04-15-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 AT 8PM Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. Members present were as follows: CARL SWENSON ING ROSKAFT RON BLACK PC/COUNCIL GENE GOENNER DENNIS MCALPINE KATHY LEWIS MARK WALLACE JIM KOLLES BRUCE RASK Staff members present: Bob Kirmis Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Council Members present: Floyd Roden Larry Fournier Minutes of 3/25/92 was first on Agenda. Swenson asked if the Commission wanted to wait until the next meeting for consideration being the minutes were .just received tonight. (They will be considered on 5/6/92 PC Agenda). Wallace motioned to accept the 4/1/92 minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting. Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. STEVE SCHARBER - COUNTRY RIDGE PLAT 4.1. Hearing on Variance for oversized accessory building (4,800 Sq Ft) on Lot 2. Block 4. Country Ridge Estates. Swenson informed the public how the Hearing would proceed and asked if the proper Hearing notices had been published/posted/mailed. Beatty answered yes. Kirmis then proceeded to explain the Variance request from NAC's Report of 3/26/92. He noted a Variance has to show extreme hardship (not financial). He explained the evaluation criteria from NAC's Report. and read the three conditions recommended from NAC's Report Pg.S as follows: 1. The structure is removed by a specific date as determined by City Officials and stipulated within the subdivision's development agreement. 2. The disposal of the structure should include removal of all debris in accordance with solid waste regulations. 3. Following structure removal, the area is graded and drained. Swenson asked if Scharber wished to add any information. He stated no. Merlin Brisbin had a letter and it was distributed. Swenson asked if he was recommending that the approval be delayed? Brisbin read the letter to the Commission. Swenson said it was pertinent to the next agenda item and asked if it was OK to set it aside. Brisbin asked when the Council meeting was on this. Beatty explained that we are considering the Variance on the Barn now and that Agenda Item #4.2. Was the Hearing on the EAW. At this point the Hearing on the. Variance was closed and it was brought back to the Planning Commission for comments. Swenson stated this Commission has recently spent a lot of time on accessory space and this building is 3 times the allowed space. Goenner stated he understood it was being looked into as a possible Historical factor. Swenson said the job of the PC CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 8PM - PAGE 2 - is to interpret information and make a recommendation to the Council. If the Council feels it warrants it they can act on it. Goenner asked about the combination of Lots 1 & 2 as a possibility. Kirmis said it was offered as an alternate to make it a more acceptable situation if you allow the barn to stay. Wallace said if we approve it we are setting a precedent for other areas in the City. There are quite a few factors that would have to be met. Siding needs to match the house. The other is structure use. If the building is used for storage it does not fit in that area. There is not a genuine determination of hardship and it can be a burden for other residents. Kirmis said based on that he feels we shouldn't approve the variance even with the extension of the lot. Rask stated he is against the combination of the lot. He was opposed to tearing the building down and I thought it was in the outskirts of the development but it is in the middle of the development. Wallace motioned to recommend denial of the Variance based on the items that he had previously discussed. (highlighted above)_ Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried with Rask and Roskaft opposing. 4.2. Hearing for EAW. Swenson said the purpose of the Hearing is to get Public Comments. Hearing now open said Swenson. Kirmis gave the background information as part of the approval in any development taking 80 acres or more of Ag land, an EAW must be prepared. They directed the EAW to the EQB for distribution and publishing. It is not required by the EQB that a Public Hearing be held, but it is suggested. We are now holding it. The Hearing is open for comments from the public said Kirmis. Brisbin said he had no further comments. Anyone else which to be heard asked Swenson? Rask asked Brisbin if he would have a response by next Monday? Swenson said any further comments need to be sent to the EQB. Roskaft asked if there is going to be an Environmental Impact Statement? Kirmis said this is to determine if there is going to be a problem. If they determine there is going to be a problem, then they will do an impact statement. Kirmis said he didn't anticipate that one will be required, but he didn't know. Black asked for clarification. Does the EQB mandate or recommend an Environmental Impact Statement? Answer= This has been submitted to the EQB. There is a 30 day comment period. Any comments made tonight will be submitted to the Board and any other comments can be made directly submitted. Wallace asked if the issue of drainage would be brought up at this time? No, said Swenson. If there are no other questions we will close the Hearing and the information will be sent to the EQB. 4. RUDY THIBODEAU-MINN-E-GOLF - Lots 3 and 4. Block 1, Mississippi Shores 6TH Add at Park Ave NE ,,and Parrish Ave NE Hearing for the Following: CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - 4.1. Variance for rear yard setback to be 10' from property line (Ord reads 20' from line). 4.2. Lot Combination of Lots 3 & 4, Block 1, Mississippi Shores 6TH add. ( Sec 21-6-2) . 4.3. PUD - Because of second principal building site 4.4. CUP - For a new building Kirmis gave the public information from April 10, 1992 NRC's Report and read a summary of what is needed 1-5 Pg 1 of report. Based on review of final recommendation 1-5 Pg 2 & 3 NAC's Report. 4.a - Applicant feels parking should be far and above what is needed (Deferment can be requested) 4.c. -That provision would allow Mr Thibodeau to install a couple more parking stalls. 4.f. - Feel proposed use will generate a lot of kids and should be accommodated for. 4.g. - Particular for the restaurant 4.k. - To provide assurance. 5. Two items to consider is a hardship has to be demonstrated. While Kirmis felt the hardship has not been demonstrated, the liquor store has a similar setback approved by the County in the past. It is a policy item. Rudy Thibodeau spoke: The proposal we are putting together, we consider is a significant investment in the community. We started this last year. Our original plan was to come in with a steel building. It was determined it would not be allowed. We have worked to comply with that. The structure is defined. I could put a business plan together and sell it to a bank. I do have comments and feelings on many of the issues. I would like to address each item as they are listed in order. Mr Weight is our contractor. (.john Weight). 114 stalls are in the report. The reason we are looking at 98 stalls is they call for 1-1/2 stalls for each hole in the Minn -E -Golf. We have 36 holes and 36 parking spaces. We have never overflowed our parking space. We can't say it will happen. Thibodeau said they run a tournament with Tom Thumb every year. 72 golfers come when that takes place he calls Elaine and says they may overflow on parking. Last year we had a major race and Tom Thumb classic. Tom Thumb provided parking. We never hit the street. I would also say that many of you have been to my place. We have been there four years. I don't think anyone has come to my place and not had a place to park. There will be 18 holes of golf in the new facility said Thibodeau. There will be off -setting seasons. It will be mostly outdoor in the summer and indoor in the fall/winter and spring. Weight said the parking lot has a entrance in one end and exit on another. They have no problem with the continuous sidewalk. People often walk thru a parking lot to qet to a place. The bicycle racks we can Plan on moving them o,.:er and Put next to new building and CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - Thibodeau said he has no problem putting in another rack if needed. Weight said that on the signs he wrote on the site plan where they will be located. Sign 4X40' back lighting sign is the intent with letters on the side of the building are drawn to scale. He is looking at heavy traffic conditions, that area it will be well signed. No need for free standing signs they feel. Don't investigate if it meets the sign ordinance (get sign ordinance to Rudy Thibodeau). Discussion of drainage is being done with the two Engineers. Exterior lighting is light fixtures. Parking, if for other uses, there would be plenty of space to lay out truck parking space to facilitate it. A dumpster will be screened behind the building and be rolled out when garbage truck is there. (This can be scheduled in a non -heavy business time. Swenson asked for any more comments. Thibodeau reserved his right to speak as the Hearing progresses. Mike Brown - Lives across from Minn--E-Golf now. He has been there for four years and has not had any trouble. He sees it as a good thing for the community. He wasn't too happy when the liquor store came in. This is a positive thing_ My kids ages 20 & 12 both enjoy it. It is positive. Mike Christenson - I live across the street and have no problem with it. How late is it open? I have young children. Cars have been screeming by. Mike Brown said that 99% of the cars are from the school (alternative learning center). Thibodeau said the planned use is 7 days a week all year. The week end is the longest hours. lOAM-lOPM Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs. Fri/Sat it is open until midnight. The noise in the building will be contained. Any noise is cheering for the hole in one. The outdoor course is open every night until IOPM - Fri/Sat to 11:OOPM. Black asked if Thibodeau could give a brief outline for the people. He showed the site plan and explained the layout and parking. 60 some odd spaces for the new building. 30 some at the original golf course. Overflow in new lot in Winter can use the second lot. The building is a decorative block structure with very few windows. Painted and decorated with colored stripe. Inside first floor batting cages. Stairwell and handicap accessible to get upstairs. 20' canopy in the front entrance. Restaurant area/pizza/pasta/Italian sandwich/ existing structure is listed as a restaurant with the State now. Indoor 18 hole golf/hobby and craft store/ craft items available/mixture to accommodate all ages and sexes. The second floor the intent is 40'x120' carpeted race track (largest in the State). Three slot car tracks (1 dragster) 55' a small 8• -lane 55' of track for birthday parties/180'track (more professional) for competition type racing/in between there are work benches for working on the cars between racing. Four to Six cars at a time and 36 people maximun in a four hour block. Two c:�nf<�rence;`communit, rooms open to s:�irl CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - scout3/brownies/4H/whatever/marketing ploy/craft classes offered/restrooms and office. Also game room with video, etc. Pitching/fastball or softball and restrooms to accommodate all that. Swenson asked for any other questions or comments? The Hearing was closed and brought back to the planning Commission. Roskaft would like to clarify one thing. On April 1S, 1992 the Council approved the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Sec 504. Kirmis said the application was taken under the old ordinance so would be reviewed under the old ordinance. Roskaft asked if Sec 20-3-3 in the new ordinance relatively the same as old? Kirmis said there is a reference to the subdivision ord which the City has adopted. McAlpine had a concern of all the children at 12PM. He asked if anyone had been at the Elk River theater on Fri night? He would like to see parents be there. Thibodeau said they are looking at 700 hours of manpower of people to man the facility. He explained it brings recreation for the children. The RC and Slots, many people are in their SO's and 60's. Supervision is there. There is nothing I would like more than the parents to be there. They have a $300 to $400 investment in cars so they tend not to fool around because of the big investment. The first floor batting cages will draw teens. The video games are time passers while they are waiting. Margaret Thibodeau said now with the outdoor course, usually Fri and Sat nights a lot of teenagers and adults come in after the movie. We don't allow people to hang around. We are strict with goofing off. Goenner said as he sees it there would be less intense activity. (See File #PC -41792) CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 8PM - PAGE 6 - (Pages 1-5 in PC -41792) The summer activity is 2 -- 18 hole courses and would remain the same. It has been growing about loo per year. The indoor people coming for batting cages and races year round. Weather is a big factor. Goenner said he was trying to maintain if more intense business. Thibodeau felt the outdoor noise would be no more intense. The building is to be air conditioned. The drainage has not been settled as Engr Larry Koshak is in Hawaii. The proposed downsizing of the building, Thibodeau felt it is offensive. Downsizing would not allow the track to meet regulations. Rask asked about the minimum parking in front. Kirmis said the proposal fails to meet requirements for the parking for the ordinance because of that you have to downsize the building. In the PUD in Riverwood they didn't have to put in parking now. It is planning for the worse. Swenson spoke about the setback. The County requires 30', our new ord. calls for 20', 10' variance is being asked for. Rask stated that he would be in favor of the variance to set it back 10 ' . Wallace said it is possible that additional parking could be provided for the rear. Thibodeau said he wants safety for his employees and customers in a well lit area. From a safety standpoint, being in front of the building would be more important. Swenson said five items require comments from the Engineer. Weight said they have the two Engineers talking and working out the fine details and suggests any action made be contingent upon approval of the Engineer. Our Engineer feels it is a workable situation. Tom Thumb is also 10' from the lot line said Thibodeau. The concern is they were done under the County's jurisdiction. Our new Ordinance does not allow it. Roskaft said he can't see why we can't grant a variance for 10'. Kirmis said it is the first City decision. Because this locality already has that variance provided can we not allow it in other areas? Roskaft said the Town Board approved it and I feel because they did that I see no reason why we don't allow it. Goenner said he feels they have demonstrated there is an economic factor here. Kirmis said you don't want to base it on economics. Wallace said the variance can be granted on a particular time and date but at another time, because of particular area, there wouldn't be anything wrong not granting that variance. In another district there wouldn't be a need. It is putting everything in compliance with what is there. Lewis said there would still be the issue of the defactor parking spaces. Has the applicant exhausted all CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 AT 8PM- - PAGE 7 - areas in this? Thibodeau said that putting the parking behind the building is possible. I believe it provides an additional risk and presents a safety hazard. That is my hardship. We show 98 spaces. I have talked about eliminating the exit drive with Tom Thumb and that would get me 106 to 108 parking spaces. Swenson said if we give the reasons of existing and as a contingencies: 1. Engineer has suitable drainage agreement. 2. Parking acceptable Wallace motioned to grant the variance of the setback of 10' based on the fact that the existing buildings in the B-2 (Mississippi Shores 6TH Add) are also 10' rear line setback. Roskaft seconded the motion_ Black said it would be a good idea to deal with the drainage and parking with the PUD not with the variance. Motion carried unanimously. Kirmis said the Minn -E -Golf parking is not provided in the existing ordinance it can be determined by the governmental body and the PC. Thibodeau said he can put eight more spaces in. Kirmis said they show four handicap stalls and the law only requires one per SO so whey can work with it. Swenson said as long as it is agreeable we are willing to go along with it. Weight said the staff made a recommendation and it is up to you to vary. Black isn't it possible to set the total number of spaces now, but as a condition, if parking ends up on the street the review of the PUD, more spaces will be provided if needed. Is seems creative parking can be done. The contingency can be built in. Rask motioned to accept the PUD be applied to the Thibodeau property and all the drainage and parking (demonstrating 7 to 9 spaces extra would be acceptable) and issues be worked out in the PUD. Roskaft seconded the motion_ Black said a clarification, they are recommending NRC's Report with the exception of 4A __ Parking of 114 be changed to 98 spaces. Motion carried unanimously. Roskaft motioned to grant a CUP for the new building with reference to Files 176.02 and 92.03 in NAC's Report dated April 10, 1992. Goenner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. By --Laws Beatty brought up some concerns of Dave Licht that the by- laws under Work Rules- Item 2. should be Feb instead of Tan. to allow more time. Item 3. should include the Alternate. After discussion it was decided to change the following' CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 4/15/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 8 - Item 2: Change January to "February". Item 3= Take the wording from the P.C. Ordinance Item #16= Park to "Planning" Wallace will make changes and vote on next PC meeting. Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Wallace 2nd. Motion carried unanimously Mr Thibodeau thanked everyone. JAI R KOLLE SECR TARY MINUTES BY ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY ;, MERLIN BRISBIN 8182 NE RIVER RD ELK RIVER, MN 55330 APRIL 15, 1992 TO THE OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION: I AM STILL REVIEWING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORSHEET FOR THE PROPOSED COUNTRY RIDGE PLAT. SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 23, NW 1/4 & SW 1/4 IN SEC 22, TWP 121 R23, WRIGHT CO. I AM SEEKING LEGAL ADVISE ON THE MATTER OF THIS DEVELOPMENT AND ARE AWARE OF THE 30 DAY RESPONSE TIME. THE EAW WAS SIGNED AND DATED MARCH 20, 1992. SINCERLY, MERLIN BRISBIN