8PM - PAGE 1 -
Members present were as follows:
Council present=
Norman F Freske
Staff present:
Bob Kirmis Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson
Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM.
Consideration of minutes of 8/5/92 was second agenda item.
Gene Goenner motioned to approve the minutes with the
following changes=
On page 2 paragraph 12 change clutch to "crutch"
On page 3 paragraph 3, change mobile home parks to
"mobile homes".
McAlpine seconded the motion. Motion carried
Agenda Item #3. Michael B. Gregersen - 8591 O'Brian Ave
NE PID #118-031-004011, Lot 1, Block 4 Vasseur's Oak Grove
Estates. Request is for an Oversized garage larger than is
allowed by the Ordinance. Swenson noted that this is a
Hearing and explained how it would be conducted. He asked if
the proper notices had been published, posted and mailed.
Beatty answered yes.
Swenson then turned it over to Kirmis who gave an
overview of NAC's Report of July 17, 1992. Kirmis stated he
feels this is a very positive thing as it would remove
outdoor storage and would match the principal building. The
property is screened. Kirmis read the six conditions on page
two of NAC's Report 1-6. (see attached conditions).
Swenson asked Mr. Gregersen if he wished to add any
info7-mation .
Mr Gregersen stated that on Page 2 of NAC's Report, item
#3, the structure will be 32' wide. He is not sure they can
do that. low of a roof. He had proposed a 5/12 pitch which
would carry the load bearing of snow/drainage. That would
create 17' high from peak to slab.(See Exhibit D on site plan
evaluation). He stated that the home is a modular home and
within ten years we plan on replacing it with a permanent
structure. He just moved in as of October of last year.
He has recently had his boat vandalized. He would like to
see a standard pitch 4/12 but increased it to 5/12 because of
the span. Because of the contents he will be storing in it,
his car, boat and motorcycles, he doesn't want a center
bearing wall inside.
Swenson noted that there is no one else here on this
request, but. Guy Rowe called and has no objection to
Gregersens garage. The Hearing was closed at this point.
Wallace asked about the garage construction. Gregersen
.t i.;� l.n, 2xzcs and it would some out to exactly
8PM - PAGE 2 -
10' 4-1/2".
McAlpine asked what is the code as far as the height on
a wall like that. What is the code for 2x4 wall vs a 2x6
wall? Gregersen said the construction company he is dealing
with has told him he can go with either 2x4 or 2x6.
Wallace asked about the size of the overhang. Gregersen
said he believes 18".
Swenson stated that Mr. Gregersen is requesting a
deviation of NAC's recommendations.
Goenner asked if Gregersen can go with a 4/12 pitch
instead of 5/12 will he do that? Answer is he will if he can
without disturbing the building.
McAlpine asked about the surrounding neighbors and are
there other similar buildings? Gregersen stated there are
some much larger buildings in the area and explained what is
in the neighborhood.
Wallace noted that this is over ordinance height.
Kirmis informed the PC how the height is measured.
Kirmis noted that the accessory building should be the
same as the existing house.
Wallace noted that with his experience in building, you
can add rafters or put a metal beam in.
Gregersen said all these options were considered when he
set down with the lumber co., but each of them increased the
cost of the building. That is why he went with the different
Wallace asked if the roof is shingled. Yes was the
Wallace asked if the house they are planning on building
is approximately the same location as the existing house now?
Gregersen said it would be the same location and be a rambler
with posts (ranch style) with posts in the front to fit into
the country type setting, three bedroom home.
The garage pitch will run E & W and the house will run
the opposite way, so it will not be readily noticeable as far
as the different pitch.
Wallace said he does not have a problem with this.
Wallace motioned to accept the Cond. Use Permit on the
grounds stated in the report of NAC and along with a change
in pitch of roof and the deviation of the report by NAC.
(Item #3, Page 2). Goenner seconded the motion.
Slack asked if it was the intent of the motion to state
that the building can be constructed with the maximum pitch
of 5/12 roof?
Wallace said with the 5/12 roof is what he intended.
Wallace restated his motion'.
Wallace motioned that the the Cond. Use Permit be
granted based on the conditions listed in NAC's Report, with
#3, Page 2 being changed to a 5/12 roof pitch. Goenner
seconded the motion.
8/19/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 -
McAlpine asked if they will go with the 2X4 or 2X6
trusses? Wallace said that is standard construction.
McAlpine said he is just curious on it. Motion carried
This item will be added to the Council agenda for
Agenda Item #4= Discussion of Street Lighting Policy
and possible decision.
Swenson asked Kirmis to explain. Kirmis explained that
we need something in regard to Street Lighting Policies. We
thought it was important that the Council take a look at
these policies.
Since part of the P.0 Members did not have a copy of the
Draft Street Lighting Policy with them Kirmis read over the
information one at a time and comments were made.
#1. OK
#2. Kirmis stated that Beatty and Koshak feel it should be
changed to two years instead of one.
Roskaft said make it two years. Goenner said leave the
years off and have only 90%. Wallace asked how other Cities
do it. Kirmis said it was taken from the City of Lakeville.
They are all different.
Black said it could be the period of time of two years
or until 90% was built, whichever occurs last.
Wallace said we could take the years out and drop it
down to 75%. Beatty said it was being looked at as more
people to spread the cost with the 900.
Black's suggestion was agreed to.
#3. Kirmis read and said this comes from Larry Koshak.
Because we have rural section streets, wooden pole style and
cobra head is appropriate. This was agreed to.
#4. Kirmis read and explained "white way" is a street that
is continually lit.
#5. Swenson asked if the intent is to cover the street
lighting with those things listed? Black said for the
future, instead of Sheriff and Engineer- named, we should say
appropriate law enforcement agency and street engineer
#6. Kirmis said maybe we should say applicable utility
companies, instead of naming them.
Swenson asked if that item is necessary?
Black said he doesn't feel it is necessary.
Goenner felt we should leave it in so we don't have a problem
with it. More discussion was had on this.
A vote was taken and 5 voted to leave it in and two
voted to take it out. It was left in.
Goenner said the word "compliance" should be eliminated.
Wallace said we should leave it in.
#7. This is a reiteration from the Subdivision Ordinance.
It was noted that the ordinance quoted should be put in
AT 8PM - PAGE 4 -
#8. Kirmis said there may be an exception on a very small
subdivision where the street lighting policy may not be
Black said if that is the intent I suggest the exception
may be to the street lighting plan and not who pays
for it.
#9. Kirmis stated he feels this is important and he feels
that 50% is appropriate.
Wallace said the way it is worded, the property owners,
etc, the Council can consider it if there is 50% of the
property owners or if 75% sign it.
Black questioned how subdivision is defined. Where he
lives in Mississippi Shores there are 1-6 Additions. How is
it defined, by plat?
Kirmis said maybe we can say applicable subdivision or
subdivisions? Much discussion was had.
Roskaft said he is thinking as safety as a factor.
Wallace suggested we change subdivision to street.
Goenner said why don't we eliminate this whole thing and
say residents have to show a need under public health and
Black said what the council will be looking for is a
consensus in the neighborhood. (he explained more)
Wallace said #7 and read it. If we use 900' as a basis,
50% of the neighbors within 900' of the requested light
Black said at least it ties the ordinance standard into
the petition standard. Everyone agreed.
#10. OK
#11. OK
#12. Kirmis said in response to the utility companies, this
is the standard fixture and the most efficient.
#13. Kirmis said it is a standard range for residential
street lights.
#14. Kirmis said he should note that Wright -Henn. does a
lighting study for the City.
Roskaft motioned to recommend this Street Lighting
Policy with changes to the City Council. McAlpine seconded
the motion. Motion carried unanimously_
These recommendations will be brought to the Council at
the September 14, 1992 Meeting.
Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Nagel seconded the motion_
Motion carried unanimou��s//l��y.
Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary