01-06-93 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 1-6-93 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Meeting was called to order by Chair Swenson at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON DENNIS MCALPINE JIM KOLLES GENE GOENNER RONALD BLACK -CR The following Staff was present: Bob Kirmis Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Council Member Larry Fournier was also present. Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of 12-16-92. McAlpine seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously_ KIM AND RON BEAUDRY - Hearing for CUP to move in a house on PID #118-112-002030 Beaudry's Addition L3, Block 2, in Section 25, Township 121, Range 24 as allowed by Otsego City Ordinance. Swenson explained the Hearing process and how it would be conducted. He then asked Beatty if the notices had been properly published and posted. Beatty answered yes. Kirmis who is the Assistant Planner from NAC's office explained the report of NAC of December 22, 1992 pertaining to the Beaudry's request. He said some of the prime issues are structure compatibility and property value. He had spoken to Mr Doug Gruber, Wright County Assessor pertaining to the value issue. He said the home should be brought up to building code standards, landscaped and proper foundation installed. NAC recommended approval of this request subject to ten conditions as follows: 1. A site plan, based upon a current certificate of survey, is submitted which illustrates specific house, driveway, well, septic locations, etc. The residence should be placed so as to conform to minimum R-3 setbacks. 2. The relocated residence comply with the applicable requirements of the State Building Code. This .item should be subject to further comment by the City Building Inspector. 3. As required by Ordinance, the relocated structure is ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. 4. A performance security is posted in an amount determined appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. The security should be reflective of anticipated improvement costs (i.e., foundation work, landscaping, well, sewage treatment system). 5. Drainage and utility easements are established along lot .lines. This item should be subject to comment by the City Engineer. 6. The subject property is landscaped using ornamental grass, shrubs, trees, or other acceptable vegetation. 7. The City Engineer provide comment and/or recommendation in regard to the submitted sewage system plan. B. The site plan illustrate any proposed accessory buildings. Any such buildings must conform to the applicable ,i .:enc n F G rt i nn ^n- i 1,_.1 :-)f' 1 -hr, ' onl nn nrrji nnnCe _ CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 1/6/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 2- 9. The applicant waives his right to appeal any assessments associated with the future potential paving of the service road which accesses the subject property. 10. Comments from other City Staff. Kirmis noted that we had received memos from the City Engineer and City Attorney and that NAC recommends approval of the request. Swenson asked if the Beaudry's wished to add anything? Kim Beaudry - Asked about the site plan requested by the Engineer. Kirmis explained what they would need and that they need to have the site plan to get the Building Permit anyway. Swenson then opened comments to the public. .john Beecher - Asked about any damages done to the road in front of Beaudry's Addition. Black stated that a permit must be secured by the mover and the mover has to show he is bonded and insured for that sort of thing. It is the obligation of the mover. Larry Blesi - Who lives on LaBeaux Avenue asked about the type of house it is. The pictures of the house were passed around. Gene Goenner asked about monies that need to be retained in escrow and how would that work? He was informed that the Zoning Administrator would determine the amount that would need to be escrowed. Roskaft motioned to issue the CUP for the property move in house in question and subject to the ten conditions from NAC's Report of December 22, 1992. McAlpine seconded the motion. All agreed. AGENDA ITEM #4= Planning Commission discussion of the immediate service area line to be straightened out South of the New School Dist #728 property. (Should it be straightened out or left as is?) Goenner - Asked if the line were to be moved, what would it be Zoned? Kirmis answered that it would follow the Land Use Plan and would not be rezoned until the property owner requested rezoning. There is no Commercial or Industrial property East of Highway #101. Swenson - pointed out that there is a valid rationale for changing the line to include the School District property. The use of sewer for the school was included in the original estimate. To include additional land, Swenson felt, was not desirable because that land was not included in the original sewer study. Wallace - explained that this was brought up by the City Council to even the line out. He agreed that it should be left around the school and not straighten out the line. Wallace motioned that the immediate service line should h� 1 cad t ac ii- i c ,i i f h thP (-x(-(,of i cin of the School District CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 1/6/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - #728 property and SA parcel adjacent included. Goenner seconded the motion. Motion carried with Ing Roskaft opposing the motion. AGENDA ITEM #5. Planning Commission discussion of Accessory Buildings - Wallace explained what the sub- committee had agreed upon for accessory buildings. On lot sizes of one acre or less there would be 10' maximum sidewall height and 17' maximum peak height. Lot size greater than one acre there would be a maximum sidewall height of 10' and maximum peak height of 20'. Swenson asked if there was any discussion or questions? Kirmis pointed out an item raised in NAC's memo. NAC holds the opinion that accessory buildings would more appropriately be regulated by zoning district rather than lot size. Kirmis explained. See Report from NAC on Accessory Buildings dated September 29, 1992. Black stated he feel this revised accessory building information discriminates against a particular style of house architecture. A rambler would be allowed a larger garage. Goenner said they were trying to base it on footprint of the house and the amount of space covered by the house. A rambler may look better with a larger accessory building where a split style takes up less space. After much discussion of the accessory buildings and different ways to approach it, Roskaft recommended that the committee take more time and see if they can discuss it further. Wallace asked for suggestions. Black stated he doesn't understand why the committee doesn't want to look at a CUP at least to know what is going on out there. Secondly, what is the proposed Ordinance meant to accomplish? Discussion of if tin roof buildings would be allowed under this Ordinance was had. Black also asked how was this to allow the storage items under one roof and hidden? As this was a goal. Swenson said they were attempting to set up some ground rules to give the Staff direction to work with. Black brought up a three tier system. Where they could have a 750 sq foot garage with no questions and with the larger buildings strings would be attached with a CUP and the larger building still would have more strings attached. Then economics would decide what would be built. The reason Black said he objects to the current plan is it infringes on individual rights. Discussion of clean up and not everything was necessarily put inside a building even if they have one, was had. It was decided that the sub -committee will again meet and try to resolve this accessory building question. AGENDA ITEM #6. Discussion of MN/Planning Association and possible membership to same. rr,�nn�,r ^f af- H hP� i �-, not i n favor of ic)i nine _ Swenson CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 1/6/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - and Wallace felt it would be beneficial to join. MacAlpine said he felt it would help the Commission. Roskaft has been a member for years and felt it is worthwhile. Beatty will get the Commission signed up. There was no other business. Roskaft motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9=10PM. JAMES �KOLLES, SECRETARY BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb