09-20-04 PCSEP.16.2004 11:58AM N0.930 P.2/2 ITEM 3.1 Hakanson 1-111 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., Inc. Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:7631427-0520 64 0 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Commission From: Ron 'Wagner, PL, Otsego City Engineer cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, Couri & MacArthur Date: September !6, 2004 Re: Status of CUP — T-Mobile/Charter During the past month I have met several times with Charter and T -Mobile representatives on the Charter Communications property. The 8 poles have been removed and locates for small utility lines has happened. Qwest lines are very close to the surface S" to 20" due to earlier attempts by city crews to rectify the sight line issues. Qwest lines will need to be lowered which may require a separate contractor from the earthwork contractor. Today I spoke with Jeff Peterson of T -Mobile and he stated he was having discussions to have Qwest or T -Mobile's contractor to lower the line so earthwork can be completed. He did not have a timeline of when this work would be completed. 07-46 d-Mun=cipal �� Engineering Land Surveyingfor I; Ci:Munlai pqJ\Aoisego2xxx\2500\2004\ot2500pc, doe ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersic�bnacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT -addendum TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Remington Coves; Preliminary Plat 14 September 2004 176.02 — 04.10 ACTION DATE: 18 October 2004 CITY FILE: 2004-47 The application of Otsego Development, LLC for rezoning, planned unit development — conditional use permit (PUD -CUP), preliminary plat and final plat approval of Remington Coves was tabled at the 7 September 2004 Planning Commission meeting. New information concerning the proposed development is outlined herein. Please refer to the Planning Report of 2 September 2004 for complete background and analysis of the overall project. The 40.38 acre subject site is located east of the Zimmer Farms development between 67th Street and future 70th Street within the west sanitary sewer service district. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The proposed subdivision consists of 70 single family lots and 43 "bayhome" dwelling units. Exhibits: A. Revised Site Plan B. Landscape Plans ANALYSIS 69th Street. The preliminary plat has been revised to provide 69th Street with 60 feet of right-of-way as recommended by the City Engineer. The street design is now consistent with the Engineering Manual. The setbacks of the buildings along 69th Street are also at least 30 feet from the right-of-way for the single family dwellings and 25 feet for the bayhome units. Bayhome Access. Access to the bayhome units is provided by two connections to 69th Street. The private driveway within the bayhome area is designed with a 28 foot wide section and concrete curb, except for the driveways accessing the individual garages. There are 23 guest parking stalls designed along the private driveway, one more than the one-half stall required by the City. We further recommend that one side of the private driveway must be posted as a fire lane to ensure adequate emergency vehicle access. Bayhome Designs. The applicant has previously submitted illustrations and floor plans for the proposed 43 bayhome dwellings. As discussed, the location of the buildings on the site plan is off -set to provide viewsheds to the front and at least one side of the living space for each dwelling. Based on these factors, we would consider the proposed 10 foot setback between buildings to be reasonable. It is necessary to adjust the site plan to improve the location of Building 15 which is setback deep between the adjacent dwellings. Landscaping. A landscaping plan has been submitted. The plan details appropriate types, sizes and quantities of proposed plantings for the site and foundations within the bayhome area, the required bufferyard along 70th street, the homeowners maintained outlots and streetscape trees within the single family area. The landscaping is attractive and appropriate for its various purposes. Park and Trail Dedication. The site plan illustrates a 0.9 acre area at the center of Block 3 identified as "park". This area is not intended to be dedicated to the City, but retained and controlled by a homeowners association. The designation of this parcel must be changed on the site plan, preliminary plat and final plat from "park" to an outlot designation. Outlots A, B and D are trail corridors extending between the north half of the subdivision oriented to 69th Street and the south half of the subdivision oriented to 67th Street. Outlot A is to be eliminated, while Outlot B is to be increased to at least 30 feet wide. Outlot B and D be dedicated to the City as public corridors without credit for park and trail dedication as these trails are required to in place of streets to provide necessary neighborhood circulation. 2 The site plan illustrates sidewalk on at least one side of all streets. The meandering pattern of the sidewalk is consistent with the concept plan illustration, but not as extreme. Except in the bayhome area, no sidewalk extends out more than 20 feet from the right-of-way. The sidewalk on the south side of 69th Street must be extended to connect with Marlowe Avenue and 70th Street at the plat boundaries. Also, the sidewalk within the bayhome area would be anticipated to be maintained as a private trail. Easements will be required over those sidewalks extending beyond the public right-of- way. A trail will also be constructed along 70th Street as part of a public street project. Preliminary/Final Plat. The applicant has submitted a preliminary and final plat based on their site plan. The site plan attached hereto includes revisions based on initial comments by City Staff and additional changes will be required based on the recommended conditions of approval. The Planning Commission may recommend approval of the preliminary plat with conditions. The Subdivision Ordinance does not require the Planning Commission to review final plat applications, so we recommend that no specific action be taken on that part of the request. If necessary, the City Council can approve the preliminary plat with conditions while tabling the final plat until all of the necessary plans have been finalized. Construction Plans. The applicant has submitted construction plans for the proposed subdivision detailing proposed grading, street construction and utility connections and met with the City Engineer to discuss outstanding issues. These plans must be revised to include changes already made to the site plan based on Staff comments and any conditions of approval. The construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION Our review of the Remington Coves Preliminary Plat and the additional information provided is that the proposed development is consistent with the City's comments on the concept plan. The proposed subdivision is also consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the intent of its development regulations where flexibilities have been requested. Therefore, we recommend approval of the applications as outlined below: POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map Amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-6 District based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C7 B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the action would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan as the proposed use does not conform to required development standards. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD -CUP and preliminary/final plat for Remington Coves subject to the following conditions: Permanent roadway easements shall be recorded over Outlots D, E and F which are to be owned and maintained by a homeowners association. 2. A temporary roadway easement shall be dedicated over all of Lot 11, Block 5. 3. The provision of a 20 foot buffer required around delinated wetlands and private driveway crossings of wetlands in the bayhome area is subject to approval by the City Engineer. 4. One side of the bayhome common private drive shall be designated and posted as a fire lane. 5. The preliminary plat shall clearly delineate the required front setback from local public streets on all single family lots with a dashed line. 6. The minimum setback between buildings within Outlot C shall be 10 feet. 7. The location of Lot 15 within Outlot C shall be revised to provide view sheds to the front and one side of the dwelling unit. 8. The preliminary plat shall provide a minimum 5 foot setback between the foundation of the bayhome units and unit lot line within Outlot C in accordance with Section of the Building Code. 9. Scaled elevations for the proposed bayhome units shall be submitted to confirm compliance with the maximum 35 foot building height allowed in the R-6 District. 10. The applicant shall specify exterior building materials and not less than four color packages for the bayhome units. No color package may be used for more than 30 percent of the total units. 11 11. Park and trail dedication shall be a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $2,820.00 per dwelling unit, or the current fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 12. The sidewalk on the south side of 691h Street shall be extended to the plat boundaries. 13. The sidewalk within Outlot C area shall be maintained as a private trail. 14. Outlot A shall be eliminated from the preliminary and final plat. 15. Outlots B and D shall be dedicated to the City as public corridors. 16. The park parcel identified on the site plan shall be designated as an outlot to be retained by a homeowners association. Documents providing for the ownership and maintenance of the outlot shall be submitted and are subject to review and approval of City Staff. 17. All rights-of-way, street designs, street names, grading plans, utility plans, easements and construction documents shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 18. A 20 foot sidewalk easement shall be recorded at the front of those lots where sidewalk is to be constructed. 19. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City, subject to review and approval of the City Council. 20. The applicant shall revise the submitted preliminary, final plat and construction plans in accordance with these conditions approval, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 21. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the proposed development does not conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and/or Engineering Manual. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Jeff Bock Rick Harrison John and Karla Kolles ------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- . . . . . . . . . . . ......... MMpppp MM MiBSEM H-aiii g 113.1 9aa. a as ------------- - ------- - ------- - - e --- diiiddY:dd ----- Cis= MMM ." . . . ..... ... . .... ... ........... . i's ;-Ss::zxzvv ss2mlz9vsz sal �igl#t dcwi Wlmmm H 1; _IUM _a_l ---------- - ----------- - :: ...3".....":-_......33......53_x.3................ 150 to esssaaasaaaaaa h -, I`I9�S3CJ a%IV 3dViXX�V� WX&V W NMJhM IVW-LM "24 W KWA AMI N mamadaa W Awl N!N 5411 i'/ 1TNd LN ll w QN 3d"15&,Vl 0' . w AlXlaedd 311 51 W'W S u N" 3aaxrnm WI 'P94,10 3/'07 NOIQNIW3?7 1N3NXI'f3�30 �fV. W5 3lli1 1?3'OMd LM azuae .waxwui YO/I/6 N7SW1 33ci r `M MWWrM vZv I W h 0 N m F m x W 0 jil k, fls 1 9 a oZ W z � LU �N N i� ul - WLLI Mu € 4 N Z � ��� �LLI ����ON !Wy 6 00ppSSSS��CCC��[ cOO�Q N � 2 ZN Q y�N NSN�� � � �6NN�p� ITEM 3.3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersa,nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: APPLICATION: REPORT: NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Holiday Gas; Outdoor Sales 14 September 2004 APPLICATION: 1 September 2004 176.02 — 04.27 CITY FILE: 2004-18 The Holiday convenience store located at 9025 Quaday Avenue is requesting an amendment of its PUD Development Stage Plan to allow outdoor sales and display of water softener salt and firewood. These uses have already been established on the property and were administratively noticed to the property owner as a violation of the conditions of PUD Development Stage approval outlined in the findings of fact adopted by the City Council on 22 December 2002. The subject site is zoned PUD District. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The PUD District for the Waterfront development is based upon the allowed uses and performance standards of the B-3, General Business District. Convenience stores are allowed in the B-3 District as a conditional use subject to 16 requirements listed in Section 20-77-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance, including: 13. No outdoor storage, sales, service or rental shall be permitted. 0 Deviation from the requirements of the B-3 District for uses within the Waterfront PUD District is only appropriate if the action is consistent with the intent of the City's adopted standard and results in a superior development in form or function. Our opinion is that nether of these criteria are met in this case and that allowing outdoor sales at the Holiday store would give it an unequal competitive advantage over other existing or future convenience stores in the City. C -Stores. Convenience stores have evolved from neighborhood garages where you could buy a gallon of gas to stores where you go to get gas and buy a gallon of milk. The consumer goods orientation for these uses is reflected in the contemporary site and building design for these stores. Research of other surrounding communities suggest that some limited level of outdoor sales is becoming incidental to these operations for items such as water softener salt, windshield washer fluid, firewood, and even yard mulch. The B-3 District does allow opportunities for uses other than C -Stores to have outdoor sales by administrative permit. The outdoor sales is limited to not more than 10 percent of the area of the principal building, must be located near customer entrances and is to be included in the calculation of required parking. The Planning Commission must evaluate whether the City's current performance standards for C -Stores should be modified to accommodate outdoor sales at the Holiday station and at other existing or future C -stores within Otsego. To this end, there are several regulatory issues unique to C -store uses to be considered in relation to outdoor sales: ■ Sale goods. ■ Seasonal sales. ■ Size of sales area. ■ Location. ■ Vehicle parking/circulation. ■ Pedestrian access. ■ Height of sales goods. ■ Screening. Site Plan. Holiday has located three pallets of water softener salt adjacent to the west side of the three interior pump islands under the canopy. There is also a container on the south side of the building for displaying firewood. Based on the approved site plan, these locations would not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian circulation, would meet required setbacks and be appropriately limited in area. Further review of potential outdoor sales at Holiday should be subject to the specific performance standards that the Planning Commission would develop allowing this activity for other existing or potential convenience stores within the City. 2 CONCLUSION The proposed allowance of outdoor sales at the Holiday within the Waterfront PUD is appropriate only if the same opportunity is allowed other existing or future convenience stores in Otsego. In recognition of industry changes and allowances for outdoor sales for other commercial businesses, some limited opportunity for outdoor sales at convenience stores should likely be accommodated. However, there are issues in allowing outdoor sales for convenience stores based on their unique operational characteristics that must be addressed If the Planning Commission is inclined to accommodate an allowance of outdoor sales at C -stores within the City, we recommend that an amendment of Section 20-77-6.D.13 of the Zoning Ordinance be initiated. City staff will prepare a more complete evaluation of the issues outlined above related to outdoor sales at C -Stores and draft language allowing this activity as part of the conditional use standards. If the Planning Commission goes forward with further study of outdoor sales for convenience store uses, we recommend that the public hearing specific to Holiday be continued. It would be expected that Holiday's request for a PUD District amendment would be subsequently evaluated upon any standards that the Planning Commission develops as a result of its further study. Holiday can continue their current activities until the Planning Commission makes its recommendations to the City Council on the issue of outdoor sales at convenience stores and at the Holiday store specifically and the City Council takes final action. A. Motion to continue the public hearing and direct City Staff to prepare additional information related to outdoor sales at convenience stores. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the intent of Section 20-77-6.D.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The outdoor sales shall be removed from the property within 15 days of City Council action or be subject to citation as provided for by Section 2-5-3 of the City Code. C. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan amendment subject to the following conditions: The outdoor display of goods shall be limited to those areas identified on the site plan and shall not exceed an area greater than 10 percent of the gross area of the principal building or 200 square feet, whichever is less. 2. The outdoor display of goods shall be located immediately adjacent to the principal building, or under the canopy not to exceed a height of three feet above the adjacent grade. 3. The outdoor display of goods shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicle circulation or encroach into required setbacks. 4. Outdoor displays shall conform to all building and fire codes. 5. The outdoor display area shall be included in the calculation of required parking spaces for the subject site. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, Owner Mark Rouse, Manager 4 m x z no to q A OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD "g PA@RMAP DATA PROVipgo By Ho nson Weil? 1-218 A.S$'C%,, no. PREPARED OCTOI$ER 2001 Now _1 . , TvMIRININ .......... ....... ., ... I _ ��� J �I � II A A•� RE PAN_a�i�� i■■i ���t.� C �ONE �I 3801S 330WANOO i� 'ti a �oo.ywr�wiun,n � �i Dry a 0'999-333 .� rc HSVM aVF 13'OS M'£ n a.c 03SOdONd ,s2 N C --i--- ` ------._-'",'D d. AVM 3N0 »B 6&i _---___ _---_--- Ali (JP, -ON "Hb"�"�� 3N amen b,.4SsUud ITEM 3.4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(:ainacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 15 September 2004 RE: Otsego — Riverwood National; Detached Townhouse Plans FILE NO: 176.02 — 03.22 BACKGROUND A condition of final plat approval for Riverwood National is that the design and construction plans for the detached townhouse dwellings are subject to approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Representative exterior elevations and floor plans for the sales models to be constructed for these dwelling units have been submitted. Exhibit A: Dwelling Unit #1 Exhibit B: Dwelling Unit #2 ANALYSIS The proposed dwelling units have approximately 1,300 square feet of living area on the main level. Optional porches and lookout or walkout basements substantially increase the amount of living space within the dwellings to approximately 2,600 square feet. The dwellings feature attached 24.5 foot x 20.0 foot garages for parking automobiles, with an additional 22.5 foot by 8.0 foot area accessed by a six foot wide overhead door for golf carts. The overall square footage of the attached garage is 670 square feet. This exceeds the minimum square footage requirement of 480 square feet for garages attached to single family dwellings. 0 40 The exterior of the dwellings feature brick wainscoting on the front fagade and around the main entry on the side of the dwelling. All other areas are finished with vinyl lap siding or vinyl shakes. We recommend that the brick wainscoting be extended between the front line of the garage and the main entryway and at least four feet along the non - entry side of the garage. The vinyl shake siding should also be used in all roof gables. These changes are consistent with the City's requirements for similar structures in other developments, most notably Kittredge Crossings. Because of the unique orientation of these dwellings to a golf course, both ends of the dwelling should receive "front" treatments including a brick wainscoting, window shutters and landscaping at the foundation corners. The builders must also specify color packages. At least four color packages should be identified with no single color package used for more than 30 percent of all the dwellings. CONCLUSION Our office recommends approval of the plans for the detached townhouse dwelling units in Riverwood National, subject to the following stipulations: Brick (or stone) wainscoting is to be provided: a. Along the side elevation between the main entry and front line of the garage. b. A minimum of four feet on the side elevation opposite the main entry. C. On the rear elevation of the building. 2. Vinyl shake siding is to be used within the peaks of all gables. 3. Shutters shall be provided for windows on the rear elevation of the dwelling. 4. At least four color packages shall be identified with no single color package used for more than 30 percent of all the dwellings. 5. A unit landscaping plan shall be submitted and is subject to City Staff approval. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Tim Rochel Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur Chris Bulow 2 Aoronoor ao� o3ndm ao 3arn s, ai Nouru13s3ud3a oN NpvnalsNw rmur awana 03a1n03a SLV3nlsnMr ao 530//M/0 .Wv bOJ ]166Md5]a ]B dNr SNOLO-Ql s NH SM'Li0 llr OBYB-C2C-(SYL)%Yt Irw-S3C-(CW.)HQ NJ3NJ 15111Y Sa01JraLAJ-ans ONr "SL31lddn5 M6CS N11 '� "'N ON'dV4iHSNM✓0Id3.3153w'W`JNaIaW003rad NN3 r wJ3NNM01-5301.032P.M3 JNtLIYNQ 'CJNOH AOiA7duy ,OIs4Q 11II ,336 SMI !lp1f3 .W3A3 7 0 ld3JN03 ,1530 Sar soN.xnla 3s3r1 5,054/10 a0 Sa0aa3 a03 SJd3JMO.O NOJSnl XIOXD w .wIIdsNVeY3a ON S/d3J�1' y�3 wOLSnO XpaO `r� 30,10, IV103as AB Ama 'o 0 W ^ N 2 M T 0] O Q O a N T� -' z W r ONlIOM / 0 9 _ O I I NOM oil I y Rs� ------------- I oorzo 1'o/o-rzo I I o vy� � I 9Z I 2 2 I �� YE YX _ ?• Y g ® `dda Mir C o/ofz o� J o � Lel ®�� Y J " O .100Mo •I � 9 W aooN m yll d J U o Q N O O do T N •i 0�C .Y -,B f -,Y ,9-,Z .L -,L m 8-,r c "' Illo� j m ti •n •��� il�ol zS m i � I O\1i.9-.L O/O f O i� Z T a •^� = 1 NSYAP�_-;JARTn.h 4 fL ("dw SY3MY NOww00I W O 3sN0 "NOM cs n+ ® V 2 I Z 3dAl ,Z/1 301AOMdl III p 9C0 -1H 'FIR 1 45 o: W �� flu III z� °2 u sw l g I � VIII Ma No oo.�xo.s t t—ia P.0 0.8x0,91 I I ~ I I � i W ��€� i •7i OR � ai ti—N021� ' 0 i ,0. 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PROVIDE ENERGY NEE1 O ALL ROOF TRUSSES AS REO'O PER SECTIONS 10 12 10 ANO ELEVATIONS VINYL SIDING NNYL SiDINC 12 NNYL SIDING IGHT ELEVATION 1/B•-1•-0• ON S A ROOF VENTS AS REO'O. ASPHALT SHINGLES ICE @ WATERSHIEID 15y FELT PAPER 12. OSB SHTH'G. AIR CHUTES EA. TRUSS ALUMINUM SOFFITS /FASCN VINYL SIDING HOUSEWRAP 25/32' Br -RITE SHIN'G. 2xII STUDS I I6' O/C RI9BATT INSUL 1/2" GYP.BD. VAPOR BARRIER 2x6 TRT'O. SILL w/ SEALER ANCHOR STRAPS/BOLTS O 6'-0' O/C GRADE FOlMIDATION GRADE FOUNDATION DAMP PROOFING 20.6 CONC. FTG. CROSS SECTION A I/4--1'-D- SHAKES ROOF REAR ELEVATION ,1 ><E EXHIBIT A-4 NOIElII VINYUTE WINDOWS SPEC'D. VERIFY ALL XXX ( K LOi !, Rlu' R.O.'D w/SUPPLIER Blx 4 c4 SRIEET 4 of y' u! N410„L CADD FNE /04317 _ AJYanJJr and mnem ao 3TM s m Np}YIN3S3 SIN ON NJNJdO S3 J 3 A 9 40d mal/1O3a SiN31LLS11lY1Y a0 S3ONMVJ ANY aa.I 3a➢SNJdS]a 36 aNr nNNSNana mn swt3a rn orw-cac-(cW�xr rrro-sac-(ae/aa N.11 ,� saotJYatNN j aNY Ya3nddw '0C99 � '�.• m.N S31�IIOH 1�IOS�I t��ri�H a3N 3N! 'AJYaOJJY aO! om sw 3c J 001 n!^S ]'N 1Iw6 aF�Rf SttYt ONY SM'Id 153N1 JNIalj (INY JWNJIS3O 3OM1 N33B SMI laJif3 AN313 -WO Jd3JNOJ NJI53p 9NLIlY8Q A N9LFYQ 3aY sauarao 3s3w sNo�MJ ao saoaa3 aaf S.Ld9�N0� iYO�LSII� XIO}!J p tL9dSrvOdSla Ory SIdTJJY SLd3Jra1J ,10,51IJ .paJQMI :3JLLON 7MO3d5 ;A8 zTna co�N l jg� M Ir uu r I m �ZZp MSUW d� i .o DD a W � W W , til O'd J � �iii o.. � i M Cd e co�N l jg� M Ir uu r I m �ZZp MSUW d� i DD a W W , til O'd co�N l jg� M Ir uu g, I DD a W W , til O'd J � �iii o.. • • H I I aNn a z I o,Y I � OYZO � I I � YLO I .1008 JOOa I I I � I I � I I I c M >ci �I in 7 y 9Z I � n � � O I'" c I 5 N •I I I• og �}y� N JN ' �C r � i i 'aaiw/'Hrn i c C lJ — ®�N Y � •� � I� N ,a y O a •i c ti OV OOOH /30NYa __ _ vil oma' Q "� J a v' v O tt M1b u53ssfwo •i O C f -,B —J t -,t 9-Z -9 f-9 m ^ ; oar rnJ 7M dooa� ry0o, ®� d cod, 'Ns 3 I (d.W Sm3 No KOSd a III I M. -lH I � �I • �o Qs Vi III u u ,I I �' I I OIII �/ i Illi IOOa I I Tw f! 8 Z I I I I n Z ,9 • 10/12 ROOF / ROOF vlxr's As REo'D 10/12 ROOF �y� 10/12 ROOF PITCH BREAK NOTEII! � �Y PROVIDE ENERGY HEEL 11 10 8/12 ROOF r1� 12" O ALL ROOF TRUSSES 10 t0l to AS REO'D PER SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONS VINYL SIDING VINYL SIDING 0� STEP MK./KNEE WALL PER GRADE FIELD PERRY LEFT ELEVATION v6• -G• NOTElH 10/12 ROOF .i SEE PAGE /3 fDR �! 4 SEASON PORCH PLAN CHANGES ,_iL AND ELEVATIONS g 25/32" BALD -RITE 11/2" TNERW R 10) APPLIED RIOR OF RI JOIST, w/SNEATi OVER. U0) APPLIED o RIOR OF RIM JOIST' w/SHEATHING OVER. 23 32" BALD -RITE 'G. RIM JOIST DETAIL 1/2"-r-0" ® CANT -D. FLOOR (RIO lh 25/32•. SILD-RITE SHM'G. 1 •THERYAK R APPLIED O OF RIY OVER.JOfST. EAiHWG OVER. RIM JOI TETAIL 1/z-1'-0• STANDARD (w/R1 INSUL.) --VINYL SHAKES j---6" WRAPPED 1 FRIEZE BD'w VINYL SHAKES X10/12 ROOF VINYL SIDING ✓l C 4 L oc7 K CJ4t tYi�+.�-ctit REAR ELEVATION$ U JOISTSIN IO THERMAK UL + SHTH'G. AT ETER O RIM AREA(TYP.) HT . /4) 2x10-14' TRTD DECK LEDGER VINYL SIDING ICE @ WATERSHIELD VINYL SIDING wNn slaNc 15 FELT PAPER SI EP &X./KNEE 1 2. OSB SHTH'G. MALL PER GRADE AIR CHUTES FA TRUSS FIELD VERIFY B IGHT ELEVATION vg=I-D ALUMINUM SOFFRS NOTEIII SEE PACE /5 FOR 5/BY.R..4..B. O CLG. .i/IIEI�! 4 SEASON /FASCIA PORCH PLAN CHANGES AND ELEVATKMJS :�— F"� -LN• ES 0 to TRUSSES O 24. O/C NN�, ROOF VENTS AS REO'D. ASPHALT SHINGLES ICE @ WATERSHIELD 15 FELT PAPER 1 2. OSB SHTH'G. AIR CHUTES FA TRUSS B INS GOWN DISIIIADOW ALUMINUM SOFFRS 5/BY.R..4..B. O CLG. /FASCIA GYIDER ROOF 1/2 S.R. w/Y•B. O WALLS TRUSS (3)9 1/4- M.L VINYL SIDING = hUSH STAIR INFO. A�UNj �• HOUSEWRAP 2s/32' BUD -RDE SHTH'G. 2x6 STUDS O 16" O/C (3 g)2x1 ANGERS JIT• GYP.BD. MISUL HARRIER 1.8 RISERS VAPOR 314' T&G SEE MY DETAIL SHE. /5 2,6 TRT'D. SILL w/ 9 I JOISTS O 9'o,. C. SEALER ANCHOR STRAPS/'8MT5 -p O 6•-0" O/C \ 2.4 STUDS = c O� OWP PROOFING Rtl F.C. BATTS I I � 20x8 CONC. FM TG FIRE POLY �m EXHIBIT B-4 3 2 sue - GRAIN TILE NOTEIII 6.M POLY DRAIN Til£ VINYLDE WINDOWS - FML AS REQ'D. SPECID. VERIFY ALL R.O.L �PPLIER rRncc ci7rTinn) "Al !YY>" t� STEP BLK /KNEE 30 x30 IY - 24- CANT ABOVE WALL PEk GRADE CONC. C. FIELD F- U ZERO CLEARANCE GAS FIREPLACE N {I-F,-U,T, FAM. �u FRAME WALLS TO c sp _YY�L_ 42 -HIGH w/WD. I O > ry 1 CAP rr SOFFIT OVER ¢ OF 5/12 O n o '-� 1: 6%'''1'1�� •e 'o VA LT - ---- v L2DI��' JUT m0 1.. 1,',',`•4'l�-a v LIVING ruLFR''ALF HGH.I" I P VIDE,1f30I 'C I z" ATX IN5Uc ,6 FRAME WALLS TO 6x6 SO. COLUMN % 4'S6ASON,PgRC)f' , 42- HIGH w/WD. w/tx TRIM(SEE SEC.)CAP. SOFFIT OVER n (J)9 1 {" N.L. 10'-6/LONG KI- ------- 6x6 POST ON L J J'-{- 4'-10- 22- WALK -OUT IL- J3030•x12•. 2x6 STUuS I ' -O f0'-0' .-0 CONC. FIG' 9._9, 12* -0'1c.6- HAiF HCH. Sc.12` BLK. I 12"-0- MSTR. Z zoxe Frc_ 5 IBxiv „$ Dec..K v�No I 6x6 S0. COLUMN— NOTE!!1 `v` I I W/TLuH511'Tnm HOLO FLOOR JOI TS W I I FRAME WALLS TO- IM'1/2- R7 THERAUX "' d I 1 41- HIGH w/WD. . . INSUL. + SHTH'C. AT I I CAP k SOFFIT OVEF ENTIRE PERIMETE O RIM AREA(TYP.) --- - I _.-_ (SEE OETAII SHT . f1) I STEP BLK /KNEE WALL PER GRADE FIELD VERIFY 4 SEASON PORCH PLAN v4• -I• -O 4 SEASON PORCH FOOTING PLAN v4' -1-o- 1273 SO. FT MAIN LEM ,41133 0. . FT. hW10 PORCH IGHT ELEVATION I/B--I•-D- IND REELSSESCl1UN5 LEFT ELEVATION 1/6•-1•-D- �,FF -- CONC. FTG. COLUMN FOOTING DETAIL -0" O 24. O/C 016* 0/C PROVIDE R30 Fr. BATT WSUL O 4 SEASON PORCH �A--.ND-:TlEV4TfOND.l ENEROF -D PE ROOF VENTS AS REO'D. ASPHALT SHINGLES 10 ICE h WATERSHIELD -� IS/ FELT PAPER 1/2. OSB SHTN'G. AW CHUTES EA TRUSS ALUMINUM SOFFITS /FASCL4 r„I-lwfL- M 25/3Y BILD-RRE SHTH'G. 2x6 STIaS O 16- O/C R19 F.C. BATT WSUL 1/2” GYP.BD. VAPOR BARRIER 1/4- Y.L. DROPPED BEAM POST x46` 11 11�— 24'x24 x 12' SHAKES CONC. FTG, CROSS S CTION B 1/4 -G REAR ELEVATION U JOISTS IN RIO THERYAXUL + SHTH'G. AT ETER O RIM AREA(TYP) HT . /4) EXHIBIT B-5 NOTEIII V1NWIF WINDOWS SPEC'D. VERIFY ALL R.O.'a w/SUPPLIER XXXX K4i.5Rf' CC SREET c OF 5 Lor Y. BLKv enix