12-01-93 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 12/1/93 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Meeting was called to order by Chair Swenson at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: CARL SWENSON GENE GOENNER RON BLACK/CR MARK WALLACE ARLENE NAGEL/ALT ING ROSKAFT JIM KOLLES Staff present was as follows: Bob Kirmis, NAC Elaine Beatty The following Council Members were present: Larry Fournier, Council Doug Lindenfelser, Council Floyd Roden, Council AGENDA ITEM #2: Consideration of Minutes of 11/17/93: Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes. Wallace seconded the motion. Goenner pointed out that on Pg 2 - 3rd line it should read "less than 1%" not 1%. Wallace said Pg 3 - 1/3 of the way up it should read "Shurking" not shrinking. Also the last page should read "November 22, 1993" not November 11, 1993. Motion carried unanimously, with changes. AGENDA ITEM #3: Hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances which would require applicants to provide copies of large scale submission materials to all Planning Commission, City Council and City Staff Members. The Hearing was called to order and Beatty stated that she had made the proper publication, and posting. Kirmis explained the Amendment to the Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance and his report of October 27,1993 from NAC. He explained what would be changed from Page 1 of his report of October 27,1993 for the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Currently submissions are given to Staff only. This would supply the Planning Commission and Council with plans and all information also. No one wished to be heard. The Hearing was closed and brought back to the Planning Commission for comments. Gene Goenner - Motioned to accept the proposed Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Amendment to require more large scale plans and information for the Commission, Council and Staff. Roskaft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. (This will be on the Council Agenda of 12/13/93) AGENDA ITEM #4: Floyd Roden and Ed Demars Sketch Plan Review of his proposed Subdivision of Outlot A Walesch Estates (bounded by 81ST ST to the N, 78TH ST to the South and Odean Ave to the E of the property)(See NAC's Report dated Nov 18, 1993). Floyd Roden said after the last meeting they re -did the plan and went to 78TH ST with the cul -du -sac. This plan would work a little better. He said the Commission had agreed to have the cul -du -sac remain. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 12/1/93 AT SPM - PAGE 2 - Chair Swenson asked if there were any questions by the Commission Members? Gene Goenner - Asked what is going to happed with the other out -buildings on this property? Roden - Stated that they will be removed, except the house, hopefully by March. He might talk to Russ Anderson about burning the buildings and he felt he could selvage the house. Swenson - Said he understands that this is a review to give an opinion. Wallace - Said on Item #3 of the Engineer's Report, why only one lot? Kirmis - The intent is to keep the driveway to the west with the turn around so it is as far away as possible from the intersection. The setback is 65' from Odean Avenue. The intent was to impose a greater setback along Odean, which is a collector street. It will have an impact on resubdivision. Roden said he talked to Larry Koshak on this today. Mr Koshak suggested a curb section with tar berm. Goenner said on Lot 3 it shows road frontage of 133 and 150 at the building line setback. Which number does the Ordinance use. Kirmis said the front building setback line. Swenson asked if there were any other questions. There was none. Wallace motioned to accept the sketch plan for Floyd Roden and Ed Demars based on the recommendation of the Engineers report and the report from NAC of November 18, 1993. Roskaft seconded the motion. Roden stated he has the Ordinance on the street regulations. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #5: Any other Planning Commission Business: Black brought up that the Tom Thumb request was unanimously approved by the City Council. Roskaft Motioned to adjourn the meeting. Nagel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. At 8:25PM the meeting adjourned. ti MARK WALLACk, SECRETARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty,Recording Secretary