07-05-95 PCOb CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8 P OTSEGO CITY HALL JULY 5, 1995 1 _ Chair Swenson will call meeting to order. Called meeting to order at 8 PM ROLL CALL: Carl Swenson, Ing Roskaft, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Mark Wallace, Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Larry Fournier, Council Representative Excused Absence: Bruce Rask CITY COUNCIL: Norman F. Freske, Suzanne Ackerman, STAFF: Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. ? Consider Minutes of Tune 21 1995 Planning Commission Meeting_ Richard Nichols motioned to accept the Planning Commission Minutes of June 21, 1995. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried. 3 Herring initiated by , George V nTatenhove, of Advance Masonry, Inc. for pro owned by Clayton D and Joyce D Anderson_ The property is located at the SE Corner of Co Rd #39 and Odean Avenue NE PID #118-500-164300 and 118-500-164305 and Odean Ave NE. Chair Swenson went over the Hearing Procedures. Elaine Beatty stated that the proper noticing was done. Bob Kirmis went over the NAC Report dated June 20, 1995. (attached) (a correction in report is on Page 2, #D, should be ODean not Odell Avenue.) Bob also went over the Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Report dated June 29, 1995. (attached) Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for public comment. Roger Brotkowski, 9090 ODean Avenue NE. Mr. Brotkowski agrees with the rezoning but has concerns with the number of lots, lot size and disagrees with removing this property from the Hall's Water Pond Taxing District. The County had previously told him this was not a good piece of land to develop with the overhead lines running through property. Paul Affeldt, 9022 ODean Avenue NE. He had called City Hall and asked about developing his property. He asked about road frontages and where the road would eventually go. Mr. Kirmis explained, the required road frontage and pointed out on Exhibit B where road is located. Planning Commission Minutes of July 5, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. George VanTatenhove, applicant, explained that he lived in Minnetonka on 5 acres and when Water and Sewer came through, the assessments were very high and that is why they split their lots up to sell off. Chair Swenson closed Hearing to the Public and brought back to the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Comments and Concerns: CM Fournier Wetland in SW Corner (The Engineer provided a drainage easement over this area.) Richard Nichols What size homes proposed for this subdivision and compatibility of lot sizes with surrounding subdivisions (the middle range of home buyers, not first time buyers, per the developer) (Surrounding subdivisions are 1 acre lots except for Wild and Scenic, per Elaine Beatty) Concerned with Power Lines (Power lines only catch the NW Corner and house pads shouldn't interfere with power lines, per applicant) Chair Swenson Concerns with increase ponding in wetland (Per developer - use ditches for ponding, move some storage to the back of the yards on South Side, the water storage will be addressed) Gene Goenner Concern with removing from Hall's Pond Taxing District into the North Mississippi Shores Taxing District (Per Bob Kirmis - Culvert under CSAH 39 drains to the North) (Per Elaine Beatty - The City Engineer wants on site ponding) a Rezone ther r y from A-1. Ag Rural Service to R-3 Residential Immediate Service. Mark Wallace motioned to rezoned property (PID #118-500-164300 and 118-500- 165403) from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to R-3 Residential, Immediate Urban Service. Ing Roskaft seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. h Subdivision of the land to create 8 - Lots. Ing Roskaft requested answers from the City Engineer for the following: 1. Agreement between UPA and easement conditions relative to their building requirements near their power structure lines. 2. Wants to see building pads set up. 3. Proposed pond Planning Commission Meeting of July 5, 1995, cont'd. Page 3. Ing Roskaft motioned to reopen the Hearing. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried. Mark Wallace motioned to continue the Hearing until the next Planning Commission Meeting, July 19, 1995, for the purpose of obtaining answers from the City Engineer in regards to building pads, UPA lines and ponding. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. All in favor. Motion carried. Richard Nichols asked how this Visioning would differ from the Comp. Plan (Bruce Rask raising the same question at the last meeting). Mr. Nichols felt that the Comp. Plan would cover this issue. CM Fournier explained that the Comp. Plan is very general and hasn't been updated since the adoption and since then, a lot of things have changed in Otsego. CM Fournier wants the City Council, EDAAC, and Planning Commission working together on this. Richard needs more time for preparation. He wants to format a handout with questions to have done prior to the meeting. (This will be continued to the July 19, 1995 PC Agenda) Chair Swenson thanked the members from the Planning Commission for attending the Metro Council Meeting they had here at Otsego City Hall. Mark Wallace and Carl Swenson had their subcommittee Meeting regarding the by-laws for the Planning Commission. They handed out a draft of the proposed by-laws. The Planning Commission went through the Organization and all the Work Rules and decided on the following changes: #19 should be highlighted since this is a change Carl Swenson explained that the intent of the proposed By-laws is taking the intention of the previous resolution (92-24) and current By-laws and these would be the new By-laws upon Council approval. #14 should be changed to, all motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the Members and Chair present. #16 call for a questions is not a motion, but an indication to the Chair that the person making this statement is ready to have the motion or questions acted upon without further discussion. #13 put a period after amendment Planning Commission Meeting of July 5, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. #17 There was considerable discussion on Conflict of Interest. All agreed that a member with the conflict should leave the room. #20 all rules changed require a 5 member vote #3 non-voting Mark Wallace would like these guidelines applied to all other commissions. CM Fournier supports this suggestions and will present it to the City Council. Richard Nichols suggested that City Staff make the suggested changes as discussed and have the Planning Commission review before approving. Ing Roskaft motioned to continue the consideration of approval of New By-laws until July 19, 1995 Planning Commission Meeting. Seconded by Richard Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Arleen Nagel reported that the Report on the R1 is ready. Chair Swenson requested that the new By-laws be considered for adoption prior to their presentation of the R1 Report. Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Mark Wallace seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Arleen Nagel, Secretary J u t, Recording gecretary