11-17-93 PCPLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 17, 1993 AT SPM - PAGE 1 - The meeting was called to order at 8PM by Chair Carl Swenson. The following Planning Commission Members were present: ING ROSKAFT CARL SWENSON RON BLACK/CR MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK ARLENE NAGEL/ALT JIM KOLLES GENE GOENNER The following Staff Members were present: BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY The following Council Members were present: LARRY FOURNIER MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes of November 3, 1993 as written. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3: Public Hearing initiated by Pump and Meter Service of 11313 Excelsior Blvd, Hopkins, MN 55343. The property is owned by Tom Thumb Food Markets (Polka Dot Dairy, Inc.). Property is located on Lot 5, Block 1, Mississippi Shores 6TH Addition PID #118-038-001050. This is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to install new pumps and canopy. Chair Swenson explained the Hearing process and Beatty noted that the proper publication, mailing and posting were completed. Kirmis explained NAC's Report of November 4, 1993. He said four gas dispensers there and they are putting in eight gas dispensers. The Tom Thumb Conditional Use Permit was approved under Wright County. Because this application was taken under the City Ordinance, the City Ordinance will apply. NAC has recommended approval as they feel this request is an improvement. Kirmis read the conditions of NAC's Report of 11/4/93, Page #1, numbers 1-10. He stated that they had received comments from the City Attorney and City Engineer. The City Attorney noted that the applicant should provide proof of ownership. He felt that assurance should be provided that there are no leaks in the underground tanks. He has recommended some sort of inspection take place. The drainage calculation, with the Engineer's approval and drainage easement be provided on the North property line. The site plan be modified to show the septic tank/drainfield and well. At this point, the Hearing was open to the public; MIKE EICHER - Who represented Pump and Meter Service said he is here in behalf of Tom Thumb. He said the reason the City Attorney wrote that he needed proof of ownership is it was originally privately owned. It was sold and now CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 11/17/93 AT SPM - PAGE 2 - is Tom Thumb. Tom Thumb has complied with the Federal and State Ordinance. By 1998 it has to upgrade the tank. They are required to have inventory records and are closely monitored. Less than 1% variance is allowed. He apologized of not having the septic system and well on the plan. There are two septics on the East side of the building. On the West side is where the well is located. Inside of the building is the air bladder tank. Based on the field survey, as far as the 10 conditions, I would like to recommend: #1: Field survey will be submitted tomorrow #2: 10 Conditions: 1. We would like to see this condition amended. It is very costly. We agree curbing on the property line should be there. We don't feel the outside curb would be beneficial. 2,3,4, and 5 are OK. 6. What type of landscaping would the City be looking for? There is a drainage swale to the N of the building and Minn -E -Golf drains into it. Landscaping we would have to work with the City Staff. 7, and 8 are OK 9. Signage would be done. We would seek another permit. 10. City Engineer and drainage calculations, I'm not sure why that is there. It would cost Tom Thumb significant dollars to shoot all those grades. There is an easement behind the store. It is draining there now. We would be happy to answer questions as far as the site plan and Mr. Swanson can answer the store questions. No one else wished to be heard. The Hearing was closed and it was brought back to the Planning Commission. Roskaft - You are not replacing any tanks? Answer: Not at this time. Rask - I can answer what that would do for that corner. I would like to see doesn't that curb stop at the service road? Answer: There is none there at all now. The vet Clinic was the first one to have curb. If we are up -grading the corner, we should look at upgrading the service road. We could scrap the metal posts. Roskaft - We required a curb on the vet building on 101 and if we are upgrading this area, I would think the curb should be a requirement, as recommended by City Staff. Goenner - The Engineer has recommended that we do slope and drainage patterns of the area. What benefit does this have to the project when it is already existing? Kirmis - Basically, he would be able to know if there would be any impacts with the storm water. Goenner - When we have pre-existing development, I question it. The Northwest portion of the parking lot would be blacktopped. Under the canopy it would go from blacktop to concrete. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 11/17/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Wallace - I agree with the City Engineer in having that surveyed. It was approved by the County. It would have to have a curb and ponding if it were OK'd by the City. I feel it is beneficial to have the applicant do this work. Wallace motioned to recommend approval of the CUP based on the 10 - recommendations from NAC's Report of 11-4-93 and the Engineer's recommendations. Roskaft seconded the motion. Wallace asked if the tank leakage is taken care of by the MPCA? Kirmis - That is the State issue and I personally don't want to get into that. Roskaft - Those tanks are scheduled to be tested this year. Black - The applicant can correct me if I am wrong, but the MPCA has all jurisdiction of those tanks. They can make it a big headache if MPCA gets involved. Goenner motioned to amend his motion to remove drainage requirements. Rask seconded his amendment. Wallace - wanted a reason for the amendment. Goenner - Said it goes off the North and East side. If you are not doing the whole surface with blacktop, we shouldn't have water problems. The water problems won't change from where they are now. Roskaft - The property is draining from the N & E none is going S & W. That is why the ditch on the frontage road goes to the SW corner of #42 and goes under #42 and N to #39. If they do anything to change the drainage from the way it is, with your amendment, it wouldn't leave it the way it is. More discussion was had on drainage with Wallace, Goenner and Roskaft. Wallace - felt if there is any question at all, it should be checked. We are responsible for what will happen there. I think if it isn't done we are shurking the responsibility. Rask - If they were replacing the tanks now it would be a problem. If we make them spend the money to get this Engineering opinion now, will it be useful when they change the tanks? When the tanks are changed MPCA makes you mound the tanks when they are changed. Wallace - Stated he thinks it should be done for their benefit. THE VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT: Goenner and Rask voted in favor of the amendment. Kolles/Nagel and Swenson voted against the amendment. Amendment failed. Nagel said she agreed with Wallace on the Engineer and curb cuts. THE VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION: Motion carried unanimously. (This will be on the Council Agenda of November 22, 1993). CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 11/17/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - AGENDA ITEM #4: Any other Planning Commission Business. Mayor Freske said Dennis McAlpine called and he is out helping someone get water. Roskaft motioned to adjourn the meeting. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MARK WALLACE, SECRETARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary EB