01-18-95 PCPC-9393.WPS CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 18, 1995 - SPM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t CHAIR CART. SWENSON WILL CAI.. THE MEETING TO ORDER: Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL. CALL.: CARL SWENSON, CHAIR ING ROSKAFT ARLEEN NAGEL/ALT MARK WALLACE LARRY FOURNIER/CR GENE GOENNER JIM KOLLES BRUCE RASK WAS OUT OF TOWN DENNIS MCALPINE WAS ABSENT DUE TO A DEATH IN THE FAMILY. BOB KIRMIS, ASST. PLANNER, LARRY KOSHAK, ENGINEER AND ELAINE BEATTY, CLERK/ZONING ADM. WERE ALSO PRESENT. SUZANNE ACKERMAN, COUNCIL MEMBER WAS PRESENT. 2 NO MEETING ON JANUARY 4, 1995 - NO MINUTES: 12/21/94 P.C. MINUTES: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED APPROVAL AS WRITTEN. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 PLANNING OMMISSION RE: CONSIDERATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION PLAN #1 OR #2 FOR PLANNING DISTRICT #4 IN THE #39 /#42 AND #101 AREA (FORT THE RECORM WE NEED CLARIFICATION OF THE PLAN INTENDED BY THE P.C. #1 OR #2): Chair Swenson explained this is a housekeeping item. Chair Swenson said we need to pass a motion to clarify the minutes. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO SELECT PLAN #1, WHICH GOES IN AT QUADAY FOR THE TRANSPORTATION PLAN ON PLANNING DIST. #4. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING OWING AMENDMENTS REGARDING STREET SWEEPINGS: Chair Swenson said this is a Public Hearing and discussed how a Hearing is held. Bob Kirmis explained the amendments. First, to amend the solid waste ordinance. Second, is the Zoning Ord Amendment. He gave some background as to where this came from. Street Sweepings were utilized this summer as fill. It contained some materials considered a health hazard, or safety hazard, garbage, etc. The City had not addressed this in the Ordinance. These two amendments are a response to that situation. He explained further. 4.1. AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE SPECIFICALLY DEFINING THOSE STREET SWEEPINGS WHICH ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE DEFINITION OF MIXED MUNICIPAL. SOLID WASTE.: Bob Kirmis explained the Amendment. HEARING WAS OPENED by Chair Swenson on the first Amendment. No one wished to be heard. HEARING WAS CLOSED, and brought back to the P.C. Larry Fournier asked the City Engr. for comments. Larry Koshak explained that the City of Mpls was furnishing untreated street sweepings as fill material. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1995 AT SPM PAGE 2 They were trying to get rid of them in Wright Co. One property owner, unaware of this allowed them to dump them on his property. They contained a lot of debris. We did not have an ordinance to take care of it. We requested the individual to clean it up and remove the material. City ordinance calls for the solid waste to be removed before used as a land filling material. It is high in salts (chlorides). It is not a good landfilling material,especially in the presence of wetlands. Mark Wallace questioned any other material determined by City Engineer to be a health hazard. If the City Engineer said it is OK, but we have not run tests. are we liable? Larry Koshak said we woul,' make sure they provide test results for that material. PCA rules come into effect. Mark Wallace asked if it would be worthwhile to have those responsible to provide test results? Larry Koshak -don't we say it has to meet MPCA Standards? There are certain requirements for solid waste. He explained further. More discussion. Carl Swenson asked if we should have copies of the test reports? Larry Koshak said the problem is the random samples from a random pile. We did have test reports. The PCA is coming out with more specific guidelines for street sweepings. Larry Koshak said Ord #24 has a permitting process with the City. Chair Swenson is disturbed by the fact of the sampling techniques. Larry Koshak said the overall effect is to discourage street sweepings period. Mark Wallace felt we can accomplish it and felt the material delivered should be provided with test results. Ing Raskaft asked about our own street sweepings. Larry Koshak said that is a good point, that has not been addressed. The proper way is to landfill it. The public works does sweep the streets in the spring and in some cases do not pick it up. It is swept to the shoulder where there are curbs and gutters it is swept and collected. It is sometimes incorporated into the salt pile. Bob Kirmis said it is appropriate that it be generalized. Where ever it comes from it must meet these conditions. More discussion. Mark Wallace was concerned about pollution. He would like to talk to the attorney. Chair Swenson asked if he is suggesting that we continue the Hearing to ask the Attorney to comment on the liability and testing method. MARK WALLACE MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO FEB 1, 1995 TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY COMMENT ON LIABILITY AND TESTING METHOD. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4.2. AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING CONDITIONS OF LAND FILLING OPERATIONS: Bob Kirmis said the Continuation of the First Hearing, we should continue the second one also. HEARING WAS OPENED to the public. No one wished to be heard. HEARING WAS CLOSED and brought back to P.C. Chair Swenson asked if anyone had any questions in respect to Zoning Ord. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO FEBRUARY 1, 1995. MARK WALLACE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publications and posting were done for the Hearings. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 18, 1995 PAGE 3 Larry Koshak said this was presented at a Public Hearing held by the Council last night. He showed the P.C. the Stormwater plan and said it is a technical manual. He went over the same material as the public hearing. Elaine Beatty noted that minutes were taken last night at the Hearing and will be provided to the Planning Commission. Larry Koshak went over the drainage plan. He presented the maps and districts and a general overview of the plan and policies. Gene Goenner asked if the construction site is responsible to maintain the flow? Larry Koshak said any development cannot create anymore runoff than was originally on the land. The runoff rate cannot be greater than it was originally. The plan has ponding capacities and we would prefer ditches rather than pipes. Gene Goenner asked about underground tile lines running through. Larry Koshak said that question was asked last night on how it affected impervious surface. In most methods it is fair. If old tile drain was in there we would not recognize it. Gene asked about non-developed areas. Larry said in most cases we have to accept the given, if the tile is legally in the ground. We would have to look at each separate case individually. It would have to be addressed as an existing condition. 6. ANY OTHER MANNING BUSINESS: Carl 5-venson welcomed Larry Fournier as Council Liaison. Larry Fournier handed out a memo were he expressed his goals and ideas. He asked for any comments. There were none. Mark Wallace reported on the current status of the 3RD Ind. Site. Last Thursday they had a meeting and discussed investigating some areas. Saturday, they found two more. Concentrating more in SE Corner. On Thursday, February 2, 1995,they will have another meeting and will discuss and bring a report to the Commission regarding the sites. Planning Commission Reps. are Mark Wallace and Bruce Rask. Alt. is Carl Swenson. Rudy Thibodeau, LuVeme Klinkner and Larry Koshak are also members of the Commission. Larry Fournier brought up the meeting times. Effective February 1st the regular Council Meeting is being changed from 7:30 to 6:30. He asked the Planning Commission if they wanted to change their time? Chair Swenson asked for any comments. Jim Kolles preferred to leave it where it is. Mark Wallace said 8PM would be fine. 7. ADJOURN ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE OOENNER,SECRETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY IM