04-06-94 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MN REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING April 6, 1994 - 8:00PM CITY HALL 1 CHAIR SWENSON WILL CALL TO ORDER: Chair Swenson Called the meeting to order at 8PM ROLL CALL: ING ROSKAFT GENE GOENNER MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK CARL SWENSON JIM KOLLES ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT DENNIS MC ALPINE (WAS ILL) RON BLACK/CR (LATE -SP WORKSHOP) The following Staff was present: Bob Kirmis Judy Hudson Elaine Beatty - Late, because of Special Workshop Meeting 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF 3/16/94: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 3/16/94 AS PRINTED. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. :NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. DISCUSS POSSIBLE INS ZONING DISTRICT CHANGE: Park and Rec. Use is a CUP for the INS Zone. Bruce Rask wanted Mr Kirmis to review his memo on the same. (He went over NAC's Memo) He said our Ordinance is inconsistent. NAC is proposing alternatives 1,2,3 and 4. NAC feels there is a potential for adverse conditions for a park conditional use permit, for every district that is allowed. Carl Swenson said the Parks Department is asking for dollars instead of the land for parks because they have land and need money to develop. The two developments that have gone in recently are adjacent to a park. Gene Goenner asked if in the future if you take the land instead of the money, would the land become City property and would it have to be rezoned? Mr Kirmis said parks are a permitted use in a Residential Zone. More discussion was had on the issue. Carl Swenson said he felt if the Park was a high risk development, then #3 would be good, but he didn't see that kind of a problem and we would be getting too many CUP's. Mark Wallace was concerned about the CUP, and said the neighbors could vote it out, and cause hardship for others not being able to use it. He stated he didn't like that kind of power being put into neighborhoods. Ing Roskaft agreed with Gene Goenner. He is concerned that parks are prohibited in Industrial and Commercial areas. Bob Kirmis said many larger businesses may incorporate play areas, but it would be for private, rather than public use. CITY OF OTEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - Carl Swenson said if we are only talking INS Zoning, we should remove the CUP for Parks. Bruce Rask felt we shouldn't have to go through a CUP for Parks. He would have been in favor of the CUP before the Park and Recs Commission was formed. MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND ##4 OF NAC'S REPORT, BUT TO INCLUDE THE AG ZONING. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RECOMMENDATION TO THE CHANGE IN THE ORDINANCE REGARDING THE CUP FOR PARKS AND RECS.. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IN REGARDS TO DAYCARES/PRESCHOOLS: A certain number of daycares are permitted in an residential area. The City cannot do anything about that. The nurseries are similar to preschool. Nurseries are regulated by the State in that regard. They are of a different nature than preschools. We would suggest making preschool a Conditional Use rather than a permitted use. It would give the Commission an opportunity to review and make sure the appropriate safeguards are built in. You don't see any private, for profit elementary schools, but you see the same for preschools. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED THAT THE PRESCHOOLS AND ETC. BE MADE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE INS DISTRICT. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bob Kirmis wanted to bring this back for discussion prior to setting a Public Hearing. He will prepare a suggested amendment. Discussion will be scheduled for May 18, 1993_ 4 DISCUSS JOAN ROEBECK AND POSSIBLE SITE INSPECTION OF HIS PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PROPERTIES TO BE CONSIDERED AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 4/20/94. (SEE DECEMBER 23, 1993 MEMO FROM NAC ON ROBECK) Ron Black suggested Bob Kirmis write a document stating what has happened to the properties in that area. A map of the area as to what has transpired in the past. The Planning Commission will meet on 4/16/94 for a SITE INSPECTION AT 10:30AM Bob Kirmis has already written a Memo of December 23, 1993. Discussion was had on the area. 5. ANY OTHER PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS The Third Industrial Site public hearing will be scheduled for May 4,1994 at 8PM and be last on the agenda. CITY OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Concerning changes in the Ordinances Mr Rask brought up he would like to take a look at the Wild and Scenic Minimum.lot size and reduce from 2-1/2 to 2. We increased it to co-operate with the DNR We didn't get much co-operation It is high buck land and makes it more tax base for Otsego 2 acres should be a sufficient amount for sewer systems In the near future it is harder to reduce lot size. Mark felt it is better to do it now. It's not fair to penalize those residents It will bring a lot more money into the City - Bob Kinnis said he can provide the basis where the 2-1/2 arces came from It was to demonstrate to the DNR that Otsego cares about the river It is somewhat a trade off to get the commercial area to the W of 101. R-1 would be the base zoning and the W&S would overlay that If the W&S changes the R1 would also have to be changed Gene wondered if this isn't finalized as far as the DNR Bruce Rask said the DNR is not Paying his taxes They drug their feet for two years. More discussion was had. Ing Roskaft felt that we didn't make it 2-1/2 acres to make the DNR happy. Rask said they swung his vote. Rask made a prediction of $4,000.00 loss for every 2-1/2 acres. Carl Swenson said Ing Roskaft said we went to 2-1/2 acres for planning purposes rather than Sandy Fecht. We will allow 1 per 40 in AG land. We will allow 1 acre to 10 acres - developers choice. In the A-2 Dist we will allow 4 per 40. We will only allow 2-1/2 acres along the river. 4 per 40 protects the density of development. I feel it is a bad size lot, can't take care of it and it is hard to divide. If we are talking planning principals we can put 1 to 2 acres and put 2 acres in the overlay district. The density of development is the thing that threatens us. We won't allow more that 1 house for 10 acres. Bob Kinnis explained the zoning of those areas and uniform lot sizes. Mark Wallace agreed that 2-1/2 acres is too large and he talked about upkeep. Ing Roskaft said they moved out here to be in the country. Much more discussion was had. Mr Black felt the Commission could better spend their money elsewhere than discussing Wild and Scenic. If there was a proposed change at this point it would take the whole process all over again. He strongly recommends that they get the OK from the City Council. Bruce Rask brought up more information. Carl Swenson said he was disturbed by this recommendation. Mr. Roskaft wanted to get the agreement signed first, and then if we want to go ahead with the other we can. Mr. Rask said this was brought up by the land owners on the river. Mr Black felt this was premature. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO TABLE THIS ITEM ON THE WILD AND SCENIC UNTIL WE GET SOME DIRECTION FROM THE COUNCIL. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. ADJOURN. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE•„GOENNER, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY