08-04-93 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 4, 1993 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Chai;- Carl Swenson called the meeting to order atSPM. The, following Commission Members were present: CARL SWENSON GENE GOENNER MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK ING ROSKAFT ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT RON BLACK/CR The following staff members were present: BOB KIRMIS, NAC ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADM. AGENDA ITEM #2: Consideration of Minutes of 7/21/93 Wallace motioned to approve the minutes of July 21, 1993 as printed. Nagel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3= HEARING FOR JOHN C AND CYNTHIA POLLARI, 8440 Packard Avenue NE, OtsegoI kNGroveOEstates #1ST Add.001020 Request Lot 2, Block 1, Vasseurs O is for a Conditional Use Permit to move in a mobile home per Otsego's City Ordinances. Swenson explained the Hearing process and how it is done. He asked if the proper notices had been posted, Published and mailed. Beatty answered yes. <irmis explained NAC's report of July 220. 1993 for pollari's. NAC recommends approval with ten conditions. Kirmis read the ten conditions from Pages 2 and 3 of rl(-',C "• Report, He stated that we had not received comment from either the Engineer or Attorney. Swenson read a note from Terry Ruschmeier who is in favor of the move -[n mobile. hom, He asked it anyone wished to be heard? No one did and the Hearing was closed. It was brought back to the Planning i.-ommission. Goenner asked if this is a new or existin ; home'.' <..irmis answe)-ed it was constructed in 1984 and it existing. GOENNER Motioned to adopt the Conditional Use Permit for the move -in mobile home, subject to the 10 -conditions in NAC's Report of July 20. 1993. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. THIS WILL BE ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA OF 8/9/93 AGENDA ITEM #4= HEARING FOR DENNIS HAVEL, 10415 Cain Road, Rogers. Minnesota, 55374 PID #118-500-174300, property is located on Nashua Avenue South of County Road #39. Request is for Rezoning from A-1 AG to A-2 (4 per 40) per Otsego City Ordinance_ n „.�..- ; q_ - h:- . r not _ - n k e _. ).c as � �c :i 11 I ii Ill 1_ i 0 _ 1•' ) _ ;i•.i � 111 i �ll. �� - � ., , CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 4, 1993 - PAGE 2 - Swenson asked if anyone wished to be heard for or againct this requested rezoning. No one did so the Hearin; was closed and it was brought back to the Planning Commission. RASK motioned to allow A-2 Rezoning from A-1 zoning as per NAC's Report of July 20, 1993. Nagel seconded the motion. Goenner noted that he supports the motion for rezoning from A-•1 to A-2 because it is considered a marginal ag land. Motion carried unanimously. THIS WILL BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA OF 8/9/93 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5= HEARING FOR RUDY THIBODEAU OF MINN-E- GOLF, 9100 Park Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Mississippi Shores 6TH Addition. Request is for a Variance for building material for a building per Otsego's City Ordinances. Kirmis explained NAC's Report of July 21, 1993. He stated that due to financial problems he has not been able t.<. follow thru with his original plan (Thibodeau) Mr Thibodeau wants a 13,000 square foot steel sided structure. (See Page #1 of NAC's Report) The property is zoned B-3 (General Business). Kirmis explained that a steel building is not permitted unless it is 501, sided or brick or etc. A steel building would require a variance. (See Pg 2 of NAC's Report Re= Variance Review Criteria). NAC does not feel there justification for this Variance. They have recommended denial. Swenson opened the Hearing to the public, RUDY THIBODEAU ._. Handed out material to walk thru with Commission. (Minn -E -Golf and Hobby Expansion) See attached Exhibit A. He explained community identity, and he is willing to do the front of the building in brick. If the steel building with the brick front doesn't work he wishes to go to plan 2. Rudy Thibodeau explained that this is the last building lot in the district and all of the buildings, except' for Tom Thumb are steel. Rudy talked about the romp plan and land use goals. He would like to go forward with plan I and put up batting cages in the spring and go forward with the building as economics allow. DR DAVID GILGENBACH - Of the Vet Clinic next to Minn -E - Golf spoke. He wantod to clarif=y the building he has. incorporated steel in his design to blend with the steel 1 l._li1.clin"::- in the area. The We:,t side of the building is st-1-el and they have a buildable lot on the North side if '.Incl COmc?S L11, they plan t0 build anotht?T b. ldiTl<_; Til i'i i�Uil ] TICJ We^., bUtlt ar the me-- tlm` t; ''- < Ill.!r i1 w- sal.! t ,.dlT1 the .r b�.lilding . We have had f(Tt'l _TIIc3T11"'1 Oil `_.il �t.'i`I_1C1 t�-- '; rt i:1 :=i Yl isS.^t `!✓ 11'T' Iitlil!.l ll. i' r.11 �; "t 4, va .a Y' a }-,i_i CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 01 ,^,l_)-.: 4. 1993 AT 8PM -PAGE 3 - begets the ule. KAREN GILGENBACH - Co -Owner of the Vet Clinic. She stated that ;you set a standard when the exception becomes the rul:_ . We hope to expand on our other lot. I feel in favor of �ti ::inn to Plannin:n and Building regulations now. We want to be promoted for new businesses in the City. We want it to grow. People .are very : ware of how something looks b tor: the -y come to a community. They look at what already exists. I think it is for the betterment of the City. Thibodeau 's have conversed with us and I am excited. but .you have to weigh the consequences. Swenson asked if anyone else wished to be heard? ilo one did so the Hearing was closed and it was brought back to thf:: Planning Commission. Swenson asked if the Planning Commission had any questions of the Staff or Mr Thibodeau? Wallace Asked Mr Thibodeau if he had considered using wood or brick around the structure? He was told it would b� acceptable to stucco the building. Thibodeau said he is willing to consider that. Wallace said he understands Mr- Thibodeau's concerns. but didn't feel we can grant a-..arianc3 based on economics. He felt there was another way to build that building. He :encouraged Mr Thibodeau to do that. Wallace Motioned to deny the variance as per conditions in NAC'S report of July 21, 1993. Arleen Nagel seconded the motion - ,',,,ask _ Asked if it is a normal procedure. being t;iere a buildable lot for sale. in the PUG it doesn't allow it. ,jithout a variance-, (being the County set the precedent) Kirmis - Mr Thibodeau proposal, unfortunately happened at the time we were changing from the County to the Cit's/. r<a,-- k Not ,one of those buildings would be here today if they had to uphold the standards of today. Are we aver going to get someone c,o build on that lot'.,, i r-rnls - W 're have to start somewhere. The City has adopted this building standard and I think we should adh rr: to it or change the Ordinance. Wallac ; - Right acro3s the street We could h :eve .. dom ono f��c 1__t. Economically, lly, eeryone would want to build a -steel buiIdirr:g as it is m e c o n o mi c al. Swenson -- Later on in the Agenda we are addressing the t}--t.ird Industrial Area which would be less expensive buiIdin-.s. ;nv further discus^ion^ Motion carried with Wallace, Swenson, Roskaft and Navel being in favor and Goenner and Rask opposed. Mr" T hii:)�1-,(-! -'31i Vii_ Ile Will rrOC E: 01 i With PlZln II- This I.This item will be on the 8/9/93 Council Meeting Agenda AGENDA ITEM -f#6' CONS• IDER INITIATING A HEARING FOR ONE PER FORTY SPLIT AMENDMENT TO OTSEGO'S ORDINANCE_ CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 4, 1993 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - contiguous 40 acres"). No. ? was added, (Add " or contiguous 40 acres") . Kirmis stated that this is an issue that the Staff and Council feels needs a clarification. Kirmis asked for an initiating of a public hearings. Roskaft stated he didn't like the transfer of one 40 to another 40. Discussion was had. Goenner - Would like to see the two houses in a clust r changed, because we are penalizing the farmer that has more land. It looks allot better if we don't have two houses herr and two houses there. He would like to see more than two houses together. Kirmis - The intent of that stipulation is to avoid the :situation of four property owners at one intersection. With allot of properties like that. it becomes urban in character. Roskaft _- Should we study this more? Black - We should take a look at what are we talking about'..' How many 40's does this impact on? How many houses are we talking about? We should have an idea of impact. The Commission asked Kirmis to come back with background information on this. Kirmis will provide the Commission with information on the cluster issue. (How many 40's are left AGENDA ITEM #7' DISCUSS THIRD INDUSTRIAL SITE FOR OTSEGO. Swenson - Asked how the Planning Commission wished to proceed? Roskaft - said he served on the Committee with Black and Fournier. We drove around looking at areas. We recommended to the Council. Unless we use condemnation, or we find an area that already has a bunch of Home Extended Businesses now, it is hard to recommend anyplace else. Swenson - Felt we should identify criteria and .select the site without talking to owners. The Committee should hash out r_rite-i-i.i and tall- to the Council of where we should consider the site t,,Jithout talking to the owners. Black - The Planning Commission and EDA Advisory should pick the third Industrial Site that is referenced in the Land (ice Plan. HE afiret d with Car' Swenson on not knowing the land owners or contacting them. Willingness to sell should n�-t the factor we discuss now. He explained further. Swenson suggested .x sub -committee Planning Commission Memb -.-, Chair and two members or three of EDA Advisory Commission. Ra.sir, - We recommended arae "c'" lac.t. tim'e'. . The direction from the Council is hav<� the EDA ^;ca.; i_r�r Commi._sion and. Planners gettogether and u-cide the thiT-c! inauct;-ia.l :ite .should be. More dis.u3_,i01 ll.- S - ;, r_ n ii(lUi.Ui'i ! <mrni_ i._ri f ( il•ii7 r n Fig=i n _ r _ 'r the _Dt �_.- T1T'1L: •s 't-._ � i .... ill ,'I .• "i• ;J CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 4, 1993 AT 8PM - PAGE - Heidner -- September 15th, 1993 is when the relocation is to be completed. It was noted that if the Commission members were picked tonight they could attend the EDA Advisory Meeting next Wednesday. The following Sub --Committee of Planning Commission Members was picked: MARK WALLACE - CHAIR BRUCE RASK GENE GOENNER ING ROSKAFT '� was noted that the Commission Sub -Committee would attend the EDA Advisory Commission Meeting of next Wednesday. Wallace motioned to have a Special Planning Commission Meeting on 8/11/93, Wednesday at 7PM. Goenner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimo sly. d. MARK WALLACE. SECRET'RY MINUTES BY, Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary EB