ITEM 2.1ITEM 2_1 TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCoa- Plan ningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 1 July 2015 ACTION DATE: 8 August 2015 RE: Otsego — Great River Centre/Tires Plus; PUD Sign Amendment TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND RTP Investments LLC has acquired the former Otsego Autocare property located at 8665 Parson Avenue NE within the Great River Centre and is opening a Tires Plus store. The City approved development of the site for minor tire and auto repair use on 23 June 2008 in accordance with the PUD District for Great River Centre. Tires Plus is allowed to occupy and continue the tire and minor auto repair use under the same conditions as previously approved. In updating the signage on the building and site, Tires Plus would like to install a new 20 foot tall, 96 square foot free standing sign in the yard adjacent to CSAH 42. The PUD District requires all signs comply with the Great River Centre Design Guidelines and Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Freestanding signs for individual lots are limited by the GRC Design Guidelines to one sign 10 feet tall with a maximum area of 40 square feet. The property owner has initiated an amendment to the PUD District to allow the proposed freestanding sign and a public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 6 July 2015 at 7:OOPM to consider the request. Fuhihitc- A. Site Location B. Sign Plan C. GRC Design Guidelines (signs) ANALYSIS Section 20-37-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance allows properties in commercial zoning districts one free standing sign up to 20 feet in height with a maximum area of 100 square feet. A specific signage plan was proposed by the developer of Great River Centre and Section 6 of the GRC PUD Booklet (page 13) defines a comprehensive signage plan for the development. The intent of the comprehensive signage plan was to provide for necessary business identification signage and increase opportunity for signs visible from TH 101, while limiting the overall number and area of freestanding signs. The comprehensive signage plan adopted as part of the PUD District allows for three 50 -foot tall interstate monuments along TH 101 having a total area of 320 square feet (960 square feet total), two gateway monuments at 85th Street and 87th Street along CSAR 42 having an area of 64 square feet (128 square feet total) not to exceed 15 feet tall and two Village Monument signs on Parson Avenue at 85th Street and 87th Street with a maximum area of 64 square feet (128 square feet) and maximum height of 14 feet. These signs are all to be owned and maintained by a management association encompassing the entire GRC. The comprehensive signage plan also allows one additional freestanding tenant monument for single users, which are limited to 40 square feet and height of 10 feet to function more as directional signs in combination with wall signage. There is an existing individual tenant monument sign on the subject site in the yard between the building and CSAH 42. The property owner is proposing to replace this sign with a new freestanding sign measuring 20 feet tall with an area of 96 square feet to improve business identification of the subject site. The subject site is unique in that it abuts CSAH 42, which is a minor arterial roadway with significant traffic volumes, but the subject site is not directly accessed from 87th Street or Parson Avenue where the gateway and village monument signs are to be located in accordance with the comprehensive signage plan. Additional signage above the individual tenant monument sign allowed by the comprehensive signage plan is appropriate for the subject site based on business identification as well as a directional function. A similar situation may occur in the future for the undeveloped area to the south of the subject site between CSAH 42 and Parson Avenue and north of 85th Street. This issue would be reviewed based on the specific site plan for this area and would be addressed at the time of application for a PUD Development Stage Plan. All other signs within Great River Centre are to continue to be allowed as currently established by the comprehensive signage plan unless application is initiated by a property owner and approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends approval of an amendment to the Great River Centre PUD District to allow a free standing sign with maximum height of 20 feet and maximum area of 100 square feet on the subject site as outlined below. 2 POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to approve an amendment of the Great River Centre PUD District for Lot 1, Block 1 Great River Centre 2nd Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. One (1) freestanding sign not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet and maximum height of (20) feet shall be allowed upon the property. 2. The sign structure shall be setback ten (10) feet from the public right-of-way and five (5) feet from any other lot line. 3. A sign permit shall be obtained prior to installation of any signs upon the property. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and PUD District. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Steve Scherer, applicant 3 imits U) Waz J 4 a Poi .zz J J F-- W N d I N a m x a U do ¢ag p�Y p.m U FJ--< �F d'Cnm W fn d. ..OhK W W a� W U W Z p O 4 U X O p a �d � 0 U O o K O M p C X-8 O 11 J U ������JJJJJJIIII/I � W J W 02 Ix O W Z 0 J C CL o jn J _ J Z J L C) U) 0) 0 00 Lighting a _. N.E. 88th St. Lighting fixtures with consistent character and sizing will be used throughout the GRC. Decorative pedestrian scale street lights (14'-20') are required in most areas, with overhead fixtures (38' max height with base) only used in the parking area of Block 1. Finishes on poles and bollards should be consistent Block 1 throughout the project. Fixtures must be vandal resistant_ Uplighting, glare and excessive lighting or Lot 2 overlap is discouraged. Q Lot 1 Area and Parking Lighting � N. E. s Location: large scale parking lots and major streets_ CL c.i v Lot 1 Character and Materials: 38' maximum height fixture with base for Block 1, and 25' maximum height Q fixture for the remainder of the site, with full cut-off per City of Otsego standards. C I Block 2 Area and parking lighting products will be chosen by the development team and city engineer. Lot 2 Pedestrian Lighting Location: along streets, storefront areas and pedestrian connections_ Character and Materials: 14'-20' tall, ornamental fixture. Must be located to light pedestrian route continuously. Spacing is approximately 80' o.c. for pedestrian retail areas or pedestrian only connections and 60'-90' o.c. for streets with no pedestrian oriented storefronts. Pedestrian lighting products will be chosen by the development team and city engineer. Accent Lighting Illumination of building exteriors is allowed only to clearly define a building entrance or sign. Fixtures must be full cut-off downcast lights and limited to the immediate area_ Bollard lighting can be used as needed along pedestrian paths or to separate cars and people. - Signage `k A clear, comprehensive signage program is an important part of the site circulation and maintaining a consistent Lot 3 y '" aesthetic quality_ Signs that are appropriate in scale for w pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and meet the design z criteria requiring complimentary sizes, shapes, colors and methods of illumination, will enhance the visual character. The signage requirements must allow each tenant to Lot 4 '� Lot t meet their needs, while also preventing visual clutter and co ith St. `�� excessive advertising. The signs are classified into an ------ < organized hierarchy with specific sizes and locations for d - each type. Lot 1 Lot 3 d lil Q N.E. 861h S I I i' Block 3 Lot 2 / � Oudot C s Block 4 lith SrLot 2 Legend General Signage Guidelines Interstate Monument ! -430-- Pylon Sign All signs should be of high quality design and materials that are consistent with the Gateway Monument Sign -­" I I architecture and other design elements Signs should be placed to complement Village Monument Sign building facades, and have colors, shapes and materials coordinated with the building's fol character. The same standards apply to signs on the backside of buildings. • Signs may be fabricated or mixed media, Signage Location Diagram including suspended neon letters, or illuminated individual letters etched out of a solid material such as wood, stone or brass. • The use of projecting or blade signs is limited to the Village Commercial District and tenants of Lot 1 and Lot 4, Block 1. • Illumination of all freestanding and wall signs shall be limited to backlighting of logos or channel letters. The sign panel shall not be illuminated. • Graphic symbols and logos can add interest and character to signs. Colors and materials should be chosen to complement the architecture of the building_ • Downcast external lighting only on a wall or projected sign is encouraged. Solid letters illuminated from behind are permitted. - The following signs are prohibited on individual lots: pole mounted signs (except for major monuments), signs employing moving or flashing lights, raceway or framed box signs with raised letters, signs with exposed electrical conduits, ballast boxes and other equipment, audible or odor producing signs and cardboard signs_ Temporary signage such as banners are permitted for special occasions and are subject to the City of Otsego review. Service and secondary signage maximum area is 2 sf. • All signs shall be setback 10' from any property line. • All signage shall incorporate aspects of the GRC architectural character and style. Great River Centre of Otsego Guidelines 13 Interstate Monument/ Pylon Sign Location: Three signs along Highway 101 . Use and Character: Interstate monument signage may identify the GRC and major retail tenants. Backlighting or dowrlighting should be used for the letters. Size: 320 sf total (for one side). Height is a maximum of 50' tall. Individual tenant signs no larger than 160 sf for the tenants of Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 4, 80 sf for other retail tenants, and 160 sf for office/ warehouse district tenants. Quantity: 3 signs maximum for major anchor tenants with a total square footage of 960 sf. max. Outlot tenants and office/ warehouse tenants are limited to one sign per lot. Gateway Monuments Location: At both entrances of the GRC site, where 85th St. and 87th St. intersect with CSAR 42. Use and Character: Gateway monuments announce the entrance into the GRC and list the major retail tenants. The scale of the monuments addresses vehicular traffic along CSAH 42. The design of gateway monuments should be similar in character to the interstate monument signs, although smaller in size and suitable to local traffic. Size: Total monument size is a maximum of 25' long and 15' tall with a maximum total area of 64 sf. Limit of 8 tenant signs per gateway. Village Monuments Location: At the entrances to the Village Commercial District - the intersections of 87th Street and Parson Avenue, and 85th St, and Parson Avenue. i Great River Centre Identity Element Major Anchor Merchandiser ' I 160 sf max.. per side Tenant Sign 80 sf max. per side Tenant Sign J 80 sf max. per side Base Treatment Base Landscaping J Interstate Monument/ Pybn Sign Great River Centre of Otsego Guidelines Use and Character: A pedestrian) vehicular scale sign displaying smaller sized tenants within the Village Commercial District. May have a directional signage component pointing the way to specific locations. Size: Maximum of 64 sf per sign face. Tenant Monuments Location): One sign per property of large retail tenants (10,000 sf or greater). Tenants within one development association can combine signs to increase street visibility. Signs must be located on the property of the tenants or group of tenants being advertised. Use and Character: Free standing signs for large retail tenants that are visible from immediate roadways. Size: Maximum of 40 total sf and 10' height. Potential Tenant Signage Locations Signage on entrance [anopy — — f=I BWld'ing Frontage 'k i I I Blade Sign LZU I Building Signs Building Signs Location: On or mounted to buildings. Placement should be approximately 10' above ground level and located near doors or other focal points_ Signage should face pedestrian streets. Use and Character: To communicate the tenant of the building on which the sign occurs_ Size: For large retail tenants (10,000 sf or greater) signs can be up to 15% of the storefront area (storefront is considered to be 12' up from ground height). The maximum area calculation can be transferred to other store- fronts that are leased by the same tenant to increase tenant visibility to surrounding streets. Small retail tenants may have signs up to 15% of the storefront area and not to exceed 60 sf for any elevation. The body of the sign shall not exceed 30" in height with extended typographical elements no larger than 36" in height. Office tenant signage will be allowed on a building directory near the primary entrance and ability to use monu- ment sign locations. Blade signs are to be calculated as part of total allowable signage and may not exceed 4 sf per face. Wall signs shall be allowed for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 as shown on the submitted elevations and signage plan. 25 ft Tenants Listings 64 sf per side max_ I— Great River Centre I I Identity Elements g I Base Treatment --IBase plantings Spot Lighting i P Gateway Monument t2ftMa Tenants Listings —� Great River Centre Identity Base Treatment l r�r I Base Landscaping Village Monument Tenants Sign 1 25 sf max. Base Treatment � Vii- y � Tenant Monument 14