08-15-05 PCITEM 3_1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231 .2555 Facsimile: 763.231 .2561 planners gnacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Featherwind Farms; Preliminary Plat REPORT DATE: 10 August 2005 ACTION DATE: 16 September 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.23 CITY FILE: 2005-38 BACKGROUND Shadow Creek Corporation has submitted plans for a 117 lot rural cluster development on approximately 325 acres of land located north of CSAH 39 between Mason Avenue and CSAH 19. The proposed lots are all to be single family homes, with 18 of the lots established to allow keeping of horses as part of an equestrian theme for the overall project. The development plan includes 160 acres of public or private open space and over two miles of pedestrian and equestrian trails. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for rural residential uses. The property is currently zoned A-1 Agriculture Rural Service District and WS, Wild, Scenic Recreational River Overlay District. The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R -C, Residential Rural Cluster Open Space District and a preliminary plat for the project. A PUD -CUP is also requested to allow for the keeping of horses within the plat, establishment of private driveways for certain lots and density increases from the maximum allowances of the R -C District. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Existing Conditions C. Site Plan D. Preliminary Plat E. Grading Plan F. Landscape Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The proposed development requires an amendment of the Zoning Map to include the subject site within the R -C District. The existing WS District Overlay is not effected by the proposed Zoning Map amendment. A PUD -CUP has also been requested to allow for the keeping of horses and for use of shared private drives for access on certain lots within the plat and increased density above that allowed within the R -C District. The criteria by which these requests are to be evaluated include (but are not limited to) the following: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject site for rural residential uses as part of the Rural Residential Preserve Area established along the Mississippi River north of CSAH 39. The subject site is one of the most significant parcels in this area, if not the entire City based on its overall area, the extent of river frontage, and natural amenities. The Comprehensive Plan encourages creative development of the subject site to maximize the interrelation between natural features of the site and new single family dwellings, which the proposed plat achieves. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The subject site is bordered by a proposed R -C District development to the east, CSAH 39 to the south and rural residential parcels and a commercial conference center to the west. The proposed development will be compatible with these uses. The Mississippi River abuts the north boundary of the subject site and the existence of a DNR wildlife easement, establishment of permanent HOA open space and dedication of land for a public park will ensure protection and enhancement of the river corridor. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed development is required to conform to all applicable performance standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, subject to modifications approved by the PUD -CUP. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use is anticipated to have a positive effect to the area establishing a neighborhood with extensive open space, unique amenities and public spaces. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 2 Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Density. The Comprehensive Plan establishes a base density of one dwelling unit per 10 acres for parcels within the Rural Residential Preserve area. The Comprehensive Plan also establishes an allowance for density bonuses to be approved to encourage creative designs or amenities for rural cluster subdivisions. Section 20-60-1 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes 12 dwelling units per 40 acres as the maximum density within the R -C District. With 117 dwellings on 324 acres, the density of the proposed preliminary plat is over 14 dwelling units per 40 acres. Conformance with the density allowances of the R -C District would require elimination of 21 lots. The five other developments approved under the R -C District requirements have all been held to the 12 dwelling units per 40 acre standards of the R -C District. Although the structure of the density standard is such that the Planning Commission and City Council can consider allowing more units as part of a PUD -CUP, this type of action should only be considered for an extraordinary project that far exceeds the City's minimum expectations and base requirements of the R -C District. Lacking such justification would potentially establish precedence for increased levels of development within the rural residential preserve area not consistent with the City's goals for the area or the City's overall growth management efforts. The north half of the subject site as well as the portion of the site east of the central access to CSAH 39 is within Subdistrict A of the WS District. The allowed density within Subdistrict A of the WS District is one dwelling per 2.5 acres. The applicant must submit a density analysis showing that the proposed number of building pads within the WS District is consistent with the 1 dwelling unit per 2.5 acre standard. Based on a cursory review of this issue, we do not expect that the plat will be found to exceed the density allowances of the WS District. Open Space. Section 20-60-7 of the Zoning Ordinance established requirements for permanent open space to be established for R -C District developments. A minimum of 50 percent of the buildable area within a proposed subdivision must be platted as outlots an restricted as permanent open space. The preliminary plat identifies the net buildable area of the subject site as 294.95 acres making the required open space 147.48 acres. The preliminary plat proposes 160.4 acres of public and private open space, shown in the table below. The net area of the open space outlots must be given. Use Outiots Area City park/greenway K, M, O 76.9ac. Neighborhood recreation C, L 7.2ac. Landscape areas A, E, H, I, J, N and medians 2.3ac. DNR wildlife easement B, Q, R 43.4ac. Pedestrian Corridors D, F, G, S 11,1 ac. Equestrian P 19.3ac. Total 160.4ac. The development plan also illustrates extensive trails within the open space area for both people and horses. Trails constructed by the developer within Outlots K, M and O must be 10 feet wide. Those trails constructed to be maintained by the homeowners association should be at least six feet wide. We also recommend use of asphalt for all of the pedestrian trails for long-term maintenance reasons, including those within Outlot B that are within the DNR wildlife easement and WS Overlay District. Lot Standards. The location of lots within the R -C District is subject to the design criteria outlined by Section 20-60-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lots have been clustered in groups of at least five lots, except Block 32 which is acceptably limited to four lots based on topography and the tree line along Northwest Creek. Furthermore, all of the lots are oriented towards or abutting common open spaces. One potential issue with the proposed lot configuration which leads us to question the increased density is the proximity and visibility of the homes in Block 1, 4 and 34 to CSAH 39. Section 20-60- 8.A.1 of the Zoning Ordinance states that neighborhood clusters are encouraged to be located to minimize the visual impact of the development on the landscape to the greatest extent possible. The R -C District establishes a net minimum lot size of one acre and net maximum lot size of 2.5 acres (excluding wetlands, floodplain, steep slopes). All of the lots within the proposed subdivision conform to these requirements. The average lot size is 1.2 acres. The width of lots within the R -C District must be 100 feet on through streets and 125 feet on cul-de-sacs. All of the proposed lots meet this standard as well. Setbacks. Setbacks applicable within the R -C District are shown below: Front Side Rear NW Creek Bldg. Septic 35ft. 10ft. 50ft. 100ft. 1 75ft. The preliminary plat shows a side yard setback of 15 feet, whereas 10 feet is the minimum requirement. Any accessory buildings larger than 150 square feet must be behind the rear line of the principal building and conform to principal building setbacks. The R -C District also requires that any detached accessory building larger than 150 Ll square feet be located within 150 feet of the principal building. We recommend waiving this requirement for the 18 horse oriented lots. Horses. The 18 lots within the "Dancing Branch" area of the preliminary plat are to be equestrian oriented lots intended to accommodate keeping of horses and utilization of shared trails, pasture and riding areas within the common open space of the development. Section 20-26-4 of the Zoning Ordinance allows keeping of horses in the R -C District as part of the requested PUD -CUP provided that: The minimum lot size upon which the horses are to be located shall be two and one-half acres. 2. The horses are not confined in a pen, feedlot or building within 200 feet of any residential zoning district, other than an R -C District not owned by the operator. 3. The density of horses does not exceed one (1) horse per acre. 4. A shelter or stable facility shall provide a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of enclosed area per horse. Under the PUD -CUP, the preliminary plat proposes to meet the minimum lot area requirement based on each individual lot being at least two acres with access to the 19.3 acre equestrian area established as Outlot P, resulting in an average lot size greater than 2.5 acres. The provision of shelter for the maximum two horses per lot is further subject to the limitations on detached accessory building space of the R -C District. The R -C District allows for construction of up to two detached accessory buildings with a maximum area of all detached structures based on the table below. No single detached accessory building within the R -C District can exceed 1,500 square feet. Lot Area Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures 0.00 to 1.00 ac. 1,000sf. 1.01 to 2.00 ac. 1,500sf. 2.01ac. or larger 2,000sf. Access. The proposed development has three accesses to CSAH 39. The primary access to the development will be at a location on CSAH 39 where the MacIver Avenue corridor intersects. This location is appropriate for long-term spacing of intersections along CSAH 39 based on the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan and the City's plan to eventually extend MacIver Avenue from 80th Street north to CSAH 39. A second access to CSAH 39 from the development is provided approximately one- quarter mile east of CSAH 19. This access is appropriately located for current traffic conditions. The one-half mile spacing requirements for CSAH 39 established by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan suggest that this intersection will ultimately be closed to right-in/right-out access only. However, even with future restricted turning conditions, access to the proposed development is adequate. A third easterly access serves only the lots within Blocks 33 and 34 via a shared street with the abutting Mississippi Cove development intersecting CSAH 39 at Mason Avenue. The configuration of this street has been recommended by City staff to allow a north leg to be established accessing the park parcel the City is to acquire from the Mississippi Cove development. Depending on the timing of construction, the developer will be required to escrow funds for construction of one-half of Mason Avenue north of CSAH 39 or construct the street and receive credits for the one-half of the street that the Mississippi Cove developer is responsible for. There is a need to provide a connection from within the subject site to the abutting parcels to the west such that future development of those properties would have adequate access. We recommend that the preliminary plat be revised to provide a public street right-of-way to the west plat line in the area of Lots 2-3, Block 1 and that the lots south of this right-of-way be eliminated. Future access to the 28 acres fronting CSAH 39 existing as two exception parcels can be provided with an extension of Large Court north of CSAH 39 and provision of a second access overlaying the property line between the easterly parcel and Outlot K. The preliminary plat must be revised to establish 30 feet of the west edge of Outlot K as a separate outlot for future right-of-way use. No credit to the R -C District open space requirements will be granted for this outlot. The spacing of these two access points at Large Court and the east edge of the exception parcels is adequate to meet the spacing requirements of the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan and maintain at least one full movement intersection. Two smaller exception parcels fronting CSAH 39 exist to the east of the proposed primary entrance to the development. Due to the size of these parcels and the topography on their west, north and east sides, it is not practical to extend public streets to these properties from within the project. The development potential of these exceptions will be limited to the two existing single family dwellings due to the access allowed by Wright County to CSAH 39. Finally, there is an exception parcel along the Mississippi River at the center of the subject site. Section 21-7-5.0 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that a proposed subdivision give access to all abutting unsubdivided parcels, which is typically by extension of public right-of-way. The exception parcel is currently accessed by an ingress/egress easement. The preliminary plat establishes Outlot R to provide for access to the exception parcel from "Featherwind Parkway". We view this access as acceptable provided that Outlot R is deeded to the exception property owner and that an easement in favor of the Featherwind Farms HOA is established over Outlot R to provide for access to Outlot Q. No credit to the R -C District open space requirements will be granted for Outlot R. Streets. The proposed primary entry way to the development at MacIver Avenue is to be a divided median section and the crossing of Northwest Creek is to appear as a bridge with space for trail connections under the roadway. The general public streets within the subdivision are shown to be a rural section design having 24 foot driving lanes with two foot shoulders within a 60 foot right-of-way. The City Engineer has recommended that R -C District developments utilize a curbed street section for that portion of the roadway fronting the single family lots to facilitate property maintenance and access. A requirement for concrete curb within the proposed subdivision will be subject to review by the City Engineer. There are two roundabouts and two cul-de-sacs with center islands within the proposed preliminary plat. The roundabouts have been provided for aesthetic purposes and are not required for traffic management. The islands within the roundabouts and cul-de-sacs are platted as outlots to allow for HOA ownership and maintenance, but street, utility and drainage easements to the City are required. The 15 of the 18 horse oriented lots are all to be accessed by shared private drives from perimeter public streets. The private drives are acceptable given the limited number of lots, the size of the lots allowing on-site turnarounds and the integrated nature of the lots with the common equestrian spaces. The private drives are designed as a rural section with an 18 foot wide paved surface, two foot shoulders on each side within a 50 foot easement. A result of the shared private drives is that eight of these lots do not have direct frontage to a public street, and thus the City will require a drainage and utility easement over each of the shared private drives. The preliminary plat indicates proposed street names for the subdivision that are inconsistent with the Wright County grid pattern. The City has varied only once from the Wright County grid, and only when the alternative street name was still alphabetically consistent with the grid. The developer's efforts to establish a unique sense of place for their project is not distinct from the intent of others and does not outweigh the public safety issue for which the grid is established. The street names must be revised to be consistent with the Wright County Grid. Landscaping. A landscape plan for the streetscapes and HOA and public outlots has been submitted. Overall, the landscape plan has appropriate plant materials and sizes for the proposed locations. We would recommend that Outlots A, B, D and K be planted with seedlings as part of a prairie restoration effort intended to provide more a natural, dense vegetation pattern that provides greater privacy and buffering long-term. A second major element of the landscape treatment is construction of black split -rail fencing at the entry areas, along CSAH 39 and Outlot K and within the "Dancing Branch" equestrian area. The entryway treatment should also be extended to the access at Mason Avenue. Environmental Review. Based on the area of the project, an environmental assessment worksheet is required to evaluate the potential significant effects resulting from the proposed development. An EAW has been prepared and published in the EQB Monitor on 15 August 2005. The EAW identified no potential significant environmental effects that would not be otherwise addressed as part of the City's established development policies and regulations. The EAW is subject to a 30 -day comment period ending 14 September 2005. At the end of the comment period, the City must respond to any submitted comments as to the potential for significant environmental effects and determine if there is a need for an Environmental Impact Statement to be prepared. The preliminary plat may be approved contingent on these actions to occur at a future Planning Commission meeting. Park Dedication. Section 21-7-8 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of at least 10 percent of the gross area of the subject site for park and trail purposes. The required dedication is 32.5 acres based on the gross 325.43 acre area of the subject site. The City's Future Parks and Trails plan identifies establishment of a greenway corridor along Northwest Creek extending through the subject site from CSAH 39 to its outlet to the Mississippi River on the adjacent property to the east. The proposed preliminary plat dedicates Outlots K, M and O to the City for Park purposes. Outlots K and M overlay Northwest Creek and are the desired greenway segments, along with a portion of Outlot O. Most of Outlot O includes that portion of the subject site encumbered by a DNR wildlife easement meaning it cannot otherwise be developed. The combined area of Outlots K and M is approximately 36.9 acres, which exceeds the minimum required dedication and is acceptable to satisfy the required dedication (provided that the standard density limits of the R -C District are met). The preliminary plat illustrates trails constructed within Outlots K and M, which the developer may provide at their cost subject to City approval. Easements. The preliminary plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all of the single family lots as required by Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. Drainage and utility easements are also required over all of the open space outlots or other ponding and wetland areas outside of those parcels dedicated to the City. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading plan for the proposed preliminary plat. The grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. One planning related issue with the proposed grading plan is that the ponding and wetland mitigation within Outlot K cannot interfere with the City's plan for development of a greenway and trail along Northwest Creek. The applicant must illustrate grading for a trail corridor adjacent to these proposed ponds as part of their final construction plans. Utility Plan. The proposed single family homes will be served by individual on-site septic and well systems. The grading plan identifies locations for a primary and secondary septic drainfield on each lot and the applicant has provided preliminary soil test information. Utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Featherwind Farms plan is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the one of the most significant parcels within the Rural Residential Preserve Area of the City. While the subdivision is well designed, we question as to whether the proposed density increase is justified or consistent with the City's overall growth management policies and past approvals within the R -C District under similar circumstances. Subject to the comments of other City staff, we recommend approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R -C District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP A. Motion to approve the preliminary plat and PUD -CUP for Featherwind Farms, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat is subject to a decision by the City Council in response to the submitted EAW that the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects and that an EIS is not required. 2. The preliminary plat must be revised to eliminate 21 lots. 3. A density analysis must be submitted illustrating compliance with the allowed density of one dwelling per 2.5 acres within the WS District. 4. The developer shall identify the net area of the parcels set aside as permanent open space. Outlots B, C, D, F, G, L, P, Q, R and S shall be restricted by conservation easement as permanent open space to be regulated by Section 20-60-7 of the Zoning Ordinance and subordinate to City drainage and utility easement rights. 9 5. Trails constructed by the developer within Outlots K, M or O must be 10 feet wide utilizing asphalt material. Those trails constructed to be maintained by the homeowners association shall be at least six feet wide utilizing asphalt material. 6. The keeping of horses shall be an allowed accessory use of the lots within Blocks 17-31 subject to the following conditions: a The density of horses does not exceed one (1) horse per acre. b. A shelter or stable facility shall provide a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of enclosed area per horse. C. Detached accessory buildings used to shelter or stable horses shall conform to the accessory building limits of the R -C District, except that such buildings are not required to be within 150 feet of the principal building on the same lot. 7. The preliminary plat shall be revised to extend right-of-way to the west plat line through the area of Lots 2-3, Block 1. 8. The preliminary plat shall be revised to establish 30 feet of the west edge of Outlot K as a separate outlot for future right-of-way use. 9. Outlot R shall be overlaid by an easement allowing the Featherwind Farms HOA access to Outlot Q and then conveyed to the owner of the abutting exception property. 10. All public street and share private drive designs shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. 11. All shared private drives shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easements, subject to approval by the City Engineer. 12. Street names illustrated on the preliminary plat shall be revised to conform to the Wright County grid. 13. Outlots K, M and O shall be dedicated to the City in satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements subject to conformance with standard R- C District density allowances. Improvements illustrated within these outlots shall be constructed by the developer at their cost subject to approval by the City. 13. The applicant shall illustrate grading for a trail corridor adjacent to the proposed ponds and wetland mitigation areas within Outlots K and M as part of their final construction plans, subject to approval by City staff. 10 15. Drainage and utility easements shall be established over Outlots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, P, Q, R and S. 16. All easements, grading plans and utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Karee Rowell, Deputy City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Roger Stradal, DNR Wayne Fingleson, Wright County Lucinda Gardner, Shadow Creek Corporation Mike Gair, MFRA Kathleen O'Connell, MFRA Brian Johnson, Westwood Professional Services 11 �Z p •000 t•a. ?rt �� s7f81�Ft6:t s I -. 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EXHIBIT F-1 4a� , 1 I J , ����h•� � .7 S4cyr. st<+ zr �s4 !� /+ zj Ws co i iP r I ti /■ Im CD a tn •sol, r E E f! E j! I 77 6 i! n% o y8/ 1 B" !t P 'too MATCH SHEET • ��, ,,.,,., �� cP.. v•aw a•%�ro FEATHERWND FARMS x .,_ �. — w FARR DEVELOPMENT w. mn�ne -_— _ _ 7 PREUNINAR,' LANDSCAPE PLAN PAN a :mac Ila ,,1! will G Ii�, '`r►1 ��000�000�00 a - '�i► i con000naoeo�o • Cb a Q^o ,'. I`• ^'� 1NO3CP"•"' - „":,.. �'^^' F�pwrwp.Rmnhp.Svwy+q %FRA'"� �� � ~ FEATHERVANO FARMS °h�° FARR DEVELOPMENT PREUNINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lucinda Gardner, Shadow Creek Corp. Brian Johnson, P.E. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Joseph J. MacPherson, E.I.T. Date: August 10, 2005 Proposed Development: Featherwind Farms Street Location A 325 acre portion of the northwest'/4 of Section 18, T121 N, of Property: R23W, and the north '/2 of Section 13, T121 N, R24W, north of CSAH 39, and south of the Mississippi River. Applicant: Lucinda Gardner Shadow Creek Corporation 172 Hamel Road Hamel, MN 55340 Developer: Shadow Creek Corporation Owners of Record: Vernon C. Kolles & Sons Purpose: Featherwind Farms is a 117 unit single-family residential open space cluster development on approximately 325 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with private septic systems, private wells, storm sewer, and public streets typical of a rural setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (but not limited to) \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\Hotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW1.doc C1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE NATURAL FEATURES AND SURVEY SITE PLAN PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STREETS TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUES WETLANDS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION \\Ha01\shared docs\MunicipalWotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Natural Features and Survey, revised 8/01/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Site Plan, revised 8/01/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plat, revised 8/01/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan, revised 8/01/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Landscape Plan, revised 8/01/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Environmental Assessment Worksheet Draft, 7/12/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report, July 2005, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Flood Insurance Rate Map, 9/30/92, by Federal Emergency Management Agency City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003. NATURAL FEATURES AND SURVEY (SHEET C-2) 1. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan (Section 21-6-2.B.2). 2. Existing 100 -year flood elevations shall be shown on the plan (Section 21-6-2.B.9). 3. Location, size, and elevations of existing storm sewer and culverts, or any other underground facility within 150 feet of the proposed plat, shall be shown on the plan (Section 21-6-2.B.5). 4. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land need to be identified by name and ownership (Section 21-6-2.B.6). 5. The flood fringe zones shall be shown on the plans. 6. The limits of the Shoreland Overlay District shall be shown on the plan. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW1.doc SITE PLAN (SHEET C-3 TO SHEET C-4) The ROW width for Featherwind Parkway at stations 12+30 (sheet C-3) and 3+33 (sheet C-4) is depicted incorrectly. The ROW width at these locations is 90'. 2. The typical section for the private drives shall depict a bituminous width of 24' per City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 100. 3. Lot 1, Block 34 requires a 35' building setback along both streets. 4. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 500 feet in length (Section 21-7-6.A). 5. Blocks shall not exceed 1200 feet in length (Section 21-7-3.13). 6. The septic system, drain field locations are shown on the plans; however, they shall be labeled as primary and secondary. PRELIMINARY PLAT (SHEET C-5 TO SHEET C-6) The easement and ROW shall be rounded at intersections parallel to back of curb to allow for utility installation (111.13.). 2. Featherwind Parkway shall be renamed Lamont Parkway NE, Highmark Trail shall be renamed 98th Street NE, Millway Run shall be renamed 96th Street NE, Rosewater Trail shall be renamed 97th Court NE, Thistledown Curve (southern most stretch between Featherwind Parkway and Rosewater Trail) shall be renamed 96th Street NE, Legacy Turn shall be renamed 96th Circle NE, Ashdon Court shall be renamed Mackenzie Court NE, Thistledown Curve (northern most section between Featherwind Parkway and Rosewater Trail) shall be renamed 99th Street NE, Deepwater Curve shall be renamed 99th Circle NE, Burning Rock Road shall be renamed 99th Court NE and Plum Creek Trail shall be renamed 96th Court NE. 3. Location, dimensions, and purpose of all proposed easements shall be shown on the plans (21-6-2.C.5.). 4. Locations and widths of pedestrian ways shall be shown on plans (Section 21-6-2.C.2.). 5. Lots abutting collector streets shall have an additional 10' of width or depth to be overlaid with a drainage and utility easement for a landscape buffer yard (20-16-7-D). PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL (SHEET C- 7 TO SHEET C-8) It appears that not all lots are to be custom graded. All proposed grading shall be shown on the plans. More detail is required to determine locations of post construction drainage swales, cross drainage between lots and lot grades. 2. The invert elevations, pipe sizes and pipe lengths shall be depicted on the plans. Ma01\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW1.doc 3. The 100 year water elevation of the Mississippi River shall be shown on the plans. 4. The inside slope along rural streets shall be 4:1 or flatter per City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 100. 5. Soil boring locations shall be shown on plans. Also, the soil boring and perculation test results shall be submitted for review. 6. Normal water elevations and 100 -year peak elevations shall be labeled for all ponding areas. Also, 2 -year and 10 -year peak elevations shall be labeled for each of the stormwater ponds (6.0.B.). 7. Runoff water shall be diverted to a sedimentation basin before it is allowed to enter the natural drainage system (Section 21-7-16.F.). 8. An earth berm at least four feet in height shall be installed in all designated buffer yards (20-16-7-D.3.b.). 9. It appears that the 100 -year water elevation of the Mississippi River will directly affect the septic system drain fields of Lots 1-4, Block 32, and the lowest opening elevations of Lots 3 and 4, Block 32. Also, it appears that a section of Thistledown Curve between stations 31+00 and 34+00 are within one foot of the 100 -year flood elevation of the Mississippi River. 10. The 100 -year elevation of the creek which runs through the development shall be shown on the plans. At this time, the City has not completed a study of said creek. The` developer will be responsible for determining the 100 -year water elevation. The City will review this report. STREETS 1. The bituminous, base and subbase thicknesses shall be shown in the typical sections on plans. 2. A detail shall be included in the plans for the walking path and horse trail. TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUES 1. The County will have to evaluate the necessity for right turn lanes, by-pass lanes and left turn lanes along CSAH 39. WETLANDS 1. Avoidance of wetlands must be attempted. If wetlands must be disturbed or filled they must be mitigated as per WCA requirements (Section 20-16-9.E.2). • 2. A protective buffer of natural vegetation at least 20' wide from the delineated edge shall surround all wetlands. A principal building setback of 40' from the delineated edge of all wetlands or 20' from the protective buffer easement, whichever is greater, shall be provided. Some proposed structures do not meet this setback (Section 20-16-9.E). \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW1.doc i 3. The normal and 100 year water levels of the wetlands shall be shown on the plans. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT A complete stormwater drainage report shall be submitted as outlined in the City of Otsego Engineering Guidelines, Appendix C, Policy on Stormwater Drainage Submittal Requirements for Developer. ENVIRONMENTAL The Environmental Assessment Worksheet has been completed. It has been submitted for publication in the EQB Monitor and is going through the 30 -day comment period. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM It appears that the proposed location of the sanitary drain fields for Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, and Lot 2, Block 3, may conflict with the driveway. Please verify. 2. All sanitary drain fields shall be located a minimum of 10' away from all property lines (Chapter 7080). 3. The soil boring and perculation test results for the septic system areas need to be submitted for review. Also, the locations of said tests shall be shown on the plans. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Geotechnical data shall be submitted for review. Also, the geotechnical report shall include pavement recommendations (Section 21-6-2.13.11). SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Revise and resubmit for City review/approval. Ma01\shared docs\MunicipalWotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW1.doc ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MfJ 55422 Telephone: 763.231 .2555 Facsimile: 763.231 .2561 planners ainacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht RE: Otsego — Duke Realty/Rolling Meadows Development, LLC; Industrial Park Concept Plan Review REPORT DATE: 10 August 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 03 August 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 05.27 CITY FILE: 2005 - 46 BACKGROUND Duke Realty Corporation, on behalf of Rolling Meadows Development, LLC and Dr. Tom Jurgens has submitted a concept plan for an industrial park located east of TH 101 between 60th Street and 70th Street consisting of approximately 180 acres. The applicant is proposing to develop approximately 1.2 million square feet of industrial and business warehousing uses within multiple principal buildings. A preliminary plat was previously approved for the area of the subject site between 65th Street and 75th Street, which included rezoning of property for industrial development. A final plat application was not submitted within one year of preliminary plat approval and that approval expired. The 1-2, General Industrial District zoning approved with the preliminary plat remains in effect. The balance of the property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The purpose of the concept plan review is to provide informal, non-binding comments regarding the proposed general land use and identify issues to be resolved with more detailed development plans. The City Council has directed that concept plans be processed with a public hearing to inform adjacent property owners of potential development and solicit addition comments and questions. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Proposed Zoning C. Site Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the area of the subject site abutting TH 101 for industrial uses. The Comprehensive Plan further anticipates development of medium-high density residential and low density residential uses east of an extension of Queens Avenue between 60th Street and 70th Street. The proposed concept plan would expand the industrial uses generally one-eighth of a mile to the east. A transition between the expanded industrial area is shown to occur by moving Queens Avenue farther east as well. The feasibility of this roadway corridor is yet to be determined. Even if the industrial use abuts future residential areas, a transition can be provided along abutting property lines through building orientation, landscaping and/or topography. Zoning. Current zoning of the concept plan area includes 1-2, General Industrial from the expired Rolling Meadows preliminary plat, B-3, General Business for the existing Anoka Equine Clinic and A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District for the balance of the site. The implementation of the concept plan would require rezoning the area of the industrial uses to 1-2, General Industrial District and the area shown as single family lots to R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District. There is also potential for a higher density use along Queens Avenue to transition from the proposed industrial uses to single family neighborhoods, which would be implemented under the allowances and standards of the R-6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low -Density Multiple Family District. The existing Anoka Equine property would remain in the B-3, General Business District. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The plans submitted for review were not to scale so proposed lot configurations and setbacks were not measured. Given that significant changes to the site plan will likely be required to address topographic and wetland issues with development of the site, such a review is not critical for the concept plan. The following table outlines the setback requirements of the 1-2, R-4 and R-6 Districts. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Principal/Collector Local Street Street 1-2 2 acres 200ft. 30ft. 30 ft. 20ft. 25ft. R-4 12,000 sq. ft. 75 ft. 65 ft. 35 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. R-6 12,000 sq. ft. 75 ft. 65 ft. 35 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. Access. The proposed development will access off of Queens Avenue upon its extension north of 60th Street to 70th Street. The proposed alignment of Queens Avenue and the location for its intersection with 70th Street is to be reviewed by the the City Engineer. The alignment of the roadway shown on the concept plan does adequately avoid impacts to existing wetlands towards the north of the property and it may be necessary for the street to be redirected to the east to accommodate the • wetlands. City staff believes that the 10 -acre parcel located immediately to the east of the proposed development at 70th Street may need to be acquired to allow for extension of Queens Avenue. City staff met with this property owner at the Staff Development Meeting on 11 August 2005 to discuss their questions regarding the process and indicated that the developer will likely be contacting them as the project moves forward. The Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan designates 70th Street (CSAH 37) east of TH 101 as a local collector street. Accesses to this portion of 70th Street are to be spaces at one-eighth mile intervals. Based on the proposed location of the exit ramp from northbound TH 101 to 70th Street, the proposed intersection of Queens Avenue at 70th Street is appropriately spaced. Furthermore, a street at this location will allow truck/trailers from Anoka Equine to drive through that site by making a right -turn off of 70th Street into the site and then exiting the site to the new street extension and back to 70th Street improving circulation for that use. Another potential access to 70th Street is anticipated approximately one-eighth mile to the east of the intersection shown on the concept plan where Rottlund Homes would have the primary access to their anticipated development. Building Design. Proposed building elevations have not been submitted. Section 20- 17-4 the Zoning Ordinance requires all buildings to be 35 feet in height or less and that the exterior building finish of any one wall shall consist of at least seventy-five (75) percent Grade A materials (i.e., brick, rock face, glass, stone, stucco) and not more than ten (10) percent of the facade of any one wall shall be Grade D (wood) materials. Off -Street Parking. Industrial uses are required to furnish one parking space for each one and one-half (1 '/2) employees on shift of greatest employment, plus one (1) additional space for each seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet of floor area pursuant to Section 20-21-9.Y of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed development shall submit parking configurations at the time of preliminary plat submission. Landscape Plan. No landscaping plan has been submitted with the concept plan, however, upon submission of a preliminary plat a landscape plan must be included, subject to Section 20-16-7.Cof the Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, a residential buffer strip will be required along the proposed residential parcel to provide screening from the industrial park and Queens Avenue. Signs. No signage has been proposed as a part of the concept plan. Any signs that are located on the property must be in compliance with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and will require issuance of a permit prior to placement on the subject site. Park and Trail Dedication. Platting of the subject site triggers park and trail dedication requirements. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 percent of the gross area of an industrial subdivision or payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at $3,500 per gross acre to meet park dedication requirements for this project. Additionally, since the developer is not proposing to dedicate any land for park and trail • needs a cash fee in lieu of land equal to the park dedication fee in effect at the time of the final plat must be paid per dwelling unit platted. 3 Easements. The concept plan does not identify any drainage and utility easements. The preliminary plat must illustrate easements at the perimeter of each lot and over any stormwater drainage ponds and wetlands as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer at the time of preliminary plat application. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. No grading or utility plans have been submitted. Sanitary sewer and water utilities are not currently available to the property. The City Engineer is currently undertaking a study financed by the applicant, Rottlund Homes, Inc. and Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc. to determine how utilities and major roadways will be extended to the southeast Otsego area. As part of their utility planning, the City Engineer has determined that the best location for a future City water tower is within the subject property due to it being a high point in elevation for the area. The applicant will be required to set aside approximately one - acre of the property to accommodate the water tower facility at a location acceptable to the City Engineer. The applicant would receive WAC credits as compensation for the land dedicated to the City for the water tower site. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed concept plan is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for the anticipated future development of the subject site. Potentially major changes to the concept plan will be required in preparation of a subsequent preliminary plat to meet all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual effecting the configuration of the site plan and the alignment of Queens Avenue. We recommend that the Planning Commission provide favorable comment on the concept plan as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to comment favorably on a concept plan for Crimson Ponds North subject to the following conditions: Approval of the concept plan shall not be binding upon the City for any future approvals related to the proposed development. Implementation of the uses shown on the concept plan shall require request for and approval of the following applications as set forth by the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances: a. Rezoning to 1-2, R-4 and/or R-6 District. • b. Preliminary plat. C. Final plat. M r: 2. The timing and cost responsibilities for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to the subject site, including but not limited to acquisition of all easements and construction of the services shall be determined by the City Council. 3. The timing and cost responsibilities for the extension of and required improvements to Queens Avenue, including land acquisition, shall be determined by the City Council. 4. All lots shall conform to the minimum requirements of the 1-2 District, R-4 and R-6 Districts, as applicable. 5. All streets shall conform to the requirements of the Engineering Manual and are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. A landscape plan including the installation of a bufferyard adjacent to Queens Avenue along the residential portion of the site shall be submitted with any preliminary plat application. 7. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval. 8. All grading plans, utility plans and easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer at the time of any preliminary plat application. 9. Comments of other City staff. B. Motion to comment unfavorably that that the concept plan is inconsistent with the City's development policies as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Karee Rowell, Deputy Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney David Bade, Duke Realty Corp. Kevin Evensen, adjacent property owner 5 Ll Is f ICUEa in • aza NV'Id 311S.LdSONOO w a �H rI�R Fu NI^I o�3St0 so/az/co J23'dlS H.I.OL 3N - 139HIS 14109 3N a 1 E + � xxdd IVFd.tsnaNI 003slo Hakanson 30 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Ronald J. Wagner, Otsego City Engineer Date: August 11, 2005 Re: Otsego Industrial Park — Concept Plan cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy McArthur, Esq. David Bade, Duke Realty Corp. Upon reviewing the Concept Plan, I have the following comments: Frontage Road Long range planning has the frontage road connection on CSAH 37 located 3/8 mile east of 101 ramp connection, to accommodate traffic flow and vehicle stacking. This is a County Road with access permitting controlled by Wright County. Access to the site from Wright CSAH 37 will likely require adding turn lanes on CSAH 37 for the traffic turning on the frontage road (Queens Avenue). Access to the frontage road should be limited to one every 500' to minimize traffic conflicts. Street connections will be required for the parcels east of this project. Street grades for the roads shall not exceed 7%. Access drives should enter the frontage road at minimum grade. With almost 30' being graded off the high spot of the site, concern about matching the grades on the adjacent properties should be addressed. The frontage road will require 100' of R/W with a 10 TON street section design and 66.67' B -B to accommodate a three lane design. 2. Wetlands A wetland report and delineation will be required to document the existing . wetland areas. G:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267\ot2267memo8-9-05.doe The concept plan has complete wetlands being removed. Current WCA laws require avoidance first, minimization second and impact third with 2 to 1 replacement mitigation. Wetland impacts will require mitigation areas for replacement. The wetland review agencies will require alternatives to minimize the impacts. 3. Water City water is not located with -in the project site or adjacent to the project. Some preliminary discussions have placed a water tower on this parcel adjacent to Hwy. 101. A site located west of the frontage road near the crest in the frontage road would provide the desired elements for a new water tower to service the area. The water main would be required to connect the water tower at 70th street, west of Hwy. 101 and to service areas to the south of this development. 4. Sanitary Sewer City sanitary sewer trunk mains do not extend to the parcels. Trunk service lines have been planned to service the 2/3 portion of the project by gravity to Lift Station #1 located at Quaday Avenue. These trunk lines are planned for installation as development moves closer to this location from the north. The residential and south general industrial areas have a proposed sanitary sewer route which is south along the frontage road or East across the adjacent property owners to the sewer treatment plant. This connection route will require agreements and coordination between the city and the developer to provide the connection. 5. Storm Sewer All storm water runoff must be routed through a water quality pond and the rate of peak runoff from the site must not exceed the pre -developed condition as outlined in the Otsego Engineer Manual. Discharge from the south wetland is routed through an existing residential area to the south with some buildings located near the water levels. The central portion discharges east along 65th Avenue. The northern wetlands are semi confined basins with overflow locations located '/4 mile north of 70th Avenue. G:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267\ot2267memo8-9-05.