09-07-94 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM Regular P.C. Meeting 8PM 1 Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL CARL SWENSON, CHAIR ING ROSKAFT GENE GOENNER MARK WALLACE ARLEEN NAGEL, ALT RON BLACK/ CR Bruce Rask and Dennis McAlpine were absent. Staff members present were Bob Kirmis, NAC and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm. The following Council Members were present: Larry Fournier and Doug Lindenfelser Consideration of Minutes: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 3, 1994. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Hearing for Variance from the off-street narking performance standards as 0 provided for in Otsego City Ordinance for Christ Lutheran Church, Pastor Gr g Pg gh 15849 NF. 90TH ST, Og . o. PTD #118-500-221101, ,Sec 22,Twg. 121, R23: Bob Kirmis ex�4ined from NAC's Report of August 22, 1994. Carl Swenson e�plained how the hearing would be handled. Elaine Beatty noted that the publications and postings had been done for all the hearings. A Variance has been requested by Christ Lutheran Church, 70 stall parking lot with class 5 gravel surface and without perimeter curb. Ordinance requires a concrete, asphalt. surface, and curb. Kirmis explained that the parking lot is to be removed in three years and be temporary in nature. The church intends to acquire additional land etc. ( See report as noted above.) The Zoning Ordinance includes a specific set of criteria to judge variances. He explained the criteria on Pg. 4 of NAC's Report of August 22, 1994. (Bob Kirmis read same). He noted that the parking lot as it exists complies with the conditions of the ordinance. (both City and County Ordinance ) CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 2 NAC recommends denial of the requested variance for the reasons in NAC's Report of August 22,1994. Bob read recommendations from that report. Bob Kirmis said the Attorney states that he concurs with the recommendation that the Variance be denied. He acknowledges the problem and recommends that the City come up with a solution. Bob Kirmis said the City Engineer notes a concern over the construction of a gravel parking lot concerning erosion. He has recommended denial of the request also. HE s RIN t WAS OPENED TO COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: Jack Holms spoke, representing the Church. He passed around a master plan which shows the site layout as it exists. They have a purchase agreement on the acreage. He showed the new structure area and they have entered into a capitol fund drive. Three years from now they plan construction. Currently they have three services on Sunday. One space for every four seat requirement is not adequate. Last winter they did plow snow and park on this area. In the Spring people parked on the driveway and Co Road #39. 128X256 is parking lot expansion. The 24 ft. drives circulation area and 24 ft. deep parking area, same as what exists now. They want to do it this way and not excavate the dirt until they get everything ready for the continuation site. They are asking to use this temporarily. The parking lot as an interim use rather than spend money for a parking lot. Basically it will be used two winters. Carl Swenson asked if anyone else wished to be heard. No one did. Arleen Nagel asked if other than expansion, had they pursued any avenues of alleviating the parking problem. Mr. Holms said have three services now, which helps. The building is too small for the congergatio so staggering the services helps. Mark Wallace questioned using the Bank parking lot for parking since they will not be open on Sundays. Ing Roskaft asked if they had any night activities that require extra parking? Mr. Holms said the overflow is needed for Sunday morning times. Ing Roskaft asked if the alternative had been discussed with the Staff? Mr. Holmes said no. Mr. Roskaft said he is referring to an agreement, or alternative action, instead of a variance. A precedent would be set with a variance. He refered to an agreement until the church's needs have been met and the other ten acres built on. Mark Wallace referred to his question of the Bank parking for the Church on Sunday. He asked if Mr. Holms felt it would be a viable option. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 3 Mr. Holms said in Minnesota everyone wants to park by the door. He felt parking further away would be a problem and explained further. Long term, we would definitely want to blacktop the parking lot, but as far as erosion goes,we have been doing a good job of taking care of that. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO THE COUNCIL THAT ALTERNATIVE ACTION AS SUGGESTED BY THE PLANNING STAFF BE CONSIDERED AND ALSO THE RECOMMENDATION BY THE ATTORNEY AND THAT THIS BE DISCUSSED WITH THE CHURCH OFFICIALS AND AN AGREEMENT BE REACHED AND THAT THIS SHOULD BE RECORDED AND A FINDINGS OF FACTS BE MADE ALSO. Motion died for lack of second. Chair Swenson asked if his motion is an alternative thing or recommending denial of the request. Ing Roskaft said he is recommending alternative action as recommended by our attorney. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO DENY THE VARIANCE FOR SUBSEQUENT ACTION. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION, BASED ON THE FACT THAT HE FEELS THERE IS ALTERNATIVE ACTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GENE GOENNER ABSTAINING FROM VOTING. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED THAT ALTERNATIVE ACTION BE CONSIDERED BY THE COUNCIL IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE OFFICIALS OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND THIS ACTION BE RECORDED AND FINDINGS OF FACT BE ESTABLISHED. JIM KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GENE GOENNER ABSTAINING. Bob Kirmis explained from NAC's Report of August 24, 1994. This is a request for a 2.8 Acre Commercial Site by Mr. Gene Kreuser. This is the second addition to the previously approved MRD Commercial Park. It overlays a portion of Outlot A. He discussed the Moratorium of LeFebvres Watershed and amendment to exclude the property from it. This will be changed from A-1 zoning, Agricultural Rural Service to B-3, General Business District. Bob explained further. February of this year a Moratorium was established. The intent was to allow the City time to evaluate storm water in this area. Easements needed to be obtained. The moratorium is to be lifted in February of 1995. The City has obtained some aerial photography. Our Engineer has been able to define the boundary as the result of Topos. He has passed out maps of the watershed area. Newly delineated boundary shows this lot is excluded. Secondly, the Comp Plan suggests Commercial use of the property. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 79 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 4 The Bank of Elk River was recently rezoned to B3. We feel the Commercial Zoning is justified. In regard to the subdivision itself, in our report we made mention of the possibility of the development being premature. The City is in the process of adopting a transportation plan for the Hwy 101 Corridor. The plan has yet to be reviewed by the P.C. or the Council. NAC has recommended approval of rezoning and approval of the subdivision, subject to 13 conditions which Bob Kirmis read from NAC's Report, Nos. 1 - 13 Pg. 2 -3. They have received comments from Attorney and Engineer. The Attorney recommends the City Engineer make a findings that the development will not have an affect on the Moratorium. It would be best if the entire area were platted at once. It is recognized that the moratorium restricts development. It is not the fault of the applicant. It is a policy matter whether or not the development be allowed and if the subdivision is premature. City Engineer recommends that the City establish a policy plan before developing. NAC has recommended approval of rezoning and subdivision if the PC finds the development. is not premature. Watershed Amendment is recommended for approval. Wally Klus said they have read Mr. Kirmis' report. They wanted to do the entire property but because of the moratorium they had to withdraw it. They feel this is the appropriate use if this is downtown Otsego. He believes that whatever they do will establish what will happen in this area. We would like very much to be able to plat it all. If we take the entire property we would be in the moratorium . He could talk to the purchaser. This is a good request and not spot zoning which we feel is compatible. Gene Kreuser said we are building the bank now. We are not able to put a street into the adjacent property less than 220 feet. We are interested in buying the 300 ft. x 400 ft. piece, with no interest in the narrow piece. The new road would be 866 ft. and the property on the East and North corner we are 3 ft.4 inches above the new road. On the South and East corners we are 1 ft.3 inches above the road and on Kolles farm we are 2 ft. 1 inch above the road and 1 ft. 1 l inches above the road on the other corner. This is concern. It will be zoned B-3 which is several different types of businesses. We are looking at all thoptions and haven't ruled anything out. Chair Swenson asked if anyone else wish to be heard? HEARING CLOSED AND BROUGHT BACK TO P.C. Ron Black said he is concerned about ending up like the area by North Bound Liquor in Elk River. Bob Kirmis asked do we want to approve something that does not have the road Configuration of the lot. The moratorium stipulates areas in the vacanity which can and cannot be developed. We would like to see a preliminary plat of the whole area, but the moratorium states that we cannot develop in the affected area. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 5 Bob Kirmis explained the moratorium and that the line was changed when we received the topos. He asked if it is fair to the potential applicant because the error was made in the original map, the map should be corrected. Ron Black said the map is correct, but we should get back to the original question. Every other developer had to supply a concept plan. Gene Goenner said he understands a moratorium but why can't we approve the plat and make it a condition that no building be done until the moratorium is lifted. Is that a possibility? Bob Kirmis said technically terms of the Interim Ordinance says applications shall not be received within the watershed district. We could accept a sketch plan and explained access would have to be shown how it can be provided. The City cannot approve a preliminary plat for the entire area. Lynn Caswell said they did submit a sketch plan for the plat, the land gets entirely too wide East and West to service it from one street. It just does not work. A reasonable way to develope land is to have users. When it is that deep the users gets quite limited. He feels the access on the West side needs to be addressed. Ron Black said that he is concerned that the commission is being presented little bits and pieces. Residential plats are required to show an ultimate subdivision. Up front needs to be address like utilities, etc. I think we can plan and shouldn't stumble over the concerns the city has with drainage. Carl Swenson said the request is for a single lot development. Is the commission ready to recommend action on this. Gene Goenner would like to know the final ending date of the moratorium. Are we talking about a Month or 45 days before the moratorium may be off. Ing Roskaft felt the action on the rezoning could be taken and the rest could be done later. Bob Kirmis said the Rezoning and Subdivision has to happen at the same time. Carl Swenson said the configuration of the lot is a concern and he did not see how we can take action on this. Wally Klus sai4.they had attempted to put in an overall development plan sketch. We have no problem trying to look at the road system. We read in the paper that there is a change on 88TH ST. Ron Black said 88th St. is not going any further, it is just not going to be acul-du-sac. Wally Klus said they are just trying to develop the lot as originally planned. We have done considerable work on this. We have attempted to cooperate with the City. We need a certain date. Ing Roskaft asked if we can continue this at the September 21,1994 P.C. Meeting. Gene Goenner said we don't know if that Moratorium will be off at that time. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THIS HEARING UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1994. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 6 Gene Goenner asked Ron Black if the council could come to a conclusion on this. Ron Black said we have topo maps and the City Engineer has directed us to proceed with his drainage plan for this area of the City. He should have the drainage plan together by end of September or first of October. The transportation plan will have to be brought to Hearing. 4. Hearing for Rezoning from AG -1 to I-1 Industrial and an Interim Use Permit by owner Mark A Plude for annlicant John Geo Vie, Inc. PID #118-500-263408: Bob Kirmis explained from NAC's Report of August 29, 1994. This is a 2.3 acre parcel of land. Plude Bus Garage is being purchased by John George, Inc. Applicants want an interim use permit to allow Ind. Use to continue and deviation of zoning standards. The staff recommends Rezoning from A-1 to I-1 Ind. PUD Temporary use permit until Hwy 101 improvements are finished. Site in question had previously held a I-1 Zoning under Wright Co. Zoning. It was not transferred to Otsego's City Zoning Map. They want to use the property as exists until the Hwy 101 Improvements are complete. They request the use terminate in 1998. NAC feels the applicant was deprived of legal rights previously allowed by Wright Co. PUD and following conditions were read from NAC's Report of August 29, 1994 by Mr Kirmis. Pg. 2 and Pg.3 recommendations. Bob Kirmis explained further. City Attorney makes note, approval will likely constitute a precedent and if request is approved there should be spec findings which show the uniqueness of Hwy 101 improvements. Septic tank and drainfield easements need to be addressed, regardless of the various Ordinance requirements. City Engineer made a number of recommendations. Mn/Dot and Co. provide review and comment regarding access. Septic and drainfield be evaluated before use takes place. Easements be reviewed if use is to change. (See letter from Larry Koshak) NAC feels the PUD is the only way we have by Ordinance to address this. We feel City can allow this if, conditions are adhered to. t7i7..11.. d'%A-11 A -- 16 -16 -if „i T-16— t'-4 •..o T -- He had a report prepared that was handed out. The attachment was an afterthought. We are aiming in the same direction but are concerned as to how we got here. There is a little more than six acres all together. We met with Staff, David Licht and he is not sure if the Engineer was there. It was indicated that the property was Industrially Zoned property and the City would treat it such. Until Hwy 101 is done, we feel we can't put a great deal of money into this property. We request not a specific date but at least two years beyond the Hwy 101 completion. (See John Darkenwald's letter of September 7, 1994 attached.) It is a marginal property and pays marginal rents. We went away from that meeting feeling we could do something. We have a paper blizzard. Three steel buildings are on the property, 2.3 acres. Dirt floors on bldgs. One building has bathroom, and a concrete floor. We ask that Industrial zoning be restored. In 1976 a CUP was granted by Wright Co. to use this as a Bus Garage. Guide plan contemplates Commercial Use. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 7 We believe it will have Commercial use someday when Hwy 101 is completed. Bid letting on Hwy 101 from Co.42 to I94 is schedule for February of 1997. We may be done by 1999. We should focus on Industrial use now and work with that. We were using Interim Use in the Application, one of which is the Home Extended Business. We thought we were going in the right direction. We ask to get generic waver of standards so we can use the property as is. Several questions have been raised in Bobs report. We are concerned about a PUD and feel it is overkill. The City Attorney has reservations about treating it as a PUD. On Pg. 2 of Andy MacArthurs report dated August 29, 1994, Wally read from this. The other concern is, PUD's are expensive. Can we keep it simple and economically sound? We are not developers with respect to this property. They are investors (John George, Inc.). You can see clearly this is not a situation that calls for a Developers Agreement. Developers are -Wally read from the Ordinance. We are investing in that property because it has a future. If we get the Industrial Zoning and the City can find some way to authorize the Zoning Adm. to waive the submission requirements for the four different categories. We feel those items are overkill. Wally Odell said when the City makes a mistake they have a chance to correct it. There really is not a precedent here. He explained Hwy 101 and the only parcel on Hwy 101 that has structures that were put there under valid zoning. It can not be a precedent. Impact on Hwy 101 and Co.37 intersection, the Engineer wanted us to consult with Mn/Dot and the Co. On Pg. 2 of Andy's report, the burden should be on the applicant to present to the City. I was under the impression that the City of Otsego had approved the Hwy Depts. plans. We would like to see that whatever we end up with, is something that would not end until two years after the highway is built. No one else wished to be heard. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED AND BROUGHT BACK TO THE P_(' GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO REZONE THIS PARCEL FROM A-1 TO I-1 AS IT WAS OZIGINALLY UNDER THE CO. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MtION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PITT) I 1S Gene Goenner questioned the PUD on 2.d. Temporary Ordinance waived not creating an nuisance. Are we covered so we would not to have a cluttered up mess? John Darkenwald - One situation is House and buildings we are buying. There is no way we could rent that house if there was junk there. We would make sure there was no junk. Wally Odell said they can deal with that in the terms of the lease. It is our best interest to keep that property to the highest standards we can. Carl Swenson asked Bob Kirmis if we did not allow the PUD, but it is rezoned how would that work? Bob Kirmis said the staff determined that the PUD was the best way to deal with this Interim use. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 8 Mark Wallace questioned Item C of Pg. 2. Site structures etc. shall be used as they currently exist. Later on it says deviation of the following shall be allowed, curbing, striping, etc. Bob Kirmis said item F means they will not be forced to comply until the termination of the PUD. Carl Swenson said we need to recommend a way out of this. Mark Wallace questioned if the PUD goes through and the area is rented for light Industrial. Would that have to be redone every time a tenant moved in? Bob Kirmis said it would have to be reviewed by the Plans and approval granted by the Zoning Adm. and go through City Staff. If the PUD is not granted there are two mechanisms for review. One- the Site and Building plan reviewed and a Public Hearing for CUP.(they would have to meet the Ordinance requirements) Ron Black asked if the intent is to allow as much flexibility as possible during the Hwy 101 building period? Bob Kirmis said yes, it is trying to avoid the processing, etc. 1998 is two years following the completion date of Hwy 101 Nov. 21,1997 is bid date said Wally. Wally Odell said the bid date in Nor. 21, 1997. This puts us in a bind also. Gene Goenner asked if a Council could revoke a PUD at any time? Carl said Yes. Gene Goenner said he wouldn't have a problem with the two years. Bob Kirmis said he would feel more comfortable with a date and what defines that road completion. MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PUD ON THE PLUDE PROPERTY BASED ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE PLANNING REPORT OF NAC. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADD TO COUNCIL AGENDA OF 9/12194 5 Hearing for an Amendment to the PUD Zoning and Interim Use Permit. - .. . . - . , , 1 ITT '7&7G ATT' n_-.__ n..,.,] 121, R 23 NAC's Report of August 29, 1994. Requester has asked to continue this to next meeting. Carl Swenson Opened the Public Hearing . MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 AT 8PM BY ING ROSKAFT. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black explained that calling the matter for hearing is reflected and continued. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 9 6 Hearing for Edwin F and Leona M Daimhinais. A-1 District PTD #118-500-263301 and 118-500-27440Q in Sec 26, TwT R23. (This should be continued to 9/21/94 - We need more information before Hearing)* Discussion on Continuance. Hearing opened by Chair Carl Swenson. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THIS HEARING TO SEPT 21, 1994 AT 8PM FOR THE DAUPHINAIS MINING PERMIT. JIM KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTIONED CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Discuss submission requirements and Ordinance Amendments: Bob Kirmis explained NAC's Report of August 8, 1994. SEE THE REQUIREMENTS: 19 inch large scale currently, changes have been shaded for reference . He requests a date for public hearing be established if no problem is seen by P.C. Carl Swenson had one comment on the 11"X17" minimum size. There was a lot of emphasis on legibility. The amount of detail has to be legible. If 11"X17" is used it must be legible. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE CHANGE FOR SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT FOR THE OCTOBER 5, 1994, WEDNESDAY AT 8PM AT OTSEGO CITY HALL. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bob Kirmis was asked to investigate the single family home being required to have a two stall garage. The City does require no outdoor storage. Is this change being questioned to address an issue of outdoor storage or is it considered a benefit to the City and its character, etc.? ` ommunities are generally split on this issue, some question the requirement coniltituting a exclusionary zoning tactic. (exclude the low income?) A memo from the City Attorney concurs with NAC's position. The City can do it. Carl Swenson said he didn't think the outside storage was the purpose of it. We have a different lifestyle out here than the City. Both people work. They almost have to have two cars. It seems to me in this climate, if they have to get to work, having them in a garage is a big advantage. There is no public transportation out here. I don't think it is discriminatory. Gene Goenner didn't agree with it the first time and still does not agree with it. I had my cars parked outside for two years and I got to work. Ron Black said the government regulates. He agrees with Carl. It is a lot easier to put up a garage when you get the original money. He felt it would be very helpful to people. It would force the Developers to accommodate the needs of people. It would enhance the overall appearance as well as evaluation of the area. Doug Lindenfelser agreed with Ron. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM PAGE 10 Arleen Nagel agrees with Gene Goenner. She sees many homes with double garage and cars setting outside. They still have the clutter, it dosn't enhance it. . MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO HAVE THE ORDINANCE REFLECT THE TWO STALL GARAGE WITH DETACHED OR ATTACHED OPTIONAL. JIM KOLLES SECONDED. HEARING DATE FOR FIRST WEDNESDAY IN OTOBER AT 8PM. JIM KOLLES, MARK WALLACE AND CARL SWENSON AGREED AND ARLEEN NAGEL, ING ROSKAFT AND GENE GOENNER OPPOSED. MOTION DENIED. S Any other P. C. Business: Chair has a request to review the Ordinance prohibiting pole buildings. Rational is we are prohibiting a type of construction. Why do we say it can't be a pole building. Mark Wallace said it doesn't say it can't be pole construction. Doug Lindenfelser said he researched it, purchased a Menards steel building 26 t. x 36 ft. He came for a permit, but it does not fall into R-2 Zoning. Mark Wallace said the building has to match the house and the roof has to compatible. They specifically want no metal roof. Doug Lindenfelser has six acres of woods. If he had wood the squirrels would be in it. He wants steel buildings and sees nothing wrong with it. He questioned if the City would be challenged what would happen. He felt they are a neat looking building, his whole family has them. Ing Roskaft said the Town Government would let you have it. Doug Lindenfelser said he agrees there are some out there that were not done right and there has to be some regulations. The cost is less than stick built and asks that the P.C. reconsider. Mark Wallace'd that is why we wrote it the way we did to keep some conformancy. Roofing was renewed and we were trying to get away from corrigated metal. Ron Black said he has a problem with the size of the lot and the use associated. If I had a 40 A lot it is still residential use. The other thing is can a person put any type of roof on. Doug Lindenfelser said if you drive around you see the 10 ft. x12 ft. storage sheds. I concider the $500.00 extra for a shingled roof as a hardship. Why does the City want to do that. Mark Wallace said why is that a hardship? He didn'tconsider it as such, trying to put compatibility in the neighborhood. Gene Goenner said with the hours of discussion we have had on this subject he didn't see it being changed anytime soon. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM Page 11 Everybody should read Sec 20-16.4 of the Ordinance. Ron Black recommended that the Chair have everyone bring the Ordinances with. Surrounding areas should be looked at by Bob Kirmis. 99. Adjourn: ING ROSKAFT MOT TO ADJOURN MEETING. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE GOENNER, SECRETARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb RESOLUTION CITE' OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMISSION RESOLUTION TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL, OPPOSING ANNEXATION/DETACHMENT. WHEREAS; the City of Otsego Planning Commission's duties include issues of Planning and Zoning, and WHEREAS; the City of Otsego had a directive from the :Municipal Board at the time of incorporation in 1990 that the Western portion of Otsego Agricultural Land be preserved; and WHEREAS; the City of Otsego has been consistant in their enforcement of their Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS; the City of Otsego has received several requests for Annexation/ Detachment of prime agricultural land owned by residents in the City of Otsego to the City of Albertville for the purpose of development and attaining sewer and water; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That the City of Otsego Planning Commission hereby opposes any annexation into Albertville or any other jurisdiction with the obvious intent of removing any agricultural land from production. Dated this 3RD day of August, 1994 CITY OF OTSEGO: ARL SW NSON, CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISISON Elaine Beatty, Recording Secr . ry