03-21-05 PCOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2005 7 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Chair Nichols called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Chair Richard Nichols, Commission Members: Steve Schuck, Jim Kolles, Pam Black, Doug Hackman, David Thompson and Alternate Tom Darkenwald. Excused absence: Tammy Fallon. Absent: Troy Watring. Staff Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner. Council: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner and Jessica Stockamp. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2._1. February 22, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes. Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Planning Items: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3.1. Crimson Ponds West A. Rezoning from Agriculture to R-4 Residential Urban Single Family. B. Preliminary Plat. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Dave Hagan and Bill Scharber, Louck's & Associates, agreed with staff's recommendations and he noted that he thought this development would take three years to build out. Judy Hudson attested that all required noticing, publishing and posting was completed. Russell Langer, 7830 Padgett Avenue, presented a letter he had written opposing turning Padgett Avenue into a through street. Theresa Schmidt, 78`h Street, asked how many homes are going in this development and will she be required to hook up to sewer and water. Mr. Licht replied there are 187 single family homes proposed and explained the City's policy does not require existing homes to hook up to sewer and water. Frank Morrisette, 7460 Odean Avenue, stated concern with the placement of 786' Street. He feels this collector street will create a hardship for future development of his property as no driveway can come off a collector street. Dan Licht explained the alignment of this street will be reviewed and explained staff looks at impact to wetlands, traffic flow, etc. Mr. Morrisette was also concerned with drainage. He has a wetland in the middle of his property and it also eliminates any further access off Odean Avenue. Chair Nichols suggested that Mr. Morrisette work with City Staff regarding the street and drainage issues. Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 2005. Page 2. Kari Kolles, 7801 Padgett Avenue, presented a picture of standing water and stated concern if there will be adequate drainage. She supports Mr. Langer's letter opposing Padgett Avenue becoming a through street. Dan Licht explained Padgett Avenue was designed to be a through street. Gary Kolles, 7801 Padgett Avenue, stated he is opposed to Padgett Avenue being a through street as the trees will be destroyed. He also questioned the sewer and water capacity as there was a watering ban awhile back. Mike Robertson explained the City installed a new well which addressed the water capacity and also approved an expansion to the sewer plant. He also stated that some trees were destroyed to build the homes currently on the end of Padgett Street. Pat Meyer, Odell Avenue, stated concern for Odell Avenue becoming a through street as he feels Odell Avenue is too narrow and doesn't want to be assessed for any street improvements and he has a low area and is concerned water will start collecting there. Dan Licht explained there are no plans to widen Odell Avenue. This development has direct access to Odean Avenue which most traffic will use that access. Staff will review the width of Odell Avenue. He also explained that the development can't increase the flow of water off the property. Ken Nordstrom, Odell Avenue, stated he is opposed to Odell Avenue becoming a through street. Melanie Morrisette, Odean Avenue, stated she is concerned with a collector street going on their property. She doesn't feel it is fair for a few landowners to bear the burden for the developers. Beth Murphy, 7490 Odean Avenue, stated she is opposed to the new collector street as it is so close to her home. Keara Roberts, 7850 Padgett Avenue, said she is shocked that they are building 186 homes in three years and is concerned with the level of police service for the growth and also is opposed to Padgett Avenue becoming a through street. She supports Mr. Langer's letter and she moved to Otsego because it is rural. Dan Licht said the City's Development Policy which suggests a maximum of 400 homes. Mike Robertson explained how the City Council continually reviews police service. Jodi Rosati, 15075 78"' Way, stated she is opposed to Padget Avenue becoming a through street. She asked about park and trail fees and if sidewalks will be extended on Padgett Avenue and she will be assessed. Dan Licht explained the sidewalks won't be extended into the existing Crimson Ponds Subdivision. The City is requesting land from this developer for a park. Chair Nichols asked which direction the drainage flows. Mr. Licht explained water drains south to Lefebvre Creek which is away from the existing developments. Commissioner Hackman asked what the future plans are for this collector street and noted he doesn't like the size of the lots butting up to existing one acre lots. Mr. Licht said the collector street will eventually go west to Mason Avenue. Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 2005. Page 3. Theresa Schmidt, said she lives on Lot 12 and there will be 3 houses behind her. Russ Osterbauer, 7380 Odean Avenue, felt it would have been beneficial to neighboring property owners that they would have been involved from the start of the planning for this subdivision with the developer to address the road issue. Chair Nichols motioned to continue the Public Hearing to April 4, 2005. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. Crimson Ponds North A. Concept Plan for Urban Single Family Development. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Dave Hagen, Louck's Associates, agreed with Staffs Reports. Judy Hudson attested that all required posting, publishing and noticing was completed. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 8:35 PM. Doug Korus, 14556 78b Street, concerned with four lots butting up to his property and would rather see the land turned into a public park. Kathi Lang, 14556 78`h Street, said she has a 1.4 acre lot and is opposed to this development as she doesn't want 4 lots butting up to her property. Shane Duncan, 14624 78`h Street, said he mows and pays taxes on Lot B and hasn't been notified this will turn into a corner lot. He is opposed to this development. He is also concerned with the increase of traffic and drainage problems. Curtis Rieck, 14680 78th Street, asked if his property will be bermed, expressed concern with the drainage from the Knoll property going onto his property, was concerned with Outlot B being turned into a street, some of the lots seem smaller and more narrow than others and will the neighboring property be allowed to split their lots. Mr. Licht explained this is a Concept Plan and another Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat would be held. The City has not received a grading plan but explained that this development can't create a greater runoff than it currently has. Del Hinton, 8045 Ogren Avenue NE, Lot 14. She is concerned with the topography and if ponds will be removed. She is opposed to this development, wants less density and would prefer a park. Doug Korus, 14556 78th Street, concerned about the wetlands and the wild life. Dan Licht explained the developer has to avoid impact to wetlands. Commissioner Hackman asked where will the sewer and water lines come in to the project. Mr. Licht showed the existing drainage way and said the developer will have to buy easements from private property owners. Jane LeVassuer, Ogren Avenue, asked how drainage will affect her property. Mike Robertson said at this time the City doesn't know where the tile lines are. Commissioner Black noted this development will be creating two temporary cul-de-sacs. Mr. Licht agreed but now the City is posting signs at the end of each temporary cul-de-sac saying "future through street". Chair Nichols was concerned with the drainage and that the center part of the property is not buildable. Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 2005. Page 4. Dave Hagen agreed that part of this site will not be buildable and there will be significant grading. Doug Korus, 78`h Street, was concerned with one acre lots surrounding this development. Commissioner Thompson agreed with Commissioner Hackman's comments on having larger lots to blend in with the existing development. Chair Nichols agreed but felt it should still have city sewer and water. Del Hinton, 8045 Odell Avenue, concerned with increase of traffic this development will create. Jane LeVassuer, Ogren Avenue, lives on a curve and has seen many cars go off this curve and into her yard and she is also concerned with sewer going through her property. Councilmember Heidner stated that the City will not condemn any land to run sewer and water through for this development. Theresa Schmidt, asked why she didn't receive a notice of this Public Hearing. Dan Licht explained the process and requirements and noted that she lived more than 500 feet away. Hearing no more public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 9:21 PM. Chair Nichols feels the Planning Commission needs to discuss the density issues. Chair Nichols motioned to table this to the April 18, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting with direction to the developer to use larger lots and a more creative design. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.3. Kittredge Crossing 9`h Addition A. PUD Development Stage Plan for Kittredge Crossing 90' Addition Consisting of 55 townhouse dwelling units. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. The applicant, Lucinda Gardner, agreed with the conditions. Judy Hudson attested that all the required posting, publishing and noticing was completed. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 9:50 PM Commissioner Darkenwald was concerned with the look of the rear of the development. Mr. Licht agreed and has requested the developer to raise the roof pitch and add more color. The applicant agreed with this. Commissioner Schuck suggested breaking the units down to 4 or 5 unit buildings rather than 6 or 7. Ms. Gardner explained this plan is less dense than the original plat and this is the only plan that works with this site. Hearing no public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 9:57 PM. Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend approval for PUD Development Stage Plan approval of Kittredge Crossings 91h Addition subject to the conditions listed in the Planner's Report changing Condition No. 5 to break up the long sight line add architectural interest to the rear of the building and Condition No. 11 to remove the walk outs. Seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.4. Otsego City Campus A. Rezoning from A-2 District to INS (Institutional) District. B. Preliminary and Final Plat. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Judy Hudson attested that all required posting, publishing and noticing was completed. Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 2005. Page 5. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 10:05 PM. Matt Feehan 12868 90th Street, asked about the acquisition of Outlot A of Hidden Creek Trails. Dan Licht explained this Outlot was deeded to the City at the time Hidden Creek Trails was platted. This Outlot is restricted to park use. The back part of Prairie Park property may be developed but not in the immediate future. Mr. Feehan was concerned if there would be more of the Public Works vehicles going down his street. Mike Robertson replied that Public Works will use major roads. Hearing no further public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 10:12 PM. Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend for Zoning Map Amendment rezoning land included within the Otego City Campus Addition Plat from A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service District to INS, Institutional District. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat entitled Otsego City Campus Addition consisting of six lots and one Outlot. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business. A. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. CM Heidner updated the Commission on recent Council actions. B. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda Items by Judy Hudson. Judy Hudson updated everyone on future agenda items. 5. Adjournment by 9 PM. Chair Nichols thanked Commissioner Steve Schuck for his time served on the Planning Commission. Commissioner Schuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM. Richard Nichols, Chair ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.