02-02-94 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN G MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 1 - Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The following Planning Commission Members were at the meeting: CARL SWENSON RON BLACK/CR MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK GENE GOENNER ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT ING ROSKAFT J IM KOLLES The following Staff was present: DAVE LICHT/NAC ANDY MAC ARTHUR, ATTY ELAINE BEATTY/DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADM. The following Council was present: Norman F Freske, Mayor Agenda Item #2: Consideration of January 19, 1994 Minutes ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Agenda Item #3. Consider recommendation to the City Council on the Wild and Scenic Ordinance. Andy MacArthur, City Attorney explained. He apologized for not having the information to the Planning Commission sooner. He said this draft of the Ordinance is a draft of the Ordinance presented earlier. He went thru the information we had gotten from the DNR in December and he went thru the Rules to determine where they would fit, etc. He explained further. Dave Licht explained that we tried to avoid having definitions throughout the ordinance. Our format is to put them in the definition section. He explained further. Andy MacArthur said he didn't have a problem if they wanted to put it back in the 202. This has been noticed for this Hearing. It didn't have to do with content, it has to do with having the different areas spelled out geographically. Andy explained impervious surface and how it works, as long as we meet certain regulations. The rest of the Wild and Scenic is 25% impervious surface. Permitted uses is the other one said Andy. North along the river is the standard DNR permitted uses. 20-74-5 permitted uses govern camp grounds. 1 - 14 along #101, we are under shoreland ordinance standards down there. They have different permitted uses. I didn't put them all in here. I incorporated them by reference. The majority of the use will be general use. Commercial is a permitted use. Industrial use will be a conditional use. The East side of #101 is subject to 25% impervious surface uses. Impervious surface was a variance. As long as we are behind the Wild and Scenic line, it has to go up to DNR Conditional Uses has to be submitted to the DNR, but they can't veto it. The number on the impervious surface is a variance. The way it is now, it is set up so the City has a lot more control over what goes in there. 20-74-6 Conditional Uses are listed out of the rule. b and c, the conditional uses under Minnesota rule which is in effect, the shoreland uses. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - Andy explained further what is in the ordinance. He said he wouldn't be surprised if the ordinance comes back after the 30 day review period. He asked if there were any questions? Chair Swenson asked if in Andy's judgment, what you are proposing here should satisfy the DNR? Andy replied yes, I would ask that you recommend this to the Council subject to the editorial changes recommended by Bob Kirmis. Chair Swenson asked if there were any other questions? ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THIS WILD AND SCENIC ORDINANCE TO THE COUNCIL ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS BY ANDY MAC ARTHUR AND AT THE DIRECTION OF DAVE LICHT FROM NAC. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (THIS WILL BE ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA OF 2/15/94) Agenda Item #4: Mike Potter - Discussion of the Kenneth and Margaret Zachman property in Range 24, Section 26, PID #118-800-263200 North of Albertville and possible Rezoning to allow Subdivision (See information memo from NAC). Dave Licht explained Mike was at a Staff Meeting in consideration of the Zachman/Roden properties in the SW corner of Otsego to the NW corner of Albertville. We provided a letter to Mike Potter which you were copied on. Pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan, development is not on the Comprehensive Plan at this time for this area. We indicated that to Mike Potter. He is here before you tonight. Mike Potter spoke. We met at Staff level in reference to the Zachman property and proposed to develope this. I would like you to consider an Amendment to your Comp Plan to take into consideration Albertville proximity and the freeway. R-2 rezoning and sewer and water and maintenance. Your Comp. Plan favors the E section of Otsego. Albertville was the fastest growing town in the County. It will spill over into Otsego. I ask you to amend your Comp Plan and take this into consideration. I think this will develop quicker than any of you can imagine. This is not prime Ag land anymore. There is no money in farming for someone to start out. The proximity to a town that is growing is an issue. Bruce Rask asked if we would allow this would Albertville allow us to hook up to City water and sewer? Mike Potter said that water is a joint commission. Sewer wouldn't go up that far. It is still a ways off. Albertville sewer hook-up would be a Albertville Council decision. MPCA septic regulations should apply. They are saying a minimum of 2- 1/2 acre lots, preferably 5 acre lots, to allow for a second and third site for septic systems. The subdivision proposal would be subject to all of your regulations and wetland rules. Gene Goenner said you mentioned that is non- prime Ag land. If you CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - consider that non -prime Ag land, you might as well develope the whole City. It is still considered prime Ag land. It is close to a freeway, but my farm is by a road also, does that make my farm non -prime Ag land? Mike Potter said no. Chair Swenson asked if there were any other questions? Patty Valen said that the prime farm land in reality, it wouldn't be Ag land very long. The reality is not in Ag anymore. Gene Goenner said you are asking for a change to our Comp Plan and it is written to preserve Ag land. It is not considered potential for development. If we develope in that area, you get more down the road and it will snowball. Mike Potter said the Comp Plan is two years old and it's based on the facts at that time. If you were to redo it would you say the same today? Ing Roskaft said at the present time he would. Gene Goenner said I would today, maybe even tougher. Mike Potter asked the Commission to consider amending the Comp Plan to look at where this is in reference to Albertville and treat it fair, and look at this as you do Elk River. Chair Swenson said that the Commission is not in favor of this at this time. Dave Licht said that he felt in the review of the Comp Plan he feels it is unfair to say that the East area is favored over the West area. The City responded to prior development by Wright County of one acre lots in the East end. When the City took control of it's own destiny. If there is going to be a sewer problem, we need to take over this area and concentrate development there as a reactionary solution. Starting over fresh, we wouldn't act as it is today. If you want to push the question, the City on it's own won't probably initiate a Comp Plan Amendment. You and your clients do have this option to file an application and ask for a Comp Plan Amendment. Mike Potter asked what would the cost of this be? Licht answered $750.00 to $1,000.00. Patty Valen asked if that was with Licht's company. He answered partially with his company and partially with the Engineer. Dave Licht said that the concept is if you are seeking economic value for your property, you should be willing to pay the bill. Chair Swenson asked if anyone else wished to speak. No one did. He said that the City at this time will not initiate action. Agenda Item #5. Re: the Mining Ordinance the Commission has received a copy of. Larry Koshak will be at the next Commission Meeting to explain the Mining Ordinance. Agenda Item #6: Any other Planning Commission Business. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: CHAIRMAN: Mark Wallace nominated Carl Swenson as Chair. There were no other nominations. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 2, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - Mark Wallace motioned to cast an unanimous ballot. Jim Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. CARL SWENSON WAS RE -E LECTED CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN: Ing Roskaft nominated Mark Wallace Vice Chair. Mark Wallace nominated Ing Roskaft Vice Chair, who declined nomination. Rask motioned to cast a unanimous ballot. Arleen Nagel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MARK WALLACE WAS ELECTED VICE CHAIRMAN SECRETARY: Mark Wallace nominated Gene Goenner Secretary. Gene Goenner nominated Bruce Rask Secretary. Mark wallace motioned to close nominations. Jim Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Paper ballots were voted. Dave Licht collected and counted them. GENE GOENNER WAS ELECTED SECRETARY Mark Wallace stated he will not be able to attend the next Commission Meeting. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE tOENNER,SECRETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary EB