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ITEM 2.2
3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPC0ZLPlannin9Co.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 2 July 2015 120 -DAY DATE: 17 July 2015 RE: Otsego — Boondox Bar and Grille; PUD -CUP Amendment TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Boondox Bar and Grille, located at 9100 Park Avenue NE, is proposing an amendment of the PUD -CUP governing the use of the property that was approved by the City Council on 24 October 2011. The amendment includes allowing special event use of the secondary building located on the northwest corner of the subject site, construction of an outdoor bar within the existing patio area west of the principal building and use of the interior meeting room space. A public hearing to consider the request has been tabled at the applicant's request to the Planning Commission meeting on 6 July 2015 at 7:00 p.m. to allow them the opportunity to provide additional information. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Back Building Occupancy Study C. Outdoor Bar Addition (5 sheets) D Principal Building Floor Plan E. Restriping Site Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the Ordinance adopted by the City Council on 26 September 2005 for the commercial lots within Mississippi Shores. The uses allowed within the PUD District are the same as those allowed in the B-3, General Business District. Restaurants are a permitted use within the PUD District. Boondox Bar and Grille is also subject to a PUD -CUP related to multiple principal buildings and outdoor recreational use within the property approved by the City Council on 24 October 2011. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance establishes that evaluation of the application is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following criteria: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The existing developed site is within the planned commercial area centered at TH 101 and CSAH 39. This area is described by the Comprehensive Plan as the City's primary commercial center to promote development of retail, service and office type uses. The use of the property as a restaurant and outdoor recreation business is consistent with these plans and promotes the City's economic development goals. The Comprehensive Plan also states that low density residential neighborhoods are to be protected from encroachment or intrusion of incompatible uses by adequate buffering and/or separation, which must be addressed as part of the site plan and conditions applicable to the subject site. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The primary concern for compatibility between the subject site and adjacent properties is with the existing single family neighborhood to the north. The current use of the property as an outdoor commercial recreation use has presented issues in the form of complaints received by the City and Wright County Sheriff's regarding hours, noise, exterior lighting and parking on residential streets. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-3 District Single Family East Commercial PUD District Convenience Gas Medical Office South Commercial PUD District Retail/Service building West Commercial PUD District Off -Sale Liquor Multi -tenant building 2 The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The subject site will be required to comply with applicable performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance and City Code and any conditions of the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The property is accessed by public streets that have been upgraded to accommodate traffic generated by commercial uses in the area, including the subject site. Evaluation of the adequacy of off-street parking available within the subject site must also be considered so as to minimize on -street parking within adjacent residential areas. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is adequately served by City infrastructure. Compatibility issues related to the outdoor recreational use and adjacent residential areas has required additional City resources to respond to complaints and address these issues with the applicant that have not been typical of other businesses within the City. Amendment. The applicant is requesting an amendment of the PUD -CUP governing the subject site to allow for the following improvements: ■ The existing PUD -CUP limits use of the secondary building at the northwest corner of the subject site to office use unless amended so as to provide for a review of the adequacy of off-street parking within the subject site. The applicant is proposing to use the northwest building for special events with a seating capacity of 80 people. The applicant is further proposing that use of the northwest building would be limited so as not to be occupied when there is adult volleyball league play scheduled (currently Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings from the last week of April to the second week in October) when peak demand for off-street parking occurs. ■ The applicant is proposing to add an outdoor bar and roof section over the patio at the southwest corner of the principal building to improve service to outdoor tables and to better compete with local and area bars, which they believe is necessary for their long term success. The applicant states that they outdoor bar would typically close around 10:30 to 11:00 during our volleyball nights and on the weekends it wouldn't be open much past 11:00 as it's not cost efficient to have it open too late. ■ The existing PUD -CUP limits use of an area of the building that was added in 2002 to dry storage unless approved for occupancy. This space has been finished and used for 285 square feet meeting room space in conflict with the conditions of the existing PUD -CUP. As part of the current application, the applicant is requesting that use of the finished space be allowed as a meeting room. Off -Street Parking. The existing PUD -CUP established that any intensification in use of the property, including specifically use of the northwest building other than for an office use, was to be subject to evaluation of adequate parking within the subject site. Based on the current plans that have been submitted, City staff has calculated the following requirements for off- street parking for the uses occurring on the subject site: Use Ratio Required Stalls Principal Building: 1,664sf. seating 1 space / 40sf. of dining area plus 42 913sf. kitchen/bar 1 space / 80sf. of kitchen area 12 Northwest Building: 1,200sf. seating 1 space / 40sf. of dining area 30 Commercial Recreation 10 +12 spaces per court 70 5 volleyball courts Outdoor Patio Past practice has been not to require additional parking for restaurant outdoor seating areas. Total Stalls Required 154 The applicant has provided a site plan showing restriping of the parking area to locate additional stalls south of the building on the former drive through lane and in the center island that was previously a drive aisle for access to the drive through lane. The total number of parking stalls is shown as 113 stalls. The applicant has also reached agreement with Riverview Liqourette to allow parking of up to 10 employee vehicles on that property and must provide written documentation of this agreement. The number of stalls required for the restaurant and outdoor recreation use is 124 stalls, which is 1 stall more than are available on the subject site. The use of the northwest building for special events when there is no adult volleyball league play would be 84 stalls, which is within the available supply of off-street parking stalls. There is also to be a cross parking and access easement in place between the subject site and property to the south, which was initially established with the 2002 expansion of the principal building on the subject site and then reestablished with the development of the property to the south. The status of the cross parking easement is in question as both the subject site and property to the south went through foreclosure proceedings. With another restaurant occupying a portion of the building to the south, peak parking demand on both sites is occurring at the same time, especially in the summer, making the issue of a cross parking easement moot and causing patron vehicles to be parked on residential streets to the northwest of the subject site and other commercial properties. Hours. The existing PUD -CUP included conditions requiring the outdoor recreation and use of exterior lighting for outdoor recreation to cease between the hours of 10:OOPM and 7:OOAM each day. The City has received complaints regarding the outdoor recreation use continuing 91 past 10:OOPM, including the use of exterior lighting for the volleyball court. The condition limiting the hours of operation was specifically matched to the noise ordinance provisions in Section5-8-8 of the City Code to maintain compatibility with adjacent land uses. City staff recommends this condition be maintained and that it would be necessary to strictly enforce this provision. Noise. The allowed hours for the outdoor recreation was intended to address potential noise issues generated at the subject site and use of an outdoor audio system is not allowed as a condition of the existing PUD -CUP. The City also required installation of tall -growing evergreen shrubs along the north property line to aid in buffering the site activity, but the plants have not matured and filled into form an effective screen. Noise is the most common complaint received regarding the use of the property both from the outdoor recreation (particularly whistles) and music. City staff investigated the noise issue and found that other than the outdoor recreation, the primary source of noise was from sound escaping from the principal building, usually when one of the patio doors was opened. The proposed roof over a larger section of the patio may help to contain sound within the subject site. However, to address the existing noise issue, City staff recommends the following requirements be imposed as part of the current application: ■ Construction of a solid wood fence a minimum of eight feet tall along the north property line outside of the existing shrub row from the northwest building to the east line of the principal building. ■ Construction of enclosed vestibules at the exterior doorways between the principal building and patio area. Allowed hours for the outdoor bar service area be limited to 7:OOAM to 10:OOPM. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends approval of an amended PUD -CUP for Boondox Bar and Grille as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to approve a PUD -CUP amendment for Boondox Bar and Grille, subject to the following conditions: The PUD -CUP approved by the City Council on 24 October 2011 shall remain in full force and effect unless specifically modified herein and specifically the following: 5 There shall be no outdoor recreational activities between the hours of 10:OO13M and 7:OOAM each day. b. Exterior lighting of the outdoor recreation areas on the subject site shall be turned off between the hours of 10:OOPM and 7:OOAM each day. Use of an exterior audio public address or music system shall not be allowed upon the property related to the exterior seating or outdoor recreation uses. 2. The applicant shall provide documentation of a written agreement to utilize ten (10) off-street parking stalls upon the Riverview Liqourette property, subject to review and approval of City staff. The applicant shall submit documentation of a written agreement with the abutting property owner to the south regarding restriping the existing parking lot to locate additional off-street parking stalls in the former drive through lane and drive aisle, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. The northwest building shall not be utilized for special events/restaurant seating at any time that outdoor recreation involving adult volleyball league plan is scheduled. 5. The outdoor bar shall not be used for serving between the hours of 10:OOPM and 7:OOAM each day. 6. The applicant shall construct of a solid wood fence a minimum of eight feet tall along the north property line outside of the existing shrub row from the northwest building to the east line of the principal building within one (1) year from the date of approval unless extended by the City Council, subject to review and approval of City staff. 7. The applicant shall construct enclosed vestibules at the exterior doorways between the principal building and patio area within one (1) year from the date of approval unless extended by the City Council, subject to review and approval of City staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and that the proposed use is incompatible with surrounding residential land uses and has potential to overburden City service capacity in terms of on -street parking and City staff resources. C. Motion to table for more information. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dion and Dawn Grover, applicant Ron Touchette, property owner representative 7 i . 17 8038001 Q�Q +* 118 5 010[0 r ' I i 1180384309'050 h r- 118033001060 •� sa rt �805401i1A 0 113038001050 1-8 1 n50 ti � E ti 91ST ST NE Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL CityfTownship Limits Q c �t �❑ Parcels PARKING (1) Space for each 40 sf of Dining & Bar Area 41 Existing Parking Spaces would allow 1,640 sf of space TOILETS Required Toilets Men = 1 per 40 Occupants Woment = 1 per 40 Occupants * Emisling Toilets would allow 80 Occupants Max ENTRY LOBBY STORAGE ST EXISTING 101 107 TO REMAIN EXISTING EXISTING TO REMAIN TO REMAIN STORAGE MEN109 0 EXISTING -,�EXISTING TO REMAIN L -TO REMAINM EXISTING I JAN. S TO REMAIN 110 103 - EXISTING\ TO REMAIN BAR F� I 1,200 SF 15 SF PER PERSON (ASSEMBLY -TABLES & CHAIRS) 80 OCCUPANTS SQUARE FOOTAGE Assembly Area = 1,200 SF 15 sf Per Person = 80 Occupants -fit-o BOONDOX BAR AND GRILLE - BACK BUILDING OCCUPANCY STUDY VANMAN ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS 11,4K. 9600 54th Avenue North, Suite 180 Plymouth, Minnesota 55442 888.327.2817 763.541-9552 fax 763.541.9857 copyPno-rr 'd, 2014 JULY 10, 2014 Outdoor Bar Addition for: Boondox Bar & Grill Otsego, Minnesota ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOLS R AND EA EACH JAN JANITOR WA RETURN AH Q1 EAS�AEVATIGN DETAJL'NAME ABV ACCVS 0.DdV. ACOUSTICAL CLEC ELELEVATOR ELECTRIOAL .R .IOENT R6 REC ROOF DRAM RECESSED -� "� r GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55227 AC AIRCONOr10NNG a, ELEVATION K RENNF REINFORCm NamB �'. E89 WINNETKA AVENUE NORTH, STE 210 ADD A— AD DEMDUM AC UFTONAL EM RG EO EMERGENCY DOUTAL KIT KITCHEN REF RED REFRIGERKFOR REQUIRED EleYatlOn ELEVATION LINE .01 ARE DAACENT ABOVE CNISH FLOOR -0 EXH ETCETERA EXHAUST L LAV -V— M ROROUGE ROOM OPENING AG AROVEOROVND {Fj -.E TINGLe FOUND ALT ALUM ALTERNATE ALUMNUM EXP FJ EEO.-Ns N XXTER—NSN JOINT LF LOC LINEALFCOT LOCATION S 51 SQUARE FOOT 1 �� ELEVATION PRID 4RCJi APPROXIMATE ARCHREGTURAL EXT EIOR LV R LOUVER SM SAN S4IPPLV AIR SANITARY A�@I -� REi£RENCE 8' e BOARG F F&E DEGREES FARRENRER FVRNBU EANDEOUIPMENT M MAN MAS MANUAL MRBONRY HER- SECT SITT SCHEDULE SECTION SI-EET 1 BF ELDC BARRIER FREE BULDINCS FO R. RAO"DRAIN FlNI5H MAX MEC, MAXIM M MECHANICAL SIM SPEC SPEGFP'.A710N C R1D1 1 NTERN]R ELEt+ATONS ELKG SLOCKNG FLK ROUE MCR MANUFAC:UHEA SO SGJARE ELW RM BELOW SEAFO FNn FGUNDAUUN FACE OF MIN MI- MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS 8S STD STANLE55.. STEEL STANDARD C EO RV OTHERS o FOM FOS FACEOF MASONRY FAG£CFG3H MINT MHT➢ MOUNT Eu SiL STGR STEEL STORAGE ^- EST ESMIT EME RASEINEIUT FRP IAGG HEINFFRCEC PANEL MH MIRROR MIRROR ST ETRVOTVPAL N ETWN BETWEEN FT FTG RODT FOOT FOOTING MR MATERIAL -OC SVGS SLSPSLISPB STAINGLASS a4E'.. DETAIL RFFERENOE C FUT FUTURE N SYST SYSTEIIM1S -.. CAB. GB CAENET CHALNB— G +A NONE NOT APPLICABLE T CI GEST IRON GA GAUGE NIC NOTINCONTRACT TTO� SECTION CL CLG CI NTERUNE CEILING GAL —LV GALLON GALYANQEC NC NOM NUMBER NOT -EMP PpFw RY THICK A;E1 REFERFNOH CMU CONCRETE MABCNRY IIrvRT GB GYPSUM tlOARO NTS TO NOT TO SCALE TO TCP OF COL COM1Mi COLUMN CDMBNATICN GCT GENGENERA. GLAZED CERAMIC TILE TPD TYP TOI:.kT PAPER O $DENSER TYPIFAL y1E AM ROOM NE GONG CIXdF CONFEREE CONFERENCE G'LU—O GLUTAMINATED GViZING DC W ON CENTER OUTE IAPMETER SID U ROOM NUMBED CONN CIXN5T CONNE .—NCT C D — GRD GT GRADE GATE [MP OFO OPPOSITE OPENIN¢ LG VNO UNDERGROUND UNLESS OTHERW SE NOTED 1i' (FYNOTE CONT COMTR TINUCS CONUHACIS OIOH H ORO OVERE=LOw ROPEDRRIN . CORRD CT CORRIDNATE —F,D CORRIDOR HE HC HOSE OA HANDICAPPED P PL PLATE 'IT VINYL VINY-COMPp8RI0N TILE �.-I YAW COW T'!P'e CT CTR CERAMIC TILE CENTER HD HM HCRIZ IT HOLLOtN METAL HORIZONTAL PLA. PLBG PLYWD PLA.STCLAMINATE PLUM@MG Y W. VERT VERTICAL. VERERV EN DE.D TIMNE - CCORTYPE ❑ DEMO DET OEMQLIrgN DETAIL FOR HR WR HEIGFIT HOUR HAROW HEIGHTARE PR PEEL PRESS PAIR PRELWINARY PRESSUR ATF. VOLUME VENT T- RL ROOF E' WALLTVREE OF OW GR1-1—FOUNTAIN nNMETER HTG HEATING PRRf PROJ PRIMARY PROJECT W WITH nN DAMN I PER 5OUARt INGw WATER CLOSET FREAK LINE OP DEEP ID IN INSIDE DIAMETr.H tIN PTI PTo PAOINT� PAPER TOWELDISPENSER VJG WH WOOD WAHRHEATFF DRWR DWG DRAW- DPAWNG INCL INSGL IN INCLUDED )NVLATUON — PST; irv6R PAVING GWEft W+O vrT 1"11T WEIGHT NORTH ARROW IRR. .—GA GGN .. NORTH LOCATOR MAP - CITY PR0.IECT - - LOCATION Ic; PROJECT TEAM TENANT'. ROCNDOX RAR A GRILL 9100 PARK AVENUE OTSEOD, Mw. -- N55330CONTACT: CONTACT CION GROVER yaEoneawn�nsn.mmy N@Le_ The term "AVner" is referred W fhrou hat fhe documents. "0-' = T--ti' 0w '=T --tin this. ZZARCHITECT. VANMAN ARC HETECTS AND BUILDERS 669 WINNE TKA AVENUE NORTH, STE 210 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55227 PHONE: 753-561-9552 FA%: 783-541-9857 ARCHITECT' CHRISHANSON MECRANICAL: BAK ENGINEERING (PLUMBINGI E89 WINNETKA AVENUE NORTH, STE 210 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 PHONE' 76354.1-8552 FAX: 763-541-8857 CONTACT- SCOTT KNEEN IsGDO.NrreeR�g m ail -cam? MECHANICAL DESIGNBUILD RY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR (HVAr) AS REQUIRED ELECTRICAL: DESMNIBUILD BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Ab REQUIRED STRUCTURAL: BY OWNER AS REQUIRED 5 P7 A r "'h sects orld I� ile`rs 9600 54TH AVE NORTH. SURE 180 PLYMOUTH, MN 55442 1763) 541-9552 FAX: (763) 541- 9857 SHEET INDEX ��v imoro6� G-001 Title Sheet D-102 Demolition Floor Plan A-102 Floor Plan and Exterior Elevations A-103 Reflected Ceiling Plan and Building Section A-104 Roof Plan M1 Floor Plans - Plumbing SL Schedules Outdoor Bar Additior For: BOONDOX BAR AND GRILLE MOD Park Avenue Otsego, Minnesota ISSUE DATE: July 16, 2014 R I DATE DESCRIPTION IHEII®Y OEHIIFY T1AT 'fH6PLAIL SPELiF1RAT0AI�0R REPORT WASPR�APELBY L ONDER NYM1�CT SUPEPUNDE MND TRATE F ADILLYREOFMN@ARCIrtECT UNDa17HE LAWS gFTHE STATE OFIWNFSOTR PRINT NATE: GdalNaMrIMFm 6GNARIR£ RATE: REGBRWRVI nIERE' COPYRIGHT lc 2014 TITLE SHEET G-wi A1322 �>L Dz E STING SUMP PD'Wi SEWAGE EJEOTOR L PUMP HE— — — DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN ��iQ2 SCALE: 174' = 1'-0" E%IBT ING GONGRETE PATIO To EE N u NORTH SYMBOL LEGEND _ _ _ � TO BE➢EMO lSHEDRETACVE➢ E%ISTING wmLI_ IO HrLAm IN Fx1Sl NG -D REMAIN GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES a FIELc vERX-Y AU Exlsnrvc cDNDmDrvs PRIm,TO DEr.�uTroN R TAu RE EBOFTHE EkISYING CONDITION%TO THE ARGHITCPRIOR O DEIMOLTON. C. ALLDEMO HSHED MATERIAL, EXOFPT%V"ERE OTH€M—E NOTED, SHALL 6EGOME THE PROPERTY OFTHE DENDLDIOM CONTRACTOR. THESE MATERIAL6 SHALL BE REMQVEO FROM THE STiE ANO BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND LEGALLY. D. ADJACENTMATFRIAL5SHALL6ELEFTCLEAN DPREPAREDTO RECEIVE scHEOULED FlNISHEs. E. MAINTAIN&S-OGRPILE Fxls MATER IACs FOR PAT'eNING. F. SEE 5THUGTURAL, MEG1iAWIr:A1 AND ELECTRICAL FOR ADfITIC:NAL DEMOJTION INFORMATION. DEMOLITION KEYNOTES DI REMGVE E1asnNc cHAINurvR FENCE As sHcwN pg REWOON RS TIGONGRETEPCESARMDRDFDR . New cansTRucnoN aF ovTDOGR SAR Ano RDCE REMGVE E] STING TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOF DA REMOVE EYISTING PRERNISHED'ETAL RAIN GUTT€R. SA -E E -R L ------------ IPI[lp Vl Rlrvi Dn — INC f ENCLOSU MAIN LEVEL - - 2',, SOUTH DEMOLITION ELEVATION 102,/ SCALE: 118" - 1'-0" — T7s Iwu r -� � DI .� {EIEC➢ VERIFYI rISTING EX TING CMU TRASH BULILDING ENCLOSURE WALL � —IN LEVEL ^. sao'-o- �a EAST DEMOLITION ELEVATION 1 _Q SCALE: 1/9— i' -D" EXISTING PREFINISHED MEAL FASCIA E%ISTING PREPINISHED METALl srAND SEAM Rm 1 S T"NALL,_ S -P (BELE) VERIFY) T_7 --- FT i u 11 u { MAIN LEVEL. a"� EAST DEMOLITION ELEVATION -1021 SCALE' iB"=I'-0" E lirrNG CMU TRASH ENCLDSJRF WAI L — I tis to x. A i4 ... �j1 C: - r - O' buI IGIe rs 9600 54TH AVE NORTH, SUITE 180 PLYMOUTH, MN 554-42 (763) 541-9552 FAX.- (763; 541-9857 www.vo n m a nc �b/..c�o]m_ _ L Q_ I nAtE.�hEh4lTim � � L Ouldoor Har Addition For: BOIONDOX BAR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue Otsego, Minnesota ISSUE DATE: July 14, 2014 4 GATE DESCRIPTION IXDEBY SE P, INA, 1PISPLM PBM MATVIA DP EIIPEPNSDNwAHOPTHFAI IAM AYDIRT�REGFSIEPDI A,ILI — IIXDERIR€ IAWG OFTXE SFRTE OF MHNESDIA ERIMr NANEflyls(oplg H�sm SIGMATJRE, I WITF: REGISTRAnd1 ,TifH96 COPYRTGHT Ic - 2014 DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN D-102 A1322 NEW V INIGIIE➢ METAL RAIN NEW PHEFINISHED METAL FASCIA AT ROOF EDGE 1` NEWFREFINI 1111111 _Al— Go w._ _.NT N. I II-' EMISTING — /� AATIO �! 'IL 915 -b" fF1iZ0 4EW FY;' N CEVEL WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" — 1'•0" TRASH ENCLOSURE C' BELO EIa STUD 4VAW W. OAR TOP. 42CD.,L. O F. P AT " sARwE F F. sIm r p NEW e' CMU WALL — 1 TO.MATCIL EXISTING I !r I OUSTINGCMU TH H ENCLO F—A- I RD4"WF NEW RC14E peovE 1 � 4"WIF — , r — — NEW COLUMN SEE STP.UG. URAL STJD WALL BEL W 5'S' W A 4'-6' H T 1-IINt�-DPQP3_ I BAR 3 2x8 STUD FULL HEIGHT WALL sumlma TO REMAN \ P rj_ METAL STANDING SEEM HOOF BEYOND PRERNISHED METAL FASGL4 NEN' FREFINISHED METAL GLRTEIx cc i c f a I f..;"J' c 9 i c, n, d t` '.j : 1 d �, s N9V 9600 54TH AVE NORTH, SUITE 180 METAL SREa PLYMOUTH, MN 55442 METAL BIDNG z NEYN COUR {763) 541-4552 of cMD FAX_ (763) 541-9857 www.vanmanc3b.ccm ExIST1NG CM4 TRASH ENLL—RE WALL -i` W/BAR TOP 1 ' IRELOV Aim H U_CA I'x�a- FILL 3 a .__ - HOLLOW METAL i NIOLLL�W METAL ryRERNF6HED rA NEW PREFNISHEF NG UGI 17 POLE MFTAI SIRING (BAR rE51C�V RYO WNFRJ 1 � r. Fu c ioo�=a' _ _ f 'LNEWCOURSESOF � EXISTING TO nMAIN \T �.� _VU TO MATGP EXISTING TD R3AAN T.IVIS MAIN � ( /I 1� / L Vl m F- v IRARMFSIMeroWNRI 11 t. Se�v COl UMN SiROC'I URAI ALJ — — — � 2 i INGL.a BOOR 5 W ING9 W �`0 Cyl BAR GROPE OOYJN - - COLUMN, TYP. PATI FLOOR PLAN I\ii-iDV E%IBIING FIRE PIT m R__ AIR SCALE: 1A4 1'-G'. �. SEATING_ NFW PATIO L%JSTINPG —, Tp REldAN k' 2 STUD FULL � f �4 e - HEIORTWALL I ElCSTING PATIOro� REMAIN: . / NEW 6'%� WDOC COLUMN f NEW 0OLLLM4 �I f OPEN BAP'4PSee STtiOLT4RAL f - f - UNE OF—STING RODE ABOVE _T mi A. 1 ' IRELOV Aim H U_CA I'x�a- FILL 3 a .__ - HOLLOW METAL i NIOLLL�W METAL ryRERNF6HED rA NEW PREFNISHEF - ANC E. HnBLE I:UCKASFRAM VOL. ANo FRAME. ODOR LE MFTAI SIRING COLD STORAGE 1 � r. Fu c ioo�=a' _ _ f 'LNEWCOURSESOF � EXISTING TO nMAIN \T �.� _VU TO MATGP EXISTING TD R3AAN --ET(ISTINO fM4TRA6H � ( /I 1� ENCLOSURE WALL L NJTCITFIY EXISTING G' X G" WOOD LOLUMN.TYP. - - I NN LEVEE DRY STORAGE y E . EWCDDGDWMN, TD R3AAN EES' ARL . VP_WALLWEM IRARMFSIMeroWNRI 11 t. RARCOUNTERTOP (BAR DESIGN BYOWNER,, INGL.a BOOR 5 W ING9 W �`0 Cyl BAR GROPE OOYJN /--2 NORTH ELEVATION TOOPEH TP SECURE BAR, TYF, FLOOR PLAN I\ii-iDV SCALE: SCALE: 1A4 1'-G'. NJTCITFIY EXISTING G' X G" WOOD LOLUMN.TYP. Outdoor Bar Additiur For: BOONDOX BAR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue Otsego, Minnesota I ISEJE DATE: July 1 a. 2014 �DgTE OESGHiP-ION I I I HEREBY CERRFT THAT TRIS PLAN, SfECF1CAlICN, M RERCRT WAS ERE:PAR. BY NE ER FIN CER NY CNIr SVPERMDE ANO LAM APA CULTIIEC IRN�ARCHIIECr IWOER ME lANS OF1H€STATE 6 MNNESDTA PR1Nr NAlIE. bNn.lop�., R.rew MMANRE: LATE: _ REOISTRAT0.V C119E COPYRTGi-iT 2f114 FLOOR PLAN AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-102 A1322 EXISTING OONCRE-- PATIO EWS'INT3 TO REIMIN�\ �`0 Cyl j%V,f,11l �. SEATING_ L%JSTINPG —, Tp REldAN Outdoor Bar Additiur For: BOONDOX BAR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue Otsego, Minnesota I ISEJE DATE: July 1 a. 2014 �DgTE OESGHiP-ION I I I HEREBY CERRFT THAT TRIS PLAN, SfECF1CAlICN, M RERCRT WAS ERE:PAR. BY NE ER FIN CER NY CNIr SVPERMDE ANO LAM APA CULTIIEC IRN�ARCHIIECr IWOER ME lANS OF1H€STATE 6 MNNESDTA PR1Nr NAlIE. bNn.lop�., R.rew MMANRE: LATE: _ REOISTRAT0.V C119E COPYRTGi-iT 2f114 FLOOR PLAN AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-102 A1322 NEW NEW IHMNISHEP .l AL GIfYYEA TOP_PR $FAbI ccIlsTTRIJuNOO METAL ROOFOFCO[iSCIN �., T15WALL '� PREFINISH© STANDING SEEM N AL rM11 A1�FELT I'LYN100 . JOISTS -SEE ETAIIOTURAL l ,rP oop Ta G wOOO ':- FL-- PLAN AND BUILDING NEW NEW IHMNISHEP .l AL GIfYYEA COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE KITCHEN REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE: 144"=1'-O" woDD GGLUNN, TVP. W04b BEAM, TYP. r�wsnEo NA PL �l1TTETi PATIO O R—N PATIDGT c ` SEATIMG CSS: it Itec•z c - J bj> iJ'e 9600 54TH AVE NORTH, SUITE 180 PLYMOUTH, MN 55442 {763) 541-9552 FAX: (763) 541-91857 www.vanmonab.cam vJ ��HA.vixeilLLj y�. Outdoor bar Addition For: BOONDOK BAR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue t3"o, Minnesota ISSLE DATE: Jelly 14, 2014 # DATE I DESCRIPTION a' A -i oz NATE PLL LIGFirING AND OLl IlOOH HEATING DESIGN BYO'NNEFI RE CR WA5PREW 91 NE ORU—WvpREcr SUPEENNCN AMO THATIANADULYREGI9 RMARCMTECT UNON1MELMWF STATEOFMNMESOTA iPMNr NWAE: CMfoPNe�Hmem 6AJlA111R6 Lu1TE: AEC6TR nm l IIs CIOPYIUGHT 2014 ':- REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND BUILDING e�,AiSaac SECTION A-103 NORTH '— TNG I- %a•wOOn cEluNH '+ �FILING HEIGHT I BAC, \ � PATIO 111 I I I jMW. C.:ICING. CEI_IVtiHEIti HI 3'9" �11 I i COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE KITCHEN REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE: 144"=1'-O" woDD GGLUNN, TVP. W04b BEAM, TYP. r�wsnEo NA PL �l1TTETi PATIO O R—N PATIDGT c ` SEATIMG CSS: it Itec•z c - J bj> iJ'e 9600 54TH AVE NORTH, SUITE 180 PLYMOUTH, MN 55442 {763) 541-9552 FAX: (763) 541-91857 www.vanmonab.cam vJ ��HA.vixeilLLj y�. Outdoor bar Addition For: BOONDOK BAR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue t3"o, Minnesota ISSLE DATE: Jelly 14, 2014 # DATE I DESCRIPTION 41 I REWEBY LEITIIPM MAT TIN9PLP1l. sPEGF'10ARg1, OR RE CR WA5PREW 91 NE ORU—WvpREcr SUPEENNCN AMO THATIANADULYREGI9 RMARCMTECT UNON1MELMWF STATEOFMNMESOTA iPMNr NWAE: CMfoPNe�Hmem 6AJlA111R6 Lu1TE: AEC6TR nm l IIs CIOPYIUGHT 2014 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND BUILDING SECTION A-103 NORTH A1322 41 PREEFAINISRE — ASGA —T — ROOF EDGE, TYP. P—Nn"m AL GIdTr.ER SLD '-- PREFlNryNZ M'cTALJ ' / RDo DI G..vSTtxn V I I _---_---L------ __---_--_ y'd EXISTING ROOF TO REMAIry i �l ROOF PLAN il, 1,V SCALE I.W - RIDGE YENT / .5'RpN3.:.�rv1G SPAM / 06FING SYS IcM I EXIST -- TO RELhAN E%ISTNG ROOF `' TD REMAIN �. o A41 -A14 cic�-litc-cis r i buiicivrs 9600 54TFI AVE NORTH, SUITE 1 BO PLYM©UTH, Mr4 55442 (763) 541-9552 FAX: {763) 542-9$57 www.wvnmvnab.ccrm Inc 0urdoor Bar Addition For: Ea®ND l3AR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue Otsego, Minnesota ISSUE DATE: July 14, 2014 9 1 DATE DESCRIPTION I HEREBY CEIN RUT TRIS PIAN, SPE NIf it N DR R�DRF PREPAIFL B WASY NE GR UNDERR NT DIRECT SUPEANSpN FNDTNATf ANA DVLT REINSIBI®ARGIFIEDr 11MDERINE LA1V8 OFINE 4rAlE DFARINE80IA NE: pxirtwher lYn�rm SIGNATURE', 6Rl E. RC�.SIRAl10lI 45iS96 COP=G= .,: 2014 ROOF PLAN ► A-104 - RTF A1322 ICE AND WATER 3H l - MEMBRANE, GAPRY UP ROOF MIN.EXTENT OFICE WA D WATER SRIEID REPRESENTENTE BY GRAY ARER_ — A zQa /L,, ` PRFFINISRi:D METAL GLYfTER � MRTEFlNLSHED L FASCIA —T liROOF EDGE.E. NP. E%ISTNG ROOF `' TD REMAIN �. o A41 -A14 cic�-litc-cis r i buiicivrs 9600 54TFI AVE NORTH, SUITE 1 BO PLYM©UTH, Mr4 55442 (763) 541-9552 FAX: {763) 542-9$57 www.wvnmvnab.ccrm Inc 0urdoor Bar Addition For: Ea®ND l3AR AND GRILLE 9100 Park Avenue Otsego, Minnesota ISSUE DATE: July 14, 2014 9 1 DATE DESCRIPTION I HEREBY CEIN RUT TRIS PIAN, SPE NIf it N DR R�DRF PREPAIFL B WASY NE GR UNDERR NT DIRECT SUPEANSpN FNDTNATf ANA DVLT REINSIBI®ARGIFIEDr 11MDERINE LA1V8 OFINE 4rAlE DFARINE80IA NE: pxirtwher lYn�rm SIGNATURE', 6Rl E. RC�.SIRAl10lI 45iS96 COP=G= .,: 2014 ROOF PLAN ► A-104 - RTF A1322 SE WAST. VENT AND WATER— ISOMETRICS ON THIS SIW FOR PIPE SM AND RWTES-_ CONHECF NEW T DINI RYA SEXD[ TD "EMNG (PANTY 4 SANITARY S JIEA SERVING REMOTE BUILDING O' VERTD FlObk�rllklll�TUNNEL TDRE WASTF PPNG FROM REEK OISPPHSFR ANO COO_FR(S) P+I ,' II SENVE LFT STAIgW NOM EIASTNO SEIMOE DTT STATION HiATHO, MITLATgI AND AN TO REMAIN PRiIADE NEW AN CPHGTGNING RE@LIREMFNIS BY N2iT SUWP COVER NTN 2' METNANICAL (HVAC) CMNIRI,CTOR_ VENF THRU RDDF I I Il DRAM VALVES AT LOW PDNT BE WATER RRNG 13 FLDDR DRAIN LESS BAOTFLO'N F w"LER W/ FVNNEE TO REmNE INDIRECT WASTE PTPNG HIM DRAIN BOARD AND ICE BN ISOLATOR VALVES WTH MN./RL GWDIT VALVES 2 OOINNEOI NEW 1' AN HOT D UJUD RATER TO EASTNG WATER IN THIS AREA REND VERIFY EXACT L"IIM. I NI l C N I I II- I � I I �I. I Ili 1 I I �r ii IgaN�%I 1. N 11 II' I (: )PARTIAL FLOOR FLAN PLUMBING `\ Mt SCALE_ 1' = 4 FEc f �J 0 4° NORTH [?EhERAL NOTES AA ANOtlDICIFIF All W1IXNT MITH ALL OTHER R I-EIINO TRADES. € REFER TO THE `.PEGIIC TIVN FVN INSULATION 9F ALL PWNNG AND MVGTWIXC C 5UFM SHI FTG SHALE BE BY Ti[ CENI CONTRACTOR,. R FNff STOP ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED W'ALL6 FLOORS OR CSjNG5 WITH U.L LISTED AND CME APPROVED SYSTFY E ALL WCL PIP- NIG EMI 92B AND LWATONS APPRI TMAIE ALL RII DROPS ARE OFFSETS REQUIRED MAY NOT BE SHOWN. TIF�L.kQAEti. F FIELD VERiY ALL WORK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR DRD[3HNG OF EOLARMENT AND MATERIALS. D WHERE HOR[ NTAI DPoWNG 15 NECESSARY IN STUD WNL-. DRILL HOLES THRU CENTER aF 57UD6. KEYING HOLES TC A MINIMUM. VERDFY WITH STRUCTURAL IIDRIFING IN ULAMS WALLS H ALL DOMESTIC WATER PIPING TO FlKTIRM SHALL RE ANCHORED SE'CURLY INSIDE RIIHHNG WALLS NTH PROPER tlRSS BRACING ANC ❑ROPPm EARREL I SLEEVE ALL SANITARY SEWER RRNG PA59N6. THRl1 1—NRB J 11LMBIN6 RANTRACTDR 41ALL COMPACT ALL BAER FILE MIT NO SANTARY SEWER AND UWOERGRDUND w tFR PPNIS AS II TO PKEVENT SETTING. K THE Will( PHiFpW® DNDER THE PWMNHS CQNTNACT %KLL BE IA FLML ACCORDANCE 1WTH ME LATEST ODDEI RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE LOCAL AND/OR STATE ORDINANCES. HEALTH DEPARTMEAR. FIRE MARSHALL OR I AMY AIMS YT.A` 411"FITY. F D`TIIRE TIDE DESOMPIHN Nm A All EQUIPMENT. PIPING, MI AND NILATM STASHALL RE IN CONPJAIICE YIN Wfb"fftlT STATE AND LOCAL CODES A0MEETTHE '4"'CF THE ALTRI HA41NG JJRI" IdI. N TNI FTILOIFING TYPES . PPE ARE AGCEPTARLE ONLY IF THEY MEET STALE AND LQUAL CODES AND ORDINANCES p0E16 L v ANO HOT WATER AROVE CTROUNO. INSDE RVILLNG G} TYPE L of M2 HARD COPPER RPE, AOM 9Bm FITTINGS 1-114' CAST BRWZL SOLVER OR WE,MNSI SOLDER TI'PE SOLOM' T-if4" L f1P: TIRDHPfi1T SOLDIER TYPE, MSI BI6.22 SOLDER 95/5 FlTM) CRMlNCS GNP➢' MFDAL INE {PER). A9TY FT]K, A H RIK HS 1/7-1': 4ENE LAND FITTINGS FTT BEIDNG A E WAN CRIMP RIAG ET M7, NSF i4_ RPE AND REFN RE LE SAME NMVFAGNRE PLASTIC PIPING NOT P©OIII"fED IN RERRN NR PLE1tiM5. c) WVC. ISN 02810. NS 15 FITI11m ]J7-3': cpvr ADN wm. NSF It PIPE AND FTTNGS TO BE BY SAME MANXACTI.EH. P—TC RRNG NOT PERYITIET IN RETURN NR PLENUMS JDNIS- ASTM D281d. FUSON OR SOLVENT MANT. SpL $LOAN. WASTE M➢ YENT UIOEER17 CA NON. RIA T e) PIPE AN LEAD AN SERVICE WEIGHT CJSi IRON. ASTM IDER 774 JDNTS LEAD AND QN(VY,ANS AHmB DR MEW. W/RURBRi RHES, Nig #21.10, DR NECH. W/ NLWREH€ SE€VE (NO HU09 OR NEOPRENE PAND FIf E 301 -GST h) PIPsPE ANT'IIHGS PVC SCHmIIIE 14 ISN 02665 JOINTS MECH. W/iONG OR GASKET, ASN D2321, OR FUSON DR GDLITNT CEMENT. ASN DRAINS_ PPE AND HTTNGS ABS SHALiTI.E IG ASM D=H .— NE- W/1eNG M GA94=i, 151M 021'11, OR FTSiNi OR VYI WAlY1 LFM�A'MAIFTRCH IND INtlT,F MW NNE. CDID HOT WMT° VENT WAIEA WATER mm i LADES1. ALL FII FOR HANDICAPPED USE SHALL COMPLY NTH NANNCAP CODE REWRMAQITS AND ADA PLUMBINIO HKFIIRES INOI6AIE0 ARE MEDIC IN DFSOMPIM ALL PlUMRNG RWTIff TRPS SHALL BE N1DTR® WTH CQEAAL MVWCTIIR/OIWIER. NOTE ALL NITPNEN PLUMBING nXTURES SHALL RE EIINNGHM BY OTHHS AND INSTALLED FY PWMBNG CDNTFUCICR, PLUMBING ISOMETRICS: WASTE AND VENT RISERS T k FET 1-1 J2' SINK 3• FLOW DRAIN LESS L. 1-I/Y BACKFLOW PAEtA1TET FTIW HARD 4 I—OARTMEAT SINK SINK Y HOGS DRAIN LES➢ 3' VENTED FLOOR DRAM W/ I 3. BACKFLOW PREWVTFR w/ TUNNEL TO RELIEVE INDIRECT EUNIEi TO REEVE INDIRECT VASIE RRNG FROM Bpi WASTE PRANG FROM ULAN FROM AND COMMS) BOARD MDICE BIN =EMO UTIES INDI'ATE OONNE-NEW r fYIGRNG 4' MAIN V SANITARY SEWE1 TO '� TO REMAIN EXISTING 4' SANITARY SETWR IN THIS LOCATION PLU�B WATER RISERS= ETNA CCIJPMLflMm SINK HND 3/1 SINN ,TWO OF VALVES AOR RISER I ( I I 1 TRASH ENCLOSUREji ij11 I C I I I I I � A 3 Ih� PIrTuHE - ; I II I 4VP000RBM r( I l l 411 I 1 I I 111 � I I I CXISTING I ;I`__ yy FyY'11 CHAIN LINK - ------ FT FENCE GATE 1C II 1` �I II I ]I COLDSTORAGE 114 NOTE TAis ream navp ee. FREQER SM1aSCAPC PAVED FATIC CONCRFTF PATIO F CCPxCRETE PATIO �6 CHAPTER—AND OCCUPANCY CLAI-FICATION sEGRGNsps-A+:emelt Gmw+6z (Ru-.Wwarta,ae.e7 - ar� li DRY STORAGE 113 SEATING 5+3a F 11� 15 nH� I 'iBT SF it atl WATER CLOSETS REQUIRED. CHAPTEN 5 -GENERAL BLlLdNG NEIGIxIS AHO AREPS NJS INE35 HOURS AxillNAtlV ARGal t.rfl Wtltr sM 1 C ] $ � � Ll � t1 � � 11 --------- N7'TCHEN i 110 s I I COOLER 1 T' 112 _ � m FAX_ (763) 541-9857 SM1aSCAPC PAVED FATIC CONCRFTF PATIO F CCPxCRETE PATIO STORAGE - --�� lT, F 3OI - HALL � I1061 COLD STORAGE 108 _r;cupied s{,eca SEATING CDSEATINP�(: . 1113 101 F 4zT.TFr'• _,� F. sciz F� y S TOTAL OCCUPANTS (C hWarpdpar TaW }GQQ r-, �i`�`��' P PG lxamalianN £sujMiap Coee.J it 3F>aTNlO LAPAf- G"15i f CONCRETE PATIO i STORAGE I I 116 , I I sr f - L rt OFFICE t 11� E,aTSIGr+ 1114 RE4UIRE° HALLWAY 1Y SF � 11R 1F ' ti {_ �U SME ,gam. EwT 51rHV MEETING ROOM _ 117 NLRETE W ALK CODE SUMMARY ANALYSIS x MI. NEaoTn STATE Pu LolNc COME. agP, NTERNAnoNAL auILOINc cooE PLUMBING f1SRIRE COUNT: CHAPTER—AND OCCUPANCY CLAI-FICATION sEGRGNsps-A+:emelt Gmw+6z (Ru-.Wwarta,ae.e7 - ar� More; Previous Ocrrrpa,mp was A-8 sp IAem SEATING 5+3a F 11� 15 nH� nG eAe� m oaawn°r WATER CLOSETS REQUIRED. CHAPTEN 5 -GENERAL BLlLdNG NEIGIxIS AHO AREPS NJS INE35 HOURS AxillNAtlV ARGal t.rfl Wtltr sM 1 C ] $ � � Ll � t1 � � BECTON 563 General HefAM antl Lea LIaN[alllms �] I� i-'�I'= F' C7 T? 1 T TeHle^'r'a"eH�gNe.,^R'a g 960054TH AVE NORTH,5LJITE 1W Ex t-nG Caralmctton TYPa. TypeV Ae°wable Ne ahl 1 T' panty G-nup A- _, slat+ •l-xslmg aummsr rs"ag• Ent mem q G3' STORAGE - --�� lT, F 3OI - HALL � I1061 COLD STORAGE 108 _r;cupied s{,eca SEATING CDSEATINP�(: . 1113 101 F 4zT.TFr'• _,� F. sciz F� y S TOTAL OCCUPANTS (C hWarpdpar TaW }GQQ r-, �i`�`��' P PG lxamalianN £sujMiap Coee.J it 3F>aTNlO LAPAf- G"15i f CONCRETE PATIO i STORAGE I I 116 , I I sr f - L rt OFFICE t 11� E,aTSIGr+ 1114 RE4UIRE° HALLWAY 1Y SF � 11R 1F ' ti {_ �U SME ,gam. EwT 51rHV MEETING ROOM _ 117 NLRETE W ALK CODE SUMMARY ANALYSIS x MI. NEaoTn STATE Pu LolNc COME. agP, NTERNAnoNAL auILOINc cooE PLUMBING f1SRIRE COUNT: CHAPTER—AND OCCUPANCY CLAI-FICATION sEGRGNsps-A+:emelt Gmw+6z (Ru-.Wwarta,ae.e7 - ar� More; Previous Ocrrrpa,mp was A-8 sp IAem Occu �nrs ExpanS C1S nG eAe� m oaawn°r WATER CLOSETS REQUIRED. CHAPTEN 5 -GENERAL BLlLdNG NEIGIxIS AHO AREPS NJS INE35 HOURS AxillNAtlV ARGal t.rfl Wtltr sM 1 C ] $ � � Ll � t1 � � BECTON 563 General HefAM antl Lea LIaN[alllms �] I� i-'�I'= F' C7 T? 1 T TeHle^'r'a"eH�gNe.,^R'a g 960054TH AVE NORTH,5LJITE 1W Ex t-nG Caralmctton TYPa. TypeV Ae°wable Ne ahl PLYMC)UTH, MN 55442 panty G-nup A- _, slat+ •l-xslmg aummsr rs"ag• (763) 541-9552 1 FAX_ (763) 541-9857 'E""G"^s'°r'"�"g' s588�3 ne www.vanrn�nc'l b..c orn ALLOWABLEAI I Iz.1�r,wras eHSNr,gl 74 f-e,lale Occup 1L IIIEy Rl Li�atl (g L.neaharlse EsinI B etl 2Q05 a3C TaWR5O66 oalroC by SRcllon SOB A IA x[A_x 1]} &bwad A h A,ae,eT I,In I,_ wlrr.Tablestn fiUpa BF ee pe -Sane ase I [FW IG 25]WlStl (F 3fia. P -9E0, �90) r = [3apa6o-J1..>W]s6'aL� -: TM a:basT rbnfrAllov"®le Area , O.Sp@ 5F_ Eamenc. arRdms as®sr CHAPTER 6 - TYPES CF CONSTRUCTION secnoN aoz cnnarr.mfm, cleaaninannn Typo V ESenr°n eG2.51 •F_ O,g euaalna lsu @Ira bearina �I. manulatturaawantlrruupedfreminG- Tame - ce Raer•S Requiremama fw Nuleing 6amer+s (hove) 6054 cfurat Freama aHR Fearing Wals CHF Nanbeanrg Walla are Pakidons o HR H RuoPCo°w,Ru �on .�HT CHA-119- FIRE PROTECTION 6VSTEM6 SECT[(1N RIIfx Araemallr, Sp�rNlar Syatnm ---. .r..._... .. _.,... ' E'visl hR 6,11 as does NOT 1— .1 aeomatic spnnMev system_ K —.1 906 Portable Fre EYt ngur� — sa6 i Po a able Fre. EA nGull:nem ' B 'Idng °wne-io pm>riele aM rrwir4ain. CHIwrER 1R-RtE Or EGRESS - , T-^ SECTION IOW OCCUPANT LOAF - - -- --' -- - 1 - Oaslgn peglpant Lege w.1:, Ma�llmnr F4our Asea Nowaneee Osr dccueanl ASs mG,y wlGrgN filiea 66ai5 to _nVame (LffiIcs GGHwr:.) 1 1 lu as a mem Tenant Improvement For: A a�arygn�Raaraa 9A�a� BOONDOX BAR 1 gga,T FAed semsng vert yam �nnl=aat , mnRnraH. eecn of hoo•n eeef Yargtn meaer nacreeear ortlne a AND GRILLE veurnra buP9r sEcnwa roa Egrer:s AM 9100 Palk Avenue Taba,eo rA wN a®S ,lam, Otsego, Minnesota I Y»�p - per, a kEee a nens. o. ter 1— P Iw D- Q 3 n ISSUE DATE: Nav 30, 2011 sELnoN lo+a Fyn � DATE DESCRIPTION ,c,<srmmmenP a,a.ar- sh e c eat (Exa p i r G ur9AF w'SprinklersJAL.WIY E. YC12 YaEERNG ROOM SECTION 1 E E A D ® Julr A, EG1d MEETIN£ ROOM P ed nqr' eM tyro 1 I H exnnnds n!I SECTION tole -1—T— 6 cyarme _ Ta[ile 1016 , -1 T- IT Ix A.pzup ncy nrati -.sla e2OO'{wRhou sPnnlOe-system: _.. _ sECTrON1 brarE' C nIy - - - T-6 k O16,+ Mlnrm Nu - i Salts bra ,R1 La,s Cupar.! L,Ae. 15La IMnrmum num o ralb � 2. - -- - - - - SEGTiON 1 D24 Eml D'ac�esge - . Tr>e.P�p. s.: es l an dranrame mrap,lr+n ca sylaigr at g�ya. I t�®lJP. WG1�M07 EN Jt - -LII 1ll Lll II I _LL lI III LfI ] BOOTH SETINFGAME AREA 105 r __FT6--p— ' � `r ^ -- �- _ �T-TT- F ENTRY O �-' _ E%15TBN0 CIxAN1.6Nk � 3+76" = 1'-0' PLUMBING: PLUMBING f1SRIRE COUNT: _ aENGE CATEREDUIRIFF IiU I G Occu �nrs ExpanS C1S I WATER CLOSETS REQUIRED. Iy,F' I:GaESE X 6=G3 - - NJS INE35 HOURS AxillNAtlV ARGal t.rfl Wtltr sM _ � A I<'nl Exi Welh =64• -- __ CODE REFERENCE PLAN P,isHllgl 74 Famab:ko !s Wear Gl�al Reglgrued� SCALE: �1 3+76" = 1'-0' PLUMBING: PLUMBING f1SRIRE COUNT: 30]G Intcrnwlnnal Nanang Coes Ii�bM 25p21i 14C TOTAL OCCUPANTS ;74 Male G 74 Female: WATER CLOSETS REQUIRED. onto y5 z 1 pe. Y5 T4IJFW tk P s (i Wale, IN—R I Urinal P,isHllgl 74 Famab:ko !s Wear Gl�al Reglgrued� �1 LAVATORIES REQUIRED', 1 •aeela ntE. t Pe-zro ]a N. I O u.aRts 1 LavatPry Ree Iretl Iz.1�r,wras eHSNr,gl 74 f-e,lale Occup 1L IIIEy Rl Li�atl (g L.neaharlse EsinI IIEREET rxtgr TmT THIS TIAN APEgRCAnhN, a.H AIEO ar RF OR OnaER NY dREtT GCPER1rr�aN f1P Tx IeNAPIILr PFGISTF11Eaear:xaElT ONOEN THE UYIs 6i THE STATE GF NNyap�CTA ?HINT NTE. Ga-stapNe Henson 91CNA,VNE: mm REGIDI UT04 F512% CUPYRPCiHT C 2014 CODE SUMMARY G-101 A1115