02-17-93 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 2/17/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - The meeting was called to order by Chair Swenson at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: ING ROSKAFT GENE GOENNER ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT BRUCE RASK CARL SWENSON RON BLACK/CR DENNIS MC ALPINE The following staff was present: Elaine Beatty The minutes of 2/3/93, it was noted that on Pg#4 Roskaft Motioned and it should read "Wallace" seconded the motion "not Roskaft". Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes of 2/3/93 as corrected_ Rask seconded the motion_ Motion carried unanimously. Swenson noted that Tuesday evening 2/23/93, 7PM there is a presentation by the architect on the Otsego Elementary School at Lincoln Elementary School in Elk River and that maybe members of the P.C. would like to attend this meeting. WRIGHT CO WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN= Swenson explained we were talking about developing a plan and having our plan being the governing document. We found out that the County's Plan takes precedent over anything we do. We have to conform to their plan. Swenson wanted to clear this up. Swenson talked about information that all had received from Larry Koshak, City Engineer. He stated that we need to review this systematically The Council has ordered us one complete copy of text and maps as two sections of the document we have are missing. At the next Council meeting we will decide if we want everyone to review the complete document. Swenson will review it when it is received. Swenson also suggested that we take portions of the document as an assignment and go over some at each meeting. Since we don't have the complete document he suggested that we review the fllowing: 1. Executive Summary 2. History of Water Plan Development 3. Summary of Available Data 4. Part III - Goals -Objectives -Actions Numbering System Explanation Septic System Issues S. 1. On -Site Septic Systems 6. Non -Agricultural Land Use Issues It was suggested last meeting that we should try to get Franklin Dehn to come to a meeting. If the Commission is agreeable to this, Swenson will call him before the next meeting. We should read some of this report and then discuss it. Hakanson-Anderson's information as to what to read is attached. Goenner asked if this document supersedes, why are we reading it, if the County has the final say? Swenson answered we can make comments and they will be attached to the document. We can go beyond what the Count/ has with our regulations. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 2/17/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - Roskaft said that the memo the City decides on will go with the County Plan to the State to be decided on. Swenson said he thinks the plan is already adopted by the County, but doesn't know if the State will consider it. Black thought when we have a comment period it generally assumes the document is subject to revision. If Otsego objected violently and had justifications for it he thinks the County has to take another look at it. After we find out what the County has said we have to find out if it meets our ordinances. Goenner asked if the County would be in charge of enforcing it? Swenson said he believes the County didn't necessarily do enforcement of this. Black said it would not be an ordinance. It is a plan. The Commission may just as well get it's feet wet because wetlands is the next issue we want the Planning Commission to look at. He explained. Rask said he read through the plan and finds it hard to believe that the Council would want more restrictions. Black brought up the Planning Commission Meeting for Land Use Planning and the Council has authorized anyone from the Planning Commission who wants to attend. Let Beatty know if you want to go so she can sign you up. Roskaft motioned to adjourn the meeting. McAlpine seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ol. 6C�L� MARK WALLACE, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb