12-16-92 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 12/16/92 AT SPM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: JIM KOLLES MARK WALLACE EUGENE GOENNER BRUCE RASK CARL SWENSON DENNIS MC ALPINE ING ROSKAFT ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT RON BLACK/C.R. Council Members present were as follows: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL Staff Members present were as follows: BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY JUDY HUDSON Rask motioned to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of December 2, 1992. Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously_ HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING PID #118-500-202100 (New City Hall Property on Nashua) in Section 20, Township 121, Range 23 from AG -1 to INS (Institutional)_ Swenson explained how the Hearing would be conducted. He asked Beatty if the proper notification and publishing had been done. Beatty answered yes. At this point it was turned over to Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner who explained the Rezoning from AG -1 to INS. The reason for Rezoning is to be able to split off the City Hall area for financing purposes. The land use has already been addressed under the CUP last Fall. The use was found acceptable for this site. The Urban Service Area Boundary is not being considered at this time. NAC recommends approval of the rezoning request. Swenson asked for comments from the public. BILL OLSON,.who lives on Nashua Avenue wanted to know what the possible ramifications of this rezoning, because his property boarders this property on two sides and he wants to know how it will effect his neighbors. Kirmis said the use has been found acceptable. A City Hall and Park is all that is being proposed. This is before the Planning Commission and Council to allow the City Hall split for financing.. Swenson said he is still AG -1 and this does not change his use of the property. MYRTLE LU CONIC, who has property across the street from City Hall was wondering if it changed the AG -1 Zoning. The answer is no. This applies only to City Hall property. DENNIS HAVEL, Who has property on Nashua asked about on the accesses off of Nashua and would any more be allowed? Public Rec. facilities are CUP under the INS Zoning District. That means the City has to come before the Planning Commission and City Council. At that time, there will be plans and it will be considered. On Nashua it has been the policy to limit access as much as possible was the answer. Swenson said that the rules will apply to this property as well as others. He said at this time he does not see any more than two accesses. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 12/16/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - LU CONIC - Asked if they are thinking about changing any of the other land along there for Industrial or Commercial? Swenson said no, only the City Hall property is being looked at for rezoning to INS. He asked if anyone else wished to be heard? No one did so the Hearing was closed and it was brought back to the Planning Commission for comment. GOENNER - Does this set any type of precedent as far as deed restrictions? Kirmis said it relates to whether or not a particular use is appropriate for a particular piece of land. No, it does not set a precedent. Swenson said that since INS is a semi-public use, it would not be a precedent for the Planning Commission. Roskaft motioned to rezone the land under PID #118-500- 202100 from A-1 to INS. Wallace seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO OTSEGO'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE THE OTSEGO PARK AND RECS. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Swenson noted that this is another Public Hearing and would be conducted the same. Mark Wallace, Chair of the Parks and Rec. Commission of Otsego explained the Otsego Comprehensive Plan for Park and Trail and Recreation. He said it is based on other community plans, a community survey and the plan was drawn up to allow a purpose when a developer comes in we do have a plan and something to stand on when we request a certain amount of property or funding. The plan contains the policies and classifications of the community survey, maps of the existing park facilities and for the future. The last page shows a pull out map and Mark explained what it contained. The reason this plan is important is in order to apply for funding thru the State and Federal funding a comprehensive plan is required. We took quite a bit of time developing this plan. If we add this to the present Otsego Comprehensive Plan, it gives it credibility. Swenson asked if the Staff had any comments? Kirmis said there were two options to consider: 1. Making it a part of the City Comp. Plan. 2. Making it a City guide book. The City Council decided it would function better as a component of the City's Comprehensive Plan. It gives it a little more meaning and I applaud the Park and Recs. Commission for the job they have done. Floyd Roden said the reason we think it should be part of the City's Comprehensive Plan is it makes a lot of sense and the Parks and Recs. Commission did a great job on it. Swenson asked for anymore comments. There were none and the Hearing was closed and the Planning Commission was asked for questions or comments. Roskaft said the Park and Recs. Commission has done a CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 12/16/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - bang-up job on this. It may need to be added to from time to time, but it should be placed in the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Rask asked if this proposed snowmobile trail installed now? Answer was that only some easements have been received, but it is being worked on. This is the plan and a Parks member is working on the snowmobile trail. Roden stated that they are working on quite a few phases of the parks plan and anyone interested in this can call Mark, Carl or Roden. Rask motioned to approve the Amendment to Otsego's Comprehensive Plan to include the Otsego Park and Recs. Comprehensive Plan. Roskaft seconded the motion. McAlpine said if we continue going after these easements, I hope these individuals contact the homeowner when they go to the property to property so they will know their neighbors have signed it. Swenson said most of the work being done on this is being done by Tom Constant and you can contact him if you have any concerns. This is not a special park and Rec's. project. There are several snowmobile clubs involved. Motion carried unanimously. Swenson asked if there was any other Planning Commission Business? Kirmis said he has an item relating to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment being considered to adjust the Immediate Service Area Boundary. The City recommended that the actual boundary amendment be moved to present a parallel line all the way to the river. The Immediate Service Area line is taken from the sewer study. Larry Koshak has reviewed the line as it exists has a basis of sewer and is not an arbitrary boundary. Koshak feels to simply add land indiscriminately is somewhat against the City philosophy. We have only held to the property owner initiating rezoning. By moving the line South, we are saying Urban Development would be appropriate on that line As you recommended in the Long Range Urban Service Area, we would like to see one per 40 there. Koshak has recommended that we just include the school. NAC concurs with Koshak's opinion. Swenson asked would the Planning Commission like to discuss this? Swenson said that he must point out that there was a clear cut rational for including the school in the Immediate Service Area. By making the increase it was not anticipated or intended to invalidate the sewer study. It is a serious question. If you wish to talk, it is on the table or you can discuss it next meeting. McAlpine stated he hasn't had time to read it. Planning Commission wished to have it added to the next Planning Commission Agenda on January 6, 1993. Freske expressed thanks to the Park Board and asked if • they CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 12/16/92 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - the Planning Commission had belonged to the Minn. Planning Association? Maybe the Planning Commission would like to look at the information he had received regarding the same and discuss it. (The information was copied and passed out). Kirmis had handed out a memo on accessory buildings and some comments on same. The accessory building issue will be added to the January 6, 1993 Planning Commission Agenda. Wallace motioned to adjourn the meeting. Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM. DAME$ A KOLLES, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION PAY FIGURED FOR JANUARY 1, THRU - JUNE 30. 1993 AT $20.00 PER MEETING= TOTAL AMT PAID $1,460.00 PC REG PAY TOTAL AMT ING R(D`_'K'Af7 ," 10x20 $ 200.00 C ;FAL SWEN` ON 10X20 $ 200.00 MARK 9X20 $ 180 .00 JTM KOLLES X20 fi i20.00 GENE GOENW R 9X20 180.00 DENNIS MC :ALPINE 9X20 180.00 ARLEEN NAGE.L , ALT 7X20 $ 140.00 BRUCE RASK 8X20 $ 160,00 TOTAL AMT PAID $1,460.00