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Meeting was called to order at 8PM by Chair Carl Swenson.
The following members were present:
It was noted that Bruce Rask had called and would be out of
town and Eugene Goenner had called and couldn't be at the
meeting due to his wife being hospitalized.
Roskaft motioned to approve the Minutes of June 3, 1992 as
presented. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried
PID #118-500-253200 in Sec 26, Twp 121, R23. Request is for
the following:
1. Rezoning to INS (Institutional) from AG -1
2. A CUP for a Community Center and Ballfields within
INS Zoning (Review of Plans)
Chair Swenson explained how the Public Hearing will be
conducted and he asked the Zoning Administrator if the proper
publications were done. Beatty answered that the Hearing had
been published, posted and mailed.
Swenson turned it over to Bob Kirmis of NAC who explained the
request from NAC's Report of June 8, 1992 and gave a
background of the information. He stated that NAC
recommended approval of Rezoning and the Cond. Use Permit,
subject to the conditions on Page #2 and Page #3 of NAC's
Report (See attached). He stated that for a non-residential
use it is required that the parking lot be paved. Kirmis
also went thru Hakanson-Anderson's Report of June 16, 1992
( See Attached) .
TOM NICHOLS - of the VFW brought up the driveways and
pavement and he thought if you had a gravel road you could
have a gravel parking lot. It was originally discussed as
such said Kirmis, but the Planning Commission and Council
decided that parking lots for non --residential use should be
required to be paved. Nichols said they do have an entrance
and an exit. They would go by all the recommendations for
handicapped. He said he did not fully understand the
unloading. Kirmis said the intent is space being provided
especially for loading, deliveries, etc. Hasselgrave of the
VFW said that both contractors have been made aware of the
requirements for unloading space. Kirmis said it needs to be
shown on the plan.
As far as the grading plan they are leveling and draining to
one corner and the City Engineer will need to approve same,
•3o there are not any adverse impacts. The contractor should
- PAGE 2 -
contact the City Engineer said Kirmis. The City Engineer
needs to let the Council know if the grading plan is OK and
then the Council can approve. Drainage and erosion control
can be shown on the same plan. Parking can be changed with
one way system to angled parking.
Hasselgrave asked about the applicant waving right to appeal
an assessment. Kirmis said that the City Attorney recommends
that this condition be included so when Quaday is paved the
VFW will not appeal the assessment. They will pay their fair
share. Hasselgrave said that it is only fair.
Swenson asked for any comments from the public.
Nichols said they are taking 7' of property for Quaday and
asked if it will be compensated for? Kirmis said the City
Engineer will deal with that. Nichols said it is quite a bit
per acre.
Swenson asked for comments from the P.C. or Staff.
Roskaft asked why are they only rezoning 20A of land? Kirmis
said because we don't know what will be happening on that
newly created parcel, until we know we don't want to rezone
Hasselgrave said one of the reasons for splitting it is two
fold. Split the property now and leave the other for the
sports complex. This is only phase I, Phase II may be
putting one or two soccerfields, etc. in on the other part of
the property. We don't think that property would be sold
because it is tied up in charitable Gambling. It was split
so we wouldn't have to apply the full amount of acreage to
this loan.
McAlpine said the proposed parking they have is probably
adequate for now, but Iv'e seen in several sports programs
where you walk a long way. Do you plan on having the
individuals walk across the complex to get to the designated
Hasselgrave said that is what will happen. The SE corner
would be where anymore parking would go in. In Elk River all
the baseball and soccer fields, there is never adequate
parking said McAlpine. Hasselgrave said the average
soccerfield is in excess of 2---1/2 acres of land and the two
together is over 5 acres of land. You will have to walk.
There is too much valuable real estate down there.
Swenson said, using the usual recreational numbers to provide
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- PAGE 3 -
there is a little cushion there.
Roskaft asked if we have ever had complete Engineer's plans
provided on this? Kirmis said that as a condition of
approval, grading and drainage plan approved by a registered
Engineer will be submitted as a condition of approval.
Roskaft said as with a development we should have a
Engineering plan.
Nichols said there is elevations on the first plan they
Wallace said as part of the CUP it has to be done.
Kirmis said typically, it should be submitted before the
Council acts on it. The City Engineer can say I can't make a
recommendation because I haven't received the grading and
drainage plans.
Swenson said we need to consider rezoning and the CUP.
Roskaft motioned to rezone PID 118-500-253200, Sec. 26, Twp
121, Range 23, NW1/4 of SW1/4 EX TR DES IN BK 202-222 TO ST
FOR HWY. (the W 20 Acres), Rezone from A-1 to INS
(Institutional District). Wallace seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Wallace motioned to recommend approval of the Cond_ Use
Permit on the basis of the Conditions in NAC's Report of June
8, Items A -H and added memo of NAC's of June 10, 1992 Items
I -P, Pg. #3 . Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried
Unanimously. (This will be on 7-13-92 Council Meeting.)
Tom Nichols of 18967 Concord Street, Elk River, MN 55330
asked Beatty to send him a copy of these minutes.
McAlpine asked if there was any study on the Intersection of
#101 and #42?
Hasselgrave said it is there hope that 72ND ST will be cul-
de-saced as safety is first.
Black said it will be made into a cul-de-sac.
Jacquie Rongli asked if they understood that Quaday will
connect #42 and #37 so there will be two ways out of there.
Swenson suggested we add the consideration of the Subdivision
ordinance and Zoning Ordinance revision on the next Planning
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- PAGE 4 -
changes to the ordinances as very serious and we shouldn't
take them lightly.
Roskaft asked about the July 1st Hearing. Kirmis said it is
on for discussion before it is being brought to a hearing.
McAlpine motioned to adjourn the meeting_ Roskaft seconded
the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting Adjourned
at 8:45PM
Attached for reference:
Exhibit A - Site Location
Exhibit B - Previous Site Plan
Exhibit C - Revised Site Plan
Exhibit D - Building Elevations
Exhibit E - Floor Plan
Based on the following review, our off ice recommends the following:
1. Approval of the requested rezoning of the subject property
from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to INS, Institutiona
subject to the following conditions:
a. An administrative subdivision as requested by the
applicants is approved by City Staff.
b. The requested rezoning apply only toTthe
he enewly
western parcel of land (20 acres) .
should retain its existing A-1 designation.
2. Approval of a conditional use permit to allow a community
center and semi-public recreational facility
Institutional Zoning
District. Approval is, however,
continget ponhefolowog conditions:
a. The site plan is revised
devot d to theindividual
handi appedparking
stalls including those
b. The City Engineer provide wicomment as de curb cuts. totheacceptability
of the proposed 30 foot
C. The parking lot utilize a two-way circulation system.
d. The parking lot is surfaced in concrete or asphalt as
required by Ordinance.
e. The parking lot is provided a continuous concrete or
bituminous curb.
f. The site plan is revised to illustrate an off-street
loading space for the community center.
9. The parking area is screened from Quaday Avenue via earth
berming and/or plant materials.
h. The grading plan is subject to review and approval by the
City Engineer.
i. An erosion and sediment control plan is submitted and
approved by the City Engineer prior to construction.
j. The community center's sewage treatment facility is
subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
k. The site plan is revised to illustrate exterior lighting
locations. All lighting used to illuminate off-street
parking areas or recreation fields must be directed so as
to deflect light away from the adjacent public right-of-
1. The site plan is revised to illustrate all exterior sign
locations. All site signage must be in compliance with
the City Sign Ordinance.
M. The site plan is revised to illustrate exterior trash
handling locations. All trash handling receptacles must
be fully screened from view of adjacent properties and
public right-of-way by a fence or wall at least six feet
in height and a minimum opaqueness of 80 percent.
n. The applicants waive their right to appeal assessments
associated with future adjacent roadway improvements.
o. Comments from other City Staff.
As noted previously, the applicants have requested a rezoning of
the subject property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to INS,
Institutional. While the A-1 District does allow recreational uses
as a permitted use, it does not allow community centers such as
that being proposed by the VFW. As such, the existing A-1 zoning
is not considered appropriate as it does not accommodate the
proposed uses.
Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan)
identifies the subject property as future low density residential
development. In this regard, a rezoning of the property to a low
density residential designation (R-2) is worthy of consideration.
The City's R-2 zoning designation (2-1/2 acre lots) designates
recreational uses and permitted uses and community centers as
conditional uses.
i. An erosion and sediment contro='plan" is submitted and
approved by the City Engineer prior to construction.
• The community center's sewage treatment facility in
subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
k. The site plan is revised to illustrate exterior lighting
locations. All lighting used to illuminate off-street
parking areas or recreation fields must be directed so as
to deflect light away from the adjacent public right-of-
1. The site plan is revised to illustrate all exterior sign
locations. All site signage must be in compliance with
the City Sign Ordinance.
M. The Site plan is revised to illustrate exterior trash
handling locations. All trash handling receptacles must
be fully screened from view of adjacent properties and
public right-of-way by a fence or wall at least nix ;deet
in height and a minimum opaqueness of 80 percent.
n. The applicants waive their right to appeal assessments
associated with future adjacent roadway improvements
(Quaday Avenue and 72nd Street).
o The matter of liability insurance is investigated in
regard to theotential leasing of the proposed
recreational fiefs by the City.
'Comments from other City Staff.
As noted previously, the applicants have requested a rezoning of
the subject property from A-11 Agricultural Rural Service to INS,
Institutional. While the A-1 District does allow recreational uses
as a permitted use, it does not allow community centers such as
that being proposed by the VFW. As such, the existing.A-1 zoning
is not considered appropriate as it does not accommodate the
proposed uses.
identifiesith Jan.'
an The Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan)
identifies the subject property as future low density residential
development... In this regard, a rezoning of the propertyto a low
density residential designation (R-2) is worthy of consderation.
The City's R-2 zoning designation (2-1/2 acre lots) designates
recreational uses and permitted uses and community centers as
conditional uses.
Assoc., Inc.
June 16, 1992
Ms. Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk
City of Otsego
13474 N.E. 95th St.
Co. Rd. 39
Elk River, MN 55330
RE: VFW Site - C.U.F.
Dear Elaine:
222 Monroe Street
Anoka, Minnesota 55303
Fax 612/427-3401
We have reviewed the Conditional Use Permit and offer the following
Sewage Treatment Facilities
Ross Abel, P.E. has reviewed the data and drawing submitted, his
comments are attached. The submitted material is not adequate for
review at this time without additional information.
Quaday Avenue
Quaday Avenue is an MSA Street and is proposed for a rural section
street. The ROW requirements are 80 -feet, therefore an additional
7 -feet should be acquired during the approval process. In our
letter of April 30, 1991 Item 1, the ROW was 84 -feet, since that
time the MSA revised the requirement to 80 -feet. With the
additional ROW, the set back for the parking lot should be
racing and Drainage
As per our letter of April 30, 1991, it appears that drainage
consideration have not been addressed. Refer to Item 2 of the
attached letter. The grading and drainage plan should be prepared
by a registered engineer.
Erosion and Sedimentation
Refer to our letter of April 30, 1991 Item 4.
Engineers Landscape Architects Survevors
Page 2
June 16, 1992
Street Entrances
The width of the driveway aprons is acceptable assuming 30 -feet
curb radius are installed. As a commercial operation the width of
the access is necessary for entry of trucks, etc. This site must
be limited to two entrances onto Quale Avenue which is a minor
collector. The entrances shown are 400 -feet apart and that
distance is acceptable.
It appears that the original submittal in 1991 has not changed
appreciable in one -years time. The grading and drainage and over
all site plan needs to be prepared by a registered professional
engineer or a land surveyor. I have also reviewed NAC comments and
concur with their comments.
Respectfully transmitted,
Lawr nce oshak, P.E.
cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC
File: OT2:15-8