07-05-05 PCr NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4000 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MPJ 55422 Telephone: 763.231 .2555 Facsimile: 763.231 .2561 planners a nacplanning com PLANNING REPORT — UPDATED TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Waterfront East Building 1; Development Stage Plan REPORT DATE: 28 June 2005 SUBMITTED: 16 May 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.21 CITY FILE: 2005 — 33 BACKGROUND Landcor Companies has submitted a PUD Development Stage Plan for Outlot L of Waterfront East to construct a 24,000 square foot commercial building. The subject site is located at the southwest corner of future 90th Street and Quantrelle Avenue, east of TH 101. A PUD District was established on 10 November 2003 with the subdivision of Waterfront East to specify allowed uses and performance standards for the development, including the subject site. Based on comments given by City staff in the planning report dated 27 May 2005, the developer has submitted revised plans for the subject site. Key issues that were to be addressed include parking, building elevations, site access, turning radii in the parking/loading area, lighting plan, designated trash storage and signage. .Exhibits.- A. xhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Grading Plan D. Utility Plan E. Landscape Plan F. Lighting Plan G. Building Elevations H. Building Floor Plans ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land use as part of the City's primary commercial area at TH 101 and CSAH 39. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of a full range of retail, service and office type commercial use in this area of the City to serve both local and regional market needs. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District with allowed uses the same as set forth by the B-3, General Business District. No specific uses for the proposed building are specified on the submitted application, which identifies the building only as retail office consistent with the Waterfront East PUD District. The developer has submitted floor plans specifying general retail uses. Building Design. The plans indicate that the proposed building will have a total area of 24,000 square feet. The two-story building has been divided into eleven separate lease areas ranging from approximately 296 square feet to 4,300 square feet. The submitted plans show that the primary exterior fagade material will be brick, which is consistent with District guidelines. The proposed building will have architectural interest in the form of varied rooflines for different sections of the building and will feature many windows. The developer has taken great care in assuring that the building design fits in with the overall theme of the Waterfront East development as set forth in the concept plan and design standards. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan has been submitted and as stated in the previous planning report, the proposed plantings and layout is consistent with the original concept plan and is appropriate for the site. The City Engineer recommends that the applicant add a retaining wall, fencing and landscape hedge along the north side of the building between the sidewalk and 90th Street due to the steep grade. This additional landscaping will be made a condition of approval. Access. Vehicle access to the subject site will be provided by reconstruction of 90th Street and Quantrelle Avenue, which is being done as a City project. The City has coordinated plans with MNDoT regarding the pending TH 101 project which will upgrade the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 39 to a freeway interchange. Full access to the subject site and Nathe 101 Garden Center will be maintained during the City construction project and the TH 101 project. The applicant has revised plans for the access to the subject site from Quantrelle Avenue according to comments made in the previous planning report. The revised plans show the access to the site from Quantrelle Avenue has been aligned with the site access to Outlot K, opposite from the site across Quantrelle Avenue. The submitted plans show pedestrian access to the site via perimeter sidewalks on the north, west and south sides of the building as well as interior lot connections with future 2 development of Outlot M to the west. Additionally, the revised plans indicate a public skyway connection over 901h Street between Outlots L/M and G/H. Plans for this skyway connection must be evaluated by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council prior to construction. A crosswalk underneath the skyway is also to be provided. Off-street Parking. Absent identification of the specific tenants that are to occupy the proposed building, we cannot accurately determine off-street parking requirements. Assuming occupancy of the proposed building by retail and/or office uses at one stall per 200 square feet, 108 parking stalls would be required. Additional parking would be necessary if a restaurant were to occupy some of the building space. Proposed parking for Building B is for 76 parking stalls, including four handicap accessible stalls. The applicant has submitted plans for Building C's proposed parking within Outlot K across Quantrelle Avenue from the subject site. The applicant is proposing to share parking between Building B and Building C in order to provide the required number of parking stalls for retail/office uses in the proposed buildings. Outlot K shows a total of 118 parking stalls including four handicap accessible stalls. Together, the parking for Building B and Building C totals 194 stalls. The total square footage proposed for Building C is 13,930 square feet. Based on the required parking ratio for retail and office uses, Building C would need 70 parking stalls which leaves an additional 48 stalls to be shared with Building B. The proposed parking for Building B and Building C together is enough to accommodate retail and office uses in both buildings and allow for shared parking between the two sites. Off-street loading. The proposed building does not have traditional loading areas, which is typical of this type of commercial building. The expectation is that the proposed uses within the building will receive delivers through their individual front doors. The revised plans indicate a truck loading area in the northeast corner of the parking lot. The submitted plans also indicate a wider ingress/egress area off of Quantrelle Avenue per the City Engineer's comments. However, staff still has some concern about the area not being wide enough to accommodate the turning radius of a 40' semi -trailer truck without crossing over into the north bound lanes of Quantrelle Avenue. Lighting Plan. A lighting plan has been submitted for the exterior building lights and parking lot lighting. All lighting must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off directing the light downward. Proposed plans indicate that illumination by the fixtures along the southwest property line is in excess of the allowed one foot-candle or less. Lighting plans must be revised to show compliance with the one foot-candle requirement at the property line. Proposed lighting must match or be comparable to the lighting shown in the Otsego Waterfront East Development Standards including a pole height limit of 25 feet or less. Trash Storage. The revised plans show an enclosed trash storage area located in the southwestern corner of the parking area. The trash enclosure's exterior walls shall be similar or complementary to the principal building and must comply with all other provisions as outlined in Section 20-16-15.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. No plans for signage on the subject site have been submitted at this time. All proposed signs must conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District Guidelines. A sign permit approved by City staff is required prior to construction/erection of any signs on the subject site. Grading, Drainage & Utilities. Preliminary construction plans have been submitted. All grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Final Plat. The applicant must submit a final plat and complete construction plans for the subject site to convert the existing outlot into a buildable lot/block designation. The application for final plat approval may follow City Council action on the PUD Development Stage Plan. However, Consistent with the direction of the City Council, all plans must be finalized and approved by City staff and a development contract executed prior to City Council consideration of a final plat application. RECOMMENDATION The proposed project is consistent with the Waterfront East PUD Concept Plan previously approved and the submitted materials for the development of Outlot L are compliant with applicable ordinances and design standards. Staff still has concerns about the ingress/egress to the site from Quantrelle Avenue of larger trucks and semi- trailers but believe this issue can be resolved with minor changes. We recommend approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan for Outlot L of Waterfront East provided that the conditions listed below are met and the comments of other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan for Building B/Outlot L of the Waterfront East development, subject to the following conditions: Off -Street parking for Outlot L is to be satisfied though joint use of parking to be constructed on Outlot K. Occupancy of Building B shall be contingent upon the number of parking stalls required by the Zoning Ordinance being available. 2. Plans for proposed signage shall be submitted and must comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and all applicable regulations of the PUD District. 4 3. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan showing a retaining wall, fence and hedge along the north side of Building B to protect pedestrians from the steep grade change between the sidewalk and the street, subject to City staff review and approval. 4. Application for final plat approval is required and the developer is required to execute a development contract approved by City staff prior to consideration of the final plat by the City Council. 5. All street construction plans, grading plans and utility plans and related issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Waterfront East concept plan. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, Landcor John Brickley, Landcor Oto EXHIBIT A N o u METRO LandCor, Inc w SITE PLAN rzxu w.+o u+ .w.aw FOR _ Irn.cm. w as WATERFRONT EAST(BUILDING B) T Z11=11,11 _iSECG. ntil5^'< mvo W METRO LandCor, Inc. GRADING PLAN -: FOR 7 WATERFRONT EAST (BUILDING 6) DUNNLI:1 L YIINU SIVtl j n+oxoEo e+xtYNE ary I p 21 W Y�z y Z I 4 LEGEND STI113N SLYER CASTING AND STRUCTURE SCHEDULE 11 25 RMx_ II _xplY Y' bA. W xax! SLLp-W .r *A. w _ Cllr Il VM? - MA. r . .r b..W UTILITY PLAN GENERAL NOTES Y µtar meta II. Yf Y4 Iei�1�4 ih GtYrc��m4 aWlninaC &xynq r,ywl:ma Ugalmn a nw wal b nw. pxn Ir r •� •:In.: n e awW .yY i ul .�r. , .:.. a w Y xY IAII U C'Y 4gAA� h I ne amlruclu :w� x S .I I:YI / a lenl SND GTO. tExikE TANNIC. u.-] I.A Mira w.+ o a. un Y .,Crwlb� .. wa.�p,a,.Y :w.. NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE EXHIBIT D m z z s z S.! g �r 0 L Z 0 LL W Q E 8 C] C All fs ikt C 1 . 6�- a °�ef3fc i 3 tF If lE,rtrlit, �7 it iR tv MEMO PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LandCor, Inc. PRE FOR WATERFRONT EAST(BUILDING B) BJRNSA-E. MINNCSOTA -ov-0 A A A m m a m _0 L- D. D m A A C7 m m b b w m O O vj A m C) D A �Z D O 0 - Z z m A n D M m Ll rq A A o r A A < o 0 0 m Xc o z � Z z a m Cy w Ln Uiz� (a twol r x d W w r r r r r r r E r r r. r r.. r z - r- : r r._.. F7 e ,METRO om LandCor, Inc. PRELIMINARY LIGHTING PLAN r_ o^°'••% FOR WATERFRONT EAST(BUILDING B) F7 r E3 o CD ED r r Y Y _ c ., s . �• N Tl r- s Fri --. r r r. r r. c . - -l-• ri r r r c' e E E - .• � C-- r E r-� e r K e E'er WAY �77721LN�llb e ,METRO om LandCor, Inc. PRELIMINARY LIGHTING PLAN r_ o^°'••% FOR WATERFRONT EAST(BUILDING B) =11 !'MPA. ��• { + �J� -ice . :� �s�ll !Itl►� ;,�i Imo.) a �[' - low : t r O 11 —IM I!��L _' ISI � � •jl Ell c k� �I�) ►ai +i r IMi�c."rc�� X17 _ Spin r I11Mil iI, om { ..p Irµ e Tl- ° - � Z _ 04Z 4 A — 4� l 4 b �b �7 e P b O — Q 4 �. ass Ba ' ba yV s ( R 8 3 � 1 i —441 ' 3d3 8 i P7 w RP ' ®I o SOUTH-WEST ELEVATIONS BUILDING 8 OTSEGO MAIN! STREET °; °;�, o M1 � �OR COMPAP Ea 9325 UPANO LMC NOMN SUITE cSOOPOW. nw SSJ63 � (t763J MCCOY MCHfIECTS �I LO�� CEDM LAKE PMKIIAY 612.J -db46 S54L6 �. � s �itlLi kG G OTSEGO, WNNESOTA 3t5-0818 I` Q is 65,_0.. '� A e -a a -o ze•-ro - z .a - �—.- - -_ - STAIR "A' A A rLl�V�yl $$� �� V I 1. �t i - �• 7� v oA� Z nLP D I O 00 r jz Ngo -0 Z 0 } -� ;a P f 9° --T. b 3efi` m .a I 0 b N �qY U — pn ��, ��� �� � die •_�—(j� �� �t� J _ 9 esnO L 8R uSTAIRxeQ'oj12'' a -a GROUND FLOOR PLAN 7.N+OCgt BUILDING 8 gl COMPAHlES +- NGRTI+ 2ISUTE MCCOY ARCHITECTS 1944 CEDAR LAKE FARKWAY u OaSEGO MAIN STREET OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ONOL u MAP EJGROVE. MN 55389 (763 JIs-DaleIq (51Ng2j Rb5M5 35416 0. C 66w... Bea 65' ^ 1-0� A .e.a xe'-V x'-s- xr-a• . •-o M. . M � T-14— STAIR "A" m 19 Q Y S � `St S. 0 ' T b eLn Oil r o : � q 0 10 k 5 0 -j P o J b 0 ay q p a ® F l a HBs q Ed> &a J h q J i q a ,mb s • b t � 4 is !pp 1 ogmv sb o f b t O L II i a� � • F I G 4 h .7 i<a o L STAIR "B" ,7 1 xl�l� o -© _47 -O J"ssaws; ,s•, Ega is, v• c„ An Mb > GROUND FLOOR PLAN BUILDING B (I OTSEGO MAIN STREET N OTSEGO. MINNESOTA z s-n-xuos UNDCOR C9MPPWES CrCOY MCIS9325 UPUNONENCRi. y44CEOnR UNE PARNWATSUITENMLE3GROVE, MN SS369 gCF �•M.5116(763) 315-018 22) 'Xt7-8546 .T I mw a ra v1 +w.w�.im --- YY33 a'+• w+' N H m K W JUN.30.2005 5:37PM N0.977 P.2i3 I� akanson /nderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 /p SOC., Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax; 763/427-0520 I MED�ORANDUM To: i Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: �i Mike Robertson, Administrator " Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC j Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bob Fields, LandCor ' John Brierley, LandCor True D. Ho, P.T., Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Frovp : Ronald J. Wagner, PE D&te;l June 30, 2005 Re: i Otsego Waterfront East Outlot L — Building B We bi,:ive reviewed the Construction plans, dated 6/29/05, for the above -referenced proje.t�t and would offer the following comments: Cove I Sheet — Sheet 1 1. No comments. Site Elan — Sheet 2 1. A 5' wide sidewalk must be provided along both sides of Quantrelle Avenue NE for safe pedestrian travel to and from their vehicles. (The sidewalk is shown along the north and west side of Quantrelle Avenue NE, but not along the south and east side.) The sidewalk shall be located as far from the curb as possible to promote pedestrian safety and provide space for the installation of street signs. 2. The entrance to the parking lot does not facilitate a W13 40 semi -trick. We ;i recommend re -aligning the curb line along the west side of the entrance, (Slee redlined plans.) Grad'I S Plan — Sheet 3 � il G:\Mtudiicipa Uotsego22xx12500\at2500bldgbrvw2.dor. JUN.30.2005 5:38PM Page, 2 of 2 N0.977 P.3/3 1. Cross sections of the sidewalk along the north and east sides of Building B must be included in the plans, 2. We recommend including the triangular piece of property at the entrance wider the drainage and utility easement to cover overland flow from Outlot M in a 100 - year event. (See redlined plans.) Stanjard Details — Sheet 5 1. The detail for a typical commercial concrete driveway must be revised to show, "24' MAX — UNLESS APPROVED BY TIDE CITY ENGINEER." We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. Resubmittal is required for approval. G:\Mwi icipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500bldgbrvw2. doc Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc.