11-01-95 PC[NA C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING DESIGN • MARKET R E S E A R C H PLANNING REPORT u� FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 19 October 1995 Otsego - Cederberg - Building Relocation CUP 176.02 - 95.17 Bob and Dianne Cederberg have requested a conditional use permit to allow a relocated single family residence to lie upon an existing lot of record within the City. Specifically, the Cederbergs wish to replace an existing manufactured home with a replacement home currently located in Richfield (within the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport expansion area). The said relocated home would lie upon 1.7 acre site located north of 87th Street and west of O'Brian Avenue ( S'/z, Lot 1, Block 3, Vassuers Oak Grove Estates). The proposed structure to be relocated was constructed in the early 1970s and measures + 1,900 square feet in size (52 feet by 26 feet) The property is zoned R-2, Residential - Immediate Urban Service (large lot). The extreme western portion of the lot lies within the Shoreland Overlay District of a protected water body. Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Detailed Site Location Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D - Well/Septic Locations Exhibit E - Floor Plans Exhibit F - Building Section Exhibit G - Building Photos 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 Recommendation Based on the following review, our office recommends approval of the requested building relocation. Approval is, however, contingent upon the fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. The relocated residence comply with the applicable requirements of the State Building Code. This item should be subject to further comment by the City Building Inspector. 2. The relocated structure is ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. 3. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to drainage and utility easement establishment. 4. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to well and sewage treatment issues. 5. The applicant provide proof to the City that the house move is performed by a licensed mover in accordance with applicable State requirements. 6. The applicant notify the City of the route and exact timing of the move. 7. The site's existing structure is removed from the subject property prior to occupancy of the relocated building. 8. A performance security is posted in an amount determined appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. The security should be reflective of anticipated improvement costs (foundation work, etc.). - 9. Comments from other City staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS CUP Judgement Criteria. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. Judgement must be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Lot Area Requirements. As mentioned previously, the applicants wish to relocate a residence upon the southern'/ of Lot 1, Block 3, Vassuers Oak Grove Estates. With the exception of lot area, the subject lot meets all applicable R-2 lot area standards. Required Existin Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth 2.5 Acres 150 feet 150 feet 1.7 acres 200 feet 365 feet While the subject property does not satisfy minimum R-2 District lot area requirements, it is a lot of record which holds legal grandfather rights. Setbacks. According to the submitted site plan, the relocated residence meets all applicable R-2/Shoreland setbacks. NOTE: OHWM of proximate protected water body lies + 950 feet from subject property. 3 Required Existin East Front Yard 35 feet 50 feet North Side Yard 20 feet 34 feet South Side Yard 35 feet 113 feet West Rear Yard 50 feet 280 feet NOTE: OHWM of proximate protected water body lies + 950 feet from subject property. 3 Structure Compatibility. Section 20-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that a proposed relocated building must comply with the character of the neighborhood in which it is being located. The proposed residence to be relocated is a two story, gable roof design constructed in the early 1970s (see Exhibit G). Based on submitted site photos, the home appears to be in good condition without need of repair. The majority of homes in Vassuers Oak Grove Estates are of a manufactured variety. According to the Wright County Assessor, structure values in the subdivision range from $11,800 to $80,000 with an average structure value being ± $18,000. In regard to exclusive structure value (not including land), the following information was obtained for properties surrounding the subject site: Building Lot/Block Date Built Square Footage Structure Value N'/z Lot 1/Block 3 1966 768 $13,800 S '/2 Lot 1 /Block 2 1975 1,344 $36,800 N '/2 Lot 2/Block 4 1975 1,150 $23,800 NOTE: See Exhibit B for lot reference. The Hennepin County Assessor has estimated that the 1,900 square foot residence to be relocated as having a structure value of $68,000. While there may be a slight discrepancy between Wright and Hennepin County structure assessment criteria, it is assumed their valuation of a particular structure would be generally consistent and similar. Based on the preceding information, the proposed residence to be relocated holds a value approximately double that of surrounding homes. In this regard, it is felt that such relocation is extremely positive and an enhancement to the neighborhood. Property Values. According to Section 20-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the relocated structure must not result in a depreciation of adjacent property values. Considering the value of the home to be relocated significantly exceeds the value of surrounding residences, area property values are not expected to depreciate and may in fact appreciate. 0 In a general perspective, a lowering of area property values is not anticipated if: 1. The subject structure is structurally sound and well kept. 2. The building's placement is compatible with area residences. 3. Foundation work is professionally done. 4. Aesthetically pleasing landscaping is provided. While a firm determination cannot be made in regard to property valuation consistency, the City can take steps toward providing an assurance against neighborhood depreciation via its performance standards. Building Code Requirements. As a condition of CUP approval, the subject structure must comply with the applicable requirements of the State Uniform Building Code. This item should be subject to further comment by the City Building Inspector. Structure Occupancy. Section 20-19-2.E of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that a relocated structure must be ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. This item may be of particular relevance to foundation modification work which may be subject to climatic limitations. Drainage and Utility Easements. In review of the submitted site plan (site survey), it does not appear that any drainage or utility easements exist upon the property. According to Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance, easements a minimum of 10 feet in width should be provided along rear and other lot lines for drainage and utilities. The City Engineer should provide comment in regard to the need for easement establishment. Well/Sewage System. According to the information submitted by the applicant, the existing drain field upon the subject lot is failing and needs to be replaced. While the submitted "site plan" (Exhibit C) does not identify the site's sewage treatment system location, septic tank and drain field locations are illustrated upon an alternate plan provided by the applicant (Exhibit D). The City Engineer should provide comment/recommendation in regard to well and sewage treatment issues. Building Height. Within the combination R-2/Shoreland Zoning District, no single family residence may exceed two and one-half stories or 45 feet. The proposed residence conforms to the maximum height requirements stipulated by Ordinance. Moving Permits. Prior to relocation of the single family residence, the applicants should provide proof to the City that the move will be performed by a mover licensed by the State of Minnesota and that all applicable State requirements have been complied with, including all necessary local permits. The applicants must also notify the City of the route and exact timing of the move. E Driveway. Generally, the relocated residence is to overlay the footprint of the site's existing structure (manufactured home). As such, no change to site vehicle ingress/egress will occur. Existing Structure. As a condition of CUP approval, the site's existing strucure should be removed prior to occupancy of to the relocated building. To ensure compliance with this requirement, a posting of a security will be necessary. Performance Security. The Zoning Ordinance states that a performance security for relocated residential structures must be provided to ensure compliance with the conditons of the conditional use permit. The security should be in an amount equal to the Zoning Administrator's estimated costs of labor and materials for the proposed development (may be handled in stages). The security should be approved by the City Attorney prior to building permit issuance. CONCLUSION Based on the preceding review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditonal use permit subject to the conditions listed within the Executive Summary of this report. PC: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andrew MacArthur Jerry Olson Bob and Dianne Cederberg G EXHIBIT A SITE LOCATION ��• �0 � 5 ♦ J 9 6 ' Isom 17 16 uttOT D 20 2 N.E. 90th STREET 14001-.70 1 #lo» /,070 #loco #loco #lo.o pa" Hoao A #laic 5 7 6¢ 5 4 4 R OTSEGO ACRES 2nd 6DITI N 1 z 2 3 2+ 1 OUTLOT A z ...a -b _ ? Z »"->o - W 300' OF #j010 >- N.E. 89th ST. n�» � 107 poo - ow -30-304 1 O t1TL.OT A OTS( 3 14'1 N.E. n3 »,•-'° ACRES 1rt ,,ao 021.0 02W 9 U07 -3o ,, oso 15 ADDITION 1 stDq = D ITI O N Is010 's"-70 027 Ocala p- iR U O 1191 1 0 f4M f,o w 6 f40» f-aaa /) 4 W7 8 5 1400 3 2 1 W ta.l §OTSE�G04 ACRES z n�» � 107 115 12 13 14'1 N.E. 26 ,alto 2 021.0 02W 9 12, 8 fa97o ,a°w f:oao 7 6 5 1 stDq D ITI O N »,ago 14 p- iR R #sola R 034 1 R holo 1 - �41i_3o EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATIOP 5 N.E. 88th ST. l� 4 14 13� 12; 1191 103 0 8 7 6 5 4 na•aa ta.l pas° � Q p,w 3' pa» -PON / /10/0 - f7aw fy 5.715-3a 91"-70 #,1170 03120 #71,0µ,o0 fso» ----------------------= - ,7010 n,o-3o 3! 6 Q poll2 3 4 6 7 1 2 R :•::: ..::.::::::.: ,talo R R RR1 ll - N.E. 87th ST. 2 R s ,0 n 17 f„» 4 #l,eo f� 2 - #031 16 z 15 f G 13 12 ? »,. 7a 01+00 f201303 ,201401 f4P11 Lal Z #l,a 16 4 ,w„ 8191-30 #law 1 flaso ,ta.a Ila" - O n F2A 3 5 6 7 � o 1 I n I I R #sola R 034 1 R holo 1 - �41i_3o EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATIOP H F- Q � � 1 � G J 0 � 1 a Z W 1 � b 11 1 b ' 0 01 14-11 2 r J; r. � . , X ,I f 7,wo", .. LiJ X01 °1 Lin- 1 ``.' {` �;e/ 4•D c cc 6P6 IPb .,° t o;o! �°°- OL 1111 �� 1 L fe ei 101 H � 1 � G � 1 1 � b 11 1 b ' 0 01 14-11 I r J; � cM A u1 ,I f 7,wo", X01 °1 Lin- ``.' c cc .,° t OL 1111 �� 1 ., 101 H 1 � b 1 b ' 0 I r J; f ooi H 00 e } c -re,. Z-2 �e- rt EXHIBIT D - WELL/SEPTIC LOIATIONS 11� 0 or O fb CP 4 EXHIBINP� FLOQR ALAN 4o CP I � o y V s of Xh ,401103S Ma-liqa - =1 1181HX3 N 7 '11 0 i 1 rAN C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING DESIGN • MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis 28 September 1995 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance Sign Regulations 176.08 - 95.22 At the direction of the City Council, our office has prepared a draft amendment to the City's sign regulations intended to address construction and real estate signage requirements. Specifically, the attached amendment would accomplish the following: 1. Make an allowance for construction signs in all zoning district as exempt signs (sign allowed without a permit). In recognition of typical sign setbacks, the amendment would allow larger signs along principal arterial streets (the Highway 101 and Interstate 94 corridors). 2. Amend the real estate development project sign requirements in residential districts to allow larger signs along principal arterial streets. 3. Amend the commercial/industrial district sign. requirements to: a. Establish a maximum sign height for real estate signs. b. Make an allowance for real estate development signs (currently allowed only in residential zoning districts). For your reference, text changes have been highlighted (shaded). Prior to public hearing of the amendment, this material will be discussed informally at the forthcoming 18 October Planning Commission meeting. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING PUBLIC, CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE SIGNAGE REQ S. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-2-2.S of the Otsego City Code (Definitions) is hereby amended to define the following term: Section 2. Section 20-37-3.A of the Otsego City Code (Exempt Signs) is hereby amended to add the following: ..... ... :. ..::.:..... ......... <•:}i}; ;: .\:..::::::: :::::: ::: }. ... .. ....... rY.:::�..: .:.i:.::;:::yai:piiii>':i?;•ii:L:.Y;:n::ii;i'iY::.::.ii:: :!i;i'i •iY :. .: .:'::::.;:� .:;:, ,'<'%?v+'> :��' �:��: st cti© g s ,. u�at...... oxo cine ui a �€ ............... .......::.:.::...... ,.. �.: >fc . i .:tea.:. :: a�a'etiavi se:;a>gay exci.:.:.......::... 1J . Y .f 'ry :; • ':. .\ M fil}h ...,...... E .h g xce g ab g x c ...... st w e <- kits exp: styouf spar fe a�r�a ardie 5}eteghtt Section 3. Section 20-37-5.B.3 of the Otsego City Code (Residential District Sign Regulations) is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Real Estate Development Project Signs. Signs involving temporary identification of a new subdivision or development located upon the project site. a. Each subdivision or development shall be allowed the following signs by permit: (1) One (1) sign not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in surface area and a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet, 0CLY (2) Directional signs as authorized by sub -section 5.B.4 of this Section. b. The permit shall be renewable annually and conditioned upon documentation allowing such sign or structure by the property owner upon which it is to be located, and a vacancy rate of the subdivision greater than ten (10) percent. Section 4. Section 20-37-5.0 of the Otsego City Code (Commercial/Business and Industrial District Sign Regulations) is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Commercial/Business and Industrial Zoning Districts as defined by Section 50 of this Chapter. 1. Signs as permitted in Agricultural Zoning Districts. 2. Real Estate Signs. Temporary signs pertaining to the lease or sale of a property or building with the following restrictions: a. No more than one (1) double sided sign allowed per lot or per building for sale. b. The sign area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet of space on each side. C. The sign shall not be illuminated. +iiif;:;?iY•iiX.•?;.;.;i:: :4i:' . `,iiX?::«: <};ii:6:?.iii}ii}:•i:' :.i• '•i:•:v:{?^:Oi':: � .,'':v: : ;?ryi:::}:s;:?.:::. :::ii::Y:yi:. }i:::::: . ........................::::::::::v:....:::::v.'v:::::•.::::::.:::::....::::•:•Ib:•:ti??'i4}: ' .Y•i;.xi:Y.+,n'^.....Y' •(:ti?f :4iii}i::{•Y.{: iti?; ':SY iii •: ,: :}'iti• }iiiii i;ii:?6ii:?ry:? : Via# estate De�eopraeleotitsnsvc�vng txeaap r�a:w six o cle�eIpp�ntcate e ::.: '.:.i: /.::•:.Y.:?•1•:.:.iii:. .+i:•i:•i:tii:: :{•i:;:';ii' is•:::?•:•i:•i:ti;;.;yu;�.';;i:?.. ;.:.:•. }::: :•:•::::;::? c ef:•i:;:i•::•:}.:.::y. .�..: ..:: ?.�;. ?i' :?:;i:-ii:.'?!•F•: suidxx�xon dv.tt�i.#t..b ap..e.... sgpsy..n€tt.' !}i:;:^:?•: ni: :......;..i:: ?.?i' Si:i.:Y.?v'•Y!Li?i.. ��J {��.p► Q�•�.:??�✓}?�} � �© s�rc,.aana,,and::at..naxtruegbt.:o`.�£tean..:i.; 2 :nx.:..... ':;o-:vcr ;;:o -r :::.«;::;: �..::;;::.: :•:.::•: •;:;;;;+:......ax+.+.>04 kl'ePt: 4910"tlt 7g' l n bx l ► :.. sib b :pex s tae xeewer�:ad cv�d ...r. ... x .........: ...,:: .. .. su xcme g n t i ( 3, .pe a.. Business Identification Signs. Total sign area shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total front building facade except that both front and side facades shall be counted on a corner lot. Signs chosen to comprise the total gross sign area shall be consistent with the following provisions: a. Freestanding. Not more than one (1) double sided freestanding sign. Sign area may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. b. Wall, Canopy or Marquee. Not more than one (1) wall, canopy or marquee sign per building. However, on corner lots, two (2) such signs shall be allowed, one (1) per street frontage. Individual sign area shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. C. Advertising messages shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25) percent of any freestanding or wall sign. f Business Area Identification Signs. One (1) sign for each primary entrance to the qualifying area from major collector or arterial streets and consistent with the following provisions: a. Total sign area, including the sign structure, shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet with a maximum height of twelve (12) feet for freestanding signs. b. Each property owner and/or tenant of the area identified shall be permitted space upon the identification sign for the name of the business only. 3 C. Signs shall be located on outlots of sufficient size and area to accommodate them. A landowners or tenants association or other legal mechanism binding the properties or businesses involved shall own and be responsible for the upkeep, perpetual maintenance, taxes, insurance, utilities, and other costs associated with the sign(s) and the outlot property. The association rules or by-laws or other legally recorded document shall specify how the aforementioned sign responsibilities will be delegated and paid for. Such legal document shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. d. Outlots for signs shall be considered and planned for at the time of preliminary plat application and be included in the final plat. The subdivision development contract between the City and the developer shall specify the designated use of the outlot, its ownership and the respective land owners association responsibilities regarding the outlot. e. Signs shall be located not less than five (5) feet from a property line. f. Lighting of signs shall be permitted, provided that glare or light from such lighting does not illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings, structures or public rights-of-way. The electric costs and maintenance of such lighting shall be the responsibility of the land owners or tenants association of the area identified by the sign(s) and shall be clearly noted in the association by-laws or rules or other such legal document. g. The outlot area around the sign shall be landscaped in such a manner to accent and enhance the sign while remaining sensitive to the natural features of the site. Detailed site and landscape plans shall be included with each sign permit application and be subject to City Council review and approval. h. The design and construction of business area identification signs shall be done with the highest quality materials and workmanship to keep maintenance and upkeep costs to a minimum and to minimize the potential for vandalism. Business area identification signs are to be aesthetically pleasing when designed and constructed. The sign shall be compatible with nearby or potential homes and other structures in the area. Detailed construction plans and a materials list shall be included with each sign permit 4 application and shall be subject to City Council review and approval. L The City reserves the right to require the removal, at the owner's expense, any sign when the requirements of this Section are not completely followed and adhered to or if the sign is not properly maintained or falls into a state of disrepair. The City shall not have any obligation or liability to replace any sign when removed by the City. i Message Signs. Temporary message signs, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet on each side may be allowed by temporary permit under the following provisions: a. Message signs may be illuminated, but flashing signs are prohibited. b. Electronic changing message/reader boards are prohibited. C. A temporary permit shall be valid for a period of ten (10) days and no more than three (3) permits per property shall be granted during any twelve (12) month period. d. In the case of a business center where two (2) or more uses are located in the same structure or on the same parcel of land, that center shall be considered one property. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this ' day of 1995. CITY OF OTSEGO M ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 5