10-18-04 PCOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 18, 2004 7 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Roll Call: 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1. September 20, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting. Note: The procedure for the Public Hearing is written on the back of this agenda. Thank you for turning off your pagers and cell phones. 3. Planning Items: PUBLIC HEARINGS: Continued from September 20, 2004: 3.1. T -Mobile USA: A. Consider revocation of the CUP to locate wireless communications Antennas upon an existing communications tower. Continued from September 20, 2004: 3.2. Holiday Gas Station: A. PUD Amendment to allow outside sales and display. 3.3. Brad Paumen's application for Norin's Landing: A. Rezone property from A-1 to R -C Rural Cluster Development. B. Preliminary Plat PUD -CUP for development of 18 single family Lots. C. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Private Recreation Facility. D. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow mining for excavation of materials to create a 6.74 acre pond. 3.4. Robert Fields application: A. Conditional Use Permit for a multi tenant automotive and retail center (former Tom Thumb Site). 3.5. Otsego Heritage Commission: A. Consideration of designating the McDonald/Peavey House As a Heritage Preservation Site. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business. 4.1. Site and Building Plan Review for Long Haul Trucking Expansion. 4.2. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. 5. Adjournment by 10 PM. Due to the General Elections, the November 1, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting has been cancelled. The next Planning Commission Meeting is Monday, November 15, 2004, 7 PM.