03-25-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 3/25/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Carl Swenson, Chair called the meeting to order at 8:OOPM and the following Planning Commission Members were present: ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE LARRY FOURNIER JIM KOLLES BRUCE MASK - ( COUNCIL PC/REP •y;,,�J:.::.�z `_ `�� ✓>'�'►+.�� FOR RON BLACK) The Planning Commission meeting was set to address Zoning Ordinances. Carl Swenson approved minutes of the March 4th meeting. Elaine Beatty added that she would change the minutes; Kathy Lewis' name showed position of Chair behind it. No other corrections were made. Carl asked the commission if all were in favor to move on. Motion was carried unanimously. Carl stated the next item on the agenda was the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance for the City of Otsego. Carl opened the Nearing by clarifying that it was an informational Nearing. Swenson - There have been a number of changes based on recommendations. We will have Mr. Licht go over some of those changes. Licht - Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, the two matters that are before you which are in regard to the Zoning Ordinance, one the zoning ordinance text, and secondly the zoning ordinance map. If I can deal briefly with the map, the map is basically a direct translation of what exists today in terms of Zoning to the new nomenclature of zoning districts which are contained in the draft text, so basically the zoning that is on the property, the uses that are allowed, stay as they are. We can discuss that further at a later point. There were a number of changes which were raised during discussion since publication of the second draft of the ordinance which was in January. I've done a memo summarizing those which has been provided to the Commission and the Council. A good share of the changes relate simply to clarification, and don't change the intent of the language. The changes which have taken place of any significance were first of all with building type and construction. There was a clarification per the Council and Planning Commission discussion of what was acceptable there, secondly per discussions which have taken place, provisions have been made for the parking of commercial vehicles in excess of the typical pick up or van and passenger car on residential properties via conditional use permit and subject to a number of conditions which had been stated. There was a clarification on the animal section, mainly clarification and not a change in terms of intent. The wetland Zoning district, I think as we discussed at the last meeting, and I'll pass this out to members, actually the changes are summarized in the memo which I sent out, but we've incorporated them into the balance of the text. In essence what this change does is it updates this draft ordinance to the current State guidelines which is in essence a no net loss of wetlands, in other words if wetlands are to be filled there has to be an equal replacement of that wetland someplace on the property, or if it can be negotiated with the city someplace else within the City. Finally I would point out that we still have not resolved with the DNR the Wild and Scenic River situation. The main issue being west of Highway 101 and the City's position is that it should not be included in the district or alternatively, the standard should be lessened there. The main issue being impervious surface that is still unresolved. The DNR is to have a response to the City for their own indications by Monday of next week. The City Attorney recommended that you continue the language which is presently in the draft and we'll have to wait to see what the DNR states. What the present language says is that we just continue the Wright County regulations as they are now and again, that will be brought up and hopefully resolved in the near term future. Other than that, that's basically the changes which have, or modifications and clarifications that have taken place since the draft ordinance. Swenson -At this point we'll open the Hearing to the comments of the citizens. Since we've had Hearings on this before, we would request, if possible, that you talk only in terms of things that have not been discussed before. New information, or new questions. We also ask that you try to state your name and question before the Chair. Are there any questions? Brisbin- In that area west of 101 that you were talking about.. Swenson - Will you stand and state your name please? Brisbin-Merlin Brisbin. Swenson - Thank you. Licht -Merlin right now, there's an area which is shown on the zoning map in back of you. The DNR has designated. I believe its 300 or 600 feet west of 101 as Wild and Scenic, and the city's position has been throughout the Comprehensive Plan, as well as the zoning regulations that area should be commercial or industrial in nature. The problem, the DNR is willing to designate it in that classification, the problem is that they will allow only 300 impervious surface or lot coverage. Any commercial or industrial development normally goes to a minimum of 70 or 80 percent lot coverage with the building and related parking. Quite frankly there is no urban type commercial or industrial development that I know of that's less than probably 60%. As a consequence, what the DNR, by default, is doing is saying that land cannot be developed in that type of land use. So what the city's position is. that the area in essence west of 101, first of all has minimal, if any, relationship to the river, because its separated by a four lane, or to be a four lane highway. Secondly their major concern is the water quality that goes into the river, if you don't have the direct visual impact. The resolution of that, is the DNR has allowed, in almost every other instance, is allowing impervious surfaces to increase, provided there is ponding and sedimentation basins provided on site. That's not uncommon, we do that in many of the communities we work for. For one reason or another, the DNR, at least the staff of the Wild and Scenic River, are not offering that flexibility at this dime, and that's basically the matter that's at issue. Brisbin -That is considered flood plain? Licht - It is flood plain, but the point is, you can modify a flood plain. You cannot modify Wild and Scenic other than the 25%, or 30% impervious surface. Brisbin -Would any insurance company insure a business that goes in there, being it's a flood plain? Licht -Sure - if you flood proof it. Brisbin -The Cattleman's Restaurant that was supposed to go in there, could not get insurance because of the flood plain, because of the dyke, if the city would have let them put a building in it the way it was standing, and they could not get insurance, then the city would have to be liable to make sure they have insurance. If they were to put buildings in there and they flooded out, the City of Otsego would be liable for that. That's the way the DNR reads it. Licht - Well, that is not correct. First of all, there are means where by to flood proof that, it's built into the draft ordinance. They have to flood proof, and there are houses that are built in flood plains and business all the time. Brisbin- Maybe we shouldn't even be in this. Licht - Merlin, there are businesses being built on flood plains all of the time. As long as we follow our federal guidelines for flood proofing, elevation of the structures, we'll get insurance. Brisbin - You might want to consider checking into that. Licht - Merlin. Brisbin - Because you want to insure your business... Licht - you're not, you assume no liability what -- so -ever Brisbin - You won't get any changes from the DNR. Licht -That's fine, but I'm here to tell you that's wrong information. Brisbin - Then the DNR is lying. Licht - Well I don't know what you told them or what, but we deal with flood plains, Delano is a prime example. Delano is a client of ours, the whole downtown is in the flood plains, they're full of commercial development. I'm telling you that the city is not liable. Brisbin - In a sense it is. Licht -Well I'm telling you that's incorrect information. Swenson -Any other questions? Weight - John Weight, I'm presently working with a project for Thibodeau Minn -E --Golf and we, in that discussion, we had questioned loading dock parking which is in your regulations, and we're questioning if it is more strict than some of the neighboring communities. What some of the other businesses in other communities and process for ??????? in Elk River it says all ??-> beyond one shall be separate from the areas used for off --street parking where your ordinance requests that or specifies that no loading dock in combination with off --street parking. It would have to be a separate parking lot. Licht - Again I don't know what Ordinances you've looked at, and simply because an ordinance has it, doesn't make it a good ordinance. Normal requirement of any modern development is that you have a loading area that is separate from parking so that 1.) a vehicle is not damaged, passenger vehicles there are not damaged, 2.) they can access the parking with regard to the Thibodeau development, not only is there a question of accessing the building. there's also, where are you going to put the garbage, a number of things. It is common practice if You look at Frankfort's ordinance, if you look at Albertville's ordinance, if you look at St. Michael's ordinance, they all have the same requirement that's proposed here. It simply makes sense to have the loading area separate from what is typically the parking. Again, the deliveries are that take place, if there's conflict with the customer from just a commercial standpoint that doesn't make a lot of sense. Many of you have probably seen gas stations, for example, that when they pull the truck transport in, what they basically do is block pump islands. There in essence chasing customers away or preventing them from accessing the site, not only is that dangerous, from the safety standpoint of the gas that's being dispersed, but it also is just from movement on the site, so the concept of having a separate loading facility, whether it be for a building or whether it be for a convenience store, a gas station, whatever, it's certainly not ?????? and it's certainly not uncommon. Weight-- I'm not specifically saying that it's possible that it shouldn't be, but by putting it in the ordinance, that it's absolutely mandatory to have a separate one. You referred to a gas station, I built the Darkenwald Food--n-Fuel, and the loading for fuel is adjacent to the pumps, but in the new regulation the would be in the wrong location as well. When you're going to deal with commercial, you mentioned that generally speaking you get somewhere in the vicinity of 70% impervious structure, and that will make concessions ?? or work with the customers on a lot of different issues because due to the very expensive land, and Thibodeau, the reason we're so concerned about it on the Thibodeau situation is, there will be practically never any reason for a large truck to come into the site, and yet the regulation specifies that we have to have a semi ?? even though we don't plan on having semis or very few maybe one a week or one every day or two. The reason it would be questionable is if the food service company would decide to deliver with a large truck instead of a smaller truck, and the ??? regulations specify that they deliver on off-peak, the fact is generally food service companies deliver before 11:00 AM, so the recreational center, on 5 days a week when people deliver, they're practically ??inoperative just because the customers are at work or what--have-you, so I'm expressing a concern because that would be just another stipulation for a conditional use to address, and if this situation is questioning it and how many others, I've been in Perkin's in different parts of the state and I've been in other restaurants and I ser: absolutely no sign of a semi loading or unloading where they basically pull up into the parking lot and unload because they usually come at off-peak hours. Swenson Is there any other comments? Margaret Thibodeau -- My name is Margaret Thibodeau and I'm one of the owners of the Minn -E --Golf property. I have to say that our agreement with th.� people who deliver, the hours when we have people deliver, prior to 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning, our business is not open. There are emrlovees there durin the summer. to take whatever comes in. even with the food service we have that comes out of Hopkins, he assured us that if we want any food service delivery that we can specify specifically with the food service we'll be dealing with, on what type of vehicle should be coming in. Now we're talking snack bar, we're not talking a full blown restaurant like Perkins. We will be offering a few more things than we currently do, but our main recreation is going to be mini -golf, and hobby store along with RC racing. Now the RC racing and the mini -golf, the majority I would say 80% of the people who come for that, it's during the evening and on weekends. 80% of our business for our recreation is on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday and there are no trucks that deliver on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Licht - Mr. Chairman, if I could respond, first of all, I think we're getting, and it's probably appropriate that we bring up this specific issue. Part of the problem is that I think you only bring up part of it by raising an issue because I think one of the things that, in fact, the builder has even suggested is that you are maximizing out that site, potentially to the point of over building the site. However, and that's something that's going to have to be resolved when that application has brought in. I don't know what research you did on the ordinance, but there is a provision in the ordinance as there is in the parking section for loading. That provision says that if you can demonstrate that there is a need for a loading space, what you can do is by conditional use, defer that loading space. You have to show where it will be provided but you can defer construction of that until there is a demonstrative need or a change in use, so there is an out. The very issue that you raised I think demonstrates what is attempted to be built in the ordinance in terms of flexibility. If for some reason there isn't any absolute need for that loading dock on that building, then there is an out. That can be documented that there is an out so you don't have to build it. That provision is in the ordinance, it is on page 132, if you want to look at it. Swenson - Are there any other comments? Chris Wilson - Chris Wilson, and I apologize for not being at the other hearings when you were going over old stuff already, but my question is about the home business issue. I was told that the Commission was trying to get it banned, ??. Licht - Do you want me to respond? Swenson -- Go ahead. Licht - There are two types of home businesses that have existed in Otsego in the past. First is classified as a home occupation. That is one that is conducted solely within the house and is conducted solely by an occupant of the house. There is also what has been, what is referred to under the County regulation as a home extended business and that provision is in fact carried into the new ordinance. The provisions are basically, if you have an approved home extended business, if you are a legal business, and you went through as you were required to do, went through the Council and got a conditional use permit you are basically grandfathered in. You can continue that bu,li ness as long as you meet whatever crit -aria the County establishes. If you are an illegal business, one that never had approval, and you didn't go through the proper procedures, then basically the ordinance's position is that you are to terminate that business, but the ordinance provides mechanisms where by that is up to, well depending on where you are located. If you are basically conflict to the city, identify what the business is, identify what investments are in it, that type of thing, and there's a period up to ten years to remove that business from that zone. The other comment I would make is that legally, those businesses have only been allowed in agricultural zones. So what the position of the city is then is that if somebody came in there illegally, and started a business, and operated it in essence without the required approvals, that position could be shot down right now because you have no legal standing, you have no property right for it. What the ordinance says is because we know there's quite a few out there that might be qualified, at least what we will do is give a reasonable period of time to amortize that business out and try to find a suitable replacement. Wilson - What qualifies as a ???, because we've got forty acres, but it's in the RIM program now. Licht - then you're in agriculture, undoubtedly you must be in the A-1 zone, and that's a qualified. The majority of city today, again if you look at the map in the back, it shows white, the majority of the cit; is agriculture, so it is more than likely if you've got land in the RIM Program and all of that, you're in that agricultural zone. Swenson - Are there other questions? Gene Goenner - Mr. Chairman, I have some questions that maybe you can help me clarify, provision 29.5, Article 7 said there are no signs allowed to home extended businesses, now if there going to .allow them to exist for ten years, as long as they would meet the sign ordinance, why wouldn't they be allowed to have a sign identifying their business. Licht - The time set behind that is basically they are in residential areas. It's not a business district where they're allowed. that's in essence the philosophy behind it. Goenner - But it says the ones that aren't Ag. Now they have the opportunity to possibly stay there and then why wouldn't they be allowed to have signs also? Licht - That's correct. Goenner - But if they have the possibility of staying there, then they should be allowed to have a sign. Licht - Well, that's up to the Commission. The part that was discussed quite extensively, I think prior to your being on the Commission, there was at least some strong opinion voiced that there shouldn't even be home extended businesses in the agricultural zone, and by allowing them to exist at all, it was not to be made into a major commercial operation, so thus the limitation of the signing. Bonnie Bauer -- How can they even say such a thing? Swenson Ma'am could you please state your name? Bauer Bonnie Bauer. I can't imagine why they would even say such a thing. Because we've got our business, five years ago, plat that business-, we may be grandfathered in, it isn't the City's right. How can you say, no you can't have this business? What do we do with the damn building then? Licht - That's an issue, if I can respond. That's in essence why first of all, there's an illegal use that went in, you have to realize, let me finish, are you talking about the use or the building? Bauer - The building is not illegal, and the part of the business is not legal, I do not believe that. Licht - Do you have a conditional use for the business? Bauer - We went through this City, through this Council before we were just a township, we have also received word from Wright County and I believe it is grandfathered in, isn't it? Licht - Then it's grandfathered in. Bauer -- Well then what about the people that aren't grandfathered in? Licht - Well, understand the concept of why there is zoning and why we go through it. If there is an area in the community that is zoned in a certain fashion, it says you have the right to develop that within these type of activities. Now that's for your protection as well as your neighbors protection. So I know that if you're located on this piece of property and I buy the piece of property next to you, I know that you have this, I go to the zoning ordinance and these are the things you can do. So, I build my house in a certain location knowing that's what you can do, now without going through the approvals that are required by the conditional use permit or whatever. Normally that's where there's consideration of surrounding property owners, their protection whether it be property value or whatever. That's where that's taken in to account. If that doesn't happen and you all of a sudden undertake some activity that basically infringes on me, you all of a sudden have extended a bulk of property right that you have. If you are infringing upon me, you are there by infringing upon my property rights. Now, and that is protected. I want to be protected from that infringement. Now, what the City has said is that basically we realize that many people have gone thru the appropriate channels, and assuming that they have gone thru the appropriate channels, they have said you have to screen on the side or you have to set your activity away from the neighbors so you don't impact the neighbors. In those instances where that has not occurred, there isn't any assurances that there has been protection of the neighbors of everybody else's property rights. So what the City has said is alright, you are now classified as an illegal, non- conforming use. To change that status, what happens is you come in, and it has to be done on an individual basis, because you simply can not blanket your regulation and anticipate everything that is out there. So what has to happen is you should come thru the process that you should have done before if you didn't do it. It is then determined what improvements have to be made. That is not for your protection, but for the protection of the people around you that have purchased land under the assumption that this land is residential and not commercial in nature. There are not going to be machines running and disturbing what is typical of a quite neiryhborhood. The point is that if the business that is out there today did not get legal standing, you can get the legal standing and then continue on basically in comfort that you aren't going to be shut down. There is a termination.and that in fact, can even be extended on beyond what is stated in the ordinance. But, again, every situation has to be judged. Residential areas, the way they are set up in terms of Zoning, setback, allowable parking, all of that anticipates children, anticipates people living in a fairly condensed area or the potential of that, and that is not the kind of environment where you anticipate Commercial development. Which prevents trucks coming in, which prevents safety hazards, with streets which are not designed for trucks. A major cost to the home owner are the streets which are in front of the house and if this street is all of a sudden getting used by heavy trucks that tear that street up, it is going to cost every home owner on that street. Which again is not fair to the home owner who came in assuming that this is a residential area. The alternative is that the City can go out and say that every street is going to have to be constructed to the highest tonnage allowable. That will add cost to housing right up front. The point being is, that we have tried to set up a mechanism. The Commission and Council has not said that we are simply going to go out and close these people down. They did not have legal standing. Even if there has not been legal standing, the point is to work with the property owner to allow the use to continue, especially if it is not infringing on anybody. To allow that use to continue and with some rhyme or reason as to what is going to happen and without affecting the property rights of the person that has that business as well as the person who comes in and buys around it. It was a difficult situation. Licht read the minimum conditions for a Home Extended Business= (See Attached Conditions 1 - 18) That was what was allowable and what the conditions were under the county regulations. Those regulations have been generally reiterated as part of the City's regulations now. George Seebeck - I understand what you are saying, but what if the Federal Government steps in and says you don't have a business. You have a hobby. Licht--Well. Brisbin - If it a hobby it is not a business then. Licht - If you have an employee, I would assume that, that is a business. We are not talking tax. We are talking basically use classification. Seebeck-You can have a business, but not have a business. Licht-potentially. OK. Swenson-Are there any other public comments? You have already spoken once. We will see if there is anyone else. Rex Ostubar - We are looking at buying some land here and we are wondering about having a drapery business in the home. We are wondering if there is any possible problem with something like that. My wife and her mother comes and helps out once or twice a week. Licht-Basically, I would assume that if all you have is sewing machines. Ostubar--Ya, there are about four sewing machines. Licht-Nothing that. isn't uncommon to a home. The iscue that probably result is if ,ou ha,.-e someone else other than the mother-in-law, coming in and working. It would likely not be accepted. Realize that the other thing that the City is looking at, and it is a major consideration, is that Home Occupations, and I shouldn't say Home Occupations, because typically they are not a concern. The reason, let me explain that. The reason is that is not a concern from a compatibility standpoint. If you operate them in your own house, it is pretty self policing. If you have children, a spouse, or whatever, there is some consideration that they sleep at night, and if you are up working all night, you have to be quite or whatever. The problem is if you get to an out building that is not in the home there is not too much self-- policing that is going on and it becomes potentially the infringement upon the neighbors rather than what exists otherwise. The other concern, I think that motivates the City in terms of concern of Home Extended Businesses is they are robbing the City, and particularly the tax payers who live in a house for a residential purpose, of tax base. If it is a Commercial operation, that should be taxed as a Commercial Business, not as a residence. That is acceptable up to a limited degree, but all of a sudden when you start growing to a point of a major endeavor, there is a loss of taxes to the City. With tax base, there has to be a concern all the way around. But again, there is a grey area there. Where there is an infringement and it is hard to define, but basically, to define this interim use, there is a process and you have to go thru. Every one of those cases has to be judged, typically, on their own merit. If you currently have a machine shop and you totally insulate the building, to be soundproofed, that is probably not going to infringe upon anybody so your ability to exist there for a much longer period of time, or forever, probably is there. But if you simply have a building with paper thin walls, 40 feet away, That may be in jeopardy in terms of how that operation exists. Everyone of those have to be looked at independently. Simply because of situations as of how it is today, that is not to say that we can not rectify the situation and make it compatible to last a longer period of time. That is why each one of them has to be looked at as they come about. Swenson-Anyone else? Denise McAlpine - I would like to get a little more information on the in home business and is the in home business considered traffic wise? Is that why there is such a difference. Traffic coming in all the time? Is that why they consider allowing it? Licht- Between the Home Extended Business and a Home Occupation, Traffic can be actually higher in a Home Occupation. Beauty Shops for example can be allowed in a Home Occupation within certain bounds. McAlpine--Do they have to have parking? Licht-Yes. Well, again, under the Home Occupation, it kind of distinguishes it from the Home Extended Business. The operator is only the occupant of the house. Typically, if a woman herself is doing it, there is no other employee that is associated with it. If the driveway, for example is long ,ncu h to accommodate one customer, or an overlap of two customers, then it is an acceptable situation, but there does have to be parking shown off street. Again, and that is on site. That can be accommodated, but the point being is and that is again why these have to be judged on an individual basis. In house business could potentially generate more traffic then, in other words, if there was a drapery business, in an outside building and the mother--in-law came in to help with sewing and she showed up at 3AM and left at 5 PM, there would probably be less traffic associated with that then a beauty operation in a house, so that is why it has to be judged independently. Swenson-Do you have one more question? Brisbin-Ya, on a Home Extended Business, now if there is no business being conducted there. If you are just storing vehicles there, I don't really believe that is addressed in it. Licht--Yes it is. Brisbin--You sent us a copy of the Ord. and we already had one, but again there is nothing about if there is work done or if you are just parking a truck. You are just storing a vehicle. Licht-That was addressed in the, well..first of all, the way the initial draft came out followed in essence Co Regs and that said if you have anything other than a pickup or a van size Commercial vehicle it is not allowed. The County regulation says that today. The revision that I have provided to the Commission and the Council makes a CUP an acceptable situation to have up to an 18 wheeler on a site but with certain safety considerations and considerations of the neighbors. So again that can be allowed, but the storage of equipment would fall under that same provision. An example, If I mow lawns in the summer, and I have all my stuff scattered all over, the Ordinance does not allow me to come in the Winter and store all my equipment on my home site unless I have special permit to do it. But there is a permitting process now that allows that. Again, I emphasize that there are no provisions in the County Ord that allows that, in fact that is in violation of the Co Ord. Now, whether they enforced it or not, that is another story, and at least what the Ord does today, the draft Ord, is accommodation for the potential of it. If that site can accommodate it, and that is a critical factor. Brisbin--Your new Ord says, we were told that at no cost you can come in and get a CUP, but the way I understand it that they want $250.00 per business to get a CUP? Licht--Well, they haven't, and I don't know where you got no cost. (Elaine) No, I did not say that. Brisbin-Yes you did. Elaine--No. Licht-Let me just say what the cost is. The cost of a CUP I believe is $250.00. Elaine - $150.00. Brisbin--So it is up to $150.00 now? Licht--It. had been before. Alright? Now, That is on the application. In other words, when you bring your request for consideration, and that total is a separate issue other than the Ord. It has been discussed and it has been in place for again, a year or better. Anyways, the Application fees are $150.00 plus expenses. Publication expenses, review time Planner, Attorney, or whatever, that goes on top of it. Now, .ghat I i,,jould anticipat-a again. and this is a policy decision and is getting above and beyond the field we are talking about, if there is direction for example for the Home Extended Businesses that are out there that haven't been processed, the Council may consider waiving the fee. The other approach that the City is at least considering, and we have been moving in that direction and the Council at the last meeting said that I believe that on the 2nd meeting of April that they are looking at an Economic Development Commission. They need to work with the existing businesses. One of the things I would envision is they would be working with that Economic Development Commission. You not only go out of the community to see what you can find, but work with the existing businesses here. One of the things that I quite frankly would envision, is that when an application is filed for a Home Extended Business, I assume that they would be working and I assume free of charge, with that Economic Development Commission in saying OK, and saying what is needed here and trying to resolve a problem then, up front so they can, by the time it got to the Planning Commission, and eventually the Council a lot of that detail would be worked out hopefully with the property owner and they would know what is going to happen. That is what the fee structure is and it is not what we are discussing tonight. This Ordinance has no reference whatsoever to fees, it just says that the fees are established by the City Council and that has been as part of a resolution that they do every year, the first of the year. Also there is that mechanism that is hopefully pursued that will address some of the business concerns. Brisbin-So you have at least $1SO.00 plus the Planner, Lawyer and Engineer. That could not be done by the Economic Commission? Licht-That is what I am saying some of that, you have to come thru these bodies to get the legal property right approval, but a lot of that work will likely be done by the Economic Development Commission. Again the fee thing is if the Economic Development comes up and says for one reason or another, we think, as a business promotion thine the fees ought to be waived or reduced, they can do that, but what I am saying is that is not really an issue we are talking about. Swenson--If there are no other questions from the public, we will close the Hearing and a discussion will be between Planning Commission Members. Any other changes to discuss? Goenner•--These revisions of March 19th, Page 7 12) A.B. & C. Licht-Sec.B4, OK, but it also picks up C. Both B.4 and C, the 100 will be changed to 200. That is the intent. Dennis McAlpine-I wanted to speak before, I raised by hand but you did not see me. My name is Dennis McAlpine and I wanted to go back to the dome Extended Business and I wanted to say something on the, something was brought up. A lot of the people that are here, myself included, have Home Extended Businesses and it is in their home and it is in their area, they take pride in what they've got and it is well kept. Now if you look back at Industrial Parks, if you go around .and look back at Industrial Parks, and you look at the materLal that they've ,ot stored in back of their areas. it is unbelievable. Being a home owner and having a business in your home you are going to take a little bit more pride in what you have got there. I think we are being a little strict. I mean you have a home and you have a business all in one. Swenson-What are you suggesting Dennis. McAlpine. I think you are being a little strict when it comes to Home Extended Businesses. If we are looking at, if we are pointing out Home Extended Businesses and you drive down any road out here and you see a residential person and there are several areas that you cannot believe that people are living there. Now you are picking on Home Extended Businesses that you don't want anything in the back yard. You don't want any vehicles parked, unnecessary vehicles parked in the area and you can drive up and down the road and residencies throughout the City it is an eyesore itself and then you are picking on Home Extended Businesses. Swenson-Any comment on the effect of the Ordinances on other stuff stored outside? Licht- the I think Dennis what you are really addressing is two different issues, basically the way the Ordinance is drafted on Home Extended Businesses, there has been an extensive amount of discussion that has gone into that. Again, there is concern that once you have been legally established, you should be able to continue, even those that are illegally established, there should be provisions made to accommodate them to the extent possible. When you get into what I think all of us are aware of in the community in terms of somebody's policing of their own property, there are some very bad examples. There are also some very positive examples also. But, in any case, the code enforcement that existed in the City whether it relates to zoning or public health, and property maintenance has been a responsibility of the County up until about two or three months ago. Up until and continuing at this time, under the County jurisdiction, the City was always hampered, judges make Cities go thru all kinds of hoops to make a property owner clean up. There are certain basic maneuvers that a property owner can make saying we have already cleaned up some of it and the judge will say well, we will give you another 30 days. By the time the whole process is over, you have a year or more involved and you may not see any improvement. The City recently received information from the City of Coon Rapids which has a different policy and has approached code enforcement. What that policy is, that you no longer go thru the court system, but you basically, if somebody is in violation, and have refuse all over their property, they are given a citation, they are riven an opportunity to come before a hearing examiner established by the City. They can have that right to come and present their case as to why they haven't cleaned up their property, or whatever. If the hearing examiner rules against them they can have recourse in district court within a certain period of time. However, if they choose not to come to the hearing examiner, or if the hearing examiner rules against them in terms of their reasons for their- debris the: Citi 1has the right after that hearing to proceed onto the property with a Deputy Sheriff at hand to remove the material from the property that is basically the nuisance or public health problem, or the junk and to charge that property to their tax bill the cost of the removal. So I think that you are going to find, if that procedure is actually established and adopted, it is going to expedite policing of non- conforming properties in a much more rapid fashion. I, myself would concur with you, I think there many Home extended Businesses and Home Occupations that operate very well. They are very well policed and those, of course are not the problem. There has been a provision put in to protect, first of all if they have been legally established in a proper fashion. And again, even those that have been illegally established, that operate in a decent fashion, there is provision in there. The other option also, in some cases, their might be an option to go from a Home Extended Business to go to a Home Occupation, in other words, lessening it slightly and modifying it, that it also accommodates it and makes it legal. So that there is a lot of ways to do it, but you look at each one on an individual basis. Wallace- Would they have to come to the Planning and Zoning or the City Council, or who. Licht--Initially, it would be dealt with on an Administrative level. Again the economic Development Commission you are talking Home Extended Businesses, and not Code Enforcement. Hopefully this Economic Development Commission which the Council is considering would also be the mechanism to work with initially. Rask-So right now in a residential area, you would be able to use the Nuisance Ord or the Noise Ord and you would be allowed to operate a ten year period or five year period..Licht-and plus extensions, OK. The point you must realize and I appreciate that this might not be the word on the street and the general accepted opinion. The City has to be concerned about two interests. The City is not out trying to disrupt an operation that is going along in a positive fashion. It has to balance with the property owners in the residential area. It needs to accommodate that. Simultaneously the city has to balance the property right of the home owner that has moved in next to an operation which is not established in a legal fashion. What it does is it forces the City, because both of these individuals are constituents, they are residents of the City and they need to be addressed, but because the situation was not legally approved, the benefit of doubt goes to the existing residents. Simultaneously, if their can be an accommodation of the Home Occupation or Home extended Business, that is being offered as well. That is not, and the Council has made that perfectly char, a wholesale attempt to go out on a code enforcement binge and write citations and push everybody out. Nobody wants to do that, but you simply have to establish the ground rules to the extent that is needed, there has to be some, again addressing the ones that were not put in a proper fashion to bring them into compliance and again, try to accommodate: them. Goenner -Mr Chair , ma,•be it .dould help the people that have a Home Extended Business if we somehow stated in here that the City of Otsego would try to work with any Home Extended Businesses as long as they do not infringe on the Health. Safety and Welfare of the Community. If we put language like that in there. Licht-Now, wait a minute, you are dealing with the law. You are not dealing with the policy. They are two distinct things. I think the Ordinance says that by the wording that is there already so that it is implied, if not explicitly stated. But, I think what you are asking the Zoning Ordinance to do is state a policy which is not the function of an Ordinance. You can adopt a Resolution saying this is our policy, but by putting that in here you totally jeopardize the ordinance in terms of validity and we can not hamper any follow through on the provisions that are there. I don't disagree with what you are saying, Gene, it would have to be done in a different method. Fournier-Mr Chair, Being involved in these discussions from the very beginning, and considering having no Home Extended Businesses to looking at the Home Extended Businesses separately, and if possible, provide a chance for that business to be there, as long as it doesn't infringe on it's neighbor. I think that was our objective and we've gone beyond the County's Ordinance to fulfill a need that was there and so I think we are heading in the right direction and it is a good Ordinance. Licht-There is one other matter that I should bring up and that is in some discussions that I have had recently, the issue of basically the River District which extends in essence along #42 on the SE corner of the Community and also N of #39. The River District Presently stipulates 2-1/2 acres of lot area per unit. Now that is recognizing that there are some properties in that area that are one acre and those were approved by the County and have resulted in non-conformity because of the Wild and Scenic classification which is a minimum of 2 acres. However, an issue that has come forth is that basically the City has now exceeded the D & R standard of two acres and made that district or corridor- 1:2 an acre above. It is 2-1/2 acres and the Wild and Scenic says two. So the issue that I guess is before you is do you want to persist in that policy? Again, this issue, I would point out goes all the way back to the Comprehensive Plan and that is the basis on which it was founded, but I raise it in case there is any discussion. I personally, have an opinion and :a rationale as to why it was there. I think it was agreed to and I think the rationale was part of a plan and that was for a reason and I think it was a valid reason but, if there is discussion on the two verses the, 2-1/2 I think we ought to raise it now before going on with the Ordinances to the Council. Wallace--I would like to comment on the 2-1/2 verses 2 acres. I think we are being excessive by requiring 2--1/2 acres for a couple of reasons. 1) if a 2-1/2 acre lot is required it is quite a bit of property for one person to take care of for one thing, the other issue is 2) In the event of rezoning property, If a road or sewer and sjat,sr is-oin,-; thru. if asses.cmentc aree added onto that, it is quite a bit of added cost for the property owner. We are going far above what the DNR requires us to do, so as far a benefit I don't see any benefit to the City by requiring that big of an area. The other issue is By reducing the lot size down, the City is allowed more lots to build homes on which is a tax base for the Community. Two acres is still quite a bit of property, especially when the DNR is saying two acres. Roskaft--Driving down #39 you don't realize what is on the river. There isn't much left on the Mississippi River. When I was out taking the Census, as far as Residential or any areas, there is just a few farms that can possibly be developed to be on the river. Having seen what I have seen, I think the 2-1/2 acres should be allowed to remain. Wallace -The area we are talking about now is North of #39 all the way down to the boarder of Monticello Township. The area along the river that Roskaft was mentioning, there is quite a bit of property that has development potential and that is kind of what I am addressing. The development there in Island View Estates is already developed with one acre lots but, from where Island View Ends, there is going towards Monticello, there is also quite a few spots that could be developed and quite a bit of tax base. Licht -Mr Chairman, If I can comment. I'd like to again, and this isn't a position, it is an explanation of how we got to the 2--1/2 acres. Take it, leave it, modify it, whatever, it is your decision, it is not my concern, but the rationale is first of all, 2-1/2 acres has been a consistent zoning standard in the County for a long period of time. You have 2-1/2 acres as part of your R -2A district which already exists. Secondly, the concept is definitely to protect the river, in other words, and that surrounding area. That extra step up to 1/2 acres was a benefit in achieving what the DNR supposedly wants to do. Now, we also said that is an advantage to us in terms of dealing with the DNR in relative relationship to Hwy. 101. I don't think it was meant to be a trade off, but it was meant to be yes the City is concerned. The next point is that the City is in fact, the idea is not to disperse housing to any major extent down #39 and when I Way major extent, the concentration is supposed to be in the Urban Service Area. There is the other zoning district that we are creating, and I believe it is the R--3 is also 2-1/2 and the consistency of that is why it was extended down there. In contrast you have the land down #39 in the rural Service Area which is basically one per forty. So there was rationale. Consistency of what has happened in the past, in essence above and beyond the ploy of dealing with the DNR, actually protection of the river and the surrounding area. The desire not to spread the development. If housing costs go up because of that extra 1/2 acre, that in fact, was a desirable factor to create the higher end housing to balance oft the modest cost housing in the balance of the area. The other thing I would point out is the sewer and water issue. That is one of the issues we will be dealing with the DNR on. ,;i though that arVa is not even basically contemplated ever to have sewer and water. Because of the extensions the water sheds and that almost preclude that potential from occurring. But, one of the things that we have to negotiate with the DNR is that if any areas of the Wild and Scenic receive public sewer and water, then what is going to happen at that point? That is one of the things that is still not resolved and that is one of the things that still is not resolved with the whole Wild and Scenic. Anyways, that is the basis as why it was created. If you wish to change it to two, change it to two. McAlpine-My feeling is that 2-1/2 acres on the North side of #39, you should also take into consideration, possibly think about it, on the south side of #39. We are setting here, and thinking about 2-1/2 acres and the concern of people on this side of #39. They live by the river. What about the people south of the river? We are already putting one acre lots in one area of the City and I actually feel that one acre lots are too small. For the simple fact, as we talked about before, you are not making ample room for the sewer to go out. You should have ample room to go ahead and have enough room to put in another sewer. If you well went out, you just have to drill another well. But, on the one acre lots, there is a lot of sewers there and if you start having sewer problems, what do you do? Do you tax the people for City sewer? Swenson--In the area we are talking about, we have one acre lots in Island View we are not considering going down that far. We are considering 2-1/2 and 2. Rask- One thing I have as far as two acre lots, the setback from the high water mark is 200' and you have a road on the front of the property and there is a 65' setback there and with utility easements, you have a hard time getting the house on the lot. If you have a house with a deck on it, that has to be figured in the setback so the house will be that much further back. Swenson-Said a two acre lot is 436' for two acres 200'wide lot. Rask--Take two hundred feet off of that and sixty--five feet off for the road and the sewer has to be 75' away from you well and you don't have much room left. (Rask had a little more discussion, but I can't hear the tape). McAlpine--If that sewer were to fail, where are you going to go:' What are you going to do? Dig up the sewer? Licht-Again, the 1 acre lots are really not the matter of discussion, but I would point out that right now along with an Engineering firm we are working in several communities that do not have public sewer and looking at what alternatives exist besides a typical on-site system and the reason for that is there is no money today, Federal or State wide to assist communities in coming in with a centralized treatment plant. What you are seeing is a great deal of technology and effort going into what other alternative systems exist that can be created on a sub--community basis to resolve a problem that exists. I think everybody here is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Especially in the R-1 area if you make the area too dispersed, you really jeopardize this area. The philosophy that was u 1 11zed b, the plan is th,_­ commitment to one acre lots in that area has been made already so since that train of effort is out there, that majority of the community live on that so it should be followed in that same pattern, because if in fact, something happens people would then be able to resolve it. Conversely, you don't want to spread that pollution potential to other parts of the City. That is the reason why we created the Immediate Service Area, the Long Range Service Area and also the Rural Area. So part of what you are saying does have relevance and once you get away from that core lot size does become a concern. Anyway it is literally from two to two and one-half. Wallace addressed Licht -We are looking at a minimum amount of lot size of 2-1/2 acres could you say a minimum of 2-1/2 acres but you could have larger acreage,, Yes you could Mark, but what you would find is that if you allow 10,000 square foot lots, the lots are going to be 10,000 sq foot. If you allow two acres, they will be two acres. If you allow 2-1/2 they will be 2-1/2. Nobody is going to go out there unless they have a drainage ravine through their property or whatever, are going to forsake the potential of capitalizing on that asset that exists there. Nobody blames anybody for doing that and nobody precludes you from, if you want to own 20 acres in the middle of the Urban Area, nobody can stop you, but that will not be the majority of the people. (can't hear a portion) Swenson - Any other items to be discussed? If not, we'll have to consider a resolution. Before we have a motion, we'll have to consider a resolution on adult uses. The Planning Commission has received a copy of the Attorney General's Regulations on sex related uses. I assume you've read it, we also have a draft of findings of fact draft resolution. You should have a copy of the resolution also. See PC-3992.DOC Continued from PC-3992.DOC Swenson - Rather than reading the whole resolution, the recommendation on page 4, which recommends, the section states; therefore be it resolved that the Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of the Adult Use Ordinance, Section 31 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinances. As it will serve the City's needs by minimizing the adverse secondary effects of sexually oriented businesses while providing said businesses a reasonable opportunity to locate and operate within the City. The rest of the material, we are comfortable with the recommended finding of fact. Ing Roskaft - I move to adopt the resolution establishing findings of fact the zoning and licensing regulations of sexually oriented businesses are necessary to minimize the secondary adverse affects of such businesses in the City of Otsego. Swenson- The resolution is adopted by Ing and seconded by Mark Wallace, is there any discussion? Goenner The Planning Commission doesn't have a choice in this, we have to provide a place for adult entertainment. A vote was taken NO - Dennis McAlpine YES - Kolles, Swenson, Rask, Goenner, Wallace, Roskaft Swenson - Now that we have adopted the resolution, we need a motion now in order to adopt the rest of the ordinance. Any questions? Larry Fournier -Mr. Chairman, I would ,just like to note to the people here that I'm a non-voting member. Roskaft - I move that we recommend to the City Council that we approve the draft of the ordinances dated Jan. 16, 1992, and the revision from NAC dated March 19, 1992, and subject to the City Attorney's review and comments. Swenson - Called for discussion (No discussion, the motion carried unanimously). We need the second motion on the map. Roskaft - Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the draft rezoning district map, dated Jan. 1992, which is to be a direct translation of the district zoning map Noman-clature contained in the text, in the draft zoning ordinance text. Swenson - There is a motion, is there a second? Goenner - (Seconded by Gene Goenner - motion carried unanimously). Swenson - This is some kind of a milestone. Fournier When did we start working on this originally. Licht - About last July or August I suppose. The city still proceeded faster than the vast majority that has ever worked on one of these. Mr. Chairman, I would also like to make a comment, one of the things we have emphasized all the way through this, is the ordinance isn't perfect and as we go through we're going to find there are some problem. The philosophy that we had in drafting it, and the city has adopting it, is that if a problem comes, we will change the ordinance, that way you keep the ordinance up to date and you make it responsive so it isn't set in concrete. It's law after it's enacted by the city but you can change it. I think it's advisable to be flexible and build in those things, but don't be surprised if you see in the paper, a text amendment, directed to change something in the ordinance. It's simply too big of a document, and too big of a city, you have to make sure that you have all the "i's" dotted and all the "t's" crossed. Swenson - A vote on the long range urban line change for the City of Otsego, this item has been discussed at a previous Planning Commission meeting. The Council had an informational meeting a week ago on it. So we'd like to attempt to move along by accepting only questions or comments that might be new. Wallace - Can we have it stated how we have the urban service line drawn now? How we're handling it with 37 with 660 feet below, I think we should also consider that 39 to equalize that 39 south side west of Nashua to Monticello township. (More discussion - unable to understand) Roskaft - We can tackle that later, it's not necessary to lay that out right now, we've got farms on both sides of the road... Licht - We haven't commented one way or another on that proposal although it was mentioned by the public in the informational meeting, and as I indicated at that time, that is something if the city wishes to consider, it can and likely should, again whether it should or shouldn't go, that's a decision you have to make after a public review. The problem we have at this point including it, is we have not advertised that change to anyone that would be affected by it, and so what I would suggest that you can take whatever action you want on the proposal which you've been offered, and then if it is your desire to then also look at that, and I would agree it's a valid thing to look at, and as part of the motion, simply initiate another comprehensive plan amendment to consider that stretch of 39, in essence from Nashua to the West boarder. In fairness to those property owners, I think we have to notice them that we are going to consider that, I don't think it would be fair otherwise. Rask -- Is there, I think a study on that line should be done, from Island View Estates along a portion of 39, Nashua on down to the Monticello Township boarder. Ing - The question in my mind is whether we should do anything at this time. Swenson -The question as I understand it and the original rationale in including that line at all is to get Urban use and Rural Use off of the road and we did that on 70TH, we did it on Nashua and then based on your motion, we did not do it on #39. Then I would question why we moved the line at all, because if it is not important to have the interfaced off of #39, why is it important to move it off the others? Roskaft-If you go down #37, I don't think we should move it 660' off of #37 because if we don't do it then ... Swenson -But we did do the other side. Roskaft-I will say that I made the motion. I asked you if you wanted a motion made and you said yes and I made the motion for the purpose of discussion and nobody argued with it. Swenson - Alright, is there other discussion? Licht -We should have a separate motion to initiate a Comprehensive Plan Amendment consideration to extend the Long Range Urban Service line South, but don't specify a distance. You can discuss that as we get into it, but South of 39 between Nashua and the West. Wallace motioned to consider moving the line South 660' in accordance with what we have done on 37 for the reasons being that it is a transition to Ag and the Long Range Urban Service District. Swenson -Alright, you have heard the motion. Is there a second? Swenson --Seconded the