10-21-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10/21/92 AT SPM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at SPM. The following Commissioners were present: CARL SWENSON DENNIS MCALPINE MARK WALLACE ING ROSKAFT GENE GOENNER JIM KOLLES ARLEEN NAGEL ALT BRUCE RASK RON BLACK C/R The following Council Members were present: FLOYD RODEN NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR LARRY FOURNIER DOUG LINDENFELSER The following City Staff were present: Jerome Perrault Andy MacArthur Stan Ellison Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Bob Kirmis Consideration of minutes was next on the agenda. Page 4, Mark Wallace is Chair of the Sub -Committee for looking over the accessory buildings, not Swenson. Wallace motioned to approve the minutes with the correction as noted of the October 7, 1992 Planning Commission Meeting. Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. No 3 on the Agenda was the Planning Commission consider initiating a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to adjust the Immediate Urban Service Area Boundary to include the School Property. Kirmis explained to the Commission. The School Property is now in the Long Range Urban Service Area. The Comp Plan says that Urban type development should be focused in the Immediate Service Area in case the sewer and other utilities would come into Otsego. The School site lies along the Southern boarder and an Amendment would bring the School property into the Immediate Service Area. We need to set a Hearing Date. Goenner asked how far to the South would the line be moving? Tom Hysel answered a quarter quarter section. Goenner asked if it is true that the School would be Institutional so it would be allowed in any Zoning District, Including Ag, etc.? Kirmis said that what we have is ,an Urban type development which should be located in the Urban Service Area. This would be able to be publicized by the second meeting in November said Beatty. Roskaft motioned to set the hearing for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for November 18, 1992 at 8PM. Rask Seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously No. 4 on Agenda. Hearing for Independent School Dist. #728 Elk River, MN PIU #118-500-224400. The request is for .a Rezoning of school property to INS (An Administrative Split of 5 acres is also being requested of Staff). Swenson explained how the Hearing worked and asked Beatty if the proper notices had been Published. Posted and Mailed. Yes was the answer. Kirmis was asked to give the Staff Report and he went over NAC's Report of October 13, 1992. Rezoning is all w--, CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10-21- 92 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - are considering here tonight said Kirmis. A site plan is: attached and subsequent site plan review will be done by the Planning Commission and Council. Kirmis read the Findings from Pg 2 & 3 of NAC's Report 1-3. He stated that NAC has recommended approval. He said that additional item is that the City Land Use Plan proposed the Western 2/3 of the property as med-high density residential and low density residential for the balance. The Comp Plan does hold the policies and provides some flexibility for land use plans. Pg #4 NAC's Report land use compatibility and performance standards were gone over. Screening will be required. Traffic Generation, Kirmis went over the turn land/bypass land and erect signage and if this is implemented it will help. The farmstead is another use to consider. A-1 Zoning District it will be a legal non -conforming use. We feel A-1_ Zoning is appropriate. We feel that the long term use will likely be something more then low density residential. The subdivision is considered minor and can be done administratively. NAC has recommended approval with two conditions (see Pg 6) NAC's Report. At this point the Hearing was opened to the public. LLOYD BRUTLAG: Stated he represents the School District and wishes to thank the committee and said that screen was a concern. Now it seems OK. The Board wants to indicate that at this time the are unable to purchase the Steiner property because of the budget not allowing it. Swenson asked if any one else wished to be heard. None did. At this point it was brought back to the Planning Commission. Roskaft motioned to Rezone from A-1 to INS on 53+ Acres and the 5 Acres be rezoned from A-1 to R-2. Rask seconded the motion. Swenson asked if R was a problem as A-2 was suggested in the NAC's Report. Kirmis said unless the property owner brought up the Zoning request it has been the policy not to rezone. Kirmis questioned if residential use is the proper use for the S acres. Roskaft said he feels it will be awhile before that changes. Goenner motioned to amend the motion to state the 5 acre parcel be amended to A-1 not R-2. Rask Seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Swenson stated the S Acre portion will remain A--1. He asked if all were in favor of the INS- Zoning for the School Site. All agreed. This item will be brought to the Council Meeting of 10/26/92. ADDENDUM: The Planning Commission will consider and review the. EDA/HRA Development Plan for the City of Otsego. Stan Ellison explained that this has a statutory bas+, and consists of a commission that has: certain aut_h-oritits. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10/21/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - The reason for the EDA is to encourage Economic Development in the City and it also has Housing and Redevelopment Authority and broad power subject to control of the City Council. The Redevelopment Plan is for the Otsego Community Center Project. EDA is intended to function with long term view of the City looking into the future. Page 1, Item IB outlines rational and provide a central location for anyone who deals with the City to get in touch with the City and will provide identity for the City. It is not intended for Economic Development District. They are providing a facility to drive development up. EDA will use that facility to host functions for development and it says that the Community Center will have Park Land around it. It will eventually be the center of the City with a guaranteed open area. A place where the City residents can go and recreate a EDA. We see that as a positive thing for Development of housing in the City. Thinking long term, the residents of plan deals to a large extent with authority. The Redevelopment Plan lays out the objectives, bond issue details, etc. This plan can be modified at any time (amended). Goenner asked if the EDA is in place at this time? It is in place now. This plan is coming from the EDA to the Planning Commission and will go to the City Council. Rask asked who is the EDA? It is the City Council now, Ellison explained. There is an advisory committee. EDA own: the building, but not the land. The City will lease back with option to purchase. That is the only way they can do the bonding. They pledge the income to pay the bonds (or mortgage) The EDA is pledging the bond. Eventual time period will depend on when the bonds are paid. Black explained that the reason for it now is market rata on bonds and the Township had over one-half million in the bank at over 10% rate. He explained how funds were allocated for City Hall. We are forming an EDA to get 5% money. borrowing money at 5a% we have cash in the bank at over 10% interest. Gene asked about development and how would it work. It would have to come before the Planning Commission and Council he was told. Wallace asked if a Municipal Liquor Store was a good idea and could they go ahead? EDA doesn't normally deal with the municipal liquor store. Other types of development, a light industrial computer plant, etc Ellison explained how it worked. They all come before the Planning Commission. Rask asked. without the EDA the City doesn't have a right to bond? City would have to go thru a lot more hoops and it would be a higher interest rate. This is a separate bode (EDA). It gives the City a liabilit; shi„ld. uoenner said that in the first report it mentioned redevelopment activities. EDA can condemn land? Thru thi ity =''hey have E-minent Domain. They can purchase proN�rt; CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10/21/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - and develop it. EDA gets most of it's money from bonding or tax increment financing. Ellison explained more. McAlpine said the EDA is composed of members of the Council. With elections coming up would a new member on the Council be included on the Council automatically? Yes was the answer. City Council Members are EDA Members. Everything has to come thru the Planning Commission and the Advisory Board is very important. Rask asked why are we creating a separate body for an Advisory Board, when the Planning Commission is an Advisory Board? Not a paid Advisory Commission. Black said that Elk River has a five (5) person Advisory Board which includes a Bank Representative/General Manager Elk River Municipal Utilities and School District. The intent is all of those people have experience dealing and considering the finance end of a development project. It is somebody to look at it from a business point of view. The Advisory Board would look at it as financial. The Planning Commission will look at it from a Zoning point of view. Roskaft motioned to approve the EDA Redevelopment Plan as set forth. Rask seconded the motion. Wallace asked in reference to the members and conflict of interest, would we have business members from the community? Black said it is feasible indirectly a person who is an Advisory Board Member could be indirectly effected. A question was asked on how condemnation would work. Black explained the power of condemnation is not ordinarily used because it has to have a public purpose. He explained how it would work with the Elk River "hole in the ground" Motion carried unanimously. Under Other Business, Wallace explained how the sub- committee for reviewing our Accessory Building Ordinance is doing and the next meeting they should be ready to explain. MacArthur said they have a Resolution for the Planning Commission to sign as part of the EDA. Ellison explained what the written Resolution states and that Page #1 of the Redevelopment Plan is restated and it i:�_ a Findings of Fact and Resolution. Roskaft motioned to adopt the Resolution. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Black explained to the Planning Commission that a carpe} rec:ycler has moved into Otsego and is using the garage a�-:: _. residence. Wallace motioned to adjourn the meeting. Roskaft & McAlpine seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. at 9:05 meeting adjourned. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 10/21/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - JA R KOLLES, SECRETARY Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary me 04