00-28CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.2 0 0 0— 2 8 RESOLUTION ADOPTING NOTICE OF ABATEMENT WHEREAS, the City Budding Inspector has identified the following City ordinance violations, 6-2-4 — O & P and 6-2-5—A on that property located at 8439 Ogren Avenue N.E. , Otsego, Mn. 553300ndowned and/or occupiedby John and Cheryl Butler ;and WHEREAS, notice of said violations was served upon the property owner and/or occupant on or about April 25, 1996 , said notice setting forth the violations and providing a reasonable time period in which to come into compliance; and WHEREAS, the owners and/or occupants have failed to remedy the violations; and WHEREAS, the City Building inspector on September 10 , 2000 notified the owners and/or occupants of the City of Otsego's intent to consider abatement of the violations on the property, as set forth above, and of their right to appear in front of the City Council and present any testimony or evidence relative to this matter, and WHEREAS, the City did hold a hearing on Monday, October 9, 2000 at the Otsego City Hall at which time the owners and/or occupants had an opportunity to appear and be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the evidence and materials presented and finds that the ordinance violations constitute public health and safety hazards, as defined by the City's nuisance ordinance. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Otsego makes the following Findings and Order. 1. That the owners and/or occupants of the property identified above have created and are maintaining a public nuisance upon their property creating a hazard to public health and safety and as defined by the City's nuisance ordinance. 2. That the owners and/or occupants are hereby given 3 O days from the date of service of this Notice of Abatement to abate those nuisances upon their property of which they were notified and provided opportunity to be heard. 3. That in the event that they fail to fully comply with this order the City Council directs the Building Inspector, City Administrator, Code Enforcement Attorney and City Attorney to proceed to cause abatement of the nuisances by the City, including procurement of contractors, storage, and any necessary Court orders to effectuate this Order. 4. That in the event that City action to abate the nuisances is necessary all City incurred costs, including legal and administrative fees, shall be billed to the owner and/or occupant of the property, and if not timely paid after billing said costs shall be certified to the County Auditor as an assessment against the described property. 5. The documents, reports, letters, pictures and other data supplied to the City Council are herein incorporated by reference. CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION - PAGE 2 - ADOPTED this 9th day of October , 2000 by the Otsego City Counal INFAVOR: Mayor Larry Fdurnier, CM Vern Heidner, CM Virginia Wendel, CM Richard Nichols, and CM Suzanne Ackerman OPPOSED: No One CITY OF • !r• Lam F7pdw, Mayor 1. File: ANDY2.WPS eb