motion. Goenner - Mr. Chair, I'm in disfavor of this motion for four primary reasons, actually three primary reason, first being the Comprehensive Plan mentions the preservation of prime agricultural land over 30 times. Which would be infringing greatly upon by moving the line this distance, second we are not allowed any single access driveways onto 39, since the short time I've been on this board, I've already seen some different styled proposals to try and get around building a service road. Third, the topographical arrangement of the land is very different on the side of the road especially the further you get to Monticello. One side is almost on a high plateau whereas the other side at certain points, and the other point is level approximate, they are different soil basins. Swenson - Any comments? Wallace - I have a comment, the present lot size that was split in half 660 ft, should there not be a road running parallel to 39 with an access, it is possible by going back and that's the reason we picked 660 ft along 37 so as not to allow driveways on to 37 but to allow the lots to be split and a service road so one lot would be entering... Licht -Let me clarify, it is not the concept to have a service road parallel to any major road, that' very critical because one of the whole premises of moving the line beyond 37 and Nashua is the fact that you have an improved road there today, that Dennis had suggested for example moving the line back instead of south of 37 move it north of 37, the problem is then you would create road construction problems and in essence have to build a parallel type of road or a distance up before you could experience development, the idea is in fact that there could be some type of development of roads but it would be minimal and basically a stub so that if you have two houses they simply front on what is a right-of-way and then exit so you don't have a direct driveway, but there is no idea about running a parallel road along the ones that exist today, because that in essence would defeat the purpose and at that point you would just be moving the whole concept one tier further and that certainly would not what this is about. Rask -- Otherwise, shouldn't the road on the side where the lots are ??? Licht- yes, you could have, you could do that. Rask -The reason I'm not in favor of that is that 660 ft to the south, is pretty much what Gene is saying, that will enable 4 per 40, correct? Swenson - (Something about 2 1/2 acres) Rask - okay, so that would end up being what we had with Barthels and that Addition, possibly four driveways, five driveways and later when we go to develop the property we have to have four or five driveways coming out plus a major intersection, what you would do is move 330 ft, came down a 60 ft road, and then back to the lot on 39 facing the lot the other way, the interface then between the two, the rural and the urban, is at the back side of the second double lot, we don't have any driveways on ??. Rask - If you're only going to allow, little spots of developments, you are going to allow how many along there, 2 1/2 acres is how long? Swenson- Yes so we would be extending the R-1 zone 660 ft. Rask -Okay, and then I view on the north side, I view Ag and Wild and Scenic more compatible than Wild and Scenic... (New tape) Licht - certainly is not what is being suggested on the 37 -Nashua case, we're talking an R-2 which is a 4 per 40 and again I don't want to get the zoning confused with the other line, but everything you're talking about needs to be analyzed and literally the question is, should you analyze it? Again, whatever your call is, is your call but that's the question. Swenson - Okay, I think we've had enough discussion on that, the question is do we want to move the line off of 39 south 660 ft. All those in favor say "aye"... Goenner - Mr. Chair, shouldn't a notice be given? Swenson -I'm sorry, you're correct. Beatty - But I have to say the motion didn't read like that, his motion was, Wallace's motion to consider moving the line south 660 ft in accordance with what we have done on 37. (Conversation in background). Licht - I think he followed my wording and I said you had to initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment to that, and I think that's the intent of the motion. Beatty - Well, I just wanted to say that wasn't the way it was read though. Licht - But the intent is, the consideration of an amendment to consider moving the line. Beatty - So what do we do at this point? The intent is Wallace amended the motion to consider an amendment to the Comp Plan to move the line south 660 ft moving along 39 from Monticello township line to Nashua Ave NE. Carl seconded the motion and a vote was taken. Swenson and Wallace voted "yes" - Roskaft, Rask, Kolles, Goenner and McAlpine voted "no". Goenner - Did we vote on the amendment? Swenson - We rewrote the motion. Goenner - We can't do that Carl. We have to vote on the amendment to the motion. Swenson - Goenner, we are trying to get some ,jobs done here, not play games. Goenner - We are not playing games sir, this is the proper way to run a meeting. Licht - In terms of the procedure and what this body does, it is a recommendation to the decision making body. We normally operate according to generally according, I emphasize generally, to Robert's Rules of Order, and I think the intent of the action as it stands accordingly, if it were a City Council motion that has legal binding, then I would be concerned. This is a recommending body, and as long as the intent is conveyed I think that's the main issue. Goenner - And so I'm interested in are we voting on the amendment and not the motion. Swenson -Alright, to go on to item 5, is there any other changes'? Goenner - Mr. Chair, I don' t believe we've discussed the Nashua 37 item, it has been voted on in the past but isn't that why we sent it back, because there was no public hearing prior to the vote? Mr. Chair, I move that the Long Range Urban Service Area be moved 1200 ft west of Nashua and County Rd 39 to 87th St., that would be on the west side of Nashua, continue down Nashua 660 ft on the east side to 70th St. and 660 ft north of 37 to 660 ft from there. Beatty - Will you repeat that please? I didn't get that? Goenner - 320 ft west of Nashua and 39 to 87. And then at 87, 660 ft east to 70th St., and 660 ft north of 37, 660 ft from Nashua. Rask - So you're going 660 back to the north on 37? Goenner - Correct. (Conversation amongst everyone). Licht - Gene? Your statement was south of 87th on Nashua to the east of Nashua? Goenner - South of 87th on Nashua. Licht - To the east of Nashua? Beatty - West of Nashua, right? Goenner - 87th goes to the west again, or east again, yes, so I would go back across Nashua to the other way, so you'd have equal basins interfacing each side of the road. Beatty - So you're going east? Licht - And how far east? Goenner - 660 ft east. Licht - And then what was your proposal on, and I assume that goes down to 37. Goenner -Down to 37, 660 ft north to 37 (can't understand) Licht - alright (pause), what has just been proposed, (conversation again on exactly where the new line proposals are) Here's Nashua, here's the proposal, you're saying down 320 ft down to 87th across at 87th, 660 ft east of Nashua down on the east side... Goenner - The main purpose I was going back across... Beatty - Did you say 1320 or 320? Goenner - 320. (People all talking at once. Licht and Goenner trying to figure everything out, discussion among everyone). Goenner - Amend my motion. Swenson - Let's get back to order here, you've heard the motion. Let's see if we can get a second. Rask - I'll second, only to clarify it. Swenson -Okay, seconded by Bruce. Goenner - The main purpose I'm making here was that we try maintain equal interfacing on each side of the road, and by moving it back to the east on Nashua and north on 37, we'd accommodate that purpose. And at this point all land along that area is agricultural for the intended purpose, but if the board would like and feels that it's more important to not contain a landlock with the last 40 acres on that section line, I'll amend my motion to state that I'll go 1320 ft to 87th and then continue down the road. Licht -Down where they are then today? Goenner - Correct. (More open discussion). Goenner - Once we have finished discussion on it, I have reasons why either leaving it on Nashua and 37, or moving it back, whichever the board wishes. Swenson - If we're talking about changing the motion we need some advice on this. Would you explain it again Gene? Licht- I think I heard it, you want to leave it 1320 ft west of Nashua, to 87th and then bring it back over to where it is today basically running down Nashua to what would be a connection with 37th and on 37. Okay, and you've amended your motion? Goenner - I would be willing to do that. Licht- Okay and then whoever seconded the motion, should second the motion for consideration, to second the amendment. Rask?? - I'll second the amendment. Licht - Alright, now, what is the question? Swenson - If I understand it correctly, we're moving the line west of Nashua from 39 to 87th. And then going back on the road ... Beatt; - West of Nashua? Licht West of Nashua, from 39 to 87th, west of Nashua 1320 ft. and then as it is now. Swenson - The rest of it then stays on the road. Licht - Right, that's the amendment. Do you want any comments? Swenson - Yes. Licht-- Alright, Gene raises his initial amendment, it certainly follows a concept that has been part of a philosophy of the move, and that is so that existing uses front each other, and the rationale behind the motion I assume is that you move it back so that then you have Ag fronting on 37 and Nashua, and the compatibility or the fronting would occur back further. The problem with that is, and I emphasize, and I've got a handout here I'm willing to give to anybody, because it explains the difference between the terms we're using here tonight, Comp Plan, zoning and what--have-you. But, by following Gene's suggestion, what happens is an area surrounding Nashua south of 87 and totally surrounding 37th, would be staying A-1 zone under the new zoning ordinance, which is 1 per 40. Even though if we tie up that section is what I'm saying, with the potential of one house being built. The problem that would do, if you look at the map in back of you, which does show the extension of what has been proposed under this plan amendment. In moving that north of 37th and east of Nashua, you would in essence proclude likely all development in any of that gray area. The reason being is that you can only have one house in that front section and you would then have to construct a road right -of --way 60 ft in width, 32 ft pavement or 640 ft into the next section, where then you could have 4 per 40 and then you have to continue the road construction. Basically what would happen, you would proclude all development because the cost of that initial frontage construction would be prohibited, the housing price would be so high, the lot price, that nobody would buy it, it wouldn't even be competitive. Now again, the rational, you're right Gene, was the frontage. That technical issue of that construction I think makes the practicality of that, if it's your intent to allow that other area develop, it diminishes that, so again that's a call you have to make. Again I want to emphasize, what Gene sited was one reason, and only one, a prime concern is that the city does not want to go in and invest new money, or have property owners responsible for additional costs. Nashua and 37 are defined as major roads in the city today, they are improved or they will be improved, the concept is because they are improved roads, the opportunity to utilize them should be focused on them at least to a limited degree, certainly we're not talking R-1 or 1 acre lot development. But then if development is going to occur on that 4 per 40 or whatever in the parallel frontage, you'd want to stay focused on 37 on Nashua, maybe potentially 39 if you want to consider that. But that's a very critical rationale of part of it, in other words the road itself that is there today, you don't have to build another facility for the city to maintain in terms of Nashua you don't have the County build something, because realize when the developer comes in and builds it, undoubtedly the property owner will pay for it, but it's the city in total that will pay for the maintenance, and potentially the eventual repair. So you want to capitalize on that investment that is there today, and undoubtedly again following the policies we're not trying to get major development, but realize there's only going to be so much development happening in this city in the next so many years, so why not put that development to the extent possible and of that type, on a facility that is out there today and improved. Don't run any more and simply add you maintenance cost and all of that. That is a fairly critical factor in back of the full rationale as well and again, what you said was not wrong. That was one of the factors, but that road factor is a prime consideration. Rask --I want a clarification. So if we move like this map here, the thing I am concerned about is it is four per forty for possible rezoning. Licht -Bruce, let me .. Bruce --If it is staying consistent with what the board just did the other night with Steiners denial, I'd rather see the development go there than see 4 houses on this Ag. land, I can see this is way out of the picture. Licht - You're right, first of all the Steiner property was to development 1 acre lots, and the fundamental issue there is to know we've got ample land yet in the immediate area to develop, and before we spread into that other area, which in fact is another drainage area, which makes it doubly critical, we ought to stay there, so that's that issue. What this simply says, and we did send out to the Commission a new listing of Comprehensive Planning policies that this follows, and basically what we're saying is the plan says, and I emphasize again the opportunity, the opportunity, all that we're doing is suggesting is that this line be moved, and I won't set a distance, west of Nashua and south of 37. It's a policy decision, it is only a policy, it has nothing else, it does not open development per say. In terms of what it does, and I'm just going down what I've got written here and I think it's important to clarify that Mr. Chairman, what it does is, it would potentially allow it, potentially allow 4 units instead of 1, there is a right foi- 1 or1 there today, and so you'd have potentially three more units in a section, in a section, it has to be in a section. The Comprehensive Plan amendment does not effect taxes one iota. The only thing that will effects taxes is if you potentially change the zoning and then, maybe not even then, but if you develop it single family residential then it will certainly the effect taxes. The next thing is the zoning, because it is the zoning that will potentially change the tax, and it is the zoning that will change the right to develop at for 4 per 40 vs 1 per 40. The city, is a matter of its policies today, it does not go out and initiate changes on private property, it is the property owner that does it, so all this does is it opens up the potential for the property owner to come to the city to say I want it changed. Now I again stress the word, it opens the potential for the property owner to come to the city, because if you do come to the city, and you a°�k for this, you then have to go through a subdivision, and a prime thing as Gene has pointed out, part of the plan is that the subdivision ordinance says you have to comply with the plan. If the land is judged as prime agriculture, that is a reason for denial of that subdivision and that subdivision has to be public notice, it has to come through this body, and it has to go through the Council. So it's not an administrative thing that somebody walks through the door, Elaine signs it and nobody else looks at it, it gets full public scrutiny. Again I emphasize, it's only if you open up the potential, without any changes in property rights, in taxes, in subdivision, whatever, it's got to come through this body, through the City Council on an individual basis as you may want to request it, and there is absolutely no guarantee that simply because that line moved you're going to get it, because you have to comply with the Comprehensive Plan and that's all it does, is it opens the potential. Swenson - Any further comments or questions? Goenner - Mr. Chair, as Dave has just emphasized with potential, but if it doesn't comply with the Comprehensive Plan, according to the plan we should deny the access or permission to subdivide that land. So with the amended motion, so right now I feel we might be saving the Council and the Planning Commission some time by discourage, I mean encouraging people to come in and apply for this, and then have to look at the property and say, no that's being billed as good agricultural land at this time, we have to turn you down, because of our Comprehensive Plan telling us so when dealing with splits, so that would create hard feelings on behalf of the property owner towards the Commission and the Council for following what the written rules are already, so this would not give the person false expectations and that's part of the reason why I stopped at 87th where I feel prime Ag. land starts and begins in that area. Swenson - Are there any other comments? Carron - Mr. Chair - My name is Randy Carron, I believe it should go to 83rd, the only Ag. land that would be taken away is that from Ray Carron's, and they would like that line to end on 83rd. (Janette Carron makes a statement, but cannot be heard) Licht - Excuse me, are you referring to her? Carron - It's her land, why can't it go to 83rd.. Licht - Okay, let me explain what her request is, we talked the other night... Mrs. Carron - I haven't requested anything. Licht - I know but you and I talked the other night, can I talk about what we talked about? Mrs. Carron - No. Licht - I won't if you don't want me to. Mrs. Carron - It's up my husband and he's not around... Licht - Alright then I won't, okay, I won't discuss it. Goenner - Maybe you could tell what a definition of what prime Ag. land is? Licht - Basically anything that is tillable we would consider prime Ag. land. Goenner - Tillable or grazable. Licht - Yes. Goenner - So the only thing that "wouldn't" be considered prime Ag land would be lowlands and swamplands. Licht - Potentially yes, areas going into it. Goenner - The irrigation can ??? crops. Licht-It has to be shown, if a property owner comes in, here they've ,got this chunk of land that's relatively small. To get any yield out of it they have to go in and irrigate that small thing. It's not practical or economically feasible to do. Goenner - I understand, what I'm saying is, it's a very broad basis of what is considered prime ag land. Licht - You're right. If it's reasonably tillable, workable land, that's not what the city is saying, but on the other hand, if it's rocks and hills and trees and whatever, that's not tillable. I should point out, one of the advantages of 4 per 40 is first of all, basically in the 1 per 40 there is not necessarily a restriction that you can't take prime ag land. Secondly, in the 4 per 40 the thing that is allowed is, you can cluster develop. So you can tie up a 40, but in doing so you can cluster that development in one area so that you still maintain agricultural viability on the vast majority of it, but you're concentrating in what may be marginal soil or question... Goenner - In a 1 per 40 you can go as small as a 1 acre lot is that right? Licht -Yes. Beatty -Yes. Goenner - then in a 4 per 40 you'd have to go 2 1/2 acres. Licht- Right. Goenner- So if a person is concerned about using prime ag land and they've got 39 acres that's available for tilling on a one for forty, then under- a four per forty, a person is likely to keep all two and one-half acres, but their property use, you are only talking about thirty acres maximum that can be tilled. Not many people maintain ten acre lots is what I am saying. Licht-I agree with you and we wouldn't want them to do that. The reason - The rationale between the 2-1/2 acre requirement is basically what we're saying, and we've had requests in the past, of basically people on..in the ag area wanting sons, daughters, whatever- who are farming, to have a chance, they aren't on a homestead, and have a chance to live on that property. That's really the thrust behind it. Undoubtedly there are some farmers that parcel off bits of it for an economic benefit. Normally in the 4 per 40 area, especially where there's again criteria for the preservation of agriculture, one of the main marketability factors of going into that area is a hobby farm. If you're simply looking for a lot to live on, most people are looking for a platted area where there are services or whatever. You don't go, and I'm not saying this is true in all cases, but you don't go out on a 2-1/2 without some intent to have animals or whatever. You will note that in the zoning ordinance that we dropped the standard, it used to be under the County regulation, you had to have 5 acres for an animal, we dropped that to 2-1/2. The reason behind the 2-1/2 acre lot size is in fact the animal situation, that in that area where you're going to expect somebody moving in with a horse, or whatever, that you've got to have more separation than a 1 acre lot, and don't have someone go in and chop it all up into four 1 acre lots. Low and behold. have everybody turn around now want an animal. Now you've got a neighborhood fight on your hands. So that's the rationale, but that doesn't proclude the criteria of the marginal agricultural criteria, and that's in there as well. `�_.o all those factors come to play, so the 2--1/2 wasn't juct the seat of the pants, you know, let's have 2-1/2. Goenner - You mentioned something I never even thought about, you mentioned say a family member wants to move onto 40 acre section where there's already a house, would it be possible to get a variance then? Licht - Law, state law prohibits a use variance, okay. Swenson - Any discussion? Mrs. Carron - (She asked if her property was considered ag land, she said they have already set up her land as ag land). Mrs. Carron - We've already set that up as ag land. We will not redevelop. Goenner - The fact is it's still tillable. Mrs. Carron - I know it is but... Goenner - Considerable for agricultural use. Mrs. Carron - but we didn't set it up for that. Goenner - Well I understand that, but 10 years from now it could be considered agricultural use. Licht - Maam, you're setting that up, you're doing that, putting it in that program... Mrs. Carron - But we still have the security of subdividing it. Licht - You would have the security of sub- dividing it? If what Gene says, if you follow his recommendation, you won't subdivide it, you'll be stuck with your S2 acres. M Carron - It's been a site for 10 years, it won't be agriculture or nothing... Licht - When you subdivide property you have to compare a plat that shows how the lots and properties are laid out, and on this document there is a place on there that everybody who has interest in that property willfully signs the division of the land. So if you are the property owner and you don't sign it, you can't record that subdivision so it is divided. If there's a banker that has interest in that property and they don't sign it, you own the land and you haven't mortgaged it for some reason, and you want to subdivide it and the banker says, I don't agree with this until you pay off your mortgage. I'm not going to sign it. You can't subdivide the land. Everybody who has interest in that piece of property has to sign. So what the city cannot just simply say, we're going to cut up your land. They would have to have your signature and you control that all the way through, so it can't be forced upon you. M Carron - (says something to Licht, cannot hear her on tape) Licht - This is a recommendation to the City Council, the City Council will address it on the 13th of April. Mrs. Carron says something else to Licht - too quiet on tape - then says thank you) Swenson - Can I have the motion read again? Licht - Gene moved that the line is supposed to be 1320 ft west of Nashua to a point south to 87th, and have 87th continue as it now is. Seconded by Rask. Twice. (More discussion between one another on exact place of the line.) Licht - That's fine, let's just vote on it, let's get this thing over. Swenson -All in favor say aye. Favor - Rask, Goenner, Roskaft, Kolles, McAlpine. Opposed - Swenson, Wallace. Swenson -Chairman needs a show of hands please. Licht - The recommendation to the City Council is that it will be moved 1320 ft west of Nashua to a point at 87th and then revert back to Nashua south, its logical intersection with 37th is now described in the plan. East on v7. That's the recommendation that will go to the Citi Council. It's been a long time getting here. Beatty -- I still don't understand. Swensons - The Planning Commission has a letter from Rita Johnson, Planning Commission of Elk River, I will read it. 'On behalf of the Elk River Planning Commission I would like to invite the City of Otsego Planning Commission to join us for the training session on the topic of tax base and the role of the Planning Commission. We have scheduled a session for the evening of May 19th at Sherburne County Government Center. Ty Bischoff, the Sherburne County Assessor will present information and we are working with the government training service for additional training. We are also inviting the Planning Commissioners from the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township. While our plans for the meeting are still being worked out, we expect to begin at 6:00 box lunch, and networking, and then follow with the training from 7:00 to 9=00. I will keep in touch with you when I find out the details.' I would like to find out if the Planning Commission wishes to attend. It is on May 19th. (Those that will try to go are, Roskaft, Goenner, McAlpine, Swenson, Wallace). Swenson - Are there any other items that have come up? We didn't have the revised copy of those By-laws. (Fournier brought up the Darkenwald's property on 101 and 42. Licht made some comments, suggested that this was not the time to bring it up. Debbie Carron had a question about paving, Licht also told her that would need to be addressed and discussed at the staff meeting scheduled for April 9.) Swenson made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Roskaft seconded the motion and the meeting was then adjourned. JAMES(P'. KOLLES, Secretary By: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary m CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING riome txtenaea business - lne minimum requirements for a home extended business shall be: (1) Business must be located on the homestead of the business operator. (2) No more than one employee in addition to the owner/operator. (3)' No outside storage of supplies, equipment or maintenance items; all work and work related items shall be kept in an enclosed structure. (4) Shall provide two (2) parking spaces per employee or one (1) space for each 400 square feet of building area, whichever is greater. (5) Excessive noise levels are prohibited (that which may be considered a nuisance, L10 at 55 dBA decibels as regulated in NPC regulations). (6) No more than 30% lot coverage. (7) Site must be capable of supporting on-site sanitary facilities; sewer and water. (8) All effluent consisting of ariy liqufd, gaseous, or solid waste substance resulting from any process of manufacturing (ie: sewage or industrial waste) shall not be discharged into the soil, water or air unless it is at a location determined appropriate by the Planning Commission, Planning Staff, and/or Pollution Control_.Agency. (9) A contract between the refuse hauler and the owner shall b provided for all other waste including but not limited t-- garbage, decayed wood, sawdust, shavings, bark, lime, sand ashes, oil, tar, chemicals, offal, and all other substance— not sewage or industrial waste which may pollute or tend Pollute the waters of the State. The contract shall be provided prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit and shall state the destination of the waste and shall be renewed annually on or before January 1st of every year. (10) Working hours shall be set by the Wright County Planning Commission. (11) A business sign shall be permitted which is no larger than 12 square feet; non -illuminated and attached to the building. (12)•If located :on a Township road, a letter of agreement containing any dust control measures determined necessary by the Township shall be provided prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit and renewed annually. (January is, of every year) (13) All posted road limits shall be obeyed. (14) Distance from building to next residence shall be at leas, 500 feet. ( 5 ) must be outside of platted areas . (16) Building shall be no larger than 2,000 square feet. (17) After four (4) founded nuisance or permit violation complaints have been made and verified with written notice to the holder of the Conditional Use Permit a hearing shall be called to re -consider the Conditional Use Permit within 60 days. (18) Building must conform to present buildings and to neighborhood. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 1992 - 8PM Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE LARRY FOURNIER JIM KOLLES BRUCE RASK (COUNCIL/REP) DENNIS MC ALPINE CARL SWENSON GENE GOENNER Staff present: DAVE LICHT BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY JUDY HUDSON Council Members present: NORMAN F FRESKE Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes of 4/1/92 as printed. Goenner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Hearing for Adoption of the Zoning Ordinance for The City of Otsego was turned over to David Licht. Licht said we had the Zoning Text and Zoning Map and explained there were a number of changes. There was a clarification on the animal section. Wetland Zoning Ordinance was discussed. Licht Passed out the proposed Ordinance. He stated that West of Hwy #101 has still not been resolved but hopefully it will be addressed in the near future.. .john Weight - Builder for Thibodeau's Minn -E -Golf brought up some issues on the parking and loading required for this site. After much discussion from a number of people (See transcript of tape) the Hearing was closed and it was brought back for Commission action. McAlpine brought up some information he had not had a chance to bring up before. The 2--1/2 Acres of the Wild and Scenic area was discussed as to maybe being excessive. Wallace felt we should go with 2A lot sizes. Goenner voiced a preference to 2-1/2 Acre, Kolles, agreed. Swenson brought up we need to consider the Resolution on Adult Uses. He read the recommendation. Roskaft Motioned to adopt the Resolution establishing Findings of Fact, the Zoning and licensing regulations of sexually oriented Businesses are necessary to minimize the secondary adverse affects of such businesses in the City of Otsego. Mark Wallace Seconded the Motion. Motion carried with all members voting yes except for Dennis McAlpine voted No. Fournier noted that he is a non-voting member. Roskaft motioned to recommend to the City Council that we approve the draft of the Ordinances dated January 16, 1992 and the revision from NAC dated March 19, 1992 and subject to the City Attorney's review and comments. Wallace seconded the Motion. Motion carried unanimously Roskaft motioned to recommend to the City Council approval of the draft rezoning district map dated January, 1992 which is to be a direct translation of the draft zoning CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 3-25-92 - PAGE 2 - ordinance text. Goenner Seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Swenson noted that this is some kind of a milestone. Long Range Urban Service Line was brought up and much discussion was had. Wallace motioned to consider moving the line South 660' in accordance with what we have done on #37 for the reasons being that it is a transition to Ag and the Long Range Urban Service District. Swenson seconded the motion. Goenner stated he was in disfavor of the motion. for the following reasons= 1. Comp Plan mentions preserving Ag Land over 30 times, which would infringe greatly by moving line this distance. 2. We are not allowing any single access drives on #39. 3. The topographical lay of the land is very different on each side of the road. Rask stated he is not in favor of the motion. It was noted that Wallace's intent was to amend the motion to consider an amendment to the Comp Plan to move the line south 660' moving along #39 from Monticello Township line to Nashua Ave NE. Swenson seconded the motion. A vote was taken Swenson and Wallace voted Yes. Roskaft, Rask, Kolles, Goenner and McAlpine voted No. Motion failed Goenner motioned to move the Long Range Service Area Line 1200 feet West of Nashua and County Rd #39 to 87TH Street on the West side of Nashua. Continue down Nashua 660' on the East side to 70TH ST and 660' North of #37 to 660' from there. Rask asked if he was going 660' North of Nashua_ Goenner answered, correct. Goenner asked to amend his motion. Rask Seconded the motion only to clarify it he stated. Goenner stated that the main purpose he was making here was that we try to maintain equal interfacing on each side of the road and by moving it back to the East on Nashua and North on #37 we's accommodate that purpose. At this point all the land is Ag. If the Board feels it is important to not landlock the 40 acres on that section line, I'll amend my motion to state that i'll go 1320' to 87TH ST and then continue down the road where they are today. Clarification by Licht (West of Nashua from Co Rd #39 1320' to 87TH St. The rest of the line would stay on Nashua and #37 as it now is. Carron asked the line to go to 83RD ST. Rask again seconded the amended motion. Voting in favor of the motion was Rask, Goenner, Roskaft, Kolles and McAlpine and Opposed to the motion was Swenson and Wallace. Motion carried. Licht note that the recommendation to the City Council is that the line will be moved 1320' W of Nashua to a point at 87TH ST and then revert back to Nashua Ave S, it's logical intersection with #37 as now described in the plan and go East on #37. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 3/25/92 - PAGE 3 - Swenson brought up a letter from Rita Johnson, Planning Commission member of Elk River and read it about a meeting scheduled at Sherburne Co Gov. Center on May 19, 1992 at 6PM. with box lunch and networking and follow with the training room 7PM to 9PM. Members noting they will try to attend were Roskaft, Goenner, McAlpine, Swenson and Wallace. Swenson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Roskaft seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. JAMEY R. KOLLES, SECRETARY Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb