06-01-94 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION M JUNE 1, 1994 AT 8PM REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION DGCUM ENT HAS BEEN COPIED TO MAYOR CITY COUNCIL I II'AkTES OF - J C, ; Y PLANNER fti "=RNEY Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM F'L ',i .'0U WMMIbNUN R ROLL CALL: F AAG ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON s•*�•�'• �3 >' a►_ ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT JIM KOLLES GENE GOENNER RON BLACK/CR ELAINE BEATTY AND BOB KIRMIS WERE PRESENT. LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL AND NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR WERE ALSO PRESENT. 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF 5/18194: Pg 3. - Add Ing Roskaft Seconded the Motion. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 5/18/94 W/CORRECTION. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANLMOUSLY. 3 HEARING - W W KLUS REALTY, ON BEHALF OF PROPERTY OWNER MARY DARE BAUFIELD REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A 3.76 ACRE COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE LOCATED SOUTH OF CO RD 39 AND E OF CO RD 42 (BAND OF ELK RIVER SITE). THIS IS PART OF A LARGER PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION (MRD COMMERCIAL PARK) WHICH OVERLAYS +37 ACRES OF LAND BECAUSE OF LEFEBVRE WATERSHED DISTRICT MORATORIUM. ONLY THE SINGLE LOT IS BEING ASKED FOR AT THIS TIME THE REST TO BE ESTABLISHED AS AN OUTLOT. THE FOLLOWING IS REQUESTED: Carl Swenson explained how the Hearing is to be conducted. Elaine noted that the proper publications and notices have been completed. Bob Kirmis from NAC explained the request from NRC's Report of May 18, 1994. He noted that a Commercial Site is proposed. 37 Acres of land MRD Commercial Park. The Moratorium for LeFebvres Watershed allows oniv a small site to be completed at this time. Rezoning from A-1 to Gen Business District. This is a Preliminary and Final Plat approval. A public street is included. Undeveloped land to N, W and S have been suggested for Commercial, Industrial Development. -Justification for approval does exist. The Citv Council ultimateiv will determine the land use. The Subdivision is the second CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - component. If the Rezoning is approved the single lot subdivision is the request. Bob Kirmis provided commentary on a couple of items. If the City finds it acceptable, we would recommend Approval. He read the Conditions from NAC's Report of May 18, 1994: 1 - 11 (pg 2 & 3) Comments have been received from the City Engineer who recommended that the entire 88th ST be constructed at this time. This is a designated MSA Street. This is more cost effective and helps assessments. SWENSON opened the hearing to the Public: Wally Klus - Rep. for Mary Dare. Had a question. Since this is in the floodplain to the NE, it seems to roe that if the Eastern part is not usable because of economics, we would prefer to have it built a portion at a time. He asked if that area is in the W & S. Bob Kirmis said no. He talked about the area on 42. They have a real tug on their pocketbook. They had Lynn Caswell at the Hearing who can speak to that. Wally felt that may not be productive for them. Lynn Caswell w/John Oliver and Assoc. They are in the process of presenting a Cond. letter to get permission to fill in the floodplain to make it no longer be in the floodplain. Corps and City would also have to approve this. They would like to bring this land to the 100 yr floodplain. They are developing numbers now. It is his feeling to put a road in there now may not be feasible. Wally Klus - One of the cond. was no access off of 42, there is currently a right in servicing the farm. I'm wondering if we can retain that right in. At some point in time the entrance to the Church may be a right in - right out. Mr Pat Dwyer was present. They have a preliminary site plan for the Bank of Elk River. It is up in the air depending on the timetable for the street. We need access as soon as possible. If it is going to be off of Parrish Ave, we would like to reserve that right. No one else wished to be heard. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED AND BROUGHT BACK TO THE P.C. Jim Kolles had a concern_ on the stormwater runoff. Bob Kirmis couldn't answer that. Lynn Caswell said about 1/3 of the site would go to the S and 2/3 onto the N onto Co 39. That is subject to review. Jim Kolles said they are getting a lot of water now and they don't need anymore. Less than 1/2 acre was estimated to be hard surface said Lynn Caswell. a Wally said the drainage on #39 will go E across the road to the river. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1994 AT SPM - PAGE 3 - Lynn Caswell said he would guess that would drain to the E also. As you go E you would slope the roads down. He showed where a low point would be and rise again and be piped into a ditch. Jim Kolles said you had mentioned that you may do some filling. Lynn said they would try to grade and maintain as flat as grade as possible and push the water to the ditch as soon as possible. Mark Wallace had a question about the road on 88th ST. The Development plan for S of 88th, is that for all 4 lots? Wally said presently we are discussing two lots. The area in the low area to the NE would determine what would happen on the rest of the site. They have a contract on one lot and an interest in the second property. The rest will be determined by what happens to the NE. Mark Wallace said he understands the road is almost bordering the floodplain, so it would benefit the properties to the W. Wally said it would put too high an assessment on those properties. It would make development prohibitive. We are looking what is viable now. Mr Caswell is studying it now. Ing Roskaft asked if 88th ST would become an VISA State Aid Road. Will it also become more or less a frontage road in that area? Ron Black said for the Commercial clarification, the City Engr has prepared a proposed conceptual plan for a transportation system for the area that lies N of the School, 101 and Parrish from the School to N of 39 with the potential crossover on 94TH ST. That is going to be brought to the Commission for incorporation into the Comp pian. A portion of that includes 88th ST, from Parrish S to 42 is designated an MSA street. Bob Kirmis showed a map of where it is proposed. The exact location has not been determined. The Council asked the City Engr to design a conceptual plan so we all had some idea what would serve that property. There has been some discussion of incorporating this portion of 88TH ST in an MSA project. This fall or next year. This is more long range purpose. Mark Wallace - said in the report 3.7 acre site from A-1 to B-3. According to the shading on that map doesn't that fall into the B2 zone? Kirmis explained. There is 20 acres on 101 zoned B2. More information on the road and discussion of the assessment. Ron Black said we are developing an assessment policy for Commercial and Residential property. At this point in time it has been 52,500.00 or 52,800.00 per parcel. ,7 A REZONING OF THE 3.76 ACRE SITE FROM A-1 AGRICULTURAL RURAL SERVICE TO B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT: CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE REZONING TO GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT B-3. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE :MOTION. MOT CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B SIMULTANEOUS PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF THE SINGLE LOT SUBDIVISION ENTITLED RD COMMERCIAL PARK. (SEE NAC'S REPORT OF MAY 18,1994): MARK WALLACE MOT TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF NOT COMPLETING THE ROAD 88TH ST., HAVE IT STOP AT THE END OF THE EXCEPTION (CHURCH PROPERTY). ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THIS WILL BE ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA OF 6/13/94 AT 7:30PM. Jim Kolles asked if 88TH St would just run through the Dare property. Yes is the answer. Lynn Caswell - Commented on extending 88th through there. It would require getting permission from FEMA. ( 6 weeks to 3 year period). He requested that the St not be extended through the property. :Mark Wallace said he just wanted the street through to the point on the map. If it is not continued further, I don't see the difference. Bob Kirmis explained and wanted to make two points: 1. Access is subject to Co. approval. AT a signalized intersection, it is typical to get access as far away as possible. City policy is to discourage direct lot access on major streets. He explained further. 2. The drawing showing the future lot subdivision, is not binding, it is a sketchplan. 4 HEARING - JAMES AND CARRIE BARTHEL. APPLICANT PROPERTY IS OWNED BY ALFRED G BARTHEL 11344 NE 80TH ST, ALBERTVILLE, VIN 55301 PID 4118-800-243400 IN SECTION 24, TWE 121, R24, CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT REQUEST IS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A ONE PER FORTY TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS FROM 40 ACRES NORTH OF 80TH STREET. (PID #118-800-244200) IS THE PROPERTY WHERE THE RIGHTS WILL BE TRANSFERRED FROM: Chair Swenson called the Hearing to order. ,T ELAINE Beatty said we have completed the proper publications. CITY OFOTSEGO PLANNINGCOVIlMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1994 AT S PM -PAGE - 5 - Bob Kirmis explained the Report of transfer of property rights. ( NAC report dated May 16, 1994.) A single family dwelling would ultimately be constructed. Transfer is allowed by a CUP. Unique issue is the Barthels live currently in a mobile home. They will vacate the mobile home upon occupancy of the new dwelling. That is a cond. of approval. Bob read 1-9 Pg 2 of NAC's Report of May 16, 1994. This a relatively straight forward request. It is a simple transfer of property rights. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing to the public. No one wished to be heard. Closed Hearing and brought back to P.C. Gene Goenner asked about the condition on the mobile home. Bob said it is an interim use. They intend to remove the mobile home. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY RIGHTS REQUEST CUP. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. :MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THIS WILL BE ON COUNCIL OF 6/13/94 AT 7:30 Wighwells.1' ►[1► I X i► i 11:1910 6. ADJOURN FETING: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. JIM KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �a .-a...c� ./ d cam.•-_ GENE GOENNER, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary EB