03-19-93 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1993 AT SPM - PAGE 1 - (PG 1 REVISED 3/19/93 EB) Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: CARL SWENSON DENNIS MC ALPINE MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK EUGENE GOENNER ARLEEN NAGEL-ALT RON BLACK -CR ING ROSKAFT JIM KOLLES The Following Council Members were present: LARRY FOURNIER, NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR, DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER The Following Staff was present: Bob Kirmis, Elaine Beatty, Judy Hudson The Minutes of February 17, 1993 was motioned to approve by Rask. Roskaft seconded the motion. Wallace brought up that he is the Secretary now. Motion carried unanimously with the change of Secretary. 3. HEARING on consideration of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment which would delete Section 20-17-11.0 of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the guidelines for single family home construction within the City's mobile home subdivisions. Essentially, the amendment will require all single family homes, except those in the R -MH District, to adhere to the same performance standards (i.e., perimeter foundations, minimum dimensional requirements, etc.). Swenson explained how the Hearing would be conducted. Kirmis gave the Staff Report of NAC of January 14, 1993 and explained that the Amendment would require all single family dwellings except in mobile home parks to adhere to the same dwelling standards and gave the background in which the Otsego Building Inspector questioned a foundation requirement. Currently there is no requirement for a permanent foundation for mobile homes. This was brought to the Planning Commission and Council and it was decided that all buildings would have to adhere to the same standards. Wright County Zoning Ordinance Page 160 required a minimum width of 24' prior to the adoption of our ordinance. The minimum width was in place with the Wright County Ordinance previously. Swenson asked Beatty if the proper notices had been posted and published. Beatty answered yes. Swenson asked the audience if there were any comments. MARTI CARROLL of Vasseur's Addition: Stated that this is a strong impact on us. We want to replace our elderly mobile home this year with a single wide. We bought in Vasseur's intending to do that. Budget wise, this limits me. The cost difference and monthly payments are double. Perimeter foundation, I don't understand. Frost footings are what most mobile homes call for. Just the footings was $1,500.00 on a double wide, above and beyond the cost of the home, etc. It puts it more out of reach for us. I'm concerned that I am not going to be able to purchase a home. ARLEEN NAGEL:_ Listening to Marti, there are probably many more people that are in similar financial situations. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1993 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - If there was a fire or storm, would they have to replace it with a double wide? Kirmis answered, yes, or stick built. MARTI CARROLL: Most of the double wides come with 8" overhang. Kirmis said he didn't know what the overhang is on a double wide. Swenson asked if anyone else wished to speak. No one did so. The Hearing was closed and it was brought back to the Planning Commission. Swenson said that a couple of issues had been brought up and if a typical mobile home has 8" gutters, would it be appropriate to change that requirement? Kirmis said yes. Rask said if we reduce it to 8" overhang will we be hit next week with something else? Jerry Olson, City Building Inspector discussed the overhang situation with Kirmis and the other people and said it is still an open question. He said he has seen some salt box style homes with no overhang. You might want to discuss it a little more. Goenner said the reason we are going through and amending this is because the order is in conflict. Olson asked if the same rules would apply as in other developments? Wallace asked why would Riverbend be separated? Answer= It is zoned Mobile Home Park single wide. It is separate. Roskaft - discussed if Vasseur's or others were set aside for mobile home lots. It was stated that you could build anything at the time that was done. Wallace said that the reason we are looking at it is we are going to be looking at it as the existing stick built homes. Beatty, said that this overhang issue was brought up at another Planning Commission meeting and the Planning Commission decided to leave this as is. Marti Carroll said that an overhang won't rule me out. I can't afford a double wide. I bought land that was zoned for this specific type of housing. Kirmis said that Wright County prohibits single wide homes. It dosen't mean you can't have a stick built. Swenson said that the Planning Commission needs to make a decision. Wallace said in interest of the City and the other home owners the foundation should be required. Wallace motioned that we accept this with the requirement that the overhang be dropped to 8"_ Rask seconded the motion_ Rask asked why did you throw in the overhang? More was hi: -id on this. oenner :-:load Olson. Ol�-:on said that that the=re �<� CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1993 AT 8pm - PAGE 3 - been some double wides moved in. It is possible to get 12" overhangs. Wallace changed his motion to not include the 8" overhang change. Rask seconded the change. Motion carried unanimously. Black brought up page 160 of Wright County's Ordinance. Alternative roof styles may be approved by the Building Inspector based on generally accepted conditions, practices, building codes, etc. Olson said he feels he wouldn't want to make those decisions. Swenson said he felt the consensus was to leave the motion as is. This will be put on the Council Agenda of 3/22/93. HEARING for Steven and Lisa Valerius for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a relocated single family residence to lie upon an existing lot of record within the City. (Relocate a stick built single family residence with two stall attached garage upon Lot 17, Block 3, Walesch Estates 2ND Addition). Swenson noted that the same procedure will be used for this Hearing. Kirmis gave a report on NAC's Report of Feb. 23, 1993. He said that the focus is for extra storage for the attached garage which comes with the house and is not a proposed accessory building alone. We believe that there is a need for the extra storage space. It is attached to the primary dwelling and has the same roof pitch. The exterior must be similar to the home or existing accessory building. He stated that they view this request as highly positive and an upgrade of the property. He stated that there was an addendum provided to the report. He said that there are two curb cuts there and grandfathered in. He said that the existing building and the existing garage are at opposite ends of the property. NAC has recommended= 1. Conditional use permit to allow the combination of a detached accessory structure and attached garage to exceed 1,500 square feet subject to the following conditions: a. The detached accessory structure and attached garage are not to be utilized for commercial or home occupation activities. b. The relocated residence or existing accessory building is painted so that the two structures match color. C. Comments from other City Staff. 2. Conditional use permit to allow the requested building relocation subject to the following conditions: a. The relocated residence comply with the applicable requirements of the State Building Code. This item should be subject to comment by the City Building Inspector. b. The City Engineer provide comment in regard to di -a i.n.a �, ant.:., utility easement establishment. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1993 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - c. The subject property is landscaped using ornamental grass, shrubs, trees, or other acceptable vegetation by 1, July, 1993. d. The City Engineer provide comment and/or recommendation in regard to sewage treatment. e. The existing manufactured home is removed from the subject site within 30 days of the issuance of an occupancy permit for the relocated structure. f. The relocated structure is ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. g. The applicants provide proof to the City that the house move is preformed by a licensed mover in accordance with applicable State requirements. i. The applicants notify the City of the route and exact timing of the move and subject to Zoning Administrator's approval. j. A performance security is posted in an amount determined appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. The security should be reflective of anticipated improvement costs (i.e., foundation work, landscaping, well, sewage treatment system). k. Comments from other City Staff. Kirmis stated that the recommendation from the City Engineer was that the soil drain towards the street level and that the septic system be reviewed. Swenson asked Beatty if the proper notices and publishing had been made. Beatty answered yes. Lisa Valerius asked if it is her understanding that the second driveway didn't have a a culvert or drainage? Because it does have. Swenson asked if anyone else wished to be heard? There was none and the Hearing was at this point closed and brought back to the Planning Commission. Goenner asked how many square foot is the house? 28X32 the house 896 Sq feet plus 12X12 breezway of 144 square feet for a total of 1040 square feet. Roskaft motioned that the Conditional Use Permit to allow an excess accessory space to exceed 1,500 square feet be allowed subject to the conditions of NAC's Report of February 23, 1993 and the addendum thereto dated February 24, 1993. Goenner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Goenner motioned to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow the requested building relocation subject to the conditions of NAC's Report of February 23, 1993 and the addendum there dated February 24, 1993. McAlpine seconded the motion. Goenner Amended his motion to include Hakanson Anderson's recommendations to allow sewage and drainage of scribed above. Wallace seconded the amendment Motion carried unanimously. Thic i; 111 h,,, on _,'3/0-1, Coui� i1 CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1993 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - 5. HEARING for Robert and Mary Hosford for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a relocated single family residence to lie upon an existing lot of record within the City. (Relocate a stick built home upon Lot 5, Block 1, Riverside Evergreens Second Addition which currently lies vacant). Swenson noted that the applicant is not here and the applicant had not put money down on the home and someone else had bought the home and he suggested that we continue this Hearing until April 7, 1993 to see if he has found a home. Roskaft motioned to continue the Hearing to April 7, 1993 Planning Commission meeting at 8PM. Wallace seconded the motion. Black felt that it should only be continued for one month. Swenson felt that they could continue this for two months. Black felt that the longer it is dragged on, the more staff time it takes. He felt a deadline should be put on it. Swenson asked for any comments. Roskaft felt we can act on the 7th of April, 1993. Swenson said Black requested to make a 30 day deadline on it. Black .said this appeared before the City Council a meeting or two ago and the applicant was most unhappy when he was told that he must start at the Planning Commission. Roskaft discussed talking with Mr. Hosford on a move in home. Roskaft amended his motion to continue the Hearing to April 7, 1993 and Beatty would notify Mr. Hosford that it will not be extended beyond that date. Wallace seconded the amendment. Amendment carried unanimously. Discussion of review of the first sections of Wright County Water Management Plan was had. Swenson said we have the rest of the plan. There is a lot of data in the plan and the book will be available at the City Hall and recommend that members stop in and glance thru the plan. Part II= Should be reviewed and read before we discuss Hakanson Andersons report. It will be copied and put in P.C. boxes. P.C. should review before next meeting. Other Planning Commission Business= Elk River is planning May 13, 1993 as a Planning meeting. Swenson said this should be worthwhile if you can squeeze it in. Black said that the City Council took up the proposed Accessory Use for Buildings. The Council does not feel there is a reason to revise the Ordinance at this time. Roskaft motioned to adjourn the meeting. McAlpine seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. a• MARL; WALLACE. SE ETARY BY- ELaine Beatty/Recording Sec.