04-04-05 PCITEM 3-1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition REPORT DATE: 30 March 2005 60 -DAY DATE: 8 May 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.09 CITY FILE: 2005-14 BACKGROUND Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation has submitted plans for Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition. The proposed development consists of 51 single family lots and 55 detached townhome lots on approximately 102 acres located west of the existing Kittredge Crossings development and east of Kadler Avenue. The subject site is outside of the initial phase of the Kittredge Crossings PUD, but was identified on the original concept plan for the overall 320 acre project. The subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The applications being requested include a Zoning Map amendment to extend the PUD District for Kittredge Crossings to include the proposed 10th Addition and a PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Concept Plan C. Preliminary Plat/Site Plan D. Landscape Plan E. Grading Plan F. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Concept Plan Consistency. The original concept plan for Kittredge Crossings anticipated medium and high density residential uses in the area northeast of Kadler Avenue and Kittredge Parkway. The approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment enabling Kittredge Crossings to move forward required that the development plan be revised to provide single family and/or detached townhomes in this area. The proposed 10th Addition is consistent with the direction established by the Comprehensive Plan amendment with proposed single family lots and detached townhome dwellings. The site plan for the 10th Addition does alter the location of the intersection of Kittredge Parkway and Kadler Avenue to a location farther south than shown on the concept plan. This change increases the area available north of Kittredge Parkway to accommodate the less dense development. However, the proposed site plan has both single family and detached townhomes double fronting to Kittredge Parkway inconsistent with the the first phase of the development. The preliminary plat must be revised to eliminate these double frontage lots. A secondary issue that must be reviewed as part of the relocation of the Kittredge Parkway and Kadler Avenue intersection is the extension of streets to the west of Kadler Avenue. The concept plan anticipated two streets west of Kadler Avenue, one to access residential uses and the other accessing industrial uses. Access to Kadler Avenue will be limited to quarter -mile intervals based on the minor arterial classification of the roadway, so the reduction in intersections is not inappropriate. Intersection locations to the uses planned at the northeast corner of Kadler Avenue and 70th Street must also be reviewed to ensure adequate access spacing. Sanitary Sewer Capacity. The City Council has adopted a development policy that includes the statement that the supply of preliminary platted lots within each of the sewer districts is not to exceed the permitted capacity of the applicable waste water treatment plant. This policy was adopted after the City had approved preliminary plats well in excess of the permitted capacity of the west wastewater treatment plant. The supply of preliminary platted lots not final platted in excess of permitted capacity at the west WWTP is acknowledged with the expectation that the various developers will continue to final plat their phased projects until all available capacity has been allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Conditions of approval to this effect were included with each preliminary plat approval and within the development contracts for the first final plat of each development, including Kittredge Crossings. To date, Kittredge Crossings 2nd through 7th Additions and 9th Addition of the first Kittredge Crossings PUD Development Stage Plan have been approved for development with a total of 235 dwelling units. Outlot E of Kittredge Crossings and Outlot A of Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition are undeveloped and designated for market rate senior housing by the PUD Master Guide Plan with up to 240 dwelling units. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and the PUD District for the first phase of Kittredge Crossings also restricted residential development beyond that first phase until the designated commercial or industrial uses were fully developed. The issue for the City was to stage development of the residential elements of the overall 2 project together with the promised commercial development. Outlots H and O, which are guided for commercial/industrial uses remain undeveloped. The developer offers that approval of Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition has two key benefits: Extension of utilities to Kadler Avenue to serve potential commercial and industrial uses within other phases of Kittredge Crossings or adjacent properties. 2. Provides for low density residential development balancing medium and high- density residential uses approved within the first phase of Kittredge Crossings. We would concur with the developer that both of these issues are positive factors to consider in evaluating the request. However, the limit of available waste water capacity within the west sewer district is a paramount concern. As such, we recommend that any approval of the Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition be conditioned upon the developer agreeing to restrict development of Outlot E of Kittredge Crossings and Outlot A of Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition until such time as Outlots H and O have been developed and additional sewer capacity is available for residential uses beyond the current supply of preliminary platted lots not final platted. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1 District. The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to include the subject site within the PUD District established for the intial phase of Kittredge Crossings. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The proposed development is consistent with the uses anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan including the recommendations of the concept plan approval that detached housing be provided in the area of the subject site. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The proposed use is part of a mixed use development master planned to be compatible with surrounding uses guided for industrial uses at the boundaries of the project. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed development will conform to the applicable requirements of the PUD District established for the initial phases of Kittredge Crossings. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed development extends utilities to Kadler Avenue allowing for development of lands guided for commercial and industrial use. The development also provides greater balance in the types of dwelling units available within the overall Kittredge Crossings development. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use will generate additional traffic that is within the capability. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity if appropriate limitations are placed on further residential development within the overall Kittredge Crossings development until such time as additional wastewater treatment capacity is made available to serve residential uses in excess of the current supply of preliminary platted lots. The boundaries of the preliminary plat appear to extend beyond the south right-of-way line for Kittredge Parkway to include undeveloped land and an existing farmstead exception. The Zoning Map amendment will be limited only to the area north of Kittredge Parkway for which development plans have been submitted. Access. The proposed subdivision will have access by an extension of Kittredge Parkway within the first phase of Kittredge Crossings and by extension of 74th Street at the northeast corner of the subject site from Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition. Kittredge Parkway has been designed as a minor collector street to be extended between Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. All local public streets within the development, including 73`d Street, 74th Street and Street A, meet the City's standard requirements of a 60 foot right- of-way with a 28 foot wide street section and sidewalk on one side of all through streets. With Kittredge Parkway being extended to Kadler Avenue, some traffic can be anticipated to use this roadway. Kadler Avenue currently exists as a rural section gravel road. The Comprehensive Plan designates Kadler Avenue as a future minor arterial street between 70th Street and CSAH 39. The preliminary plat must be revised to dedicate 50 feet of right-of-way for Kadler Avenue consistent with its future functional classification. The need to improve Kalder Avenue from 70th Street to the north line of 19 the development and/or payment of road access fees is subject to further comment by the City Engineer. Pedestrian Access. Sidewalks have been provided along one side of all public streets. A sidewalk must also be provided along the one side of the private drive extending from Street A to Kittredge Parkway for pedestrian access. The detached townhome buildings must be setback from the sidewalk 25 feet to ensure safe passage. Single Family Lot Requirements. The table below shows the requirements applicable to the single family lots within the development based on the established PUD District for Kittredge Crossings and the requirements of the City's R-6 District: All of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width and depth requirements, except for Lots 6-13, Block 1 fronting the cul-de-sac at the northwest corner of the subject site. Section 21-7-6.A.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires lots fronting a cul-de-sac turnaround to have a width equal to 125 percent of the zoning district minimum, or 75 feet for these lots. Based on the need to provide additional right-of-way for Kadler Avenue and the City's goal to minimize cul-de-sacs, the preliminary plat must be revised to eliminate the proposed cul-de-sac at this location. The preliminary plat must also be revised to provide a 65 foot setback for the lots backing up to Kadler Avenue. Detached Townhome Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the detached townhome requirements proposed for the PUD District. These standards are the same as were required of Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition under the original PUD District: Lot Lot Area Lot Lot Width Depth Setbacks Front/Side-Corner/ Double Frontage Interior Rear Wetland Side Kadler Kittredge Ave Pkwy./ Local Required 1 9,000sf. 60ft. 120ft. 65ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft 40ft. Proposed I 9,000sf. 60ft. 140ft. 35ft. 35ft 1Oft. 1 20ft. NA All of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width and depth requirements, except for Lots 6-13, Block 1 fronting the cul-de-sac at the northwest corner of the subject site. Section 21-7-6.A.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires lots fronting a cul-de-sac turnaround to have a width equal to 125 percent of the zoning district minimum, or 75 feet for these lots. Based on the need to provide additional right-of-way for Kadler Avenue and the City's goal to minimize cul-de-sacs, the preliminary plat must be revised to eliminate the proposed cul-de-sac at this location. The preliminary plat must also be revised to provide a 65 foot setback for the lots backing up to Kadler Avenue. Detached Townhome Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the detached townhome requirements proposed for the PUD District. These standards are the same as were required of Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition under the original PUD District: Lot Setbacks Area Front/Side-Corner/ Between Wetland Per Unit Double Frontage Buildings Kadler Kittredge Ave Pkwy./ Local 5,00( 65ft. 35ft. 20ft 40ft. The proposed detached townhomes meet these requirements, except that the developer is proposing a 15 foot garage -to -garage setback between the buildings. Kittredge Crossings 5 Addition was required to provide 20 feet between buildings regardless of whether the adjacent space was for living purposes or garage space. We see no reason to deviate from this standard in this situation to maintain desired spacing of the units along the street and recommend the preliminary plat be revised to provide 20 feet between all buildings and maintain consistency with the 5th Addition. 5 Detached Townhome Building Plans. No plans have been submitted for the detached townhome units. The illustrated footprint of the buildings is the same as shown for the same type of unit within the 5th Addition. The developer will have to confirm if the unit construction is the same. The plans submitted with the 5th Addition call for single level, split entry and two-story detached townhome dwellings. The basic floor areas of the structures are 1,027 square feet for the split entry design, 1,234 square feet for the single level dwelling and 1,504 square feet for the two-story dwelling. Additional floor area can incorporated with finished (potential walk -out) basement space and optional four season porches for each design. The attached garage area of the single level and split entry dwellings is 440 square feet with minimum 20 foot width. The area of the attached garage for the two story dwelling is 400 square feet with a 20 foot width. The Zoning Ordinance requires single family dwelling units to provide a minimum area of 480 square feet for an attached garage, which detached townhome units must conform to. The building exteriors of the units approved with the 5th Addition feature distinctive architecture between the three types of units and the single level structures have three exterior appearance options for the front fagade. The materials for the exterior of each of the structure types is a mix of brick/stone wainscoting, vinyl lap siding and vinyl shake pattern siding. These structures were approved subject to the wainscoting from the front of the structure being extended to the sides of the garage portion of each type of structure given the garage -forward designs to improve the curb appearance. The City required the Kittredge Crossings 5th Additions to provide four distinct color packages with no single color scheme used for more than 30 percent of the total number of dwellings within each addition. We recommend the same condition be applied to these structures. Landscape Plan. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan for the proposed 10th Addition that continues the themes of the landscaping within the initial phases of Kittredge Crossings in terms of street plantings. The landscape plan also addresses foundation plantings for the proposed detached townhouse units. Like the landscaping plan submitted for Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition, additional plantings are required around the proposed dwelling units as a condition of approval. The landscaping proposed along Kadler Avenue must also be added to for compliance with the buffer yard planting design standards specified by Section 20-16-9.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Sign. The submitted plans show an area identification sign at the northeast corner of Kadler Avenue and Kittredge Parkway. Plans for the proposed sign must be submitted and are subject to review and approval of City staff prior to approval of a final plat. Exception Parcel. Lot 1, Block 9 as shown on the preliminary plat is an exception parcel at the southeast corner of the preliminary plat. This parcel is to remain in within the A-1 District until such time as development plans are submitted. The A-1 District requires a minimum lot size of 20 acres for parcels platted after October 14, 2002, which the proposed lot does not meet. The exception lot must be increased to 20 acres or the area south of Kittredge Parkway or removed from the proposed preliminary plat. Z Easements. The preliminary plat illustrates perimeter easements for all of the single family lots. and easements. A similar easement is required overlying the common open space between the detached townhomes platted as Outlots A and B, which is not shown on the preliminary plat. An additional 10 feet of drainage and utility easement is required for the bufferyard plantings along Kadler Avenue. The provision of these easements is consistent with Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance and all easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading plan as part of the application. The grading plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. The applicant has submitted a utility plan with the application, which is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. There are 400 RECs available within the west waste water treatment plant for allocation to residential developments. Subject to the issue of phasing of the overall Kittredge Crossings development being resolved, this capacity is adequate to serve the proposed 10th Addition. Phasing Plan. The developer is required to submit a phasing plan for the proposed subdivision, which is to be made a condition of preliminary plat approval and incorporated as part of the development contract. It is assumed that the developer intends to construct the 10th Addition in one phase, but this must be confirmed. Park Dedication. No land is proposed to be dedicated as part of the proposed preliminary plat. The land dedicated as part of the requirements of the first phase of Kittredge Crossings meets the land needs for park facilities within this area of the City. As such, park dedication requirements for the proposed 10th Addition will be met as a cash fee in lieu of land at the full rate per dwelling unit required at the time of final plat approval. The calculation of required park dedication based on the current site plan and current fee in effect is shown below: 106 units x $2932.00/du = $310,792.00 Development Contract. Prior to consideration of a final plat by the City Council, the applicant is required to execute a development contract with the City, provide all required securities and pay all fees. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed use is consistent with the direction established by the Comprehensive Plan and concept plan approvals for this area of Kittredge Crossings. However, significant issues effecting the overall design and function of the proposed subdivision must be resolved prior to approval of the preliminary plat. As such, we recommend that the application be tabled until the issues outlined herein and summarized in the recommended conditions of approval below are addressed. 7 POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Rezoning/PUD Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map Amendment rezoning the proposed plat from A-1 District to PUD District and a Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat for Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts (that includes payment for SAC and WAC fees) to assure the City of timely development. 2. A phasing plan shall be submitted outlining the anticipated final platting of the proposed subdivision. The phasing plan is subject to approval of the City Council, its schedule shall be made a condition of preliminary plat approval, and it shall be incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of a development contract executed for the initial final plat of a phased development. 3. The preliminary plat shall be revised to exclude that area south of Kittredge Parkway east of Kadler Avenue. 4. Development of Outlots E of Kittredge Crossings and Outlot A of Kittredge Crossings 3`d Addition shall be prohibited until such time as Outlots H and O have been developed as designated by the PUD Master Guide Plan and additional sanitary sewer capacity is available for residential uses beyond the current supply of preliminary platted lots not final platted. 5. The preliminary plat is revised to eliminate double frontage single family lots and detached townhome unit lots. 6. Intersection locations to Kadler Avenue between 70th Street and the north plat line shall be determined prior to approval of the preliminary plat. 7. The preliminary plat must be revised to dedicate 50 feet of right-of-way for Kadler Avenue consistent with its future functional classification. The need to improve Kalder Avenue from 70th Street to the north line of the development and/or payment of road access fees is subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 8. A five foot wide concrete sidewalk and five foot boulevard shall be provided along the private driveway from Street A to Kittredge Parkway with abutting detached townhouse buildings setback 25 feet from the interior edge of the sidewalk. 9. The preliminary plat shall be revised to eliminate the cul-de-sac at the northwest corner of the preliminary plat. 10. All single family lots shall conform to the following minimum requirements: Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Area Width Depth Front/Side-Corner/ Interior Rear Wetland Kadler Kittredge Double Frontage Side Local Kadler Kittredge 65ft. 35ft. 20ft 40ft. Ave Pkwy./ Local 9,000sf. 60ft. 120ft. 65ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft 40ft. 11. All detached townhome units shall conform to the following minimum requirements: Lot Setbacks Area Front/Side-Corner/ Between Wetland Per Unit Double Frontage Buildings Kadler Kittredge Ave Pkwy./ Local 5,000sf. 65ft. 35ft. 20ft 40ft. 12. The applicant shall confirm the building plans for the detached townhome units are the same as approved for Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition subject to the same stipulations: a. The exterior building elevations are revised to extend brick/stone wainscoting along the sides of the attached garage. The applicant shall specify four distinct color packages (siding, trim, and shutters) for the proposed buildings, with no scheme used for more than 30 percent of the building exteriors. b. Each garage shall be at least 480 square feet in area in conformance with Section 20-16-4.13.4 the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The landscape plan is revised to provide additional foundation plantings for the detached townhome dwellings the garage side and at the rear corners of each structure, subject to City Staff approval. 14. The landscaping plan for the yards abutting Kadler Avenue shall comply with the buffer yard planting design standards specified by Section 20-16- 9.D of the Zoning Ordinance. 15. Plans for the proposed residential area identification sign must be submitted and are subject to review and approval of City Staff prior to approval of a final plat. 9 16. Outlots A and B shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. These and all other easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 17. All grading plans, utility plans, street designs and other construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer prior to City Council consideration of a final plat. 18. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as the full cash fee in lieu of land per dwelling in effect at the time of final plat approval. 19. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City, provide all required securities and pay all fees required by it prior to consideration of a final plat by the City Council, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 20. Comments of other City staff. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Lucinda Gardner Brian Johnson 10 m W a NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD m Z W o yLL a a in - ggs F O Egoqpg; d § s 6aK 5� eRe free � Rxys` $'sos 8 E. % •bbo .. N �=oR c �5E6 `a asoo t; a.gRa ffi 5_E3 �oFs as a$ 'N' n ses E y $ An £Eg y s Y I F I I o yLL a a in - ggs F O Egoqpg; d § s 6aK 5� eRe free � Rxys` $'sos 8 E. % •bbo .. N �=oR c �5E6 `a asoo t; a.gRa ffi 5_E3 �oFs as a$ 'N' n ses s � £Eg o yLL a a in - ggs F O Egoqpg; d § s 6aK 5� eRe free � Rxys` $'sos 8 E. % •bbo .. N �=oR c �5E6 `a asoo t; a.gRa ffi 5_E3 �oFs as a$ 'N' n ses o�C gd3 R"n �� � S� a zl _ � a Z�da � B y y RH & � A �a 21 yes c k hi q Eq Is -9 G<Y � r rW c<W FY q�u�I ®� Eq Q w l 19 Ell NWA yiyFr Z W'i FG Q�oE 2� AS .K 2 yy� F�� B 7I- L _ N �I yk.Gow� ag ;s, Evergreen Detail Tree Detail Shrub Detail CMI XX How. b.f.. dl,., GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Tail CRY Mw 051-954-0002 .r. Te1I Fr.. I-XDD-ZS]-11X8 Foundation Planting Schedule OIY. 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No�rhwmlWrMa.eN rN�dal-IM W oN.It1. brlpvllM M b. .yarltul. b LarNsp CMbMI.. �t^9 w N -bYW hon (bwa3 Mbre1.. pM w.l.rlN .MNrr0aN M M swp1M sY.s qp.y 4 rpwl- of Dr. tonANw. MMM ., w Lowow- OMbslr - 10 IM sMM1.in «M. W aM/. yuolNlau av wprw201—...9 Dr. oa/mNs 9..N s D. s I w e Kittredge Crossings `�• ..w»4 ���. I p_ tre_ � � �E.,, 10th Addtion °q���' e e� + I (y I ■ Darrel A Farr F�a� ,�wpy,�ew �ISX.TAOI I DFYf IO,N ENi 1:01/ON �iIOR (liII� .9/O/■ 1E961 ry= ti Nall ..W r Iwo.._ .a�..... 3/31/2005 Review of Preliminary Plat of Kittredge Crossing s 101h Addition Kadler Avenue is planned to be a major corridor in the future according to the NE Wright County Transportation Plan. Right of Way should be dedicated in accordance with the plan. This is belived to be 75' each side of centerline. Also setbacks would be 65' form ROW to principle structure. 2. Consideration will need to be given to improving Kadler Ave from the north plat line to 70`s St. The street section would be similar to that placed on Kadler Ave along Riverwood National. Street E cul-de-sac must be changed to continue north to the plat line. Kadler Avenue will be allowed full entrances at intervals not less than'/. mile. 4. 20 lots are shown as double fronted. We recommend changing the plat so no lots are double fronted. No. 986 P.2/4 KITTREDGE CROSSING 10TH PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW 3/31/2005 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 6 OF 8 1. The sanitary' sewer system for this project must be revised to provide for the future service of the properties on the north side of 70'' Street included in the West Otsego Subdistrict W2, A copy of the sanitary sewer master plan for this area is attached. This will require a 12" trunk sewer stub to the south at the elevation and location ( near the half -section line) shown on the masterplan, 2. The sanitary' sewer system for this project must be revised to provide for the future service of the properties included in the West Otsego Subdistrict W3, W4, W6 and W8 as shown on the sanitary sewer master plan. This will require a 21" trunk connection into the 24" trunk sewer at the location ( near the quarter -section line) and elevation shown on the master plan. 3. The 12" trunk water line Is needed to serve the future high density uses planned north of 70"'' street and up to this projects limits along Kittredge Parkway. Revise the route of the 12" trunk water line to follow Kittredge Parkway for all of its length. This should ,be accomplished by tying to the existing 12" water line in 74th Street and then crossing the.site using the easternmost cul-de-sac to reach Kittredge Parkway at Obout 200 feet from the projects eastern boundary. Continue the 12" trunk water to Kadler Avenue and connect to the 16" trunk waterline, Provide 12" stubs to the south at each roadway intersection. 4. Install the 16" trunk water line in the east boulevard of Kadler Avenue for the full property frontage, north and south of Kittredge Parkway, Page I S:\MunfcjpaMoteego22xx12292\KITTRE1:)GE CROSSING 10TH.doc ! 11 F�11A i , ! 02 • - ��,�—•� 1 1 !. !• a !• Id At oja ,- It --_Id- I do v cl r ! Wvi! co + + �• t• P -1 o C ,! 1 =• ! d• ` C ! � • d � r � E' O t, �\ n ! 11 ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone. 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersCcynacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht RE: Otsego — Praught/Linco Fabrication; Rezoning and Preliminary Plat REPORT DATE: 29 March 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 10 March 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.11 CITY FILE: 2005 - BACKGROUND Brad Praught of Linco Fab, Inc. has submitted an application for a preliminary plat and rezoning for a 4.06 acre section of his property to bring an existing non -conforming industrial use into greater compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. The subdivided parcel is to be known as Lot 1, Block 1 Linco Addition. The existing use is a fabrication operation within a 7,200 square foot pole building, which is not an acceptable use within the existing A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District applied to the property. The applicant proposes to subdivide the area of the business from the balance of his residential farmstead and rezone the 4.06 parcel to 1-2, General Industrial District which allows for fabrication operations as a permitted use. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District and does not allow for commercial operations, such as fabrication. Because the applicant currently operates a fabrication operation on the subject property, the site must be rezoned to 1-2, General Industrial District which allows for manufacturing and assembly businesses, such as fabrication as permitted uses. Consideration of the requested Zoning Map amendment is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the site for future industrial uses. The proposed subdivision will have an industrial fabrication business, which is consistent with the future land use plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: Surrounding land uses currently consist of all agricultural -rural service area uses. Although the proposed use will be the only existing industrial use in the immediate area, the surrounding area is proposed to be industrial land uses as designated by the future land use plan. As such, the proposed development will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed subdivision will use will conform to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. Non- conforming site conditions will be brought in greater compliance with anticipated business expansion and site improvements. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: As the fabrication operation has been existence for some time, it is not anticipated to have a negative effect upon the area and in the future it will be surrounded by similar such uses. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic beyond current levels associated with the existing use. 2 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The following table outlines the setback requirements of the 1-2 District and displays the proposed use's compatibility with the requirements. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Required 2 acres 200ft. 65ft. 20ft. 25ft. Proposed 4 acres 380ft. 155ft. 1Oft. 200ft. All proposed setbacks and lot requirements are compliant except for the west side yard setback which is proposed to be only 10 feet. As a condition of approval, the west property line of the proposed preliminary plat must be moved 10 feet to the west in order to comply with all required setbacks. The existing farm building to the west of the proposed lot line is also required to be setback 10 feet from the lot line and there is adequate space to locate the lot line such that both buildings meet applicable setback requirements. Access. The proposed lot will access off of CSAH 37 as it does now, which is subject to approval by Wright County. Future development of the balance of the applicant's property and any further development of the subject site must anticipate alternative access to the site other than from CSAH 37 via local streets. The Transportation Plan anticipates future construction of a minor arterial roadway along the Nashua Avenue/Nabor Avenue corridor, which crosses the eastern portion of the subject site. The proposed subdivision is not expected to have any impact to the future Nashua Avenue/Nabor Avenue corridor as the proposed east plat line is located approximately 450 feet from the future corridor. Building Design. The existing building located on the subject site is a metal pole building and although pole buildings are not allowed as a principal building except for farming operations, City Staff recommends continued allowance of this building as a non -conforming use. Any future expansion be made to be complaint with applicable Zoning Ordinance regulations. Off -Street Parking. Industrial/fabricating uses are required to furnish one parking space for each one and one-half (1 '/2) employees on shift of greatest employment, plus one (1) additional space for each seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet of floor area pursuant to Section 20-21-9.Y of the Zoning Ordinance. The subject site allows for adequate off-street parking, however, the parking area is not paved, striped, nor does it have concrete curbing. City staff again recommends that the application be 3 considered "as is". Any future site improvements and/or additions the parking and access areas will be required to be brought into full compliance with all Zoning Ordinance requirements. Landscape Plan. No landscaping plan has been submitted with the proposed preliminary plat and City Staff recommends that this requirement be waived on account that upon future site improvements or additions, the City will require that site landscaping required by the Zoning Ordinance be installed. Signs. No signage has been proposed as a part of the preliminary plat. Any signs that are located on the property must be in compliance with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and will require issuance of a permit prior to placement on the subject site. Lighting Plan. No lighting has been proposed as a part of the preliminary plat. If the applicant wishes to add additional site improvements and/or additions, a lighting plan would be required at that time. Park and Trail Dedication. Subdivision of the subject site triggers park and trail dedication requirements. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 percent of the gross area of an industrial subdivision or payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at $3,500 per gross acre to meet park dedication requirements . for this project. We recommend payment of a cash fee in lieu of land as outlined below as the Park and Trail Plan does not identify any future facilities in the area of the proposed plat. Cash fee in lieu of land = $3,500.00/ac. x 4.Oac.= $14,000 Grading, Drainage and Utilities. No grading or utility plans have been submitted. Sanitary sewer and water utilities are not currently available to the property. The applicant must provide a survey identifying the location of a separate well and septic system for the proposed lot and use as a condition of approval. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City prior to final plat approval by the City Council and provide all fees and securities required by it. The development contract is subject to approval by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The applicant has provided plans for the preliminary plat of Lot 1, Block 1 Linco Addition to allow for a rezoning of the subject site from A-1 District to 1-2 District. This proposed plat and rezoning is compliant with the Comprehensive Plan in that the proposed site has been slatted for future industrial development. Upon the rezoning the existing fabrication business will be a legal use within the 1-2 District. Although the site and 11 building requirements for the 1-2 District will for the most part not be compliant, we recommend approval of the application. This action will move the existing use of the property towards greater compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and it will be required that future expansion of the business continue to address the various non -conforming conditions of the existing building and site. Our office's recommendation is that the approval includes the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to 1-2 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Linco Addition, subject to the following conditions: The west property line of the proposed preliminary plat must be moved 10 feet to the west in order to comply with all required setbacks 2. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $14,000 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements for the proposed subdivision upon final plat approval. 3. Future development shall anticipate alternative access to the site other than from CSAH 37 at such time as the balance of the property is subdivided and local streets constructed 4. The applicant shall provide a survey identifying the location of a separate well and septic system for the proposed lot and use 5. All grading, drainage, utilities and easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City prior to approval of the final plat subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 5 7. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Rob Wagner Brad Praught 301 J SUBJECT CITY OF X0TSEG0 _+ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD a BASE MAP DATA PROVIDED BY Hakanson As^soc.,Inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. SCALE: m m_ x W 4� of p� 3 j1i 9 g 7y 3� i = �J of Y t 3 ts -41 .asx �N •x�x�rs� X w ------� — ---------L------- A S --esc. s •� s i A.f CIC � �� �/ �� �� I ISP y�.�. � ; �ia.a..• • tP1 a �� aar �� I I I I la i• •� a• a�� r �� � I i9c � go LA ! E f�F5 i l ITEM 3-4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners4nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 29 March 2005 RE: Otsego — Zoning Ordinance; Institutional Use Development Signs NAC FILE: 176.08 — 05.03 BACKGROUND The Minnesota District of the Church of the Nazarene, Inc. owns Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 of Hidden Creek Trails located at the southwest corner of CSAH 39 and Nabor Avenue. The Church would like to place a "future home of sign on the property announcing their intention to build a facility on these lots. Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance does not allow a project development sign to be placed on this property as the use is not allowed under the current zoning. The subject site is zoned A-2, Long Range Urban Service District, which does not allow for church uses. Development of a church facility would require application for a rezoning to INS, Institutional District (or other district that allows such uses) and for a conditional use permit. Council Member Vern Heidner raised the issue at the City Council meeting on 28 March 2005. After some discussion, the City Council questioned if some type of allowance would be appropriate for institutional uses to place project development signs on sites in advance of necessary zoning approvals. The City Council directed that the Planning Commission consider the issue at their next meeting. ANALYSIS The intent of the Sign Ordinance is to limit the placement of signs within the City for aesthetic and traffic safety reasons. On this basis, the Sign Ordinance would not allow the placement of a project identification sign for any use in a zoning district where it is not allowed or where necessary zoning approvals have not been given. Particularly in the case of an agricultural zoning district, the placement of signs identifying potential future uses until any type of application has been considered seems to be premature. Given the intended low -intensity, rural character of the City outside of the sewer districts or long range urban service area, signs in the A-2 District are limited only to those signs allowed by Section 20-37-3.A (including public signs, information signs, temporary signs, integral signs, real estate signs, campaign signs, address signs, farm identification signs, historical signs, crop demonstration signs, holiday signs, garage sale signs, window signs or construction signs), home extended business signs, and signs identifying wholesale nurseries, commercial stables, animal kennels or vet clinics. The project development sign proposed to be placed on the subject site does not fit within any of the above definitions and therefore would not be allowed. However, the City Council considered that it may be beneficial for institutional uses such as City facilities, schools, or churches to place signs identifying future intended development of a site in outlying areas of the City. The City actively encourages these types of uses to seek locations outside of the sewer districts to avoid increasing competition for land and/or sewer capacity. Consistent with this policy, project development signs would create awareness of a future use, potentially well in advance of development, for existing and future landowners adjacent to a site. Based on these factors, we have drafted the following language for the Planning Commission to consider as an amendment to Section 20-37-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, which regulates signs for institutional uses: 5. Project Development Signs. A sign involving temporary identification of a new subdivision or development located upon a property where the sign is located shall be allowed by administrative permit provided that: a. One (1) sign not exceeding sixty four (64) square feet in surface area and a maximum height of 15 feet shall be allowed. b. The sign shall be setback not less than 20 feet from any property line. C. The sign may not be illuminated. d. Where the sign is placed on property in advance of applications required by this Chapter, the sign shall clearly identify that the project is a "potential" use of the property or similar words to that effect as approved by the Zoning Administrator. e. A security as determined by the Zoning Administrator shall be provided to ensure compliance with this Section and removal of the sign. 2 CONCLUSION This issue is to be discussed by the Planning Commission on 4 April 2005. City staff is seeking direction on the language proposed herein as to any modifications and whether to proceed to set a public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance. C. Vern Heidner, City Council Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 3