11-16-94 PCPC8394.WPS CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1994 AT 8PM, IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1994 - 8PM 1 CHAIR CARL SWENSON WILL CALL MEF.TIN 7 TO ORDER: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL: CARL SWENSON ING ROSKAFT GENE GOENNER MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK JIM KOLLES, ABSENT DENNIS MCALPINE ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT RON BLACK/CR, ABSENT Staff present was Bob Kirmis, NAC, Larry Koshak, Engr, and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator. Council Members present were: Doug Lindenfelser, Larry Fournier, Council and Mayor Norman F Freske PLAN TO ESTABLISH A TRANSPORTATION PLAN FOR PLANNING DISTRICT #4 AS DEFINED 1\ THE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN. SwensonChair -• the Hearing and how is it is conducted. Elaine Beatty noted the proper publications had been completed. Larry Koshak explained the concept plan was directed to be prepared by the City Council. Purpose to delineate a traffic pattern. The district is commercial property and guided for Commercial. Street location is a forerunner for development of the property. Actual development may change slightly the location of the street. After this Hearing it will be sent to the Council for adoption as a guide to the Comp Plan. It is to let landowners and residents know where the streets will be located: In our MSA Plan there are two locations of streets that will serve as access roads to Hwy101, interconnected with major arterial streets. Quaday on MSA and will extend South to Co#37 thru Ed Dauphinais property. There is another street being built that will connect to Co #36. The purpose of traffic pattern is to reduce the traffic on Hwy101 and off of Hwyl01. MSA road has to connect to County, State Aid Hwy or State Trunk Hwy. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1994 PAGE 2 We are looping it thru the street to the North of Co39 and connecting to 96th Street in Mississippi Shores. We have shown additional roads that will be taken off that. We have considered distances of the accesses off Co42. A new County plan is being formulated. Our plan will comply with the County requirement on distances for access. On Co42 North of Co39, there will be an access on Park Avenue, 94th Street and 96th Street.(three accesses) Capabilities of - right in right out - to the North of Co39 on Richard LeFebvres property. There is a culvert there now. There is an opening between those two entrances in the islands on Co39. A Light will be put in on Co39 when demand warrants it and that access will be closed. He explained the access to the Church. The Bank exit is on 88th Street. Larry explained the road South of the present 88th Street that is built. We can extend MSA road East of 85th Street. Larry showed how we can connect that to 88th St. The proposed Zoning to the North of Richard LeFebvres land is Residential. This is Plan A, we prefer it and recommend it to the P.C. The second alternative is similar, North of 85th Street. South of 85th Street, it shows an alternate route opposite of the present school. It would come North to 85th to the East. The objection to that route is, it would bring the traffic pattern out to the intersection of the school and the potential increase in traffic with the school. The wetland crossing and creek is why we have the second alternative. There may be opposition from the DNR and there may have to be a bridge instead of a culvert. Presently, we recommend Alt. #1. Larry showed another exhibit. There is property below the flood protection elevation of 862 ft and the purple is 0 to 2 ft below the regular flood elevation. The green is 3 to 4 ft and red is 4 to 6 ft and the orange is 6 ft plus. The road aligns to that. The white is out of the floodplain and is developable as it exists. Alt #2 avoids the largest fill areas. Larry asked for any questions. Bob Kirmis reiterated that this is intended to be a guide for development, a step beyond the land use plan. They are not unchangeable, they can be slightly altered. It is a general plan as to how we would like to see the streets laid out. HEARING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. WALLY ODELL - 26 Cannon. A couple questions. These referred to MSA funds for these roads. Larry Koshak said there are some of the roads that are MSA and he showed on the map where they lie. Wally Odell asked if those funds are unlimited or annual grant, how do we get these funds? Larry Koshak explained the MSA Funds and how they work. Wally Odell asked if you have to spend the funds. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 169 1994 PAGE 3 Larry Koshak said they encourage you to spend the money. Twenty five percent (25%) is allowed for the City to take for maintenance and operations. ($7 5,000.00 a yr) The rest is or construction projects. We have $350,000.00 available. We have done very little this year. (88th Street) You can bond ahead of time for additional work. They want to change the rules to allow cities to use money into the future. A lot of cities do not use the funds. Cities like Otsego (developing cities) can use more money. Wally Odell asked if the landowners have to pay any of the cost of the road? Larry Koshak said the city has adopted the policy that the landowner in a commercial property has to pay for a 9 ton road. Any additional and MSA will pay. Wally Odell asked if the funds that represent MSA, that is not a part that you are assessed. Larry Koshak said no. Wally Odell had a general concern, there is section 3/4 of a mile from Hwy101 to Co42, I see three North - South parallel roads in a short distance. That seems somewhat excessive. We probably need a good East - West route. The lower portion, Mary Rose Dare property,(MRD) they talked about the cost of improving the floodplain land, being prohibitive if it needed to be brought up to standards. You will have land for Industrial Development that will be very expensive. When I look at Elk River, Ramsey and Dayton, we cannot compete with those communities with high priced land. It may sit there for a long time. It may not fill up with development until the surrounding communities develop. Farmers will put their land for possible development into green acres. Bruce Rask said we are not putting those roads in. It is a proposed road, so developers know where the road will go. Wally Odell asked if it will only be put in if the landowner themselves develop. Larry Koshak said right. He talked about the County Meeting concerning a ten year traffic plan. Otsego is well laid out. East-West roads basically are patterned. We have a good up and down cross pattern. Co42 is a minor arterial. We have to have an interior road to access onto Co42 on this type of road. That is the reason for internal access roads. Co37 is proposed to be constructed to Co19. Nashua Avenue will be constructed to the freeway where the new bridge will cross Crow River on Co30 in Hennepin Co. There is a plan in approximate one mile patterns. It will take place when development occurs. State funds will be used when owners develop. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1994 PAGE 4 Mayor Norman F Freske explained the MSA funds can only be used in connection with Co roads and State Aid Roads. The County's plan will be out by spring. Co19 will be a major road all the way South. He talked about the grid and MSA filling in between. Larry Koshak talked about development and the difficulty of lowland development. Wally Odell asked if a developer bought a farm in there and had a different idea for roads, then what? Larry Koshak said it is a conceptual plan, not concrete. We do have a piece of 88th in already. To take 88th Street off MSA the State would have to be paid. Larry Fournier asked if one land owner wanted to develop his property, would you put the entire road in? Would you force all land owners to put in a road? Larry Koshak said if they plat the property the roads would have to be solved. The City should control the pattern of Development. Bruce Rask said we put in a portion to take care of Dares. If Kolles wanted to do it they would put their road in. Larry Koshak explained, you will fill in and have an orderly road. This plan would address all that. Without it we have nothing to debate. Vern Heidner said there are some properties that are landlocked and couldn't develop now. Larry Koshak agreed and explained that the Veterinarian and Cota's gave up their access on Hwyl01. No one else wished to be heard. Hearing was closed and brought back to P.C. Chair Swenson asked if any members had any questions? John Darkenwald asked about Ed Dauphinais' land, what is happening? Larry Koshak said it is on the 1995-96 list. Mr Dauphinais has received a mining permit and is in the process of constructing the road. The issue of gas line will come up when the road is built in 1995-96. John Darkenwald said they were meeting with Rogers and they are trying for April of 1996 for a date. Ing Roskaft asked if the link thru the Dauphinais property has been finalized? CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1994 PAGE 5 Larry Koshak said it is but easements are not yet procured. Ing Roskaft asked for the finished road width. The finished width of the road 0' and 2 -12' and 2-6' lanes. A rural section of rd. Chair Swenson asked if anyone else wished to speak. BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO AMEND THE OTSEGO COMP PLAN TO ESTABLISH A TRANS PLAN FOR PLANNING DIST #4. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing: Bob Kirmis stated that Vern Heidner appeared before the Commission with a concern on campaign signs. The present period of time is relatively short. Staff looked into it, the display time was extended from 30to 60 days. There is a State requirement. Signs can be displayed from August and lasts till ten (10) days following. the elections. Hearing opened to the Public: Chair Swenson asked if anyone wished to be heard. Suzanne Ackerman said if you have the signs up for more than 30 days it starts to look junky. She felt 30 days is more than enough time for people to see the signs. Vern Heidner said you cannot walk the City in 30 days. There is not enough daylight. Anyone else wish to be heard? No one did HEARING CLOSED AND BROUGHT BACK TO P.C.: Dennis McAlpine asked who is responsible for picking up the signs that are out there? Elaine Beatty said whoever has the signs are responsible. Gene Goenner asked if it could be made a misdemeanor? CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1994 PAGE 6 Bob Kirmis said there is a procedure for complaints on signs. Dennis McAlpine asked Vern Heidner how long it took him to take down the signs? Vern said starting Sept 13th (10 day period he couldn't work at it) He went until election and didn't get thru about 250 houses. He agreed with Suzanne, they do look junky. No one likes it better then him when they come down. It took a day to get signs down. Norman F Freske said it also took him one day. It took a lot long to get permission to put them up. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO AMMEND THE CITY ZONING ORD. ON CAMPAIGN DISPLAY. DENNIS MCALPINE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. DISCUSSION OF A JOINT P. ../ .O TN I . MEETING REGARDING IMMEDIATE URBAN SERVICE AREA, ON DECEMBER 7, 1994 AT 8PM REGULAR P.C. MEETING, Mayor Freske explained we had a couple of requests stating we should meet with P.C. Bob Kirmis said if P.C. wants to think about it, the city is getting development pressure. The plan was written with Elk River for sanitary sewer service. How do we want to handle this? Where do we want to focus? We are looking for direction. The Council would like to discuss this with the P.C. Ing Roskast asked if we had filled in the area? Bob Kirmis said not complete, there are a lot of chunks. Question is, where do we want to expand the Immediate Service Area? Ing Roskaft said that is a big question. The seven County Metro area is wrestling with the same question. They would like to see more infilling before going into the rural areas. How can we provide sewer and water for our urban areas? How soon will we run into problems? Bob Kirmis said one option is not to expand the Service area and force infilling. More discussion on sewer, etc. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO HAVE THIS DISCUSSION AND HAVE IT AS THE LAST ITEM ON THE AGENDA. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1994 PAGE 7 6. ANY OTHER PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS: Gene Goenner asked about the Snowmobile Ordinance. Discussion was had on this. 7. ADJOURN* ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE GOENNER, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary. eb