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 0 6. Buildings The concept floor elevations require considerable elevation changes from adjacent buildings. With the access roads routed between the buildings considerable retaining walls will be required to meet the street access requirements. Proposed buildings located on existing wetlands will require wetland impact approval and additional construction considerations prior to approval. G:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267\ot2267memo8-9-05.doc halHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. ITEM 3-3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 0,on ryr Mem<)6i 11 I•�€cit waw, Suite 2,12, Golden Valley NAN 5,5422 y'' glee -:l one, f63.2J1.25 } f'acsirn le, 763.2131 501 ;�l r�rer� r�zc i�r?t1€13 1,c.;-yn-r MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 9 August 2005 RE: Otsego — Comprehensive Plan; Riverwood National WWTP NAC FILE: 176.08 BACKGROUND The City Council adopted Resolution 2005-39 at their meeting on 25 July 2005 regarding future connection and expansion of the waste water treatment plant to be constructed at Riverwood National. City staff had requested approval of the resolution to clarify City policy with respect to the use of the facility to serve lands outside of Riverwood National. Upon acting on the resolution, the City Council directed that the Planning Commission consider formal amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to establish these policies as part of the City's official development policy. Exhibits: A. Resolution 2005-39 B. Draft resolution amending Comprehensive Plan ANALYSIS Since the Riverwood National PUD was approved, City staff has responded to numerous informal inquiries regarding the ability to expand the service area of the Riverwood National Wastewater Treatment Plant (RN-WWTP) including the following: • On 12 May 2005, Mr. Bulow, Elk River School District Superintendent Alan Jensen and representatives of a second development company attended the • Development Staff Meeting to discuss potential development of the Weidenbach property located north of 80th Street and mostly west of CSAH 19. This proposed development would include expansion of the RN-WWTP and extension of sanitary sewer service for approximately 500 homes, school facilities and a potential community park. Another developer attended the staff meeting on 19 May 2005 to discuss potential development of the five acre exception to Riverwood National at the corner of CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue with townhouse uses. Utility pipes have been constructed with the initial Riverw000d National development to ensure that future service can be provided without impacting the golf course. Entitlements to development of this exception parcel were not included in the PUD District approvals. • Mr. Bulow faxed to our office a sketch showing redevelopment of the existing Vintage Golf Course with 75 single family lots served by sanitary sewer service from the RN-WWTP requesting a zoning compliance letter stating that the sketch plan would be within the allowances of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The response to these and other inquiries about the potential expansion of the RN- WWTP has been that such action would be inconsistent with policies established by the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District approvals for Riverwood National and in the case of the Vintage Golf proposal, past zoning approvals for that project as well. • The Comprehensive Plan and development policy adopted by the City Council limits sewered development to an average of 400 new dwellings per year for period of 1999 to 2008 — it is impractical if not impossible to open third node of sewer development served by the RN-WWTP and maintain targeted levels of development. The proposed development of lands adjacent to Riverwood National with urban density development is out of sequence with the staging plan established by the Comprehensive Plan, which designates the area as the fourth expansion area of the west sewer district. Such leap -frog development has significant consequences beyond provision of utilities including street capacity/maintenance, park development/maintenance, general City administrative capabilities as well as school facilities. • Approval of Riverwood National and its waste water treatment plant was granted under provisions established in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan allowing "greater density with City approved sewer and water'. This "loophole" was removed in from the Comprehensive Plan in the subsequent 2002 update. • The waste water treatment plant yet to be constructed in Riverwood National is to be an interim facility. Within 20 to 25 years when the West Waste Water Treatment Plant (W-WWTP) and its collection system are extended to include • Riverwood National, the RN-WWTP will likely be decommissioned. It would be inefficient for the City to operate three waste water treatment plants to provide sewer to areas that can be adequately serviced by staged expansion of the City's 2 two existing waste water treatment plants in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and sanitary sewer and water plans. The City cannot collect second SAC fees for connection of the properties in Riverwood National to the west waste water treatment system, requiring the City to absorb these costs when the Riverwood National treatment plant is decommissioned. These future costs make adding more users to the Riverwood National treatment plant beyond the current approved development more financially burdensome to the City in the future. Use of the RN-WWTP to serve land beyond Riverwood National has only been anticipated by the City to occur if there were to be a demonstrated environmental need from existing development in close proximity to the facility that cannot be feasibly served by the W-WWTP. The expectation for this situation would be limited to requests for service from existing older one -acre single family lots in the Island View Estates or Riverwood Conference center. No connection to the single family lots in Grenins Mississippi Hills or the Vintage Golf facility is anticipated to be required, but could be accommodated under similar environmental needs requests. Expansion of capacity and the collection system of the RN-WWTP in only this situation would be consistent with policies established by the Comprehensive Plan. In order to formalize the statements outlined above, adoption of the draft resolution amending the Comprehensive Plan attached hereto as Exhibit B is recommended. CONCLUSION The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on 15 August 2005 at 7:00 PM to consider the recommendation of City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan addressing the Riverwood National WWTP. City staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Chris Bulow C RESOLUTION NO. 2005-39 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION STATING THE POLICY OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO AS TO EXPANSION OF THE PLANNED RIVERWOOD NATIONAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND EXTENTION OF SERVICE TO LANDS BEYOND RIVERWOOD NATIONAL. WHEREAS, the City Council approved a PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat for Riverwood National on 8 July 2002; and, WHEREAS, these approvals allowed for approval of a final plat on 22 September 2003 for development of 157 single family dwellings and an 18 hole golf course and ancillary facilities within Riverwood National; and, WHEREAS, these approvals provide for the allowed uses within Riverwood National to have sanitary sewer service by a wastewater treatment plant to be constructed by the project developer, WHEREAS, the design of the Riverwood wastewater treatment plant is approved by the City Council to provide capacity only as required for the project and is subject to approval by the City Engineer; and, WHEREAS, upon construction of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and establishment of operations, said facility is to be dedicated to the City for long-term ownership, operation and maintenance; and, WHEREAS, the project developer has yet to begin construction of the proposed Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant to provide service to the development; and, WHEREAS, the City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a staging plan for expansion of sanitary sewer service and extension of sanitary sewer to lands adjacent to or in proximity of Riverwood National would be inconsistent with these plans and would negatively impact the City's service capabilities; and, WHEREAS, the lands adjacent to or in proximity of Riverwood National would be anticipated to be provided sanitary sewer service from the City's • established West wastewater treatment plant and the operation and maintenance of two wastewater treatment plants where one facility is adequate is inherently inefficient; and, WHEREAS, the City cannot collect additional fees or assess charges to existing users of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system for construction of capacity at the West wastewater treatment plant at such time as the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system is integrated with the West wastewater treatment system; and, WHEREAS, the expansion of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to service additional users beyond Riverwood National increases the future costs to the City to integrate the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system with the West wastewater treatment System; and, WHEREAS, the City has received numerous informal inquiries as to the potential to expand the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the Riverwood National project; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is to definitively memorialize its policy and intent regarding the potential expansion of the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the project by this resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that: At such time as the City's established West wastewater treatment plant and collection system are expanded to include Riverwood National in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, the Riverwood National collection system is anticipated to be connected to the West wastewater treatment system and the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant decommissioned; and, 2. Expansion of the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the boundaries of the Riverwood National development approved on 8 July 2002 by this resolution shall be allowed ONLY under the following conditions: a. Extension of sanitary sewer service mandated by public health safety concerns related to failed or failing on-site sewage treatment systems servicing existing developed parcels. 2 b. By petition of owners of existing developed properties served by existing on-site sewage treatment systems. C. Benefiting property owners shall assume all of the improvement and service costs. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 25TH day of July, 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO BY• Lar r F urnier, Mayor ATTES J tl Hud o , Zoning A minis rator/City Clerk Aye/Nay: Fournier: Heidner: Scharber: Stockcamp: Thorstad: • 3 • RESOLUTION NO. 2005 - CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF OTSEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING THE PLANNED RIVERWOOD NATIONAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND EXTENTION OF SERVICE TO LANDS BEYOND RIVERWOOD NATIONAL. WHEREAS, the City Council approved a PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat for Riverwood National on 8 July 2002; and, WHEREAS, these approvals allowed for approval of a final plat on 22 September 2003 for development of 157 single family dwellings and an 18 hole golf course and ancillary facilities within Riverwood National; and, WHEREAS, these approvals provide for the allowed uses within Riverwood National to have sanitary sewer service by a wastewater treatment plant to be constructed by the project developer; WHEREAS, the design of the Riverwood wastewater treatment plant is approved by the City Council to provide capacity only as required for the project and is subject to approval by the City Engineer; and, WHEREAS, upon construction of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and establishment of operations, said facility is to be dedicated to the City for long-term ownership, operation and maintenance, and, WHEREAS, the project developer has yet to begin construction of the proposed Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant to provide service to the development; and, WHEREAS, the City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a staging plan for expansion of sanitary sewer service and extension of sanitary sewer to lands adjacent to or in proximity of Riverwood National would be inconsistent with these plans and would negatively impact the City's service capabilities; and, WHEREAS, the lands adjacent to or in proximity of Riverwood National would be anticipated to be provided sanitary sewer service from the City's established West wastewater treatment plant and the operation and maintenance of two wastewater treatment plants where one facility is adequate is inherently inefficient; and, WHEREAS, the City cannot collect additional fees or assess charges to existing users of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system for construction of capacity at the West wastewater treatment plant at such time as the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system is integrated with the West wastewater treatment system; and, WHEREAS, the expansion of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to service additional users beyond Riverwood National increases the future costs to the City to integrate the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system with the West wastewater treatment System; and, WHEREAS, the City has received numerous informal inquiries as to the potential to expand the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the Riverwood National project; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is to definitively memorialize its policy and intent regarding the potential expansion of the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the project by this resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Page 144 of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: A third sanitary sewage treatment system is being to be constructed by a private developer in conjunction with the Riverwood National golf course subdivision located at Kadler Avenue and CSAH 19 in the northwest corner of the City. This system ha&=been is to be designed to provide service only to this development, dQQQ fn d arises to PM ­iaQ Upon construction and successful establishment of the treatments system, the developer is required to turn the waste water treatment plant over to the City for long- term ownership, operation and maintenance. 2 The City anticipates that this system will be maintained as an interim facility until such time as the City's current west wastewater treatment plant, collection system and water system is expanded to include the Riverwood National development in accordance with the Urban Service Stagina Plan. At that time it is anticipated that the Riverwood National Treatment Plant would be decommissioned for operational efficiency. Because the City cannot collect SAC fees from new development outside of Riverwood National and then collect such fees again when the Riverwood National Wastewater treatment plant isdecommissioned. it is financial unwise for the City to allow for additional connections beyond those already approved. Furthermore, allowance of additional connections to the Riverwood National Wastewater treatment plant beyond those already approved would compromise the City's established growth management policies creating a third node of development and increasing the potential number of new dwellings that may be constructed requiring additional City Services. Therefore. the City has resolved that.- 1. hat. 1. At such time as the City's established West wastewater treatment plant and collection system are expanded to include Riverwood National in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. the Riverwood National collection system is anticipated to be connected to the West wastewater treatment system and the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant decommissioned: and. 2. Expansion of the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the boundaries of the Riverwood National development approved on 8 July 2002 by this resolution shall be allowed ONLY under the following conditions. a. Extension of sanitary sewer service mandated by public health safety concerns related to failed or failin on-site sewage treatment systems servicing existing developed parcels. b. By petition of owners of existing developed properties served by existing on-site sewage treatment systems. C. Benefiting property owners shall assume all of the improvement and service costs. L1 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of August, 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO m. ATTEST: Karee Rowell, Deputy City Clerk Aye/Nay: Fournier: Heidner: Scharber: Stockcamp: Thorstad: C! Larry Fournier, Mayor