08-16-95 PCCITY OF OTSEGO OFFICE MEMORANDUM August 16, 1995 Date: To: Planning Commission From: Park and Rec. Commission Subject: Park and Trail Fees The Park and Recreation Commission met August 15, 1995. The following is there recommendation. 10% of the land use area being developed or $1,000.00 fee per dwelling unit at the City's discretion. $150.00 per buildable lot in place of the 1/2% fee in residential. TB/co COCUNIENT HAS % Ei, CC. '�D & DISTRiS'JTE. D T0: 7 CLrFR! a s----- ATTOR NLy— Et,rG!"NEER .. .. ._, ..._ ,.i t•. '. .�.w..c.:.i'+'-:r-.-�:.. ,.a....; •..;-n s:- - •� S'_� .i.:,✓t�+FpStAts iigy*Sj�Y}1:..,-C:i. �R(r :�:�1W a :•:r..'.i ' a3<-.lr a:''sr. ;; �.ii.' — "!*�e!;��= _ _..�' _.li _. s.•. :�i.:..�_ _... .. .r.• _F ,,a . _ii; i1', :5... , i� .. .. vwiAvn S. Biu RADMI z LAW OFFTCE Anonwo at Law 705 Cenval Avenue East Andrew J. MacArthur Po .bar 369 Michael C. Couri St. Michael. MN 55376 (612) 497-1930' (612) 497 2599 (FAXj August 16,, 1995 Planning Commission.Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330, RE: Amendment to Subdivision ordinance, Bark and Trail Fres Dear Planning Commission Members: Enclosed please find a revised copy of the proposed ordinance amendment referenced above which should be attached to the memo ,you will receive from the Parks and Recreation Commission. Hopefully, this accurately represents the changes in their recommendation from thedraft forwarded to you yesterday. If you have any questions please feel free,to contact me. Very truly yours, An ew Jiwle3� ur RADSWILL OFFICE Encl. cc: Bob Hirmis, NAC .Merland Otto, Hakanson Anderson n 7- T JJnmH77-1 T m7rfHA WnN-1 WH9c' : T T CF,F,T—QT—RO CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-7-18 OF THE OTSEGO $tMDIVISION ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO PARK AND TRAIL DEDYCATION AND FEES IN LIEU OF DEDICATION Section 1. Section 21-7-18 of the Otsego Subdivision ordinance is amended to read as follows: A. As a prerequisite to final plat approval, and at the sole discretion of the City, applicants and/or developers shall dedicate land for parks, playgrounds, public open spaces or trails and/or shall make a cash contribution to the City's Park and Multi -Purpose Trail Funds roughly related to the anticipated affect of the plat on the park and trail system. The amounts listed in this section are the City's best estimate of the dedication or cash contribution needed to offset the effect on those systems. The requirement may also be met with a combination of land and cash if approved by the city Council. G. The City, upon consideration of the particular type of development, may determine that a lesser parcel of land should be dedicated due to particular features of the development. In such cases, a cash contribution shall be required above the land dedication to insure that compensation is received for the full amount of the impact on the City's park and trail system. I. When a subdivision is proposed the Developer shall make a dedication of land for public park use, or shall pay a fee in lieu of such land dedication, as follows: Residential Development; 10% of the gross land area being subdivided, or $1,000.00 per dwelling unit. Commercial and Industrial Development; 10% of the gross area being subdivided or 10% of the fair market value of the undeveloped land. Whether land or cash will be required is left solelp to they discretion of the City. For purposes of this section, fair market value shall be determined by reference to appraisals, accepted purchase agreements, comparable market transactions or other pertinent records, at the discretion of the City Council or Parks and Recreation Commission. Undeveloped land shall mean raw land with only those improvements present on the property on the date of plat approval. Said amounts are the city's best estimate of the affect of the subdivision on the City's park system. K. When a residential subdivision is approved, the Developer shall pay a fee in lieu of dedication of land for trail purposes, as follows: $150.00 per dwelling unit. Said amount is the City's best estimate of the affect of the residential subdivision on the City's trail system. -,. -.-. n i =) T -44nMH"111TM7(THN WOZi� WH9�7: LZ S6Eti-9Z-8O T. If the applicant or developer does not believe that the estimates contained in this section fairly and accurately represent the effect of the subdivision on the park or trail. system of the City, the applicant or developer may request that the City prepare an in-depth study of the effect of the subdivision on the park and trail system and an estimate of that effect in money and/or land. All costs of such study shall be borne by the developer or applicant. If the developer or applicant requests the preparation of such a study, no application for development submitted shall be deemed complete until the study has been completed and a determination is made as to the appropriate amount of land or money necessary to offset the effects of the subdivision. section 2. This ordinance amendment shall be effective upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED BY THE OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL this day of . , 1995. YN FA'V'OR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk -=TV +' n 1 7') T-J-JnMH711I M7rr�J�4 WOJ� WHL'_: i S S66Z-9T-90 FWA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background PLANNING • DESIGN • MARKET R E S E A R C H Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 3 August 1995 Otsego - Lin -Bar Estates Rezoning/Preliminary Plat 176.02 - 95.13 Mr. Wilfred Lindenfelser and Mr. Hillary Barry have requested preliminary plat approval of a five lot single family subdivision entitled Lin -Bar Estates. The proposed subdivision overlays a 52.3 acre tract of land located north of County Road 37 and east of Odean Avenue. To accommodate the proposed residential density, a rezoning of the subject property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to an A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service District has been requested. The A-2 District allows a maximum residential density of one dwelling unit per ten acres of land. The majority of City Council and Planning Commission members will recall that the site in question had been previously considered for industrial use (Spring 1994). Such application was, however, denied by the City Council for reasons relating primarily (but not entirely) to land use compatibility concerns. Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Land Use Plan Exhibit C - Urban/Rural Service Concept Exhibit D - Preliminary Plat/Concept Plan Exhibit E - Preliminary Plat Detail Exhibit G - Grading and Drainage Plan/Resubdivision Plan 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 Recommendation While the proposed A-2 zoning designation and proposed 4 per 40 density are considered consistent with the provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan, matters of land use appropriateness are considered policy issues to be determined by City officials. This report therefore makes no recommendation on this aspect of the request. Should the City find the proposed use (and residential density) to be acceptable, our office would recommend preliminary plat approval of the Lin -Bar Estates subdivision subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject property is rezoned from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to an A-2, Long Range Urban service District designation. 2. The resubdivision plan is revised to demonstrate compliance with applicable setback requirements. 3. The subdivision's streets are named in accordance with the City's street naming plan. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 4. A temporary cul-de-sac is constructed at the northern terminus of the subdivision's north/south street. 5. Direct single family lot access to County Road 37 is prohibited. 6. An access permit is obtained from the Wright County Highway Department to accommodate the subdivision's interior street access to County Road 37. 7. A deed restriction is placed upon the subject property to prohibit further subdivision and ensure compliance with A-2 District density requirements. 8. The applicants demonstrate that the proposed subdivision will have no wetland impacts. 9. The submitted grading and drainage plan is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. All proposed lots are determined by the City Engineer to be capable of accommodating a private well and septic system. 11. All park and trail dedication requirements as determined the Park and Recreation Committee. 2 12. The applicants enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. 13. Comments of other City staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS Rezoning In order to accommodate the proposed 4 per 40 density, the applicants are requesting a rezoning of the subject 52.3 acre property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to an A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service District designation. In evaluating a rezoning request, the Zoning Ordinance directs the City Council and Planning Commission to consider the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comprehensive Plan Consistency. As identified within the Comprehensive Plan, the subject property is located within the Long Range Urban Service Area, (see Exhibit Q. The intent of this designation is to allow for low density residential development which serves as a transition from urban to rural land uses. The A-2 Zoning District being proposed was developed specifically to accommodate this type of development in the Long Range Urban Service Area. Therefore, the proposed rezoning and development concept is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Land Use Compatibility. Currently, the site in question is surrounded by large lot residential development and agricultural uses. As shown on the City's Land Use Plan (Exhibit B), low density residential development has been ultimately suggested to the north and east of the subject property. In consideration of present and anticipated uses in the area, the proposed land use and residential density is considered compatible with its surroundings. Property Values. While a detailed study has not been conducted, similar situations have revealed that the proposed use will not adversely impact area property values. Performance Standards. As a condition of subdivision approval, the proposed development must comply with all applicable performance standards outlined in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. A detailed review of the preliminary plat is addressed later in this report. Traffic Generation. The proposed development will receive access via County Road 37, a designated arterial street. In consideration of the proposed use, a determination must be made by the Wright County Highway Department whether any improvements to County Road 37 will be necessary (i.e., bypass lane). Provided all recommendations of Wright County are satisfactorily met, traffic generated by the proposed use will be capably handled by County Road 37. Public Service Capacity. As part of the rezoning consideration, an assurance must be made that the proposed use will not overburden the City's service capacity (i.e., parks, schools, streets, utilities, etc.). The proposed use and residential density is not expected to overburden the City's service capacity. Based on the preceding evaluation, the proposed land use has been found to satisfy the City's established evaluation criteria for rezoning requests. The issue of land use appropriateness, however, remains an issue of City policy to be determined by City officials. Preliminary Plat In addition to the rezoning request, the applicants have also requested preliminary plat approval of the Lin -Bar Estates subdivision. Development Density. The A-2 zoning designation allows a maximum density of four residential dwelling units per 40 acres of land. Consistent with such provision, the proposed preliminary plat calls for the creation of five development sites upon the 52.3 acre subject property. So as to preserve contiguous farmland and economize services, the lots have been "clustered" in the extreme southeastern corner of the site. 11 Lots. The Zoning Ordinance requires the following minimum standards for lots in the A-2 Zoning District: Lot Area 1 acre Lot Width 150 feet Lot Depth 150 feet All proposed lots have been found to exceed the aforementioned minimum A-2 District let requirements. Setbacks. The proposed lots have demonstrated an ability to comply with the following A-2 setback requirements: Setbacks From Setbacks From [centerline R_igh-of-Wav Tines 130 feet 65 feet 130 feet 65 feet 65 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet State/Federal Highway County Road Local Road From Cul -De -Sac Right -of -Way While the preliminary plat holds an ability to comply with required setbacks, some concern exist in regard to setbacks imposed upon resubdivided lots (see Exhibit G). In recognition of a required 65 foot setback from County Road 37, it is believed that resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 2 and Lot 3, Block 3 may not be possible. As a condition of final plat approval, the resubdivision plan should be revised to demonstrate compliance with required setbacks. In this regard, resubdivision of the two described may not be possible. Streets. To provide access to the lots in question, the applicants have proposed the construction of a _±_ 590 stub street from County Road 37. Such street has been found to conform to minimum 60 foot right-of-way width requirements imposed on "local" streets. As a condition of final plat approval, a temporary cul-de-sac should be constructed at the street's northern terminus. While all street right-of-way within the plat (southeast area) must be dedicated at this time, construction of that street segment between Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 may be deferred until such time as westerly development occurs. As part of the subdivision's development agreement, however, an escrow should be established to cover future costs of the said street segment. As a condition of final plat approval, the subdivision's streets should be named in accordance with the City's street naming plan. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. E County Road 37. In compliance with City policy, direct single family lot access to County Road 37 should be prohibited. Resultantly, all lot access must be achieved via the subdivision's interior street. As recommended by the Wright County Highway Department, a 50 foot right-of-way dedication (from centerline) has been proposed. If determined to be necessary, the applicants will be responsible for costs associated with construction of a county road bypass lane. This issue will be specifically addressed in the subdivision's development agreement. To accommodate the proposed subdivision, a county road access permit will need to be acquired from the Wright County Highway Department. Resubdivision. According to Section 21-6-2.E.5 of the Subdivision Ordinance, where the applicant owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed for subdivision, the applicant shall submit a sketch plan of the remainder of the property so as to show the possible relationships between the proposed subdivision and future subdivision. In conformance with this provision, the applicant has submitted a concept plan for the undeveloped portion of the subject property (see Exhibit D) The plan calls for an ultimate loop -style street design and makes provision for future street access to the north and east of the site. All lots upon the resubdivision plan have been found to comply with anticipated R-3 zoning (one acre lots) . Deed Restriction. Consistent with Section 20-52-6.B. Lc of the Zoning Ordinance, a deed restriction should be placed upon the subject property to prohibit additional subdivision an compliance with maximum A-2 District density requirements. Wetlands. As a condition of ultimate final plat approval, the applicant should demonstrate that the proposed development will have no wetland impacts. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. Grading and Drainage. In accordance with plat submission requirements, the applicants have submitted a grading and drainage plan for review (see Exhibit G). In recognition of possible long term public sewer service, such plan makes accommodation for two building sites upon each lot. While well intended, applicable County road setbacks may impede future subdivision of Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 3, Block 3. As a condition of preliminary plat approval, the grading and drainage plan must be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Well and Septic System. According to A-2 District provisions, the proposed dwelling sites must be capable of accommodating a private well and septic system. As a condition of preliminary plat approval, such finding must be made by the City Engineer. C Park and Trail Dedication. As a condition of final plat approval, all park and trail dedication requirements, as determined by the Park and Recreation Committee, must be satisfactorily met. Development Agreement. As a condition of final plat approval, the applicants (developer) will be required to enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it, including an escrow for future street construction. CONCLUSION While the proposed land use and residential density is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, issues of land use appropriateness are considered matters of City policy to be determined by City officials. If the City finds the proposed use of the property and A-2 zoning to be acceptable, our office would recommend approval of the Lin -Bar Estates preliminary subject to the conditions listed in the Executive Summary of this report. PC: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Willy Lindenfelser Hillary Barry 7 m x :r CU Cn m r- 0 Prepared by: FrN�� jhwosl ,so,ialed Consultants, Inc. Base Map by: '— Ankerson Anderson Assoc., Inc. SCALE IN FEET 0 2000 4000 6000 C= OF OTS GO GREATON TiiE RIVER ROAD M x CO __4 z 0 C: W M z � Otsego, Minnesota M Ag'ri cultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) -Low Density Residential Industrial (536. ac.) - Land Use ❑ Park/Public Facility PREPARED BY: Plan Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Neighborhood Commercial mI Land uses dependent upon Hwy. ty FNcDrthwest 101 upgrade and sewer availibilil Associated "Consultants, Inc. 1 .5 0 SCALE IN MILES SEPTEMBER 1989 aASE MAP SOURCE WFOC41T COUNTY S�_RvEYORS OFFICE 7.2"9 .. ..... .. ... M Ag'ri cultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) -Low Density Residential Industrial (536. ac.) - Land Use ❑ Park/Public Facility PREPARED BY: Plan Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Neighborhood Commercial mI Land uses dependent upon Hwy. ty FNcDrthwest 101 upgrade and sewer availibilil Associated "Consultants, Inc. Otsego, '• • . •9911. , ' �• -� . :�� • � -_� i__.� J —i/_J � A: Minnesota .961 �j'4w h •6t x . v.11Jf a 1 •'96 w ti • ,� T m< 14 15 ^d ST 13 18 ::::. .::•::.: . 92 r 19 z 1 .5 0 1 67th ST i i 2 MILES 19 < SCALE IN 22 � 24 � � ; :eiP:ar: 23 < 65th ST m < 1 YAP DATi• <x. 0 z SEPTEMBER BER 1989 < 83rd ST. ;��`';: •i •[r.3i.,;;:. Both ST Both ST = '•':?•'•':• •• • c ;.,::::;;••:. t �i • • t ::::::^i: ' MOTL THS YAP t f011 PIAMAtMO 77th ST 77th ST P ; ` • Ksi►OUS OM7 AMD IINO" '• . �+. •• ''• ••..•.%-i:t•.` NOT SE USED MIfJI PWCIM < < . ••. .•A • 'T. WAStJW4-M RS AK AROUMED. W sT u o nth ST 25 3027 26 �` • • 7.•�':� BASE MAP SOURCE: ` Y m ` i i : �aFr• WRIGHT COUNTY u .• •: ��•� ;T''' SURVEYORS OFFICE 7-2589 70th ST 70th ST ] 7014 S.T. • •7iJh. ] •'• c • �� ll a < �•• 67th ST � 67th � •'34.>» d, 35 V— 31 32 $ 33 34 35 65th ST CL .• '•55th ST36 ' :;:•W: (..-. \'\��. .� 3 -62nd Si— CITT OF `t 62nd ST a RICE4,01h p l_ < 62nd ST ST 1 L: t� SI I4 q1 6Cth. 51 6".0, Immediate Urban Service Area o Urban/Rural Long Range Urban Service Area PREPARED BY: nF-1Rural Service Area Service Concept D m■■ Specific Immediate Urban Service Area BoundarySSOClated FN—(,rthwest Amended by Resolution No. 94-70, 10 January 1994 to be determined by Engineering Study onsultants,Inc. In Amended b Resolution No. 95-27, y 26 June 1995 JM� T, cn LU a cn w Z J is Iz �;��.-. •-:`::;:=' ;'(;•1�'• '; � ; !I '';'—i--o9t-- ••[s_,�_ I -:yet-- - I �. �����- - �- .�' /� /' W' : '/ �•••' q. ° 11 � 4 I o o :�'• i It I I �•i ''71.x// � —� —r ' � ; LLI �/ '114•' ,-/'� Y, f•`J •__ - '�` .{.�••�,.. r�l� ,�"f 1 1�1_�_.I-fi, �-- Vii_ - -� _•• ..�,��:' -�-_�-.��,, ::- �'.�.. �� .40 clhj le I � / r• [. 1 • J7 '' iY �n i -w yr. "if +'. `�'i. , w �',' M.fS.lt.l' N �' </ :`�'+ r / " �•'i!_h• - --- 6Y129 I; . ' --cv uc-- M.IS.[C.l N 11 3 i� I 4 - EXHIBIT D - PRELIMINARY PLAT,CONCEPT PLP 0 1.o 40 40 ibo 240 1 w GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1�•�.• 7 Str�Qf --280 220; .. 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KC U R B A N PLANNING- D E S I G N- MARKET �I"'CAR­C L� TRANSMITTAL RECORD �-- DATE: 2 August 1995 TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: VIA: F']Maii ElPick Up FIDelivery [:]Fax NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: QTY OF DATED DESCRIPTION 1 Preliminary Plat/Concept 31an Lin -Bar Estates 1 Grading & Drainage Plan 1 Street Grade Plan T I I I REMARKS: Returned at your request. RE: Otsego - Lin -Bar Estates JOB NO: 176.02 - 95.13 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 A-1 tit•.Iat....rt' ire f C4 Z N C1 C4 cjwa ^. 2: ' r►y'Et1i�/oyi.(�r LIN -BAR ESTATES 3tas0 .2A4 Witt ta. Wry w. L Glen A. AssessA- _ ,� 1 7262 ose.n ^-."g Cls, as-r.M sss2o _ _ ` '-'-.`- `. •. '' ,1 .t, .i4ctb_ '``` l.gi.l i11i4•�lllA'>�rl' Jlding Setback Requirements ♦ ` ____--� �````.' - '_ ------_' �`�' ��%'lf,ji, '• `�� -• ' __ - ` `` �1 iI 1 N ` •�-``l /' - tt► �• `` \ `• 1 �♦ 88*50.29-E --- 164248 -=- 313500_231200 20' Rear teen. C. a Margaret A. T■1rlAs 1111300-362303 a." M. 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ZOravyt Oi trcl Ml Proposed Zone • 4•9 Total Concept Ran Datlabtfon .1... M .."A. i .Ir .-pa-st tr...rt.r et sret.n t T-hl0 131, R.." 23. r.•a6ht Ca.Mt7. .asgt tn.rerr the fo27a.te0 ae.crloaa tr■ctat 1. The na,-te 418-00 feet of t1M Drat 317.00 rest air "Ad Muse IMlr of the Se"eaeet Q ■ T. I. Thseat "1.00 rest or Use ula S."A Pair of Sorahe..t Quarto.. ]. 0*91-4-9 at ta,- e.relseeaS aernsr or t.. $.fa s.., M3fof the ■aYtht+.at er•.•tari theses. -th .1-w .. ]Jar of -$a swath Malt of and SMtae.at Q, r : Is at■tanso .t 613.00 testi Cheese ..at at . ,, ■0315, . al■saep a[ 313.93 feet; teens. acute at n3ht enols. a III to of 621.63 feet L. m. Slee at tM N/a Smote U. --f of tM SautlM.at Wert. tAessee wet &I" W ..la .arse !Les. . 4I.C_s. 313.84 Lost to use point of es•011eing. Prekr*-y Plat Deaabaml T.. eft rs.40 I- .ttw I_.. 2-+u e1■.w a..t....u..-....lee _ .Ma tae t J tY frY .uta .rrt- ed ase.- as. 7..162•., lat. •2-p al. srtela Gert'. _ - - Total Preliminary Plat Lots . 5 1]9300-]1100 aa7retl, f S Mm rLTM Cullan 1" 3 70M tt. MC at..O*. Me 53330 Benchmark Elevation 960.40 4.f.! l nab I.J. 41.,1.011 4.{It•t ' N N NM a pi Ma► awl' Mu4t.C-..k.-t 4111"14-N-Clb City of Otsego Location Asap Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets Witt ta. Jlding Setback Requirements �4.fw11f.�1a.11,t LRo•11.�. 3S' front __ o.l.a..6l+slo..moa.e i 1S' Side Interior 3S'Side Corner 313500_231200 20' Rear teen. C. a Margaret A. T■1rlAs ac. 2 CIA airer. M $5330 i far,lld 1.1..1 133!00.333202 3rycs r, Northrq S-2 11625 70th St. [la !liver. M SS330 1. -mop --- 1662.81 --- S 88'53'48'W 11190e-311201 i1 t. 5. La/.W2-■ IS214 70th St. 1111 alwr. M 95330 b•.ik1.116.G14 Mt J44'A asbla 111/ A-1 M O ' y ' 1 t/t For Wifred Liximfeker 5475 Parnell Ave. N.E. Rogers, Mn. 55374 Phone No. 428.8437 P.O. Box �98 Lake Wilson, Mn. 56151 Phone Na. 1-507.879-3310 Prepared By MEYER-ROHUN,INC [wo[�r[ws-uwn slwreTpws .ralw.paaat,err9Aarrayp Is- L COMA tend SMmver tuene Mo- 7437 •.one No 622-1781 • v w t2- « u# 6aA•selG •CeLC M fear Ads 2L Ise Total i *is 139 Total Acrealte S2.29 Ac. . ZOravyt Oi trcl Ml Proposed Zone • 4•9 Total Concept Ran Datlabtfon .1... M .."A. i .Ir .-pa-st tr...rt.r et sret.n t T-hl0 131, R.." 23. r.•a6ht Ca.Mt7. .asgt tn.rerr the fo27a.te0 ae.crloaa tr■ctat 1. The na,-te 418-00 feet of t1M Drat 317.00 rest air "Ad Muse IMlr of the Se"eaeet Q ■ T. I. Thseat "1.00 rest or Use ula S."A Pair of Sorahe..t Quarto.. ]. 0*91-4-9 at ta,- e.relseeaS aernsr or t.. $.fa s.., M3fof the ■aYtht+.at er•.•tari theses. -th .1-w .. ]Jar of -$a swath Malt of and SMtae.at Q, r : Is at■tanso .t 613.00 testi Cheese ..at at . ,, ■0315, . al■saep a[ 313.93 feet; teens. acute at n3ht enols. a III to of 621.63 feet L. m. Slee at tM N/a Smote U. --f of tM SautlM.at Wert. tAessee wet &I" W ..la .arse !Les. . 4I.C_s. 313.84 Lost to use point of es•011eing. Prekr*-y Plat Deaabaml T.. eft rs.40 I- .ttw I_.. 2-+u e1■.w a..t....u..-....lee _ .Ma tae t J tY frY .uta .rrt- ed ase.- as. 7..162•., lat. •2-p al. srtela Gert'. _ - - Total Preliminary Plat Lots . 5 1]9300-]1100 aa7retl, f S Mm rLTM Cullan 1" 3 70M tt. MC at..O*. Me 53330 Benchmark Elevation 960.40 4.f.! l nab I.J. 41.,1.011 4.{It•t ' N N NM a pi Ma► awl' Mu4t.C-..k.-t 4111"14-N-Clb City of Otsego Location Asap Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets A-1 rd LIN -BAR ESTATES 1181100.284102 Cary M. L `�\- Cl.-Cl.n A. I.aa - .� y 7262 OMM A- HE • •. `.. `_ �. `. • ,1 �` 1t /,- i•. uk Qi'eer. so 8112]0 - `��.'-_`. �`•�� ` 'a,;.ki.al•�i4u 4'i>;•�111A mit 4- y--- - _ `, * ,' .' 1 `- - ', t N 88.'50'29'E `` - ._- --`♦ i-' \, \\ ��� `�� , �' \\ `,` 11 '% --- 1642.48- 116[00-20420] 01rY A. L Clara A. IfAAan \ 7262 Od- Awe. M[ Elk [I -r. ave ,2330 ' , \ \ 1 :. 11;11 ; \'\ �•. -- � _- '. .�"..�� / ' a I _ , •. 4: ,,�,,�`.,;\ ,'. ` . �..1.� ;' - , 1111,, T / '• I `• -`I.Q �, •```%`.% `; %``,�` ` ` - ;' :' .�, ,-�, ;`�, .t; 1111\ ` t;+ •1111 ` 1111•- . ',♦/-'Tr. on Lo A& _ - .� ��\`11`11;, •\'`� -- i a i fit,',``, ,1.11 '� ♦✓ �y'-_--_-_i Z• `M `, \ , _ 3 ;• - , �• �.`` •� \ `� ..``.\%` - _�'•. --��- _.d•I kf,,`\.', ,• ', ta'\ li'3 `t 'i.pAf-i '- /. --"---- % . 11`11 •. A-•• •... x . \ 1 \ / _-- .C*��.z. 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I i ', 1 _- _ Il _J \ `•. / �[ 116200-262302 m t . --- m46-' ° " 10 1x9 ; r - e m l.om(e. "' h �_L-,-,c'' '• jest C. L Lr1 M. ►wt! . .,• } \ \ ` 1� ♦' 1,0�j / r %' I.O� �, --N __-______ - - - ._ 7wi o•owa w... atrm . m \ • �'ii �:Jqf, ►�I I.O a,.. / . -�- �_ _ -220- UA aawr. M 114»a . �: •VV•• 7 • ' '� ,' ,• w�•• ' x �� ' 1' t411- dam-_-� ```-�- _Y 4 - 1 Ad 1 9_ ® ' ' Lh• i �.•' �., - -F� ` • �' i - -141 t ' '`;' -- \ ice . \ ,`} ',+{L 1 i ' 4S t. `d - / / ♦ . / �T �- J` . , �*i i ♦' J� % v.,•yi- 1JC9C�COK' I ; \ �� ' .: �' ♦� m �t -\ `t . I tt ` 1188 i m - - - ` , '� L. - - f ` f 1 •f �+1 A- 1 a, ; ' e��f�+.,'.mooca 1 �'� 16Ea14aML6taf1i0.i0r'e-eh2M+04�. ]Q.0fta8aa�t'a''}(i��tm�6%,''rr ;%f: fIf''S-1.'.:'r-�1 _ - _/_- '_"J -6 Y-'' i �'m '/♦tP► ' IL1• ' i ' '' ' ♦ �' , _ - ' `11`11 ,_ �'fIf `,`c'`+`�.l'�, t /11 10 a. Cable TT fvd JA -A ktd. IV' 7 7 L. iira;, �+•k-M��af�H' i 1".�'n at�w,r•� -r 1-� 1• 3i•KY' j• ' ' If . mO1 •. ., -'• '''1.pL up j& 'cc 1•D 0 OF 1, ---t 1 ,-w'o V 3+f t -- �+• lip t ,it •�Slt6ait'1}• t..' �: % ►{�f �vLt�' •4 `�''lE aroti�+ is• t�.Y. ld. Q. 1A'! : a LriJ`.'klc�R'Si►1c „s f �L.►al. ^- ',Ilding Setback Requirements d'.. s 35' Front6e6im1alMekaas I..�.,idm.Lel 15' Side Interior --' - 0-101'22'x2-4 Y1 flll"S""� 35' Side Corner ;;9000-sal:oe 116,00-331302 20' Real IoOefta C. L Margaret A. T.P.A. (► lryta r. MO►tlmrT,p G 3462 7090 at. 6t. 2 Ilk A1.0'. MM 41]20 Ilk hirer, M1!730 fr •4114• _-- 166281 ___ S 88'53'48'W 11A11oo-223203 A' t• a. L. feben 11234 7090 it. Ilk Al_ r. MM 63370 5..iiml:u.il:6 bis ajily♦�E'1F ai56e sb' I A-1 'Ion � r , 1 N . For Wified Lildenfeker 5475 Parnell Ave. N.E. Rogers, Mn. 55374 Phone No. 428.8437 P.O. Box Barry Lake Wilson, Mn. 56151 Phone Na 1-507-879.3310 Prepared By MEYER-ROHLN,INC no N -VI AL. A -o suwt- S /ave M-paamE,a./e•kam.r 6AT ��3 1-beel L IOM. laved Surra• Utente Ma 7439 pk0ae Mo. 61x/7[1 • L 4 Y w N• Ma .,.6 KALE M FEET )AIF 31.1995 Total lett • 39 Total Acreage 5229 At . ZonoR OisthlC1 Ml Proposed Zoning a 49 Total Concur Plan Deacrtru n • Mar real N .A► tL s eat- atrrt.r st 3.ets.n a Tarrnl0 111. Hang• 13, Urs Ont Ce•et7, sesept ta•..f, tit• 9o11 -UM daatraoed trsetaf 1. The ro " 436.00 feet of the •vett 347.00 fast of seld L...si Melt Of the Muth eat Q,.erMr. 2. Thr sent 419.00 feet Of the said Iauth M.lf at + Lerthe.at Qrarter. a. ae0Ins-0 at - as-th.eet eOFMr at tae tsld s- melt of %Ae Ltuu-st Quarter: u.ssee .tertk •lent x wt 11ar of Mad se th Mair of Uw seuthea't Qu.rt. a dfate of 610.00 feet; Crimea tut at • nm an61a. a dieta.ds of 333.43 feet; manta -ft at r1Mt &"1*- s "Ota.ra of 631.90 fast to the ave 11.r of Elea Mid Louth Me.f of the itutht..t Quart. tAessm 'east "ant the said -%h it". a 416A t. 313.84 fast M tM palm of beg Ines". P eiNnay Plat Deaok38on Tr ewa "a." fa.a'.Aw ...wa tat.ta 9-. .m..t it. tmere. J 0 In. a AA-- a of a.eat1-0►In.aatq. A. .runt Total Preliminary Plat Eats . s 1L• 0412 11[1100-312300 Ae- . 4, L A.FL7.a Cmllinsn 1M33 7081 6t. M[ Outp. Ad 6]330 Benchmark Elevation 960.40 c.f.!P,.ttk fl. 41.J..14.Im1.1 64 MMIb sal "aur, C_Aiae� i -U .1 liwb City of Otsego location Map Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets 0• m FS M A 4 cn m 0 2 co J 1z ORGANIZATION: 1. 2. CITY PLANNIP Amended: I July 1995 The Planning Commission officers shol be: Chair Vice Chair Secretary Duties of the officers: A. Chair: Council Approved 8/28/95 The Chair shall preside at all meetings Of the Commission. The Chair shall preserve order and order. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees requested by a majority of and shall decide all questions of .mittees and shall appoint any members. The Chair may call special or emergen y meetings, providing notice pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. 471.705, Subd. lc. B. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall preside at all rr perform such duties as requested by ngs in the absence of the Chair and Chair. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for bisuring that detailed minutes of all Commission meetings shall be taken b the staff secretary and distributed to the members at least a week before the iext commission meeting. The Secretary shall also maintain reco attendance of Commission members a the staff upon a regular basis. Is of site inspection attendance and neetini!s and shall submit these records to WORK RULES: There shall be two regularly schedu each month, unless an alternative is Page 2 meetings the first and third Wednesday of ieduled due to an unforeseen conflict. Notice of the change must be given in writing to members at least four days prior to the meeting date. 2. At the first meeting in January, the C Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. 3. The membership of the Commission the City Council, one alternate roeml non-voting Council representative al H 5 no 7 N The alternate member shall sit at the scheduled meeting and participate in a member of the commission is absei A quorum shall consist of four mem shall elect from it's membership a .11 consist of seven members appointed by appointed by the City Council, and a inted by the Mayor. ening commission table during any sessions, but the alternate shall only vote if A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reasons of illness, work or out of town trips. Notice of the members absence must be communicated to the staff before 4:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. The order of business shall be as listed in the meeting agenda to be prepared by the Zoning Administrator before each meeting. All Commission recommendations shall be sent to the City Council in written meeting minutes and shall include a record of the division of votes on each recommendation. 9. All meetings shall be open to th7 public. 10. Any site inspection involving 4 members or more as a group, shall be noticed as a special Planning Commission meeting. 11. Any resolution or motion, except the motion to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, table, or force the previous question shall be written and included in the meeting minutes. 12. Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on it. Page 3 13. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table or call for the question, acX on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend. Motions shall take precjedence in that order and the first two shall be without debate. 14. All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members and Chair present, except call for the "question". Any members or the Chair may call for a roll call vote on any issue. 15. Motions shall be made only by persons recognized by the Chair. 16. Call for the question is not a motion, but an indication to the Chair that the person making this statement is ready to have the motion or question acted upon without further discussion. 17. Any Commission member having a financial interest, or a family member with a financial interest in any individulal action to be considered by the Commission, shall: a. notify the Chair of the conflict in advance of meeting. b. allow the Chair to explain the potential conflict to the Commission. C. at the request of the Chair, the member shall excuse himself/herself from the Commission meeting room in advance of the discussion and voting on this item. 18. In the event that a member is contacted prior to a Commission Meeting by a citizen with a concern regarding a pending issue, the member must: a. refrain from discussing any pending Planning Commission business with any individual outside of a Planning Commission meeting. This includes indicating his/her stand on the pending issue. b. refrain from speculating on other Commission member's stand on the pending issue. 19. Any Commission member who conducts himself/herself in a manner conflicting with the above By -Laws, provides grounds for removal by the City Council. Page 4 20. These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a five member vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. Changes in these By -Laws will become active upon approval by the City Council. 21. Any rule not covered by these Work Rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. W. W. Mus Realty, Inc. Retail Real Estate Specialists Suite 112 • 5100 Eden Avenue • Minneapolis, MN 55436 • (612) 922-2560 • FAX (6 922-2927 August 9, 1995 City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Attention: Elaine Beatty Clerk/Zoning Administrator Re: MRD Christ Lutheran Church Addition Dear Elaine, Following your suggestion, we hereby request a continuance of the Public Hearing with the Planning Commission until the meeting on September 6, 1995 . This should allow adequate time for staff review. Sincerely, am s W. Ladner encl. ealty, Inc. cc: M. Dare Rev. G. Pagh J. Holmes �i ((:: 7, mbp Site Selection •Asset Management •Investment Property Brokerage •Property Management