09-21-94 PCPC8394. WPS CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR P.C. MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 - 8PM AIR SWENS N WILL. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL. CALL.- CARL ALL.: CARL SWENSON, CHAIR, ING ROSKAFT, MARK WALLACE DENNIS MC ALPINE, ARLEEN NAGEL, ALT AND RON BLACKICOUNCIL REP. WERE PRESENT. GENE GOENNER, BRUCE RASK AND JIM KOLLES ARRIVED LATE. Bob Kirmis Planner and Elaine Beatty from Staff were present Doug Lindenfelser, and Floyd Roden, Councilmembers were also present. ? ONSIDERATTON OF MINUTES OF 9/7/94: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF 9/7/94. DENNIS MC ALPINE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. love ITLT lagflm 01IL" D10 M I'll I'll Diem 01.09.101 DAR IR 1[110 01100; 6WEVE919 P.C. M SwensonCarl '/ if Staff or 11licant has something they would like to .1• Bob Kirmis said the issue of the moratorium is the reason for the continuance with the possibility of termination of the moratorium, the entire property could possibly be platted. Wally Klus said until we have more information, we are bouncing around. Originally we had a plan for the whole thing. Perhaps the City Engineer will have the road study done some time soon. Bob Kirmis said it is tentatively scheduled for the next P.C. meeting. Mr. Fuchs said they are looking at the property, but would like to know more about the moratorium, street locations, layout, sewer and water and the future plans of the City. Gene Kreuser said that is what they have agreed on. They want the piece of land, but want to see what the City and everyone involved comes up with. Carl Swenson asked if it would help to continue the Hearing? CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 PAGE 2 Wally Odell said we talked about continuing this until the first meeting in November, November 2, 1994 at 8PM. MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON MRD COMM. 2nd ADDITION. SECONDED BY ING ROSKAFT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wally Klus asked if there is a plan being worked on for water and sewer in that area? Ron Black said potentially. The City of Dayton is interested in their old village looking at sewer with Otsego and possibly Frankfort. The pressure is on in all three communities. There are other discussions going on here also. We are too far away from St Michael and Albertville. •► 1► /► • ► It :►:u I D10110 1 D10 In K9111Y. Iona 11 1IN NJ I► k"A 10 911001 W 01.9401; I : 01: :. ► A: 1 :►1 11 1I :►1129 W54111&4oV*41Y-W'111. 1►1 •u' ►�D1 DV Bob Kirmis said Mr. Darkenwald has withdrawn his application. Carl Swenson Chair, closed the hearing. BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE WITHDRAWL OF THE PUD FOR GEL DARKENWALD. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. They have asked to have this continued. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS TO OCTOBER 5, 1994 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was noted that if they are not ready for Oct 5, 1994 Meeting, they will have to reapply. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 PAGE 4 There are no poles stuck in the ground. He explained there is no more cost. That type of structure is permitted. The poles in the ground are not permitted. There should be no dirt floors. Ron talked about the building pitching and heaving, etc. More discussion on regular footings. Doug Lindenfelser agreed with the cement foundation, but the shingled roof costs $1,200.00 more on a building 26ft x26ft. Mark Wallace felt the pole structure is not prohibited. Bob Kirmis said that the intent was to make pole buildings conditionally allowed in A-1 and A-2 and not allowed in residential zoning districts. Carl Swenson felt that zoning should be Residential on a one per forty split, which implies that no pole buildings are allowed. Gene Goenner felt a lot split off any place in the City should be deemed Residential and should be under the Residential rules. Bruce Rask said he agreed, but that would eliminate the compatibility. Doug Lindenfelser said if he can save money, one or two thousand dollars, he would. Bruce Rask talked about having $125,000.00 structures and now we are saying we will allow tin pole sheds. The ratio doesn't figure. Doug Lindenfelser said people want to put their stuff in storage. Come over by the farm, there are junk buildings. We have a Building Inspector, lets use him. Bruce Rask asked about the one next to Kolles and talked about a shingled roof. Doug Lindenfelser said he is sitting on six acres in the woods and can't build one. More discussion. Bruce said on six acres you can have your pole shed. He talked about having it in the urban area. More discussion. Bruce said he prefers buildings to junk outside. Mark Wallace said allowing someone to build a pole structure does not guarantee they'll clean up their lot. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 PAGE 5 Bruce Rask said we are tarring, putting in 9 ton roads, etc. We are working to clean up our community. I will support a 50,000 sq. ft building as long as it looks nice. He talked about siding, etc. Doug Lindenfelser said you may not think it looks good, but I do and it's maintenance free. Ing Roskaft said one of the richest communities we have to compare to is Minnetrista. He read the information. The city does not have any construction standards, etc. Carl Swenson said he can't see the difference between the slab and pole building, because from the outside you cannot tell the difference. Ron Black said it would be worthwhile to get information from the Bldg. Official, or people that put buildings up. He explained further. Carl Swenson said according to Pg.4, typically pole buildings require extra maintenance, etc. Ron Black felt the commission should look at that. Nails popping in the roof is a problem. Doug Lindenfelser said they use silicone nails now. Gene Goenner said we are going around on cost, it should not be the determining factor. We don't look at cost on doing variances. On new homes, the City requires a lot of different things. (he explained) The City is already imposing thousands of dollars on new residential developments. Dennis McAlpine said we have two issues here. A pole shed in an area where some of us don't feel they should be put up. The other thing is what type of pole shed we would allow to be put up? Shouldn't we talk about the materials, etc.? Carl Swenson said yes, materials, type of construction and cost. Mark Wallace said he feels the purpose is to protect the value of the community. Doug Lindenfelser said if he had enough storage he wouldn't want it either. Mark Wallace said if you allow it in Residential, you have to allow it in every area. Doug Lindenfelser asked about R-1, R-2 or R-3 zonings. Bruce Rask raised questions on tin pole buildings. He has turned down 15 people so far. Doug Lindenfelser said that should tell you something. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 PAGE 6 Carl Swenson said we need more information on this building issue. If we are going to change the Ordinance, we need to identify the information. If we are not, we won't need anymore information. Mark Wallace agrees with the lot size, but the problem is possible subdivision in the future. Carl Swenson said all they would do is tear it down and scrap it out. Ron Black brought up preservation of land value and how it's an underlying theme in the Ordinance. If you want to build a big building you will have to spend big dollars. He discussed what these types of buildings do to land values. We are all charged with keeping the value and must keep that in mind. Carl Swenson talked about size, how it fits the lot and the value. He is having trouble figuring out what direction we should go. Ing Roskaft brought up the fact that pole buildings are built to be taken down and be rebuilt. They are expensive. We are talking about something new. If I change the siding on my house, I will not change my accessory building. Bruce Rask talked about compatibility, etc. Doug asked Bob about farm accessory. Bob Kirmis said Doug's lot, does not meet the definition of the farm. Farms are exempt. Carl Swenson asked how can we address this? Mark Wallace felt we should get some input on property values, etc.and possibly a presentation by our Assessor. Ron Black explained some values have been reduced because of junk and tin sheds. Ing Roskaft asked Bob Kirmis what we should do? Bob Kirmis said look at Comp Plan and it stresses quality. In the urban area that should be carried thru. Carl Swenson said the value is not affected by this kind of building. Ron Black said not value, financing. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 PAGE 7 MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO LEAVE THE ORDINANCE AS IS. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. CARL SWENSON AND JIM KOLLES OPPOSED. DENNIS McALPINE, BRUCE RASK, MARK WALLACE, GENE GOENNER AND ING ROSKAFT FOR. MOTION CARRIED. 7 P C DISCUSSION OF SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR SUB -DIV. ORD. (See information from Bob Kirmis Dated 9/13/94): Bob Kirmis explained his information. Hearing will be on 10/5/94. 8 ANY OTHER PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS: Gene Goenner said he felt we should do something about lots not zoned properly for their use. Carl Swenson said it is called recodification. People don't take kindly to that. He felt if someone wants a split, at time of split it should be zoned to use. Lets give it some thought. We may need help from NAC. Ron Black said one project for the subcommittee, is to go thru and inventory what is out there should the commission decided to go thru with it. Carl Swenson said there is a lot of responsibility there. He would rather wait until next time. Vern Heidner brought up his running for City Council. The Ordinance for campaign sign says 30 days Pg. 196. It's another week and a half to two weeks before they can go up. If you try to talk to all 2,000 home sites you can't do it in 30 days. It's tough to do. Bob Kirmis felt 30 days is a standard. Vern Heidner said if you put a sign up, you have to pass back thru. Can you make a temporary resolution? In the future it should be looked at. Carl Swenson said the best we can do is to set in motion fixing it. Ron Black asked if they can adopt a resolution of intention. 9. ADJOU N MEETING.: MARK WALLACE MOTIONED. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE GOENNER, SECRETARY Minutes by : Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary