8 P
JUNE 21, 1995
1. Chair Swenson will call meeting to order.
Called meeting to order.
ROL.. L.L.: Carl Swenson, Ing Roskaft, Arleen Nagel, Bruce Rask, Richard Nichols,
Gene Goenner, Larry Fournier, Councilmember Representative.
Excused Absence: Jim Kolles, Mark Wallace
SSafL Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator,
Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk.
Council: Norman F. Freske, Ron Black.
Bruce Rask motioned to approve the Minutes of June 7, 1995. Seconded by Richard
Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried.
`i. Continuation of He ringinitis ated by owner Steve and Diane Kolles, 9612 65th St. NE.
Otsego for applicant STMA Youth Hockey Association,,, Inc., PO Box 134, St. Michael,
MN Request is for Rezone from I-2 to INS (Institutional) (A Lot in Long Haul Trucking
Industrial Site) (Continued from 6-7-95).
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing and explained the process.
Bob Kirmis went over the NAC Report dated June 14, 1995. (attached)
City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Elaine Beatty stated the proper noticing was done.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing to the Public.
The following persons expressed their opinions:
Mark Ekow
Available for questions
Doug Lindenfelser
YES, there is a great need for
an arena and wants Otsego to have
this/this type of function will tie into
with the Community Area Parks &
Gary Meyer
Lives across from site/concerned
with setbacks/adequate parking/
bldg. design/water and sewer
Chuck VanHeel
St. Michael
YES/there will be no outside
storage/nice looking bldg.
City of Otsego Planning Commission Meeting of June 21, 1995, cont'd. Page 2.
Earl Dehmer St. Michael YES/member of Youth Hockey/
Great need for this arena/difficult
to get ice time at other rinks/
Mike Mitchell Monticello YES/establishes identity/member/
Would draw people here/
Sees arena as focal point
Bob Kirmis noted for the public that setbacks will be complied with and there will be an
adjustment to the right of way (additional) as requested by the County. The City's
Ordinance has specific standards for parking (1 space for every 4 seats and 1 space for
every two employees, 46 parking spaces). NAC has also requested a Landscaping Plan.
(screening along CSAH 37). Mr. Kirmis also noted that there has been no new information
regarding water and sewer. Every site must provide adequate sewage treatment.
The Builder, Mark Ekola, referenced Item #F of NAC Report regarding th.; Zamboni
Machine. The room it is stored in has been located in the building where there are no
people and is isolated to one side of the building, the room has a pit to melt the ice with a
holding tank. The Door is a steel garage door, high quality. The builder noted that
parking will be restricted in front of it.
The Builder showed the building design, incorporating two different types of blocks on
front of the building.
Chair Swenson closed the Hearing and brought back to the Planning Commission for
Their concerns were:
Identity for Otsego, name should be promoted
Tax Revenue loss
Ice time limited to St. Michael and Albertville
Ice melting control
Financing Source/Private
Desirability of remaining lots
Compatibility to the area
Open Skating
The members of the Hockey Association explained that no name has been selected.
Regarding ice time, they will have to sell 1200 hours of ice time, they will be using 400
hours. The Tax Revenue loss can be made up from other benefits related to having an
arena located in the City. The Builder commented that he and the City Engineer will work
out the details for the holding tank from ice melt. All financing is private.
There will be time set aside for Open Skating.
Mr. Kirmis noted that regarding the remaining lots, usually the first building establishes the
standard. He also noted that this use is compatible for this area.
City of Otsego Planning Commission Meeting of June 21, 1995, contd. Page 3.
Bruce Rask motioned to rezone L1 B1, a lot in the Long Haul Trucking Industrial
Park, from I-2 to INS, subject to the conditions listed in the NAC Report dated
June 14, 1995. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried.
Discussion: Gene Goenner asked what would be the tax revenue lost, from this lot.
Chair Swenson did not have the information with him but stated that the other
benefits to community could offset this tax loss.
Arleen Nagel questioned changing the service door and heard that it will be left as is.
Richard Nichols questioned Item P., explaining in the City of Blaine, there was a problem
from using propane. The Builder pointed out the system is computerized and will monitor
the CO2 level as well as other things.
Bruce Rask motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow public or
Semi -Pubic Recreational Use in an INS (Institutional Zoned) Area subject to the
conditions listed in the NAC Report dated June 14, 1995. Mr. Rask also suggested
using Otsego in their identification. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. Motion carried.
Richard Nichols motioned approval of a Lot Size smaller than 5 acres in an INS
Area, subject to the conditions listed in the NAC Report dated June 14, 1995.
Seconded by Ing Roskaft. All in favor. Motion carried.
Elaine Beatty noted that these items will be on the July 10, 1995, 6:30 PM City Council
The Public Hearing was set for July 19, 1995, 8 PM.
Chair Swenson opened discussion for the Third Industrial Site.
Bob Kirmis noted:
City will probably be revising Land Use Plan because of potential Sewer
Site #3 borders Frankfort Township, contact should be made with them
Consideration should be given to Transportation Plan.
City of Otsego Planning Commission Meeting of June 21, 1995, cont'd. Page 4.
Chair Swenson reminded the Commission to keep focus on what the City Council asked
them to do and that the Council should be responsible for contacting Frankfort.
He also felt that it will take some time to identify a new Land Use Plan and felt that there
is a need to get on record the recommendation for the Third Industrial Site.
The Planning Commission Concerns were:
Rezoning now to earmark for industrial
How far off is sewer
Moving the Immediate Service Area
Richard Nichols motioned to recommend Site #3 as the designated Third Industrial
Site. Seconded by Bruce Rask. All in favor. Motion carried.
There was considerable discussion on the area that will be under study for a Sewage
Treatment Plant. The Commission was concerned with this search area developing, and
felt there should be some type of restriction placed to prevent development.
Bruce Rask motioned to recommend to the City Council to review the corridor from
State 101 (Western Boundary) 65th Street (Northern Boundary) Mississippi River
(Eastern Boundary) 60th Street (Frankfort Otsego Boundary Line, Southern
Boundary) for consideration of a study of the area. Richard Nichols seconded.
Voting for: Carl Swenson, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask,
Voting against: Gene Goenner, Ing Roskaft.
Motion carried four to two.
6. Discussion of Resolution No 92-24 A Resolution Establishing A Code of Ethics and
Conduct for the Otsego Planning Commission
Chair Swenson appointed himself and Mark Wallace as a subcommittee to review.
7. Any other Planning Commission Business
Chair Swenson announced that he and Mayor Freske received a letter from the Metro
Council. There will be a tour of Sherburne and Wright Counties on June 29, 1995 for the
invitees followed by a Public Meeting at Otsego City Hall at 6:30 PM. Chair Swenson
strongly encouraged everyone to attend.
CM Fournier discussed the Visioning Meeting set for October 16, 1995, 6:30 PM at City
Hall to all commission and council. He would like to have some brainstorming done prior
to the meeting. It was suggested to have Richard Nichols head this up and to give some
thought to some topics etc., for each member to work on. Bruce Rask pointed out that he
feels the Planning Commission is staying on course per the Comp. Plan and that plan is
their vision.
City of Otsego Planning Commission Meeting of June 21, 1995, cont'd. Page 5.
Mayor Freske brought up a concern he had with the Accessory Building Ordinance.
Mayor Freske pointed out that according to the Ordinance, a residence can have one
attached garage and one detached garage. His concern was with the homes that aren't
able to have an attached garage and felt that they should be allowed two detached garages
without going through a CUP process.
The Planning Commission and Staff thoroughly discussed this and the Planning
Commission consensus was not to change the Ordinance.
8. Adjourn
Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Bruce Rask. All in favor. Motion
carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM.
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Arleen Nagel, Secretary
Judy Hudson, Recording Secretary