11-18-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 11/18/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PN. The following Members were present: CARL SWENSON MARK WALLACE ARLEEN NAGEL-Ann. DENNIS MC ALPINE GENE GOENNER LARRY FOURNIER-CR h 9�li S ( FOR RON BLACK) The following Staff was present: BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY JUDY HUDSON Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes of November 4, 1992 Planning Commission. Arleen Nagel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING ON THE POSSIBLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT OF THE IMMEDIATE SERVICE AREA LINE CHANGE TO INCLUDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT #728 PROPERTY. Bob Kirmis explained that the School District property currently lies in the Long Range Urban Service Area. The Immediate Urban Service Area is targeted for the development. The suggestion is that the 0oundary line be adjusted to include the School District property and the SA AG property as well in the Immediate Urban Service Area. NAC has recommended approval subject to three findings from NRC's Report of October 13, 1992 (File 176.02 - 92-20) 1. The land is within the long range urban service area. 2. The City Engineer has indicated that the area may b� adequately served by future sanitary sewer. 3. The land does not qualify as a premature development in that: a. The land holds adequate stormwater drainage capacity. b. The land has a safe water supply. C. Adequate roads serve the property. d. The site holds the ability to accommodate a safe sewage disposal system. Swenson asked Beatty if the proper publication and posting was done. Beatty answered yes. (See P6112092, CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 11/18/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - The only person in attendance of the Hearing was Councli Member, Larry Fournier. At this point the Chair closed the Hearing and brought it back to the Commission. Gene Goenner, who had arrived a iittie late, asneu for a brief overview. Goenner stated he has studied this ao6 has a problem moving this line right now, and an Industriai arca being put next to a Residential Area. Swenson explained that just the School Dist 4728 property and 5A Ag property would be included. Goenner apologized and said he didn't understand it, buo does now. Wallace motioned to recommend the adjustment of the City's immediate urban service boundary to include the school property and with the conditions stated in NAC's Report. Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION BY SUB -COMMITTEE OF ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND WHAT CONCLUSIONS THEY HAVE REACHED. Wallace gave the sub- committee report. He said on Page 479 of the Zoning Ordinance they attacked the issues that were most controversial to the Planning Commission. He presentee a new phrasing of the Ordinance (See attached) This is one iniLiai recommendation. Kirmis asked if any consideration was given to the buildings now on the lots. The existing non-conMrmi% buildings would be grandfathered in. There was much moru discussion on accessory buildings and how it should handled. Beatty asked if there was any consideration as Lu whaL size attached garage would be allowed it it were built atter the house is already built? Would they be able to go any size? Kirmis said it would possibly be 750 sq ft that would be allowed. Wallace talked about "appearance" of buxioings anu the garages being compatible with the principal structure. On "height" it was agreed that on a one acre ioc, one height to peak would be allowed. On larger lots, another height would be allowed. Roofs and if metal would be allowed was discussed. Swenson asked what the P.C. wanted? Do they want the Sub -committee to have another meeting or have the wianning Commission have a "work meeting" on this? Goenner said he would like another sub -committee meeting, just one more to try to come to a consensus and go over the Ag part of the Ordinance. They will iet us mHuw when they are ready to bring it back ror a "work sessiO W. Swenson asked for any other P.C. Musaness. lheie wa: none. KUSKart motioned to adjourn. Wallace wevunuou _w, , motion. Motion carried unanimously. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 11-18- 92 AT 8PM -PAGE 3 - Meeting adjourned at 9PM. 1144146 JAMES KOLLES, S CRETA Y Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary JRK/eb ACCESSORY mUILDINGS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. On lot sizes of 1 acre or less. The accessory building --"size shall not exceed the total square footage of land cover of the principal structure's living area. If the principle structure has an attached garage, it is not included in the size estimation nor subtracted from the total allowed accessory building9square footage This is the maximu�m�� allowed. Appearance: '�� �� �`E z�'cQ lcz x The outer appearance of the accessory building must be visually compatible with the principle structure. This includes not only the style of material on the side walls, but also the roof of the building as well`. On lot sizes greater than 1 acre. Si: e . The accessory building size shall not exceed the one and one half (1 1/2) the total square footage of land cover of the principal structure's living area. If the principle structure has an attached garage, it is not included in the size estimation nor subtracted from the total allowed accessory building square footage. Any building requested larger than the above specifications must apply for a C.U.7. Appearance: I'he outer appearance of the accessory building must be visually compatible with the principle structure. This includes not only the style of material on the side wails, but also the roof of the building as well.