial uses to the south, some parking stalls so as not to cause parking on the street but without, and food/seating without encouraging lengthy stays. City Planner Licht asked the Commission if the intent would be to make that a condition. The Commission agreed. City Planner Licht presented revised conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission: 3. The pFepesed seFeening fence shall be ex4ended 15 feet (ene panel) neFth and 30 feet (twe panels) te the seu. The developer shall provide a six foot tall screening fence west of the "gator shed" to the west line of the principal building, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. The doors to the car wash bay shall remain closed during the entire wash and the entry door only shall remain closed during the drying cycle and that the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOAM to 10:OOPM. 11. The sign plan shall be revised to remove the east face of the directional sign for the semi-tractor/trailer scale except for a yellow on black "Do Not Enter". 16. The floorplan of the principal building shall be revised to eliminate the following elements: a. Trucker's lounge. b. Shower facilities. C. Laundry facilities. 17. The site plan shall be revised to eliminate eleven (11) of the semi- truck/trailer off-street parking stalls. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip, Inc., subject to the seventeen conditions in the Planning Report as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Update on City Council actions. Mayor Stockamp updated the Commissioners on City Council actions. 5. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. Next meeting June 15, 2015 at 7 PM. 0 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Schuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Mord. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:15 PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: ziYlti,-'1'Yl AQI--L Tami Loff, City Clerk