05-06-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 5/6/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The The following members ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON were present: BRUCE RASK RON BLACK/C. REP. following staff was present: BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY KATHY LEWIS GENE GOENNER JUDY HUDSON First on the Agenda was the consideration of Minutes. Wallace motioned to approve 3/25/92 Minutes. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Roskaft motioned to approve 4/15/92 minutes. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. JON OLSON - 14151 87TH ST NE, Otsego, MN - Lot 17, Block 1, Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates. PID #118-031-001170. Request is for a CUP to construct a 40X48' accessory structure and an Interim Use Permit to allow the storage of a vehicle in excess of 12,000 pounds (dump truck) within the R-2 Zoning District. Swenson informed the audience how the Hearing will be conducted and asked if the proper Hearing Publication, Posting and Mailing had been done. Beatty answered Yes. He then turned the meeting over to Kirmis for review of NAC's Report of April 23, 1992 on the Olson CUP and Interim Use Permit. (See Pg 2 & 3 of Recommendations of this report). Kirmis noted that the City Engineer, Larry Koshak has proposed three additional conditions: 1. The site plan be revised to show existing drainage way. 2. A drainage easement way be required 25' on center. 3. A 10' easement be required along all property lines. It was stated that Radzwill's concerns were with Otsego's Nuisance Ordinance. Mr Olson presented the Commission with pictures he had with screening all around the property. Kirmis noted he had been out at the site and the building size does seem common for the area. The Hearing was then closed and brought back to the Planning Commission. Wallace asked if the building was a pole type building? Olson alis wered Yes it would be steel sided in the same color as the primary structure. Rask said it is an interim use and is a creation of an oversized building and wondered if the permit was terminated. would the building be left there? Answer" . Yes. Swen-con noted he had done a site inspection and there was an oversized building to the east of the prop< rt: , on.- on F3STH and two west on O'Brian Ave, so it is not unique to ti -,.e 3' -?a .. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 5/6/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - Olson explained that the house is light blue and the new buildinq'will match and have a white steel roof the same as the shingles on the house. Swenson said he feels we are anxious to make as few deviations to the Ordinance as possible and asked if the building could be reduced so the pitch could be 16' instead of 18' to meet the codes? He said if we could avoid the variance on height it would be desirable. Olson said he could change it. Wallace also did a site inspection and agreed that the surrounding buildings are similar, but stated he has a problem with the siding and roof material. When asked about full loads being hauled by his truck Olson said he may be bringing in a little fill for garage but it would be no more weight than a garbage truck and he does not have loads on when bringing the truck home. Roskaft stated he would rather see the building 18' tall on 4 to 1 pitch so it doesn't cave in the building in a snowstorm. Olson said the property is surrounded with pine trees and cottonwoods and the 2' extra building height would not be seen from the street. Wallace said he has a major problem with the materials used in the building. Kirmis stated it needs to be considered if it would be the same or similar quality as the principal structure. The question is do you consider this similar? Wallace stated he does not consider this same or similar. Roskaft said that area has large buildings and pole shed structures and the Staff recommended this as far as he can interpret NAC's Report. He feels we should allow it. He would prefer to see a higher roofline and the inside storage. Wallace agreed that the building is needed but is concerned with a precedent being set with the standard metal building with metal roof. Goenner said he agrees with Wallace on the outside facing and roof material. Rask is concerned with the vehicle over 12.000 Lbs. gross weight. Kirmis said if a guy has a legal Home Extended Business and truck is part of the business it is grandfathered in. We consider this an Interim Use Permit and impose some conditions. The Interim Use Permit is for a reason. Wallace said he feels the building will be good for that u -21r, and sees a need. Roskaft said this building will be used for stora,ie and not a business down the road. Roskaft motioned to grant the CUP and Interium Use Permit as proposed in NAC's Report of April 23, 1992. Lewis seconded the motion_ CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 5/6/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Rask asked what it would cost for asphalt shingled roof and stick built building? Kirmis said he had checked with Big Lake Lumber and it is approximately $2.00 per Sq. Ft. more for stick built compared to a metal pole bldg. Lewis stated the surrounding area is compatible with this use if the neighborhood is used for comparison. Motion carried unanimously. It was noted that this will be placed on the Council Meeting of 5/26/92 at 7:30PM Agenda. Street Lighting Policy Consideration was next on Agenda= Kirmis explained the policy of the City currently. They do not bill street lighting to residents now. He referred to the 25th of March Street Lighting Policy which was taken from Lakeville. On PG #19 the Commission needs to review and see what is applicable to the City of Otsego. Kirmis said to start thinking about that and we need to establish some policies. There was some discussion as to how this could be billed. Roskaft stated that the City should not assume responsibility for billing this and it should be negoitated with the Elec. Companies and should be billed with the regular Elec. bill. Fournier said he gets requests from people living on dead end streets and he thinks the City needs a policy as how we will go about making street lights available if someone wants them. Rask asked why we should be responsible for providing lighting on a cul-de-sac? People choose to live on these because they are quiet. A Resolution (see attached) was brought up and Kirmis said the Commission should look it over and set policies and standards for the City of Otsego. Goenner said he would like to find out prices and differences as far as billing. Black said Elk River Utilities can probably come to a meeting and discuss this information. Swenson asked Beatty to contact Wright -Henn. Elec, Elk River Utilities and NSP to come to a regular Planning Commission Meeting Agenda item to discuss this. Roskaft brought up the information on Ordinance setbacks and asked for clarification. Will and Ruth Nordin asked to have a few minutes of the Commissions time to inform the Planning Commission of a possible violation of the property next to them. They live at PID 118-010-009014 and the property owned by Schmidt at 1319-5 NE 95TH ST PID #118-010-0090131. The complaint is that they are mining gravel from that site for the Nashua Project and have built a road over the creek to qrt into the area. � i "i := �� r. .-; r,-.-'• 1 E' f r C; m tJ f'i •&='�'i' �: i.; �� t had asked 'f i'i r r -, e r m i s s i r_) nt �; � U CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 5/6/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - it to the project. Nordin said they want to get rid of the hillside. The new owner has some dump trucks there and it is noisy in the morning said Nordin. The Nordin's have a concern that this business will be extended. It was agreed that this will be checked out. Meeting adjourned at 9:OSPM. JAME R KOLLES, SECRETARY By: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb