04-19-95 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 19, 1995 OTSEGO CITY HALL 8 P Chair Swenson will call meeting to order. Chair Swenson called meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll Call: Carl Swenson, Ing Roskaft, Arleen Nagel, Bruce Rask, Mark Wallace, Gene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Richard Nichols, Alternate, Larry Fournier, Councilmember. Staff: Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Administrator Consideration of Minutes of April 5,19 5. Ing Roskaft motioned to approve Minutes of April 5, 1995. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried. Chair Swenson noted that the Applicant has requested the Planning Commission to continue the MRD Hearing. Elaine Beatty explained there has not been enough time for the staff to review the Site Plan. Ing Roskaft motioned to continue the MRD Hearing to May 3, 1995, at 8 PM. Seconded by Mark Wallace. All in favor. Motion carried. Fencing around Ponds (continued from April 5,91 95): Bruce Rask stated that his questions have been answered. Gene Goenner felt it could be a problem with 3.5 to 4 feet of water. Children who are not capable of getting out of a situation like that. Chair Swenson said you have the prerogative to fence if necessary. It is a choice. Chair Swenson hesitated to make any more conditions. Bruce Rask stated he brought this issue for a 'Point of Clarification' and Larry Koshak's Memo was very helpful and the explanation makes sense. Third Industrial Site Update: Mark Wallace stated the sub -committee has completed the site selection plan. A Meeting will be set up with the EDAAC, Planning Commission and Council. This item will be on the City Council Agenda of April 24, 1995. Arleen Nagel informed the commission that her sub -committee will meet April 20, 1995. Planning Commission Meeting of April 19,1995, cont'd. Page 2. Planning Seminar_ Elaine Beatty brought the Commission -up to date. This Dinner and Seminar will be held on May 16, 1995 from 6:30 to 9 PM at Otsego City Hall in partnership with the City of Elk River and Minnesota Planning Association. The topic is Planning and the Law, Minnesota Legal Cases Which Could Affect you! Speaker is Dean R. Johnson of Resource Strategies Corp. The Council will determine if and how much they will pay and who should attend at their April 24, 1995 Council Meeting. Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Bruce Rask. All in favor. Motion carried. Arleen Nagel, Secretary Minutes by Recording Secretary Elaine Beatty and Judy Hudson FIREARMS ORDINANCE MEETING CITY OF OTSEGO April 25, 1995 Committee members in attendance: Richard Nichols Steve Ackerman John Bolduc Mare Valerius LaDonna Harpster Randy Carron Diane Constant Tom Niebler Greg LeFebvre Ken Fry George Melby Ing Roskaft Vern Heider- Council Representative Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by John Bolduc, Vice -Chairperson Motion to approve minutes of last meeting by Tom Niebler. Seconded by Ken Fry. Motion approved. Ken Fry presented the subcommittee report on the proposed no -discharge zone boundaries. The boundaries were drawn to match the east and west Elk River boundaries on the Mississippi river. The thought was that this would make enforcement easier. George Melby reiterated the history of this proposed ordinance including postponement of action by the Otsego City Council last year leading to the letter from Tom Zerwas (Elk River Police Chief) this year. He also stated his concern with losing the right to shoot clay targets from his property. Ing Roskaft didn't think it was fair to take out large amounts of agricultural land along the river to west of the R1 zone. Ken Fry explained that only the islands would be no - discharge, not the agricultural land. Ing Roskaft asked Vern Heidner to ask the City Council for name tags to make committee work easier. John Bolduc stated summarized the proposed boundaries as incorporating no discharge on the islands across from Elk River and thought that was OK. Smaller boundaries than NAC had put in their proposed ordinance, but workable. Council could expand in the future. The map could be slightly reworked to include the property to the North of city hall and part of Kenny and Harry Lindenfelsers to straighten out the lines. George Melby showed where his property is on the map, across from the big island. He's been their 19 years and his target shooting parties were never a problem until the last two years. He calls the police to notify them before the party. He also quoted a Minnesota official that the steel shot rule is federal not state imposed. He wants to retain his right to shoot low base shot shells across the river to the island. They watch for other users of the river. Richard Nichols stated his belief that clay target shooting was not a reasonable use of R1 zoned property. Steve Ackerman thought it was unreasonable to exclude George Melby's property from the no -discharge boundaries as shown on the map. John Bolduc said that this citizen's committee was intended to get citizen's views. He would like to hunt within the this area, but now can't. FIREARMS ORD. 4/25/95 PAGE 2 Ing Roskaft wanted the committee to remember that Otsego is still primarily an agricultural area. He then made a motion to accept the map with revised boundaries as stated above. The line behind city hall extended north and southern east -west line extended across Lindenfelser property to Nashua Avenue. Ken Fry seconded the motion. Discussion followed: Diane Constant commended the sub -committee for doing a good job on the map. George Melby suggested we drop the map and use 500' from property. Greg LeFebvre said the problem with using 500' is that most people don't really know what 500' is really. The map also provides some noise control. Richard Nichols mentioned safety aspect with fine shot string. Attended a field trial last week -end in Nebraska. Shot bouncing off wires overhead at 60-70 yards. Steve Ackerman called the question and vote was held. All present voted aye, except George Melby voted no. Tom Niebler proposed going through the NAC proposed ordinance. The rest of the meeting was spent going through the NAC proposal and revising to our committee recommendations. Next meeting set for May 23 at 7:00. Agenda items to include discussion of single projectiles and review of our proposed ordinance. Ken Fry moved for adjournment. Seconded by Tom Niebler. All voted aye. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Next meeting of the Firearms Committee set for April 25, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. Mary Valerius motioned to adjourn. Ken Fry seconded. Motion approved and meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Minutes respectfully submitted by Richard Nichols S/lfr