02-15-95 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 15, 1995 8 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order. Chair Swenson called meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll Call: Chair Carl Swenson, Commission Members: Ing Roskaft, Eugene Goenner, Mark Wallace, Jim Kolles, Dennis McApline, Alternate Member: Arleen Nagel. Absent: Bruce Rask Council Representative: Larry Fournier Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner, Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. Consideration of Minutes of February 1, 1995. Ing Roskaft motioned to approve the minutes. Arleen Nagel seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. HEARING: Wayne German developer for Island View Estates for Fred H. Bame, President (Owner) for the following requests on PID #118-800-142100 in Section 14, T121, Range 24, Unplatted Land (This is a long strip of land abutting Island View Estates development to the South and the owner wishes to attach the portion a 'oining Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 4 of Island View Estates to the adjoining lots with a subdivision and build on the remaining lot located on 98th Street and Kahler Avenue. Request is for: Chair Swenson explained the Hearing procedures and asked if the proper notice and postings have been done. Deputy Clerk Hudson stated notice and postings have been done. 1. Rezoning from AGI, General Ag to R-1 Res. (Long Range Urban Service Area) 2. A Variance to allow a lot less than 2.5 Acres in area in a R-1 Zoning District (2.1 acre proposed) 3. A Variance to allow a lot width less than 150 feet in an R-1 Zoning District (142 foot lot width proposed) Bob Kirmis went over Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Planning Report dated February 1, 1995. (Report attached). Mr. Kirmis also went over Larry Koshak's letter dated February 14, 1995 (attached). Chair Swenson opened Hearing to the Public for comments. There were no comments. The Chair turned over to the Planning Commission for comments. Mark Wallace asked about Park Dedication Fees, wondering if this would be applicable to these new lots. Carl Swenson said they would not be required to pay these fees since this is a boundary line adjustment. Carl Swenson recommended a site inspection. Ing Roskaft said he is familiar with this lot but would like to see it. Ing Roskaft also indicated he is concerned with the letter from Larry Koshak regarding drainage. Dennis McAlpine would also like a site inspection. Saturday, February 18, 1995 at 9:30 AM was set for site inspection. Ing Roskaft motioned to continue the Hearing until March 1, 1995. Seconded by Gene Goenner. All in favor. Motion carried. No Discussion. Planning Commission Meeting of February 15, 1995, cont'd, Page 2. 2. HEARING: Mary Rose Dare, Owner requests consideration of a Preliminary Plat for MRD Commercial Park Outlot A. Property located on CO Rd#42/CoRd #39/and State Hwy #101 in Section 22, Twp. 121, Range 23. Chair Swenson asked if proper posting was done. Judy Hudson said yes. Bob Kirmis went over Northwest Associated Consultants Planning Report dated February 8, 1995 (attached).Mr. Kirmis went over the Background, Recommendation, Issues Analysis and also the concerns of the Transportation Plan. The City adopted a transportation Plan for Planning District 4 in which this property lies in January 1995. A half street had been proposed. The Planner and Engineer have concerns about half streets. The report recommends that half street be omitted, thus requiring reconfiguration of lots. Mr. Kirmis recommended denial and went over the Recommendation (see page 2 of Report). Option would be to continue the Hearing upon applicant's request. City Engineer, Larry Koshak received information from County Engineer today (letter dated February 15, 1995 attached). The County Engineer, Wayne Fingalson, recommended that the entire frontage for this parcel on CSAH 42 be dedicated with a 60 ft permanent right -a -way to allow for future turn lanes and lane widening . Mr. Koshak went over his comments as outlined in his letter dated February 14, 1995. (attached) Mr. Koshak agreed with Mr. Kirmis with the concerns on the half street issue. The right in/right out access to Lot 5, Block 2 would not be considered at this hearing and not until a development was proposed for the lot and only considered when traffic flow warrants it. The Quaday Avenue alignment meets the conditions. Soil testings need to be done and the storm water drainage issues need to be resolve. Mr. Koshak's recommended to deny the preliminary plat due to lack of access to the proposed Lots 4 and 5. The plan does not conform to the District #4 Concept Transportation Plan. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing to the public for comments: Mr. Wally Klus apologized for showing a half street and said they are not proposing a half street. On February 14 a different plat was delivered to Otsego City Hall and Mr. Klus displayed and referred to this plat for comments. Mr. Klus said he appreciates Mr. Kirmis's concerns and thought that moving the street to the North makes good development sense. Mr. Klus said they had been asked about phase Development and he would anticipate develoopment within five to seven years. The lots adjacent to 101 are in the flood plain and need site correction. They were not aware of the 60 foot right -a -way until tonight and will have to look into the setbacks. Land has already been dedicated on 88th Street for turn lanes. We have to redesign. Mr. Klus said they would like to get this going. Mary Dare is proposing to sell this land. Mr. Klus said they were going to basically ask for approval of Lot 1 Block 2, and that they can probably be all right with the additional 10 foot setback. We don't want this denied and asked for approval. Mr. Klus said they want to move forward on Lot 1, Block 2. Planning Commission Meeting of February 15, 1995, cont'd, Page 3. Mr. Koshak stated that 88th Street is presently constructed past the bank and about 100 feet into the Church property and will remain that way until petitioned to get it extended. Mr. Koshak said that if the Plat is approved, the zoning would be another issue. Mr. Klus said that if they need to resubmit, they would do that. Mr. Joel Kolles stated that his parents own the property to the south and wondered that upon the completion of 88th Street what is the proposed drainage plan. Mr. Koshak said that majority of this plat lays within the northeast drainage district. A large part drains into the Lefebvres Watershed District which still has a moratorium on it. Mr. Koshak said the City is working on a drainage plan for the whole area and hearings will be held. Mr. Klus agreed that a drainage plan will need approval. Chair Swenson brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. Mark Wallace brought up the comment from Mr. Klus that he is basically looking at one lot, which is spot zoning. Mr. Klus said it is in the Preliminary Plat. Mr. Kirmis stated that there has not been an application for zoning. Mark Wallace said that this is a specific lot and that is spot zoning and that is why we turned it down the last time. Mr. Klus said we are asking for rezoning. Mr. Kirmis said his concern is the individual lot and how it fits into the entire picture and that right now we are considering the design the preliminary plat with no assurance that zoning will be approve. Mr. Klus asked what the next step would be. Mr. Kirmis wouldn't comment because he hasn't seen the latest plat. Carl Swenson asked Mr. Koshak if this meets your transportation plan. Mr. Koshak stated that his comments were based on the previous plat submitted and that he would have to review the new plat. Carl Swenson asked Bob Kirmis if the hearing could be continued. Mr. Kirmis said yes it could. Gene Goenner stated that he doesn't appreciate this last minute submittal of a plat with no chance of reviewing it before the meeting. Mark Wallace motioned to continue the Hearing until March 1, 1995. Arleen Nagel seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried. Discussion: Larry Fournier, stated that as a nonvoting member I would suggest that the City define to the applicants exactly what they need. Mr. Koshak said they did have a staff meeting with the applicant and thought that these issues were addressed at that time and he felt that staff has defined what the issues are. Mr. Roskaft made his position clear at another meeting that he would like to see construction started on one of the lots. Mr. Swenson said that continuing the hearing could achieve this. Mr. Wallace asked Bob Kirmis if the applicant receives Northwest Consultants Reports the same time as the City. Mr. Kirmis said the applicant is sent the report at the same the report is sent to the City Clerk, Elaine Beatty. Wally Klus said they are not prepared for phases, that they basically think they have spent a lot of time finding direction from this group. Mr. Klus said he felt that tonight there was a misunderstanding, that they will respond to everything here and that they don't want to waste anyone's time. Planning Commission Meeting of February 15, 1995, cont'd, Page 4. Gene Goenner asked Larry Koshak if moving 86th Street is feasible. Mr. Koshak said it is an issue that has already been commented and that splitting a lot line creates problems. 3. Any other Planning Commission Business. Mark Wallace reported on Industrial Site Subcommittee postponed their meeting until March 2. Larry Fournier brought up the subject of the Planning Commissioners doing site inspections. He felt that site inspections would aid in making better decisions. Mr. Fournier also brought up the role of the alternate member. He stated that the alternate member should sit at the table at every meeting and take part in every discussion and only vote in absence of another member. Mr. Fournier feels that this would make it a better working environment. Carl Swenson agreed with Larry Fournier, making it more conducive to have the alternate sit at table and be involved in all discussions: Mark Wallace comments on the on site inspections were doing them as a body or take it upon themselves and should they be done before the meetings. Carl Swenson thought that it would be more productive going as a group unless a there would be a conflict with the open meeting law. Larry Fournier said that going as a group, the meeting would have to be posited. 4. Adjourn Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Dennis McAlpine seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9 PM. ennis McAlpine, Secretary Minutes by Judy Hudson, Recording Secretary