07-15-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 7/15/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The Following Commission Members were present: ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE ARLEEN NAGEL,ALT CARL SWENSON GENE GOENNER DENNIS MC ALPINE JIM KOLLES Staff Present was as follows: Bob Kirmis, NAC Elaine Beatty, Zoning Adm. Chair Swenson welcomed Arleen Nagel, to the PC. Beatty had introduced her before the meeting. Roskaft motioned to accept the minutes of July 1, 1992 as printed. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Mr Sundeen and Mr Birrenkott of Elk River Public Utilities were not yet present so the next agenda item was taken. 4. Review of the Zoning Ordinance Revision and the Subdivision Ordinance Revision (From 7/1/92 PC Meeting). Kirmis explained the above to the P.C. and referenced the memo from NAC dated July 8, 1992. Section 1. Kirmis explained changes. Roskaft asked about two per 20 acre splits. Kirmis said it was included in the revision of the ordinance in P9 3, Sec. 4.B. Density. Goenner brought up 40 Acres and density. There was mucr discussion of one per forty splits and deed restrictions. Goenner questioned only two residential homes being allowed to cluster. Discussion was had on high density in an AG area and spot zoning. Glenn Sundeen and Bill Birrenkott of Elk River Public Utilities Co Discussion of Street lighting with the Commission. Mr. Birrenkott spoke. He stated they have come up with a policy and presented it to the Commission. They try not to have any extra cost on street lights, but try to break even. They have established different rates. 1. For when a City requests one 2. For a Developer developing in an area and Developer pays for lights. 3. There is overhead and underground rates. (Underground rates are higher than overhead rates) He said they want to work with the City. We should keep in mind everyone wants a street light in front of their home. Public Safety is the criteria they use for establishing where CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 7/15/92 AT SPM - PAGE 2 - street lights are placed. Page 2 of the report referred to rates. Otsego now has two mercury vapor lights they pay for. They no longer offer this light. The high pressure sodium is the light with the orange type light. Mercury vapor is less efficient. They are installing almost exclusively high pressure sodium lights. The rates vary. Page 3 is a contract for a quote. The only street light they are offering is a cobra head light as they feel it is the best light for lighting up the roadway. Decorative pole ranges in cost. They are very reluctant to install a decorative pole because they are very fragile when just bumped with a car. They have had a lot of problems with the ones on main street in Elk River. He stated that they have homeowners that go together and have a light installed and they share the cost. Mr Birrenkott cautioned that we should be very careful with the lights. Once one gets one, everyone wants one. He recommended that we consider public safety when deciding where lights should be located. McAlpine had some questions on Wright -Hennepin Elec. and Elk River Utilities territories and is it a problem. Mr Birrenkott and Mr Sundeen assured Mr McAlpine that territories are not a problem. Each Company works in their own area. McAlpine asked if the PC would decide where lights should be placed. Swenson informed McAlpine that he is sure the City Council will establish a policy. Swenson asked if there was any other Planning Commission business. Jacquie Rognli from Otsego Vision Committee stated that she would like to invite the Planning Commission to participate in the Vision booth at the Great River Road Fest on August 1, 1992 to help sell T -Shirts, buttons and old fashioned root beer floats. Time is 11AM to 5PM. Wallace motioned to adjourn the meeting. Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9PM. JA S R KOLLES, SECRETARY BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary