02-07-05 PCITEM 3-7 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersranacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition REPORT DATE: 3 February 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 10 January 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.02 CITY FILE: 2005-02 BACKGROUND Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation has submitted plans for development of up to 188,736 square feet of office -warehouse uses divided between five principal buildings on 10 acres located at the northeast corner of 70th Street and Kalland Avenue within Kittredge Crossings. The subject site is guided for office/warehouse uses by the Comprehensive Plan and a PUD District approved on 12 May 2003. Applications for development approval within the Kittredge Crossings are processed as amendments to the original PUD Development Stage Plan approved with the PUD District. A final plat is also required to subdivide the subject site, which is Outlot G of Kittredge Crossings, into five lots. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Landscape Plan D. Building Plan E. Preliminary/Final Plat F. Grading Plan G. Utility Plan H. Lighting Plan I. Sign/Trash Enclosure Details ANALYSIS PUD Master Guide Plan. The PUD District anticipated development the subject site with multiple tenant office, warehouse, showroom, assembly and processing uses as allowed within the B -W, Business Warehouse District of the Zoning Ordinance. The five proposed buildings are suitable for the purposes intended by the PUD District with ownership to be legally divided as condominiums between as many a 72 individual suites. Although more typical of multiple family or townhouse residential uses, condominium ownership of commercial or industrial building space is a growing development trend in the Twin Cities region that provides opportunities for small businesses that would otherwise lease. To facilitate the proposed ownership arrangement, a management association must be established for the overall site that is to be responsible for all exterior building maintenance, approval of any exterior architectural modifications, landscaping, snow clearing and regular maintenance of driveways and parking areas. Building Design. The overall appearance of the buildings is very attractive with exterior facades primarily of precast, integral color concrete panels with smooth and ribbed texture for variation and detail. Additional sections of the building feature an EFTS wall treatment with cornice detailing and there are faux balconies and French doors at the corners allowing for additional detail and reducing the horizontal mass of the building. Second story windows are provided with a divided pane look. Buildings 1-4 have a ground floor area of 24,576 square feet and Building 5 has a floor area of 16,432 square feet. An additional 12,000 square feet of mezzanine office space can also be added within the project to suit occupant needs. The buildings are 24 feet high to the top of the parapet, which is within the 35 foot height limit of the PUD District and B -W District. Landscaping. The landscape plan submitted for the proposed development continues the streetscape plantings provided for by previous Kittredge Crossings developments and the PUD District. Additional plantings are to be installed behind the streetscape plantings in the green areas between the buildings and Kalland Avenue as well as small shrubs and trees at the building foundations and within the parking area. A green area that is 65 feet deep (45 feet deep if proof -of -parking stalls are constructed) is provided along the east plat line, which will likely screen the rear of future commercial uses on the abutting property. The overall mix of plantings, species and plant sizes are appropriate and consistent with the requirements outlined in Section 20-16-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Requirements. The proposed site plan is subject to the lot requirements outlined below. All of the lot requirements are met, although it must be noted that Lot 4 does not meet the minimum lot area or width requirement. Given that the overall site plan meets these requirements plus maximum building coverage, setback and off-street parking requirements, we do not consider this to be an issue for a PUD District. 2 Min. Min. Max Setbacks Lot Lot Bldg. Office 70 St. Kalland Ave. East Wetland Area Width Cover 105 Floor 72nd St. Required 2ac. 200ft. 30% 65ft. 35ft. 1Oft. 40ft. Proposed 10ac. 397ft. 27% 81 ft. 43ft. 100ft. NA Access. Access to the subject site is provided off of Kalland Avenue and 72nd Street. There is generally one shared driveway between each building, although all of Building #1 shares access to Kalland Avenue with the south side of Building #2 to provide proper setback of the curb cut from 70th Street. The location and design of the proposed accesses is consistent with the requirements of Section 20-21-4 of the Zoning Ordinance and the Engineering Manual. The applicant has been made aware that these accesses will dictate the location of driveways to Outlots H and O to the west of Kalland Avenue. Access and parking easements will be required across all five lots due to the shared arrangement for site circulation. Off -Street Parking/Loading. The calculation of off-street parking required by Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance is shown below. Use Floor Area Gross 90% Requirement Required Stalls Ground Office 23,347sf. 21,012sf. 1 stall / 200sf. 105 Floor Warehouse 93,389sf. 84,050sf. 1 stall / 1,000sf. 84 SUBTOTAL 189 Mezzanine Office I 12,000sf. 107800sf. 1 stall / 200sf. 54 TOTAL 243 For the purpose of calculating required off-street parking, the applicant assumes that the building occupancy will be 20 percent office and 80 percent warehouse/showroom. On this basis, the build -out of the ground floor area will require 189 parking stalls. Full build -out of up to 12,000 square feet of mezzanine space will require an additional 54 stalls. The site plan provides 185 parking stalls, which is four less than required by the Zoning Ordinance. Furthermore, we believe the applicant's estimate on the division between office and warehouse space is overly conservative with regards to the amount of office floor area, which will significantly affect the required number of parking stalls. We have also raised the issue that the supply of parking stalls in single rows between buildings 1- 2, 3-4 and 4-5 is inadequate to provide convenient access for anticipated parking stall demand. To address these concerns, the site plan illustrates an additional 98 parking stalls along the east edge of the parking area adjacent to a 28 foot wide aisle to provide back -out space along this main driveway (24 feet is typical). These stalls are intended to be proof -of -parking stalls not constructed initially but which the City can require to be built in the future if it determines the need. A condition of approval will be added that City staff will monitor build out of the buildings and any future change in occupancy to ensure that an adequate supply of parking stalls is provided at convenient locations as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Potential loading areas for the warehouse space within each suite is provided by nine foot by nine foot overhead doors that can be installed if required by the individual occupant. The loading area is accessed directly from the parking area drive aisles by a 9 foot x 21 foot apron. The dimension of the apron area is adequate for an extended cab pickup with eight foot bed (but not a crew -cab pickup with an eight foot bed) or commercial/passenger van. Larger commercial trucks would likely have to park parallel to the building in front of the suite during loading. All of the parking stalls are designed to a 9 foot by 20 foot dimension, setback at least 10 feet from public rights-of-way and accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles. The design of the parking area is consistent with the requirements of Section 20-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. The exterior elevations illustrate proposed 30 square foot wall signs for individual tenant bays above the suite entrances. Two wall signs are also shown for the end units, which would typically only be allowed for corner lots or facades facing a public street, but may be allowed under the PUD District given the unique orientation of these structures. These wall signs are otherwise consistent with the allowances of the Sign Ordinance provided that the total area of all signs on a single building fagade does not exceed 15 percent of the area of the fagade. Monument type signs are proposed to the west of the five buildings as business identification for various occupants, with one sign for each half of a building. The signs are setback 10 feet from the public right-of-way as required by Section 20-37-2.E of the Zoning Ordinance. The sign structure is 9 feet tall with a sign area to be constructed with a brick base and stucco finish to match the principal building. The sign area is approximately 24 square feet. The height and area of the freestanding business identification signs is within the allowances of Section 20-37-5.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. However, the Zoning Ordinance limits the number of freestanding signs per property to one. The number of proposed freestanding signs is likely appropriate due orientation of the buildings and access locations, to provide direction to patrons of the individual businesses within the project and the reduced scale of sign height and area. Also, an area identification sign is proposed at the corner of 70th Street and Kalland Avenue. The design of this sign is consistent with that of the five business identification signs. The height and square footage of the area identification sign is larger at approximately 10 feet tall and 78 square feet, respectively. These measurements are consistent with the allowances of Section 20-37-5.C.5 of the Zoning Ordinance. The sign is also setback 10 feet from public rights-of-way. Site Lighting. A lighting plan has been submitted for the proposed development indicating the type of light fixture, location of fixtures and illumination pattern of all site lighting. Proposed fixtures are a shoe -box design with 90 degree horizontal cutoff to minimize sideways or skyward glare. Pole mounted lights do not exceed 25 feet in height. The light from sources on the site does not exceed 0.4 foot-candles at the east property line or 1.0 foot-candles along the public right-of-way. The lighting plan is consistent with the requirements of Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. M Trash. The site plan illustrates four 192 square foot "oversized" enclosures for trash containers located at the east edge of the parking lot. The enclosures are to be constructed of rock -face concrete block that match the color of the principal buildings. The trash enclosures meet the requirements of Section 20-16-15 of the Zoning Ordinance which requires any exterior storage of trash containers to be within such enclosures for commercial and industrial uses. Park Dedication. The application for the 8th Addition involves approval of a final plat triggering park dedication requirements. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires commercial developments to provide 10 percent of the gross area of a parcel to be platted for park and trail purposes or payment of a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $7,000 per acre. Kittredge Crossings met 43.5 percent of the required park dedication with the first addition final plat, leaving 56.5 percent to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land in effect at the time of final plat approval. The park dedication fee in lieu of land for the 8th Addition is as follows: $7,000/ac. x 56.5% x 10.0 ac. _ $39,550 Utilities. The proposed buildings are to be connected to municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities. A shut off valve for water service to each individual unit will be required. Also, where more than one unit is served by a sanitary sewer service, all maintenance and cleaning shall be the responsibility of the maintenance association. Based on an estimate of 4 RECs per acre, the proposed use would utilize 40 RECs of sanitary sewer capacity. The City has a current reserve of 1,028 RECs in the west waste water treatment plant for commercial and industrial uses (based on 175 gpd./REC). As such, there is adequate capacity to serve the proposed development. City staff will evaluate allocation of sewer as tenants are identified and the interior of the buildings finished out. Grading Plan. A grading and drainage plan has been submitted for the subject site. The grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The subject site is currently platted as an outlot with overlying drainage and utility easement. A public hearing has been scheduled for 28 February 2005 at the City Council meeting to consider vacation of the easement. In that the purpose of the existing easement will be satisfied by drainage and utility easements to be dedicated with the proposed final plat that are subject to approval by the City Engineer, the vacation is appropriate. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City as a condition of final plat approval and provide all fees and securities required by it. The development contract is subject to approval by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition is a positive addition of commercial office/warehouse space within the west sewer district to expand opportunities to establish local business locations. Moreover, the proposed development is consistent with requirements of the PUD District and Zoning Ordinance. As such, our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTION A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat of Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition subject to the following conditions: A management association shall be established for the overall site that is to be responsible for all exterior building maintenance, approval of any exterior architectural modifications, landscaping, snow clearing and regular maintenance of driveways and parking areas. 2. Cross access and parking easements shall be recorded for all five lots subject to approval of the City Attorney. 3. The site plan illustrates 98 off-street parking stalls as proof -of -parking to be constructed as directed by City staff upon their determination that a need exists to provide for a required number of stalls in accordance with Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance or additional stalls at specific locations within the overall development based upon individual suite occupancy. A security for construction of the proof -of -parking stalls shall be provided until such time as the interior space of all buildings has been issued certificates of occupancy, but the requirement to construct the proof -of -parking shall continue without expiration and apply to any future change in use or occupancy in accordance with Section 20-21-4.D and E of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. A shut off valve for water service to each individual unit shall be provided and where more than one unit is served by a sanitary sewer service, all maintenance and cleaning shall be the responsibility of the maintenance association. 5. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $39,550 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements for the proposed final plat. 6. All grading, drainage, utilities, construction plans and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. m 7. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City approved by the City Attorney and record the final plat within 60 days of approval in accordance with Section 21-3-3.D.6 of the Subdivision Ordinance unless extended by the City Council. 8. Comments of other City staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District. C. Motion to gable. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Lucinda Gardner Brian Johnson 7 NAC, ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD s� �n bft $ eg lag; a si J. uls PUZL \ d .u" - C,-. 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ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial and Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council NO.05u P.1/5 Review No. 1 cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lucinda Gardner, Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. Brian Johnson, P.E., Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent Larson Date: February 2, 2005 Proposed Development: Kittredge Crossings Phase 8th Addition Street Location of Property: A portion of the south Y2 of Section 26, T121 N, R24W, 124.3 acres, north of 70th Street NE, west of LeBeaux Avenue NE, and east of Kadler Avenue NE. Applicant: Lucinda Gardner Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation 3025 Harbor Lane, Suite 317 Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 553-9972 Developer; Darrel A, Farr Development Corporation Owners of Record: Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation Purpose: A proposed commercial/industrial development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies; (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required (but not limited to): NPDES Ma01\Shared 0ocs\MunIc1paAAotsago23xx\230j\ot2301RVW1.doc FEB. 2.2005 12:40PM TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET OVERALL PLAN STREET PLAN AND PROFILE SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER DETAILS GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION \\Ha01\8hared 13ocs\MunlolpalWotsego23xx\23011ot2301 RVW1.doc N0.052 P.2/5 FEB. 2.2005 12:40PM N0.058 P.3i5 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Existing Conditions and Boundary, dated 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc, Kittredge Crossings Final Plat, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition Final Plat, sent 1/10/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc, Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, revision 9/8/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plans for Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition, 1/10/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Construction Plans for Kittredge Crossings Bt" Addition, 1/19/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings, 12/12/03 revision, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc Revised Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings Pond 7, 1/22/04 revision, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc Revised Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings II Pond 2 and 2A, 10/11/04 revision by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. P.U.D, Master Guide Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Phasing Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Illustrative Site Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003. MN201\Shared Docs\Munlolpal\Aotsego23xx\2301\ot2301RVw1.doc FEB. 2.2005 12:41PM FINAL PLAT N0.058 P.4/5 1. Drainage and Utility easements are needed over all shared sanitary sewer and watermain and must cover each hydrant. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET 1. No comments, EXISTING CONDITIONS (SHEET 2) 1. The legend does not match the plans. 2. Label the width of the streets surrounding Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition. 3. Label the size and invert elevations for the sanitary and storm sewer for the utilities surrounding Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition. PRELIMINARY PLAT (SHEET 3) 1, See Final Plat comments. SITE PLAN (SHEET 41 1, If the depicted parking stalls on the east side of the parking lot are intended as overflow use, surmountable curb and gutter is needed along the eastern edge of the parking lot. GRADING AND PAVING PLAN (SHEETS) It is unclear what the smaller pair of darkened squares near all the catch basins represents. Please clarify, 2. There is no fall around the radius of the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1. Please revise spot elevations to depict fall around the curb and gutter. UTILITY PLAN (SHEET_6� 1. The hydrant coverage is insufficient. Minimum hydrant spacing of 300' must be maintained in commercial/industrial areas. The eastern halves of Lots 1- 4, Block 1 are not covered. 2. 20' of DIP out of the upstream side of sanitary sewer drop manholes is required. 3. 900 bends in the watermain and hydrant leads must be made using two 450 bends, (Ex the hydrant at 715 Street NE and Kalland Avenue NE, the furthest south hydrant) \\Ha01\Shared pocs\Munlclpal\Aotsego23xx\2301\ot2301RVW1.doe I FEB. 2.2005 12:41PM DETAILS (SHEET 7- 81 1, No comments. LANDSCAPE PLAN (SHEET 9) 1. See City Planners comments. STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS 1. Submit for review. N0.058 P.5/5 HYDROLOGY REPORT 1, The Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings 8th Addition was submitted and accepted with Kittredge Crossings Phase I & II. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. No comments. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Comments remain regarding the construction and grading plans associated with this final plat. We recommend these comments be addressed prior to approval. \\Ha01\Shefed Docs\Munlcipel\Aotsego23xx\2301\ot2301RVW1.doc ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(ci,nacpla nning. com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Kittredge Crossings 7th Addition REPORT DATE: 3 February 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 20 January 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.03 CITY FILE: 2005-01 BACKGROUND Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation has submitted an application for PUD Development Stage Plan approval for Kittredge Crossings 7 h Addition to construct 108 residential dwelling units. The proposed dwelling units consist of 42 twin homes built by Kingman Homes Company as the second phase of the same structures of Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition and 66 back-to-back townhouse dwelling units built by L.A. Donnay Homes, Inc., which are the second phase of the same or similar structures of Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition. The subject site is guided for a mix of residential, commercial and industrial uses by the Comprehensive Plan and a PUD District approved on 12 May 2003. Applications for PUD development stage plans and final plat approval within Kittredge Crossings are processed as amendments to the original PUD Development Stage Plan approved with the PUD District. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. PUD Master Guide Plan C. Final Plat D. Landscape Plan E. Building Elevations ANALYSIS PUD Master Guide Plan. The PUD District anticipated development of row townhouses in the area of the 3�d Addition and twin home portion of the proposed 7th Addition ranging in density between four to seven dwelling units per acre. The overall density of the 3`d Addition and the twin home area of the 7th Addition is 5.4 dwelling units per acre consistent with the PUD Master Guide Plan. The PUD District guided development of mixed lifestyle townhouse dwellings in the area of the approved 4 Addition and back-to-back townhouse areas of the proposed 7 t Addition with a density of eight to fourteen dwelling units per acre. The density of the 4tn Addition and proposed 7th Addition to be developed with back-to-back townhomes is 11.0 dwelling units per acre consistent with the PUD Master Guide Plan. Building Design. The exterior design of the proposed twin homes and back-to-back townhouses is to be the same or similar as the structures approved with the Kittredge Crossings 3rd and 4th Additions, respectively. The proposed twinhome buildings are single story structures. Each unit has a two car garage with some of the units having side loaded doors to avoid facing the private drive. Section 20-16-4.B.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that each garage be at least 480 square feet. The exterior finish of the buildings is all vinyl horizontal lap siding, with decorative shutters aside some windows. The approval of these structures with Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition required that the materials be revised to specify a vinyl shake shingle design material for the gable roof sections of the building to provide variation in the facade's appearance. The proposed back-to-back townhomes have four, eight or ten units per building. The dwelling unit plans approved as part of Kittredge Crossings 4th Addition included only buildings with ten dwelling units, each with approximately 2,000 square feet of floor area. The builder must specify if there are any exterior differentiations between the buildings based on the number of dwelling units per structure. Allowance of ten dwelling units per building was a major subject of discussion by during the application for approval of the 4th Addition as Section 20-17-10.A of the Zoning Ordinance prohibits more than eight townhouse units per structure to control massing. At the time, the Planning Commission and City Council believed that the site design without the ten unit buildings in a straight line and the building design without a continuous horizontal line at the peak of the roof, and the orientation of the pitched roofs back from the street mitigated the ten unit size of the buildings. These factors are largely evident when the one ten unit building now under construction is viewed in the field and we encourage the Planning Commission and City Council to visit the site. Based on the site design and the design of the proposed buildings, the three additional ten unit buildings proposed as part of the 7th Addition are likely appropriate. The exterior fagade materials of the back-to-back townhouse buildings include brick facing on the garage fronts and low level brick around the unit entrances. Brick was required to be extended to the side elevations of each building as part of the 4th Addition 2 approval as was the substitution of a vinyl shake shingle siding in the roof gables for additional variation to the building appearance. These requirements should be carried forward to the 7th Addition as well. The builders of the twin homes and back-to-back townhouses were required to specify color packages for each housing product. The implementation of the color packages was based on the following requirements expected to be continued over the build -out of all of the dwellings in the approved 3`d and 4th additions and proposed 7th Addition: Twin homes: Four distinct color packages shall be specified for siding, trim, and shutters with no scheme used for more than 30 percent of the exteriors of all buildings. Townhomes: Four distinct color packages shall be specified for siding, trim, and shutters with no scheme used for more than 50 percent of the exteriors of all buildings. Landscape Plan. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan for the proposed 7th Addition consisting of landscaping along public streets and also common area and foundation plantings for each of the development sites. The character of the plan is consistent with past approvals within the PUD District, including Kittredge Crossings 3`d and 4th Additions. The approval of the landscaping for the 3`d addition included the condition that additional shrub plantings be added along the sides of the garage, which is not reflected on the plan submitted with the 7th Addition. We also emphasize that grass must be installed between the driveways of attached units to avoid pulling mulch or rock into the public street or private drives. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The proposed uses within the 7th Addition are subject to the following lot requirements and setbacks applicable within the PUD District. The site plan for the 7th Addition conforms to these requirements. Setbacks Minimum Lot Area/Unit Front Side Rear Between Bldgs. on Private Drives Wetland Arterial or Local or Twin Town - Major Minor Base Lot Home home Collector Collector 65 ft. 35 ft. T 10 ft. 20 ft.20 ft. 25 ft. 40 ft. 7,500sf. 5,000sf. 1. All lot lines abutting a public right-of-way shall be subject to front setback requirements. Access. The various twin home and townhouse dwelling units are accessed by a combination of public streets and private drives. The public streets are consistent with the Engineering Manual as approved with the first addition final plat. Private drives accessing more than three dwelling units have been designed as 28 foot wide sections with concrete curb also as required by the Engineering Manual. Guest Parking. The City requires townhouse developments to provide one-half stall of guest parking per dwelling unit for guest use. A plan for provision of guest parking stalls must be provided for the 7th Addition to verify the required number (54) and appropriate distribution for convenient access to all of the dwelling units. Park Dedication. Land was dedicated to the City with the intial Kittredge Crossings final plat partially satisfying park and trail dedication requirements for the overall project. The balance of the park dedication requirement is to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land determined by the following formula: $2,932/unit x 56.6% x 108 units = $179,227 Utilities. The proposed development is to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service. The MPCA recently approved a reduction in the City's estimate for determining waste water flow from various uses from 250gpd per Residential Equivalent Connection (REC), which is equal to one dwelling unit, to 175 gpd. per REC. The effect of this action is to make available 695 RECs for residential development in addition to the dwelling units already approved. As such, there is adequate utility capacity for the proposed Kittredge Crossings 7th Addition. Construction Plans. Plans for construction of streets, utilities and stormwater improvements have been submitted and are subject to approval by the City Engineer. Easements. The existing outlots to be subdivided into unit and base lots by the proposed final plat are currently overlaid by drainage and utility easement. A public hearing has been scheduled for 28 February 2005 at the City Council meeting to consider vacation of the easement. In that the purpose of the existing easement will be satisfied by drainage and utility easements to be dedicated over the common space outlots of the proposed final plat, the vacation is appropriate. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City as a condition of final plat approval and provide all fees and securities required by it. The development contract is subject to approval by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Kittredge Crossings 7th Addition PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District, as well as the previous approvals of the 3rd and 4th Additions. Our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below. rd POSSIBLE ACTION A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat of Kittredge Crossings 7th Addition, subject to the following conditions: The plans related to the proposed twin home dwelling units shall: a. Provide each garage with least 480 square feet in area in conformance with Section 20-16-4.13.4 the Zoning Ordinance. b. Provide each dwelling unit with at least 650 square feet of first floor area above grade, plus 100 square feet of additional floor area for each bedroom greater than one. C. Specify a vinyl shake shingle design exterior material for the gable roof sections of the buildings. d. Specify four distinct color packages for siding, trim, and shutters with no scheme used for more than 30 percent of the exteriors of all buildings. e. The landscape plan is revised to provide additional foundation plantings and specify that grass is to be installed in the area between adjacent driveways, subject to City staff approval. 2. The plans related to the proposed back-to-back townhouse dwelling units shall: a. Extend brick material to the sides of the building and utilize vinyl shake shingles within the gable roof sections. b. Specify four distinct color packages for siding, trim, and shutters with no scheme used for more than 50 percent of the exteriors of all buildings. C. The landscape plan shall specify that grass must be installed in the area between adjacent driveways. 3. A plan providing for one-half parking stall per dwelling unit for the 3 I 4th and 7th Addition shall be submitted with the location of required stalls subject to City Staff approval. 4. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $179,227 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements for the proposed final plat. 5. All grading, drainage, utilities, construction plans and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City approved by the City Attorney and record the final plat within 60 days of approval in accordance with Section 21-3-3.D.6 of the Subdivision Ordinance unless extended by the City Council. 7. Comments of other City staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Lucinda Gardner Brian Johnson c. CITY OF x0TSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD a NAC BASE MAP DATA PROVIDED BY Hakanson I7 ■ ■ Anderson � � � Assoc.,lno. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. SCALE: N TH CRO_= ;N A0u! ,.+,• 1� Max sau ccNot ,eaoo o w o !� 1 $ V g $ 21116 SW-OOVO'W C) t•� ezoo azeo 68 �8 �n r:w•aoao sm n $ W' ao aleie'W GOF eaou ezoo � rew•auooF uoe•m'ae• c' � � L$ g. �+ rsnao xro•rorooir g€f gg v. R8 pp 8$'y�1 rl%1 a C7 ,esan aroweom-n P 8 ensu - a>ao a>w NJe•DJ'00F NOO'00'C0T NOJ• GD' eneo J.W § Nee•W110F w ' -7 g w 141O0 AW -M 1 pp W 1 g I eeeo nm 1)AJ6 SO1.0771T w. bye oo $ F 4 lip v nu�iTiv,. $ w Q• gA' oE' o� $3e $$ rg g sl 9� °o cs s Q - M r cn la 141O0 AW -M 1 pp W 1 g I eeeo nm 1)AJ6 SO1.0771T w. bye lip v nu�iTiv,. $ w 1 1 V V) M cn la p 8 N �11i 8$Y38 � �F Oy 2 to 416 1--- V V) "J 2 ' u a Nay. eab. d6R�i B car+t�tx sr�� ori c w A Z)= 631 -IS{ -0002 Yn. ra R« t-1 232-I1a Unit A Plant Schedule Om KEY WTNW:.L / COWIION MNIE 92E 3 Sit �Ir... •Ilb. / Jyan. .IYI. IPY« R Cml tnwPM1sp SPYm R Cml e SJv sPY..o pPa.m'N..n hw' / N— Naw 3�« R Oonl 1 n iaw . nwM 'rams• / T—M Yw R CmL J ro awa wNmar wln NWg.0 / NNn WYg.I Pr.arNr R CmL 2 w R CSL C Unit C Plant Schedule OTY. KEY eorurx/NNE — 3 BT w�MCgwSN�lw PTw✓ / ahum PTvnS 0, wry ROM. ] 0. lmlwa /Owl Bpn MawgaWM R CSL 3 .0— SJI SPY— aPa.mliar F1.w' / N— MM 50 2 SP SPaq. P.Yw Tlw IG' / Yw KYn Ilm R Cml r! Cml J TY Tapa • —'T—ad / T-- r.. R C«L 1 WT imw.. nWe'Ta I. / Tamm 4-4 ria ] M %.a xA WW'N NWg.e / NW. a.g.l N..nat.. R C 1. R Cant I PcsNMum TW ` "�u—Nw � ulvnw . t`�lStVl/00d PYO�rSf27fI2fi9NCr3,tK. wiomM/u. gW I Yana « *M Unit B Plant Schedule ON.. IEr WTNSC.I / COYWON NNE sm 1 PN Pa« — %—..l' / A8 MM Span. R O ] L SPY— I.P— R Cmt SPY— 1..- Tl.m flew' / w.m ll.r ]PY.a ] SPY.1"nYPanN. 'sr.�wd / Sw.mw�. yY« R Cmt wnL 2 w sP Srr.Y.. lu. Kw' / Na. pw IJaa R2 rx 1 nT f—.. nr6. TaMaE /Tams Sp..ap Y« J WiP YtlpiiP .piN T+w.' / Pa. NNgw R Cst R Cant R Cml D Unit D Plant Schedule OTC KEY eOTN'a— / CaY011 NNE SOE J 61 6aNa Nr4 q. Wpm `l9./ / 6Yn.a PXwY awGwrl R �L J u O< tNtln gawp ILn.K�3 / N,.,mlqu. s.wn.mml OINW bnbr. /Owl 6.N Mon yptl.. R cmL 02 Cmt ] US*— apSpa / Jopnr .ISI. S.Y« 2O Cml ] SN S w sq'..a H+an.a M— 21pn' / M.m law SgY« Tow [ .wa0 T—ad / T— Y« R cant R C«L 1 nT T— nwa. 'T—W / r b TmL J ro 2 Vf ilw amISslAb tw w�: agwan Nwd /NNW+/ ``m a C�mIL. NOTEL All Shrub Bede to Receive Rock Mulch Shrub Detail r«r.ra f-.. o I Darrel A. Farr Deveropment Corporation 222 x..r 6a.d 2apr, w....gl. ssw Kittredge Crossings 7TH Addition Oa .IAW— X 0' 20' LO' 80' OVX/e5 L sYs 2 - T3 LandscapeDetails LL as aT O ON |g . Fm 11 k - � d � � g d d [ A n.. !!|F!F- (J | ,| g i q • � �, r i9m ADD SHAKE SHINGLE �- Ml lawildroW m t I I I I I r.,till�.t� F•Z m «Q DB }} �s*A7,mma� q � [ / (| \. PARKLAND ESTAT, ES TOWNHOMES \ ' / ST. BOINIFACIUS, MN \\//� /� � « Hakanson 3® Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 ASSOC., Inc. February 1, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Kittredge Crossings 7d' Addition Final Plat Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: We have reviewed the final plat for the above referenced subdivision, and offer the following comments: Final Plat No Comments. Construction Plans The streets and utilities for Kittredge Crossings 7`h Addition are being constructed as part of Kittredge Crossings Phase II. Construction Plans for Kittredge Crossings Phase II, revision 10/12/04, have outstanding comments, dated 12/13/04. Final Plat approval for Kittredge Crossings 7d' Addition shall be contingent upon all of the conditions being met as stated in our review. Grading Plan The grading for Kittredge Crossings 7d' Addition is being completed as part of Kittredge Crossings (I" Addition). Outstanding comments, dated 12/13/04, remain on the Final Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan for Kittredge Crossings. Final Plat approval for Kittredge Crossings 7d' Addition shall be contingent upon all of the conditions being met as stated in our review. Other Considerations The Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings 7h Addition was submitted and accepted with Kittredge Crossings Phase I & II. 2. The Storm Sewer Drainage Calculations and Inlet Spread Calculations for Kittredge Crossings 7 1 Addition was submitted and accepted with Kittredge Crossings Phase I & II. G:\Municipal\Aotseclyo23xx\2300\ot230OReVWI.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 2 of 2 Comments remain regarding the construction and grading plans associated with this final plat. We recommend these comments be addressed prior to approval. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 71 Ronald J. Wer, P.E. cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lucinda Gardner, Farr Development Corp. Brian Johnson, P.E., Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. G:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2300\ot230OReVWI.doc 16 Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Commercial and Anderson Residential Subdivision Assoc., Inc. for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lucinda Gardner, Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. Brian Johnson, P.E., Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: February 1, 2005 Proposed Development: Kittredge Crossings Phase 7th Addition Street Location of Property: A portion of the south '/2 of Section 26, T121 N, R24W, 124.3 acres, north of 70th Street NE, west of LeBeaux Avenue NE, and east of Kadler Avenue NE. Applicant: Lucinda Gardner Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation 3025 Harbor Lane, Suite 317 Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 553-9972 Developer: Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation Owners of Record: Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation Purpose: A proposed multi -family residential development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required (but not limited to): NPDES \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2300\ot2300RVW1.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET OVERALL PLAN STREET PLAN AND PROFILE SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER DETAILS GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2300\ot2300RVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Existing Conditions and Boundary, dated 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Kittredge Crossings Final Plat, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition Final Plat, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Kittredge Crossings 4th Addition Final Plat, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, revision 9/8/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings, 12/12/03 revision, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc Revised Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings Pond 7, 1/22/04 revision, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc Revised Hydrology Report for Kittredge Crossings II Pond 2 and 2A, 10/11/04 revision by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Storm Sewer Design Calculations for Kittredge Crossings Phase ll, 9/24/04 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Inlet spread calculations, 11/11/03 revision, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc P.U.D. Master Guide Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Phasing Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Illustrative Site Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipalWotsego23xx\2300\ot2300RVW1.doc FINAL PLAT 1. No comments. CONSTRUCTION PLANS (Utilities included with Phase II plans) (All comments are the same as Phase II Review #7, dated 12/13/04) COVER SHEET 1. No comments. OVERALL PLAN (SHEETS 1A-3) 1. The NWL and HWL elevations east of Kalland Avenue NE for Otsego Creek have been changed. The elevations for the NWL and HWL should be 936.8 and 942.6 respectively. Please revise. STREET PLAN AND PROFILE (SHEETS 4-12) 1. We strongly suggest short vertical curves be used along private drives where there is significant grade change. 2. Sheet 9, the low point elevation of Private Drive "D" has not been revised in the plan view and at the PVT location in the profile. 3. Sheet 11, the spot elevations behind Lots 2 & 3, Block 12, 6th Addition disagree with the grading of the area. Please verify. 4. Sheet 14 & 15, the watermain stubs located under the bituminous cul-de-sacs must be extended. 5. Sheet 28, the grades of the storm sewer pipe and the inverts do not agree for CBMH 52 to FES G and from CBMH 52 to CBMH 57. Review and revise. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN (SHEETS 13-23) 1. No comments. STORM SEWER (SHEET 24-30) 1. No comments. DETAILS (SHEETS 31-33) 1. No comments \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2300\ot2300RVW1.doc GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLANS (Comments are the same as Phase II Review #7, dated 12/13/04) 1. The NWL and HWL elevations east of Kalland Avenue NE for Otsego Creek have been changed. The elevations for the NWL and HWL should be 936.8 and 942.6 respectively. Please revise. 2. Please add revision dates. 3. The 950 contour is incomplete for the commercial area in the northeast corner of the site. Review and revise. 4. The E.O.F. for Private Drive "D" has been switched to the west side of the street and raised to 954.0. The north end of Private Drive "D" has a centerline elevation of onl 953.9. The garage floor elevations of Lot 1, Block 1, 5th Addition and Lot 1, Block 2, 5t Addition are yet lower at 953.5. Please review and revise. 5. See Street Plans comment #3. STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS (All comments are the same as Phase II Review #7, dated 12/13/04) 1. The CB 1A, Phase 2, time of concentration should be approximately 10 minutes. It is unclear why 30 minutes is being used. HYDROLOGY REPORT 1. No comments. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Please submit latest revisions of Grading and Construction Plans. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Comments remain regarding the construction and grading plans associated with this final plat. We recommend these comments be addressed prior to approval. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2300\ot2300RVW1.doc