07-06-94 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT 8PM REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION i AIR SWENSON WILL L CALL THE P.C. MEETING TO ORDER: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM ROLL .AL1 ING ROSKAFT GENE GOENNER ARLEEN NAGEL RON BLACK/CR BRUCE RASK CARL SWENSON DENNIS MC ALPINE MARK WALLACE AND JIM KOLLES WERE ABSENT MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WAS ASLO PRESENT. MINIIT .S: 6/15/94: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED AND DENNIS MCALPINE SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 6/15/94 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chair Swenson explained how the Hearing would be conducted. He turned it over to Mr Kirmis to explain his report of NAC of 6/22/94. The garage is in the wild and scenic floodplain area. Two buildings exist, an undersized garage on the North property line and also a simple storage shed. Approval is recommended by NAC, subject to 11 conditions. Kirmis read as follows from Pg 2 of NAC's Report of 6/22/94: 1. The proposed detached accessory structure match the color of the site's principal building. 2. The proposed detached accessory structure be either elevated above the regulatory flood protection elevation or flood proofed in accordance with applicable CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - provisions of the State Building Code. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Building Offical and/or City Engineer. 3. If not already provided, drainage and utility easements be provided along all lot lines. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 4. A turnaround (hammerhead) type driveway is provided to discourage the backing of vehicles onto Parrish Avenue. 5. The four individual lots which underlie the subject site remain owned in common and shall not be subdivided. Such condition shall be recorded against the property. 6. A floodplain use permit is obtained from the City Zoning Administrator upon demonstration of compliance with all applicable floodplain requirements. 7. No commercial or home occupation activities, except as allowed by Ordinance, shall take place on the property. 8. If applicable, a permit is obtained to allow grading and filling within the Wild and Scenic District. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer and/or Building Official. 9. The well on the site be inspected by the Minnesota Department of Health and modifications/improvements be subject to that agency's recommendation and approval. 10. The septic system on the site be inspected by the City Engineer and modifications/improvements be subject to the Engineer's recommendation and approval. 11. Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 be completed as applicable prior to the issuance of a building permit. No. 6 from NAC's Report: Mr Kirmis brought up the Mark and Linda Tilgent request and undersize lots which were formerly brought forth to the City. Two of the lots of Ms. Sandy do not have street frontage. It is up to the PC and Council to determine the issue of lot consolidation. Lot combination was talked about by Mr. Kirmis. It was noted that comments had been received from the City Atty and City Engr. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - The City Engr has recommended that an evaluation take place on the current septic system. He notes that if over 50 CU YDS of fill are placed, a land alteration permit will be required. Arlene Sandy is here if there are any questions. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing to the Public. Arlene Sandy said on the surveying, the surveyor contacted Elaine Beatty and as far as she knew the lots are combined on the survey. She said as far as costing more money she does not have anymore money. No one else wished to be heard. The Hearing was closed and brought back to PC. Mr. McAlpine asked if we can verify and help her out regarding the septic system review. More discussion was had. Ing Roskaft said we received a letter from Sandy Fecht. Does this comply with the conditons of the Wild & Scenic Ordinance? Bob Kirmis said yes it does. Gene Goenneer asked how much does the elevation have to be raised to get above the floodplain? We have the levee there, do we need to get above it? Bob Kirmis explained the levee. The City's Floodplain map says this is all within the floodplain area. Bob Kirmis talked to Dan Lais from DNR and they don't consider this as out of the floodplain. The Army Corps would have to go out and certify the levee. The garage would have to be elevated. The garage can be floodproofed. Joe Ebner's garage was built to those specifications said Ing Roskaft. More discussion was had. Arlene Sandy thought her property was out of the floodplain. It showed it was out of the floodplain when she bought her house. Gene Goenner had one other concern. If this were not a CUP, the Engr. would not be regulating the Sewer treatment. I think we are going out of bounds. Arleen Nagel said her understanding was one way of making sure the sewer systems were up to code was to check them when upgrades are done. Bob Kirmis said this is correct. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT SPM - PAGE 4 - Gene Goenner said he thinks we are adding undue hardship on people. We should treat everyone the same. They don't have to upgrade their system when they get a regular Building Permit. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO GRANT A CUP TO ARLENE SANDY FOR THE STRUCTURE SHE IS REQUESTING ACCORDING TO THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF OUR STAFF NAC'S REPORT OF JUNE 22, 1994. DENNIS MC ALPINE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (THIS WELL BE ON THE 7/11/94 AGENDA FOR COUNCIL.) Bruce Rask asked if that is combining the lots? Ing Roskaft said it is in the recommendations. Ing said either/or. Arleen Nagel asked if #5 of Hakanson Anderson's report is being met also? Bob Kirmis read the information from Hakanson Anderson Re: Septic information and if it complies with the code. Arlene Sandy said she dosn't see how this concerns building the garage. She is not about to change her septic system just to build a garage. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED AN AMENDMENT TO ILLIMINATE ITEM 5 FROM THE RECOMENDATIONS. ARLEEN NAGEL SEONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Gene Goenner said if we do it for this one, we should do it for every building permit. Bruce Rask said we require them to tar their drive if they ask for a building permit. CLARIFICATION for Ron Black on how we are going to handle the combination of the lot. Bob Kirmis said it sounds like the Commission wishes to treat this combination the same as the Tilgent permit. Bob Kirmis will check the language. 2A ADDENDUM: BANK OF ELK RIVER SITE AND BUILDING PLANS RF.VIFW - JOHN CTIL•L.IGAN WITH BOARMAN-KROOS ARCHITECT WILL. BF. PRESENT TO GO OVER PLANS -- Mr. John Culligan was present and also Pat Dwyer of The Bank of ElkRiver. Mr. Culligan went over the plans 4,700 sq ft facility proposed. 15-1/2' high structure stepped in structure (3 steps). Main matierial is horizonal red cedar lap siding, simiiar to branch of Elk River by the Mall. The dirve-through circulaton has to be CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - simple. He feels they have developed a successful approach w/ access and egress on 88th as well as Co Rd 39. He explained further. He noticed in the comments that there may be an issue that limits the egress and ingress by the curb cut on #39. From one of the preliminary plats we saw, it appeared there would be a curb cut across #39. We located this so coming from the E and W we could enter. Ing Roskaft asked if you could leave the site and make a left hand turn on #39. Mr. Culligan said that is what we are hoping. He asked about a timetable. Ron Black said he should talk to Larry Koshak on this. More discussion. Ing Roskaft asked if we would be able to come in on 88TH. Culligan said yes. Internally taking 88TH & entering the site you would turn N on the drive thru lane. He explained further. You could then either go out on 39 or continue around and back out on 88TH and turn left on 42ND. He explained if you enter the bank how you would park and how they would exit. This would minimize any conflict on left turns. They have not currently shown the type of species of trees. They will specify prior to approval. They will have site lighting and comply with the Ordinance. He explained further. The image of the bank will have a large horizontal feeling with vertical windows introduced. A trash enclosure will be shown, but has not yet. He was not sure what off-street loading space met. Bob Kirmis said a space reserved for deliveries or drop -offs, etc. Striped off and reserved for that purpose. The Ord. provides for that. Mr. Culligan felt that would not be a problem. They have well over double the number of parking spaces required. They plan on future expansion. Stacking distance between the intersection of 88th and 42 they have 140' from the intersection. They are within the requirements. They can adjust if necessary. More discussion. Pat Dwyer said the stacking space is significantly more than the Bank at the Mail. Mr. Culligan agreed. Goenner asked about signage. Mr. Culligan said we would have a non -lit sign attached to the screen wall along the drive-thru lanes. (Bank of Elk River/Otsego) The Bank would need a lighted pylon sign at the intersection within the setback requirement. They would meet the Ord. Requirements. Carl Swenson thanked them for the presentation. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINIUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 6 - Bob Kirmis asked if there were any questions on the report from NAC? Bruce Rask talked about the entrances. Mr. Goenner said he felt on 39 if the Co allows them to have access, they can have it. The County regulates it. Ing Roskaft said the Co. road has certain regulations on a State Aid Road. He discussed it more. Ron Black said Item #3. That stretch of 39 from 42 & 101 the accesses needs to be clarified for everyone's benefit. Carl Swenson brought up the Marquette Bank PUD. He did not understand that. Bob explained. More discussion. Carl didn't feel there was substintial modification. Bob Kirmis disagreed. (He talked about giving notice to neighbors) THIS WELL BE ON THE COUNCIL OF MEETING OF 7/11/94 3. DISCUSSION OF ORDINANCES: Carl Swenson asked if anyone had anything on this. Gene Goenner talked about #5 on tonights Arlene Sandy's request. We are adding extra conditons. Discussion of Big Eds. Ing Rosakft said he had the trailers up there and did not have a Home Extended Business Permit. You don't extend the violation by permitting another business. By rights he should have been penalized and taken to court. The Co didn't do that because there legal department was so busy. More discussion. Ron Black said the PC handled this as they should. If the PC dosen't like a recommendation from the Staff they turn it down. That is the way it should be handled. You are doing your job and should be commended. More discussion. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1994 AT 8PM - PAGE 7 - 5. ADJOURN MF.F_TTING: BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE GOENNER, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY