07-18-05 PCITEM 3.1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, M11 55422 Telephone. 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners'=lnacplanning. con A19Mel ZT-11 NI -91M TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 13 July 2005 RE: Otsego — Great River Energy Substation NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.22 Our office made an error in the preparation of the public hearing to consider the above referenced application. The application includes a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the site to INS, Institutional District, but the public hearing notice did not identify this. As such, the application will not be considered at the Planning Commission meeting on 18 July 2005. A public hearing is to be re -noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 1 August 2005 to consider the Zoning Map amendment and CUP applications. The applicant has been notified of this situation and is not expected to attend the Planning Commission meeting on 18 July 2005. We apologize for any inconveniences this error may have caused. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Bryan Adams ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. Pr 4300 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MIJ 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nerscunacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT - UPDATED TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht Otsego — Goodyear; CUP/Site Plan Review 13 July 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 30 September 2004 176.02 — 04.26 CITY FILE: 2004-51 Landcor Construction Inc. has submitted revised plans for redevelopment of the former Tom Thumb site at the northwest corner of CSAH 42 and CSAH 39. The redevelopment plans are for construction of a new 12,254 square foot, five tenant building that includes a Goodyear Tire and Auto store. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for commercial use and is currently zoned B-3, General Business District. The proposed tire store component of the building is allowed as a conditional use within the B-3 District. The Planning Commission initially opened a public hearing on 18 October 2004 to consider the request. The application was tabled pending decisions on certain public actions anticipated by the site plan. The City Council has since authorized the public improvement project and construction has begun. However, vacation of the existing public right-of-way will not occur until after construction is complete and after all of the five property owners within the Mississippi Shores submit a joint application for rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District due to site access not directly to a public street for three of the lots within the subdivision. A public hearing has been renoticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 July 2005 to continue consideration of the request due to the length of time since the application was last before the Planning Commission. Exhibits: A. Site Plan B. Building Plans C. Grading Plan D. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned B-3 District. Multiple tenant retail/service uses and buildings are a permitted use within this district. However, the Goodyear Tire store requires a conditional use permit subject to the requirements of Section 20-77-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance, which are addressed in the paragraphs that follow. The application for the conditional use permit is to be considered in relation to the criteria established by Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City=s service capacity. Access. The subject site is accessed via a public City street that serves as a frontage road for all of the commercial lots at this corner of CSAH 42 and CSAH 39. The site plan has been designed in anticipation of a now -approved City project that would involve improvement of the existing frontage street that will create more of an integrated parking lot / private drive for access to the five lots within the Mississippi Shores development (along with extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to each lot) Upon completion of the improvement project, the City Council is expected to hold a public hearing and take action to vacate the public right-of-way, turning the property back to the abutting lots. Vacation of the right-of-way is contingent upon the information received as part of the public hearing and also submission of a joint application by the five properties within Mississippi Shores for a rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District to allow for the proposed shared access that involves indirect access to a public street for three of the five lots. Approval of the submitted site and building plans and CUP application must be made contingent upon completion of these actions by the City Council prior to construction of the principal building being initiated on the site. 2 Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements of the B-3 District. The proposed building encroaches into the required front yard from the frontage road right-of-way, again assuming vacation of the public right-of-way. Upon vacation of the frontage street, the proposed building will meet the required setbacks from CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 at more than 80 feet. All other setbacks comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. No construction of the principal building will be allowed to begin until the action to rezone the property to PUD District and vacation of the public right-of-way is completed. Circulation. Circulation within the parking area was reviewed by City staff and approved by the City Council as part of the public improvement project. On issue not addressed by that action was the proposed drive through lanes for the tenant of Space F and the drive through to be added to the south side of the existing Godfather's Pizza to the north. Access to the drive through lanes is to be on the north and west sides of the proposed Goodyear building. However, the direction of the traffic flow is reversed requiring cars to drive to the left such that the driver's window is closest to the building with the service window and the inside corner is blind for cars moving west or north. This arrangement must be clearly identified by signage and consideration should even be given to placement of mirrors to allow drivers to see around the corner. A more significant issue is the lack of stacking space to the Space F service window of the Goodyear building. The Zoning Ordinance requires such spaces to provide 180 feet of stacking space behind the service window, enough for about nine cars. The proposed site plan provides only 70 feet of stacking space behind the service window to the closest drive aisle, enough for at most four cars. Stacking space for only four cars is not adequate in our opinion given that the drive aisles are the access route to other properties within Mississippi Shores. We recommend that the through window must be moved as far west or around to the west side of the building if possible. An easement allowing access to the Godfather's drive through will be required. This issue can also be addressed by the cross access and parking easements that will be established by the required PUD District for the Mississippi Shores area. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Required 1.0 ac. 150ft 30ft. loft. 20ft. Proposed 3.4 ac. 169ft. 13ft. loft. NA The proposed building encroaches into the required front yard from the frontage road right-of-way, again assuming vacation of the public right-of-way. Upon vacation of the frontage street, the proposed building will meet the required setbacks from CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 at more than 80 feet. All other setbacks comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. No construction of the principal building will be allowed to begin until the action to rezone the property to PUD District and vacation of the public right-of-way is completed. Circulation. Circulation within the parking area was reviewed by City staff and approved by the City Council as part of the public improvement project. On issue not addressed by that action was the proposed drive through lanes for the tenant of Space F and the drive through to be added to the south side of the existing Godfather's Pizza to the north. Access to the drive through lanes is to be on the north and west sides of the proposed Goodyear building. However, the direction of the traffic flow is reversed requiring cars to drive to the left such that the driver's window is closest to the building with the service window and the inside corner is blind for cars moving west or north. This arrangement must be clearly identified by signage and consideration should even be given to placement of mirrors to allow drivers to see around the corner. A more significant issue is the lack of stacking space to the Space F service window of the Goodyear building. The Zoning Ordinance requires such spaces to provide 180 feet of stacking space behind the service window, enough for about nine cars. The proposed site plan provides only 70 feet of stacking space behind the service window to the closest drive aisle, enough for at most four cars. Stacking space for only four cars is not adequate in our opinion given that the drive aisles are the access route to other properties within Mississippi Shores. We recommend that the through window must be moved as far west or around to the west side of the building if possible. An easement allowing access to the Godfather's drive through will be required. This issue can also be addressed by the cross access and parking easements that will be established by the required PUD District for the Mississippi Shores area. Off -Street Parking. The table below outlines the required number of parking stalls based on Chapter 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Use Area Requirement Required Stalls Retail 2,962 sf. 1 stall/ 200sf. 15 stalls Spaces A -C Goodyear 6,147 sf. 4 stalls plus 3 per service bay 24 stalls Space D/E Coffee Shop 2,996sf. 1 stall / 40sf. seating + 62 stalls Space F 1 stall/80sf. prep Total 101 stalls The site plan (assuming vacation of the public street) provides 70 parking stalls. The calculation above assumes a ratio of 2/3 seating and 1/3 prep area for the Space F tenant. More accurate floor plans will be required and the proposed uses must meet Zoning Ordinance off-street parking requirements. Until a decision is made by the City Council on the required PUD rezoning and vacation of the public right-of-way there is insufficient parking to allow the proposed building to proceed. Building Design. The proposed building is to be a one-story building constructed entirely of masonry block oriented to face CSAH 42 and CSAH 39 for visibility purposes. The main Goodyear tenant is located in the center of the expanded building with three overhead doors each facing east and west. The majority of the block is to be rock -faced to add texture, with burnished block banding for variation. Changes in color are also used to provide variation although no color rendering has been submitted to evaluate. The building is within the height limits of the B-3 District. As before, the overall appearance of the building is contemporary but plain given the prominent location of the building at the City's primary commercial intersection. We would recommend that brick or rock face block pilasters be extended to the roof line at the building corners and locations between to provide greater segmentation of the building. We also recommend that real or faux windows be placed between Sections 1 and 2 on the west building elevation to create more of a "front" appearance as this section of the building will be visible from CSAH 39. We believe requesting these modifications is appropriate given City's actions with regards to the pending vacation of the public right-of-way and assessment of the public improvement project contributes significantly to the development potential of the site benefiting the developer. Landscape Plan. The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan for the proposed site. A landscape was previously submitted but must be revised to clarify plantings installed privately versus the public improvement project and to reflect changes in the site plan. Noise Control. Section 20-77-6.D.12 of the Zoning Ordinance requires provisions be made to control noise related to the tire store. To this end, approval of the CUP should include stipulations that all automotive repairs occur within the principal building and that the service bay doors are to be closed except when moving vehicles in to or out of the service bay. 4 Signs. The site plan identifies a free standing sign not to exceed 100 square feet and 20 feet in height upon the freestanding parking island. One wall sign not to exceed 100 square feet is allowed for each tenant by Section 20-37-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Display of these wall signs is limited to the south and east elevations of the building, which front public streets. A sign permit is required prior to construction or placement of any sign upon the property. Lighting Plan. A revised lighting plan must be submitted identifying the location and the type of all light fixtures to be installed and illustrating compliance with Section 20-16- 10.0 of the Zoning Ordinance limiting the intensity of site lighting to 0.4 foot candles at property lines. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance also requires that all light fixtures be downcast with a 90 degree horizontal cut off and no light stand can be taller than 25 feet. Trash. A shared trash storage area for the proposed building and Godfather's is shown at the southwest corner of the Godfather's lot. An easement for use of this area by the subject site is required. Also, plans to enclose the trash containers with a gated masonry structure must be submitted. Utilities. Extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the subject site and other commercial properties in this subdivision is currently being constructed as a public improvement project. Connection to these utilities within the site as illustrated on the submitted utility plan is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading plan for the proposed site. The grading plan and storm sewer improvements shown on it are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed redevelopment of the subject site is generally consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as well as improvements being constructed as a public project within the existing public right-of-way. Until the construction project is complete and the decision formally made to vacate the public right-of-way, construction of the proposed building should be delayed. Also required prior to beginning construction of the proposed building is approval of a joint application to rezone the Mississippi Shores area to PUD District. Our recommendation to approve the site and building plans and CUP for the Otsego Goodyear is contingent upon these actions and the additional stipulations outlined below and the comments of other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a CUP and site/building plans for a multiple tenant retail/automotive use, subject to the following conditions: No building permit shall be issued for construction of the principal building until such time as: a. The City Council has approved a vacation of the existing public - right -of -way to the east and south of the subject site. b. The City Council approves a joint application of the Mississippi Shores properties to rezone the five lots to PUD District allowing for shared/indirect access to a public street for the subject site. 2. There shall be no outdoor sales, display or storage (including immobile, inoperable or unlicensed vehicles) on the subject site. 3. All automotive repairs shall occur within the principal building and that the service bay doors are to be closed except when moving vehicles in to or out of the service bay. 4. The drive through service window for Space F shall be relocated to the west, subject to City staff approval. 5. Specific floor plans shall be submitted for Space F to determined required off-street parking as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The number of off-street parking stalls required by the Zoning Ordinance shall be provided within the subject site (after vacation of the public right-of-way). 6. The proposed building plan is revised to: a. Provide brick or rock face block pilasters at the corners and at internal sections of the building. b. Provide real or faux windows on the southern portion of the west fagade. d. A colors illustration of the proposed building materials shall be submitted for review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. 7. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to illustrate plantings to be installed separate of the on-going public project to include a planting area or large planters in the plaza area to the southeast of the building and plantings or planting containers along the northeast and south elevations. 10. All signs shall conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and a sign permit is required prior to installation. 11. A revised lighting plan illustrating the location, type and illumination pattern of all site lighting shall be submitted. All exterior lighting shall conform to Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. All street, grading and utility issues are subject to approval of the City Engineer. 13. An easement for use of the trash storage area by tenants of the subject site is required as are plans to enclose the trash containers with a gated masonry structure. The easement and trash enclosure are to be subject to approval of City staff. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the proposed use does not conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Bob Fields John Brickley J PARISH AVE. NE (C.S.A.H. N0. 42) , o 222 " c � 9 owl wE.fLONS BY 1u _r r'v 8 'OR �. - Rp L; LandCor emwnn�► a b... u. •swmwu ^A ,. 'o�i,.ol��c,ew;, Inc. I PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN tri1w FOR OTSEGO GOODYEAR OiSEfA, MINNESOTA T 077 sun / owp a NN '00351 waaasx no �9pp-�.e-xsea .rfLp �n v,!ua W3 N1 4rype 1p.�t NV -W wo,zi -mi—r 7wnw- al4 ld OS hS2'21 -IG101 VZVld � 3AP� 003SIO 13 OS 6H W00d 3dJIJ10333 ld OS 038 3 33ddS 13 OS 088 3 3JVdS 13 OS 202'1 V 3JVdS 13 OS 968'1 3 3DVdS 13 OS 19;?, t? 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FOR „, ,.._, ,.,.�..,..,.,,,.,,, ,,..�,,, ,.,,, �"w"°'...•"°�w� OTSEGO GOODYEAR ~'�"a" Oi5EG0, M,NNESOi. 97xti: 'v4 ,l7 PA ISH AVE NE 0 . ^ t ql 1 1 1 �1 N R'.i48g �g 8� 1 b I v g 1 3F �Rd d � ■ II fop e J 0.. T � 0 i ct a a x ;�g�� •0 4* 8: N« d� f G 3 i i F i i B 9 g. O s• g9g�i Fv 9 e�8 i� i F._ Q'8 � � id '� qc � � � T � � � � i A •� ® q=�" S�a• 9 q •a #I i d d _ } ax3FI 8 Y?Fg `io f �T A _ .�^qY n43 �' 3 - yy 5R G Y y R � Y B� d ! K wEIn5rPv5 Br n� � 1 stvt•� �n �r••iy~ Ii: r qr Iv � LQ:j LandCor, InC. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 9 3„ ' _ R , e.c,.o as 1 -- .r «-��•-• ti-�6 °aip�"6w•a�+• a�a OTSEGO GOODYEAR "w++•'°«'r OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 0 1 x� F. 1 r F. I `ooh y W® Tj I. �E� 1 U gPit 28 YY�to 1 1 B \ C IN,oo e'R•te o..ox `✓moi W 97xti: 'v4 ,l7 PA ISH AVE NE (C. S. A. H. N0. 42) R'.i48g �g 8� i— m Z29 b I P�44� 9� 1•�.=� e3o: ioq 3F �Rd d � ■ II fop e J 0.. k T 0 i ct a a x ;�g�� •0 4* 8: N« d� f G 3 i i F i i B 9 g. •= Zo ® s• g9g�i Fv 9 e�8 i� i F._ Q'8 � � id '� qc � � � T � � � � i A •� ® q=�" S�a• 9 q •a #I i d d _ } ax3FI 8 Y?Fg `io f �T A _ .�^qY n43 �' 3 - yy 5R Y y R � Y B� d ! K wEIn5rPv5 Br n� CCy • stvt•� �n �r••iy~ Ii: r qr Iv � LQ:j LandCor, InC. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 9 3„ ' _ R , e.c,.o o.•.Iw.... c....l c.u.n.,. FOR -- .r «-��•-• ti-�6 °aip�"6w•a�+• a�a OTSEGO GOODYEAR "w++•'°«'r OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 97xti: 'v4 ,l7 I1akanson . derson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 S50C,, Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMOW NDUM To: Mike Robertson, Admin From: Joseph Pelawa, PE Date: July 8, 2005 Re: Otsego Goodyear cc: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Bob Fields, LandCor, Inc, Truc D. Ho, PE, Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Upon revie%14 of the Preliminary Plan proposed by LandCor, Inc. we have the following comments: SHEETI "r 21i 1. Diascription of property: Lot 5 Block 1 Mississippi Shores 6`h Addition. This should b'u? labeled as where the project is located with -in the City of Otsego. The text on Om streets adjacent to the project should be larger for easier location identification. SHEET,2 2. I.cii the trash enclosure closed off with gaffes? Wall material for the enclosure? C;bnsideration of non-flammable material if the electrical transformers are located 4djacent to this structure. 3. Place signs at the entrance locations between the buildings that read "Drive Thru K,bep Left" with directional arrow. Some additional information and design will nixed to guide the traffic thru this area, 4. Show location for the electrical transformers south of the trash enclosures. Verify vwith the Elk River Public Utilities where these will be located and the amount of sjpace required. G.'\Municipal\Aot�iPgo22=\2500\Otsego Goodyea6prellminarymemomrU7-08-OS.goc 5. The lane separation between the drive thru lanes a painted stripe or curbed? SHEET 1,3 6. Remove the LOT 5 BLOCK 1 MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6TH ADDITION from the plan s meets. SH_EET,14 7. Courb stop in the legend. SHEET I§ 8.V�,pe are using NEENAH casting and grate R -2502-D Casting and Grate as part of tl;iie Mississippi Shores Frontage Road Improvement Project. Please coni;act me if you have any questions. Joseph D. I,;^elawa Project Enc^ineer Hakanson 41mderson Assoc., Inc. G;\MuniciPaMots ago22xx12500%Otsego Goodyear\proliminarymemomr07-0e-05.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc.