10-07-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 10/7/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The following members were present: ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK JIM KOLLES CARL SWENSON GENE GOENNER RONALD BLACK-C.R. ARLEEN NAGEL-PC ALT_ The following Staff members were present: Dave Licht. Bob Kirmis Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson The following Council member was present: Larry Fournier HEARING FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE OTSEGO CITY CODE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, ALLOWING THE CITY COUNCIL TO SET FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES REQUIRED TO BE PAID FOR VARIOUS ZONING - RELATED REQUESTS REQUIRING ACTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND/OR PLANNING COMMISSION. Swenson explained how a "public Hearing is Conducted. Kirmis reviewed the proposed Ordinance Amendment. Kirmis explained that this has been previously practiced by the City, but they would like to get this into City Code. The Minnesota State Statutes allow us to do this without adding it to our Ordinances. At this point the Hearing was opened to the Public. DENNIS HAVEL - spoke and asked what if the person does not agree with the amount of the bill that he gets? Will they just put it on the taxes anyway? Licht said there is potential to bring it to the City Council. DARYL SAATHOFF - asked if in the appeal process if they charge extra? Licht replied no. There has not been an extra charge. It has been an agenda item and handled in that fashion. At this point the Hearing was closed. It was then opened to the Commission. ROSKAFT asked about fees and how they are set. Licht answered that the Council sets the fees by Resolution. Goenner motioned to pass the City Ordinance Amending the Otsego City Code, Subdivision Ordinance, allowing the City Council to set fees, charges and expenses required to be paid for various subdivision related requests requiring action by the City Council, Zoning Administrator and/or Planning Commission. Roskaft Seconded the Motion. Motion carried unanimously. Roskaft questioned consideration of the minutes of last. meeting not being on the agenda. Swenson said it will bz taken up under other business. CAL JOHNSON - HEARING FOR A COND. USE PERMIT FOR AN OVERSIZED GARAGE IN THE A-1 ZONING AREA ON PID #118-800- 344201 described as the N319.58ft of the W380ft of the N1/2 of the W1/2 of the SE1/4 of Sec. 34, Twp 121, R24, City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Mn. This property ic presently owned by Tom Richardson. c, . CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10-7-92 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - dated September 16, 1992 pertaining to this request. The lot in question is presently undeveloped. The two issues are building materials of the proposed accessory building and building size. Kirmis said if you find it to be acceptable. NAC recommends approval subject to the 10 conditions stated in Pages #2 & 3 of NAC 's report of September 16, 1992. ( See attached conds.) NAC views this as a policy matter in regards to size and building materials. CAL JOHNSON - asked if he heard no animals allowed? Kirmis said that was one of the conditions. Swenson then called for any questions from the audience. CAL JOHNSON - stated he supports this request because he purchased the property on contingency that he be able to build this building to keep his equipment inside. Inside storage keeps the property neat. The structure looks nice stated Johnson. TOM RICHARDSON - Stated he is the present owner of the property and agrees with this request. At this point the Hearing was closed and brought back to the Commission. GOENNER stated that on Exhibits E & F, most of the homes that would be built do not have pitches of this variety. This garage would probably not match the house. The zoning is A-1 and the balance of the forty acres is deed -restricted. WALLACE stated if this were in the resident.ial,I would have a problem with it, but since it is in an Ag area surrounded by deed -restricted land, I don't think this will infringe on residential land because of being A-1. ROSKAFT asked what the land use plan is in the future. Kirmis stated that it is designated Ag. SWENSON asked if NAC considered this as presenting a president? Kirmis said it is the first request they have had for a pole building and is fairy critical. WALLACE asked in A-1 is it a ;precedent? Kirmis said density which surrounds this is important. (See exhibit ') There .are .a lot of smaller lots which exist West of this site. SWENSON asked if this Is prime ag land. is .an ,alfalfea field now and there is some Ag around it. RASK asked for a clarification of the animal issue. CAL JOHNSON said that when he filled out the application, he tried to be as honestas possible. He sail. he is trying to be fair. KIRMIS said it is. probably an oversight on his part a%_. fear as two horses he did not see .it on the application, but it 1was there. (for futur-� use). LICHT stated wk, cyan di -(-)p that off of the r acoi,iinie,neat 101.1,3 and !er_ that Ordinance <:io. St.i-ike tha last }::-art o1:;43. "fir. 1'h;? of .:�.T11171a1:3° Thf-) ? wa: a (�c;mnll�:,1:711 c�l'IC..Sn' 1!_ oil CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10/7/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - JOHNSON answered 4/12. The accessory building is 2/12. The reason for the 2/12 is that it gives a low profile with a 10' door for a camper. LICHT stated if the applicant is, sure that it is the type of building he wants to build, you can reference the roof as 2/12 and you can approve design JOHNSON said that the 2/12 pitch and the wings to the sides are fabricated as the building goes up and it is a nice place for storage (those wings). The property rolls to the South and this shed will face west and you will only see one side as the shed is behind of the house and to the side of it. RASK asked what the main pitch we put on prefab houses? GOENNER asked about one per forty split and it being 2- 1/2 acres without a public hearing. Beatty informed him that this was an existing split by Wright County before the City took over Planning and Zoning. WALLACE stated we could say it has to be the same type and design that is proposed here. KOLLES agreed and didn't see a problem as it is an attractive building. WALLACE motioned to accept the Cond. Use Permit for the accessory building with the regulations provided in the report of NAC's office dated September 16, 1992, with the recommendations provided in the report, with the exception of the last portion of #3 striken "Or the keeping of animals" and alteration of recommendation #4 to read "A building of the same type and design as in exhibit E in NAC's Report dated September 16, 1992". The rest of the report stands as is. ROSKAFT seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This item will be on the Council Agenda of 10/26/92 at 7:30PM BLACK asked for clarification. The Cond. Use Permit does not control the side yard or rear yard setbacks. Kirmis said there is an error on D on the setback. Accessory building are a minimum 10' from a lot line or 10' from A lot line easement. ZONING ORDINANCE - ACCESSORY BUILDINGS CONSIDERATION Kirmis read the NAC Report of September 29, 1992 on accessory buildings. He said there are two is:cues. Size an { materials. NAC has offered alternatives. SWENSON said .q key problem is buildinc) size and we should go thru Pg . 1,22,33.4..S & 6. Kirmis went t hru and explained. KIRMIS said these l=our .�lternatives have ,peen brought- forward roughtforward for discussion. 1 f ` her e ni n ::i n'.ques t r L 1 �.';__il1 � CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10-7-92 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - ROSKAFT liked the idea of having different sizes of building; allowed for different size lots. SWENSON felt we should look forward to the ultimate use of the land and the Ordinance needs to give us some help. RASK felt that quality will predict outcome. Make therm build a nice building to match the residence and the size will be in line. GOENNER felt a combination 750 sq ft allowed with a Cond. Use Permit up to 1500 Sq Ft and that would be the Max. cap. There was a Sub -Committee appointed: MARK WALLACE GENE GOENNER ING ROSKAFT CARL SWENSON, CHAIR They will come back to the Commission with suggestions. FOURNIER suggested that the alternate ARLEEN NAGEL be on this Commission so she can participate. The time will be decided after tonight's meeting. (Sunday October 12, 1992 was decided as the date 7:3OPM) More discussion was had on accessory buildings. BLACK had two item he would like the :pub -committee to consider. 1. The concept that the persons home and land is their castle and they should be free to do with it what they want, providing they don't loose site of the neighbor. 2. If you settle on a "no decision" you would not need a Planning Commission. BLACK agreed that we should look atthe quality of structure and size of building. Keep the decision making in the Planning Commission hands, not a set. of rules said Black. SWENSON said that maybe the Commission could come up with criteria. Height. of sidewalls and size is important to him. BLACK mentioned that if you regulate and require a certain pitch, it would probably limit the size of the building. SWENSON agreed thatmaybe pitch should not be in the. 0 r d i nance . SWENSON asked when th,_� Commission want -ed' an answer beck Second meeting in November said Roskaft (Nov 18, 1992) ROSKAFT motioned to approve the minutes of the 17, 1992 Planning Commission as written. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. (inde).- °Cithir-Ir Ru'sinesc" SWENS01`] b'i-(-..0 hf- up c on— l is . T hat her,-_- F ,_; ,T, e i 1 fiorma i orni: � CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10/7/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - the Chairman of the commissign to consider it. Swenson stated that he had talked to the member and would like to read the By -Laws #16 pertaining to Conflict of Interest. Swenson said his interpretation of this is, if you feel you have a Conflict of Interest, talk to the Chair and you will take a seat in the audience for that issue and will not vote on it but will be able to speak as a citizen. If you have any personal or financial interest in an item this is how it should be handled. ROSKAFT motioned to adjourn. RASK seconded the motion. all agreed. 9:15 adjournment. JAM R KOLLES, SECRETARY BY ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY AN